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Official Madden 2005 Thread


LOL! Check out the stats from my game with FMT just now

Score breakdown:

1 2 3 4 OT F
DMczaf (Buccaneers) 0 0 7 0 0 7
FrenchMov (49ers) 0 3 0 0 0 3

Statistics DMczaf FrenchMov
Rushing attempts for 17 22
Rushing yards for 53 85
Passing attempts for 6 26
Passing yards for -15 138



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Damn thats some hardcore D!

HAHA -15 passing yards.


this damn sports ticker is starting to annoy me.

I dont want to hear another word about how good the DBs play in this game. I just played a game where I saw on several occassions my DBs would be in perfect position on a deep ball that was lofted into the air and they just kinda sat there as the WR caught it. I dont mind if it happens every now and then cause it seems like no football game will ever get it right but I just dont wanna hear about how superior these DBs are to any other football game.
man that game was garbage. i've lost 3 times to DM: everytime i've played him i've outgained him by at least 100 yards, and each time i lose! 3 losses by a combined 16 pts, two 3 point losses... for shame rat!

in related news, i just beat dskillz 9-7. it was crazy because i was well in FG range, down 7-6 with no timeouts and the clock stopped with 12 seconds. like an IDIOT i run a play anyways, and i complete a pass down to the 5 yard line with 9 seconds left and the clock running. then i call a fg and my guys are going REAL slow... the pressure kick thing comes up and my meter comes on with 2 seconds left and ticking so i just hit A,A real fast cause i'd rather at least get an attempt off... anyways i dont know how i did it but the fg BARELY went in! it was hooking so far that i almost missed it wide left and the kick was from the far right hashmark! awesome game! dskillz scored on his second play and didn't see the endzone again all day. i told you skillz! your first and last score!
hg the DB's in madden are superior to espn. when have you seen a madden DB run around in circles while the ball is in the air coming to his man? at least the defenders in madden actually do what you want them to most of the time. i feel like its a crapshoot in ESPN


FrenchMovieTheme said:
hg the DB's in madden are superior to espn. when have you seen a madden DB run around in circles while the ball is in the air coming to his man? at least the defenders in madden actually do what you want them to most of the time. i feel like its a crapshoot in ESPN

I dunno for the most part I feel pretty good about the DBs but I dont deny that they go into retard mode way too much. what Im saying is that I saw my DBs go into blind mode in Madden. like the ball was just sailing down for a swat or pick or even a tackle but they just sat there and watched it get caught. it gave up a big play just as much as ESPNs retards do so its the same to me.
I dunno for the most part I feel pretty good about the DBs but I dont deny that they go into retard mode way too much. what Im saying is that I saw my DBs go into blind mode in Madden. like the ball was just sailing down for a swat or pick or even a tackle but they just sat there and watched it get caught. it gave up a big play just as much as ESPNs retards do so its the same to me.

i guess we'll have to agree to disagree. the stuff i've seen in ESPN ranks among the worst DB AI i've ever seen. here are some things that i saw JUST in my last game (not all time, only the last game i played):

*DB's running around in circles
*LB's running into the backfield to cover a tight end that had just run past him (he somehow ignored the tight end was going out for a pass, and ran into the backfield, then started to run back out)
* 3 DB's around a WR and they all just sit there and watch him catch it
* Ball hit my LB in the face on a zone with no one around. He didn't move at all on the play... pick that shit or do SOMETHING
* i call a double team with my LB and the LB runs all the way to the sideline, and then turns around to go cover him (this was the LB closest to the sideline, so he didn't run all the way across field, but it was a fucking slant wtf are you doing)

i can point stuff out in madden too, but madden is a hell of a lot more consistent to me. in madden, i feel if i call a dime defense i'm most likely going to shut down the pass. in espn, i feel like even if i have a man double covered, he has an excellent chance to catch it regardless of the ratings of my defenders. just speaking from personal experience tho


Weird, maybe I'm playing against the wrong teams, but I haven't seen a single bomb completed in double coverage.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
So who wants to beat me? I still havent figured out how to double team and some other things,but I feel like playing a game online...who wants to destroy me and my Texans?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man I really dont know how to control shit in this game,dont know how to fix my coverage or double..and Im not feeling the passing game at all right now.I do like the running game,seems more realistic than Espns.

Also I dont like it being only 4 min quarters online.


You guys must suck or something cuz I haven't seen a single deep bomb caught if the DB is around anywhere near it.

Most of my games have been straight defensive battles though...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Huh,no I meant I cant complete a fucking pass ..the Db's knock down eveything,atleast the Ravens do,and my hot route plays are useless right now :\

I didnt see any bomb catch plays which is fine,but jesus I couldnt complete two passes in a row in this game if my life depended on it...not counting screen plays.


Matrix said:
Man I really dont know how to control shit in this game,dont know how to fix my coverage or double..and Im not feeling the passing game at all right now.I do like the running game,seems more realistic than Espns.

Also I dont like it being only 4 min quaters online.

Read the manual or watch the football 101 videos! I did and I have no excuses if I make a mistake :)

And Matrix, you knew it was going to be tough against me. The #1 D in the game, and you hadn't played online. You told me yourself you were in trouble :p I lost like 3 games in a row to Ramirez, I felt awful..At least I beat you with a higher rated team! :p


I had a game earlier where my DB stood around doing nothing, literally standing in the position that they get down into before the snap. When the ball career came too him he actually tackled him. Gave up an 8 yard run when he could have moved up and made it 4-ish.

I agree with Matrix, I really like the 6 minute quarters we play in ESPN.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I did and my old brain isnt used to it and then as soon as I start playing,I forget the buttons.I only had last years madden for like 2 weeks,so it feels very new to me this year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
Read the manual or watch the football 101 videos! I did and I have no excuses if I make a mistake :)

And Matrix, you knew it was going to be tough against me. The #1 D in the game, and you hadn't played online. You told me yourself you were in trouble :p I lost like 3 games in a row to Ramirez, I felt awful..At least I beat you with a higher rated team! :p

I wasnt expecting to beat you...but jesus no team ranked really lower than them will be able to beat them in league play with that D.


Except for Ramirez, who has a 74 rated team and beat me twice. ;) The AI is harder in this game, making it an even bigger uphill climb for you if you want to keep using the Texans. In ESPN you started saying that you wished you used the Jags, so maybe you should switch...It's up to you. Practice the adjustments.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I need to play you! more and more and more...playing the computer wont help me cause I beat them on all-pro. PLAY ME REMATCH PLAY ME REMATCH PLAY ME I SUCK PLAY ME :( :p

Also I'm man enough to admit that Ramirez is ten times better than me in footballs games.


I'll play you again if you don't come on here and say how unfair it is :)

My ESPN league game just bailed out.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hey I'm not blaming you at all and I dont think its unfair..I just find it really hard to pass right now and it made me sad :p

Ok I wont bitch in here if you dont LOL at Carr getting hurt ;) Meet me online in 5 minutes please.
rat + kbar gave the ravens D all they could handle. ray lewis... pffft! niners D also set the ravens offense to shutdown mode when i played. if it wasn't for some late kordell heroics, the baltimore offense would have laid a goose egg ;)


I hurt him TWICE. That's the funny part :(

I'm sorry, I'm a meek man. I just like to talk trash when I get a pick with the god that is Ray Lewis off of the fantastical Tony Banks. ;D


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Its impossible to complete a pass with houston or run with this team in Madden...I'm not sure what to think,but Im not enjoying this at all.

Everything I throw is swatted away or int'd..its absurd.
matrix, i'll play you later. if you have a mic i'll give you some pointers.

relax, there are just a few mechanics you aren't using properly that is causing your bad throwing days. i'm completing about 60-70% of my passes online depending on who i'm playing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
No mic Fmt,but you could give me some pointers here.I mean literally every pass I throw is swatted away *only played Fiftys Ravens so far* or int'ed,shit they even adjust to my hot routes like they're reading my mind.

Plus they made Carr the slowest fucking QB who cant seem to scramble at all out of the pocket,Boller looks like Vick next to him.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Everytime I attempted to scramble some bitch would tackle me..he has no speed.Also Im not pissed about my D right now,once I learn how to fix my coverage and everything I will approve on that in time.Its my off game that is pissing me off and I dont see what I can do to improve it....your players knock down everthing on D and your players on Off pull down lobs with your qb throwing off the wrong foot sometimes *shakes head*


Don't give up!



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Red x's wont save me now!

Btw never in the history of me playing football games have I gone two games in a row without scoring :| I could score in last years version before I got rid if it,this just doesnt make sense.


Junior Member
Woah, I hot route constantly when I think I have a good read on a specific play ie safety moves up to the line, d has been running too many zone plays, sending reciever in motion doesn't cause the d to move, etc. Don't tell me hot routing is gonna be easy points?

I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't hate the great reaction time and catch up speed by all secondaries but I loved to hotroute and it'll kill it to know that it's gonna be easy yards JUST by hot routing.


n related news, i just beat dskillz 9-7. it was crazy because i was well in FG range, down 7-6 with no timeouts and the clock stopped with 12 seconds. like an IDIOT i run a play anyways, and i complete a pass down to the 5 yard line with 9 seconds left and the clock running. then i call a fg and my guys are going REAL slow... the pressure kick thing comes up and my meter comes on with 2 seconds left and ticking so i just hit A,A real fast cause i'd rather at least get an attempt off... anyways i dont know how i did it but the fg BARELY went in! it was hooking so far that i almost missed it wide left and the kick was from the far right hashmark! awesome game! dskillz scored on his second play and didn't see the endzone again all day. i told you skillz! your first and last score!

You can get the field goal team set and the kick off in less than 9 seconds??? -__-


Mrbob said:
You can get the field goal team set and the kick off in less than 9 seconds??? -__-

3-13-NO34 :)23) B.Johnson pass to K.McCardell to NO 23 for 11 yards (C.Clemons).
4-2-NO23 :)04) M.Gramatica 40 yard field goal is GOOD Center-M.Solwold Holder-T.Tupa.

Ball snapped with 23 seconds left. Let's give a good 6 second cushion for the route/pass to be thrown, putting the clock at 17 seconds. 13 seconds run down, ball snapped, FG kicked.

13 seconds....9 seconds isn't TOO much of a stretch.



Matrix: About Carr being slow while scrambling? Did you hit L1 (or whatever the Xbot equivelant is?) The "Scramble" button to tuck the ball and start running? That may be your problem.

Also, Billy Miller and Mark Breuner are your friends. Feed them the ball. Find them over the middle just over the LB, or hope there's no LB in the area. Or send them running outs from the line of scrimmage. Short passing plays will open up your run game. Your run game will open up your deep game.

And Dunta Robinson has 2 INTs in 3 preseason games so far, both returned for TDs. I'm 2-1 in preseason. GO TEXANS


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Man, I just lost 2 games both in the 4th Qtr. One against FMT and other against HGPlayer1. Very disappointing, I need to find my plays quicker. :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
After beating Matrix 52-0 in the previous game, he came back and defeated me 28-9. Kudos, dude! :)

Yea,thx :) and then had a game where Kordell "I run and then throw a nasty lob to heap for a 99 yard td or some shit lucky play" put me away in the 2nd game....such a good game,till Boller got knocked out :p

WTF is up with our QB's getting hurt every game :\

Mig,the TE stuff worked :),but still cant run for shit with Carr :\


About to play week 4 of my preseason. BUCS ARE GOING DOWN! I hope...or I'll get destroyed.

My last game is the best game I've had so far (scoring/stats wise)

13-12 over the Broncos
10 Minutes, accel clock on, All Pro.


Ok, not really. Just noticed this. Had 2 FGs close calls in this current game.

One went through the upright, yes, singular. Upright, it went through it. Was wierd, didn't count though. Shouldn't have anyway, it was closer to the outside and likely would have bounced out. The 2nd kick, was just outside the upright, but still went through it a bit...also would have bounced out. I am thinking about trying to hit the upright next time to see if it'll actually bounce.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i can point stuff out in madden too, but madden is a hell of a lot more consistent to me. in madden, i feel if i call a dime defense i'm most likely going to shut down the pass.

Oddly enough, I found it pretty hard to run when defenses were playing dime. DB just ran takled you, no one would block them.

Thats Madden 2004 though.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Miguel said:
Ok, not really. Just noticed this. Had 2 FGs close calls in this current game.

One went through the upright, yes, singular. Upright, it went through it. Was wierd, didn't count though. Shouldn't have anyway, it was closer to the outside and likely would have bounced out. The 2nd kick, was just outside the upright, but still went through it a bit...also would have bounced out. I am thinking about trying to hit the upright next time to see if it'll actually bounce.

Doesn't happen on the XBOX!!!! But seriously, I have seen a few balls bounce off the upright. Has that never happened on yours?


keep your strippers out of my American football
FrenchMovieTheme said:
man that game was garbage. i've lost 3 times to DM: everytime i've played him i've outgained him by at least 100 yards, and each time i lose! 3 losses by a combined 16 pts, two 3 point losses... for shame rat!

in related news, i just beat dskillz 9-7. it was crazy because i was well in FG range, down 7-6 with no timeouts and the clock stopped with 12 seconds. like an IDIOT i run a play anyways, and i complete a pass down to the 5 yard line with 9 seconds left and the clock running. then i call a fg and my guys are going REAL slow... the pressure kick thing comes up and my meter comes on with 2 seconds left and ticking so i just hit A,A real fast cause i'd rather at least get an attempt off... anyways i dont know how i did it but the fg BARELY went in! it was hooking so far that i almost missed it wide left and the kick was from the far right hashmark! awesome game! dskillz scored on his second play and didn't see the endzone again all day. i told you skillz! your first and last score!

whatever, I demand a rematch!!!!!


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck, I told myself I wouldn't ... but I might end up buying the Xdude version tonight. I've got the football itch, I guess. I'll tape up my headset, and you guys can fucking slaughter me. Maybe not tonight, but soon.


I'll play you. I need some......amateur....competetion. Last game I played I had like 75 total yards. :(
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