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Official Madden 2005 Thread


keep your strippers out of my American football
Miguel said:
I have a total of almost 75 rushes in Madden for a total of like 190 yards with Domanick Davis. This run game is killing me, but I made a small adjustment.

What level are you playing? I am playing All-Pro and Davis is getting averaging 120 yards a game. I didn't change my fullback or anything either. Weird.


shantyman said:
You're way off base with this. You can knock ESPN for many things, but the running game is certainly not one of them- it poops all over Madden's.

Um, just because ESPN's running game is, shall we say, "generous," doesn't mean it's better. Madden's is much more realistic.


Bowser said:
Um, just because ESPN's running game is, shall we say, "generous," doesn't mean it's better. Madden's is much more realistic.

No, it's not. Running into an offensive lineman and not moving is not more realistic. ESPN's is so much more organic and satisfying. Not to mention it looks and feels more true to lie

I'm not going to get into a pissing match about Madden vs. ESPN but to me the biggest gameplay weakness in Madden is the running.


ESPN's running game equates to hitting Y and just barreling over people with any ole RB,sure the "moving off blockers" animation is nice,but most of the time you get fucked up before it ever finishes it,lol!

And damnit,Gunstar is the only one of you faukers I cannot beat.Its that extreme pass rush/blitz that seems to happen EVERY PLAY :( I don't know what to do...you all don't seem to have a problem with him :p

Me and a friend played a game last night,5 minute quarters...he had 555 passing yards and I had 250 rushing yards with the Steelers against the Buccs,why can't I rush like this against you guys?! :( And I have no clue how he's so good at passing,he can't run worth a damn though.Final score was like 56-48 him,lol...I don't get why I can put up such great numbers offline,but when I go online its like I've never played before,lmao.


Maverick said:
Thanks, HG. You helped produce one of the most memorable moments ever in our game when you didn't fair catch that ball.

A couple of my buddies were waiting for me to finish the game so we could go out, and no kidding, right as my one friend is saying how the Hit Stick is so useless, THE HIT (c) happens.

"It doesn't seem like anything's changed. The Hit Stick is bullshit...."
"He's gonna take it at the 20"
"I mean....."
*whole place goes nuts*

Haha. :D

I think if Ray Lewis would have been the one to deliver that hit your guy would have been dead.

HAHAHA. Hit stick fucking ROCKS.
"ESPN's running game equates to hitting Y and just barreling over people with any ole RB"

Sounds like someone's been..



Maverick said:
Thanks, HG. You helped produce one of the most memorable moments ever in our game when you didn't fair catch that ball.

A couple of my buddies were waiting for me to finish the game so we could go out, and no kidding, right as my one friend is saying how the Hit Stick is so useless, THE HIT (c) happens.

"It doesn't seem like anything's changed. The Hit Stick is bullshit...."
"He's gonna take it at the 20"
"I mean....."
*whole place goes nuts*

Haha. :D

I think if Ray Lewis would have been the one to deliver that hit your guy would have been dead.

Im not sure the hit stick would have made much difference on that play. I had screwed up switching over to the punt returner and had him badly out of position so I dont think he had a good handle on it to begin with. Ive been doing that a lot on punt returns. it kinda sucks how if you dont control the PR he wont exactly react to where the ball is kicked with the best angle. I think that was the 2nd turnover I had on fielding a punt. maybe the third. I just keep making the mistake of not fair catching when i have no blocking.

Ive been in practice mode a lot today and I noticed that if you are running a play between the tackles and you have a little bit of room you can use the juke move to give you a little burst of speed gettin through the hole. seems like its not so much of a speed burst as it is gettin your runners feet moving a little quicker at the LOS. seems easier than actually trying to turn your runner into the hole you want to hit. theres mixed success with this technique in practice mode but its given me more yards running up the middle and off tackle than not using it. my O line still sucks at run blocking for the most part and I take a lot of losses because Im gettin hit behind the line just as the ball is handed off. sweeps are worthless too. I rarely get past the LOS and at most get like 2 or 3 yards.

play action still seems to be absolutely worthless.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Ramirez said:
And damnit,Gunstar is the only one of you faukers I cannot beat.Its that extreme pass rush/blitz that seems to happen EVERY PLAY :( I don't know what to do...you all don't seem to have a problem with him :p

Well, most of my losses came when I first got the game, I didn't get to play you until few days after its release. Matter fact the 1st game I played against you was right after I finally decided to read the manual because I was tired of not being able to hot route and do Defensive adjustments.


Umm, this is probably a n00b question, but what is Hot Routing? I never really understood it. I'd just hit a button to see which recievers are what button, and then I'd see "Hot Route" flash across the screen, but I never really knew what it meant :eek:


Fifty said:
I could describe it, but you'd be better off just watching the Madden 101 videos. :)

Ah, will do. Also, I beat Mini Camp on Rookie AGAIN, and then while I was playing Mini Camp on Pro the game froze :(


I need to buy one ASAP.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
And damnit,Gunstar is the only one of you faukers I cannot beat.Its that extreme pass rush/blitz that seems to happen EVERY PLAY :( I don't know what to do...you all don't seem to have a problem with him :p.

Try playing with the Texans against Philly when all someone does is blitz the whole game,I didnt even have a chance to throw a screen pass off.


Matrix said:
Try playing with the Texans against Philly when all someone does is blitz the whole game,I didnt even have a chance to throw a screen pass off.

screen passes arent exactly the best to beat a blitz. they allow the rush to come through and take a while to actually develop. try hot routing to an in on the side the blitz is coming from.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I tried everything,I couldnt get the pass off at all.I tried hot routes in and out,anything I threw over the middle that I even got off was int'd.Texans have no Off line,he was blowing through on both sides.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Ramirez said:
Haha,he raped me with the Blitz too :p

Most of those plays weren't blitzs. Madden has new feature now for the D-Line this year. We all know you can shift the D-Line but this year you can choose how the D-Line rushes. When I am up and my oppenent starts passing every down, I spread my D-Line apart by hitting L Button and hitting up on the Left Stick. Then I have them rush wide by hitting L Button and hitting up on the Right Stick, this gives you tons of pressure without Blitzing. I have to give FMT credit for this though because he was the one who told me. By the way, if I blitz every down I would be leaving players open.
espn's running game ISN'T as good as maddens. i picked the browns last night against a buddy (JGAR!!) and on ONE play i kid you not i knocked down 5 players all in a row with the browns running back (lee suggs is his name i think). this wasn't "I knocked down one guy at midfield, one guy at the 35, another at the 20..." this was they blitzed me, i shoulder charged 3 guys in a row, ran into the secondary and shoulder charged the cb + safety... and i stayed up! they had to grab me from behind! this was on default legend mode, and it's just ridiculous.

say what you want about maddens running game, but i'm loving it. you have to follow your blocks and let the play open up for you. i truly believe the espn turns into a gimmick running system that is predicated on your ability to have a powering running back who can shoulder charge his way to a first down or more


Yea I know all about the D-Line spread,I do it myself...I just don't know how to combat it with the Steelers...or anyone for that matter :p
keep in mind that you have 5 "formation shifts" on offense for every play. this doesn't CHANGE the play, only the formation of the play. the routes stay the same as does everything else. use that to your advantage when people run stunts on your line. also, max protecting helps, but your best friend against a spread D-line formation is to ram it down their throats with the running game. like i said above, don't get discouraged by a couple punts or some short gains, if you are patient you will find success


Wee, learned how to hot route and I'm loving it. After playing 2 exhibiton games with the Panthers against the 'Skins and being destroyed 41-76, I just kicked some Redskin ass, 52-17. Even got a rushing game going! (S. Davis 95 yds, B. Hoover 20 yds) :D

Some other stats from the game:

Delhomme: 11/12, 288 yds, 5 TDs, 1 INT, 117.8 QB rating
Carolina Defense: 3 forced fumbles, 2 fumble recoveries, 3 INTs

So, what's your best "hit stick" hit to date?

Mine was a kickoff return, and my defender hit a guy to cause a fumble, recover for a TD, and the returner was injured.


Mine would be a punt return (online, I forget who I was playing)...He didn't call a fair catch, I hit him with my gunner and caused a fumble, the second guy on the scene picked it up and I got a TD :D
WHY THE FUCK WON'T MADDEN LET YOU GO FOR FUCKING 4TH DOWNS. I've had some crucial 4th downs I have needed to convert, and all of my fucking plays are grayed out besides punt.


Its so cheesers cant abuse 4th downs with a money play or whatever...

God I just played the most frustrating game ever...dude was the Vikings (shoulda been the first sign) then he proceeds to use one play through out the game and Moss is WIDE OPEN every time...I dropped into a prevent one time and the fucker still got open,man wtf.I fucking hate playing people I don't know,but when no one is around it doesn't leave you much of a choice :(
For Moss abuser, it's pretty easy to break him down. Take your safety and make a impromptu double team. Press him (I hope your CB is fast enough, if not, make a defensive assignment) and line it up. This way, he knows he's going to gun it to Moss, and he's going to have to get past two people. Prevent is something I never call, because after last season, FMT taught us all that Prevent defense PREVENTS you from winning the game.

Crucial 4th downs shouldn't be crucial until the 4th, but yeah, this sucks. Last year though, everyone using Vick would abuse the hell out of the 4th down, and EA said "ENOUGH!" and banished it.


Even if I do stop him,its still no fun playing a cheesehead like that :p I haven't really come across a single random person on here who trys to play a straight game...
WasabiKing said:
Crucial 4th downs shouldn't be crucial until the 4th

And yes, many times it is crucial pre-4th quarter. Especially due to the short quarter length. Whos fucking idea was it for 4 minute quarters in ranked games?


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Ramirez said:
Its so cheesers cant abuse 4th downs with a money play or whatever...

God I just played the most frustrating game ever...dude was the Vikings (shoulda been the first sign) then he proceeds to use one play through out the game and Moss is WIDE OPEN every time...I dropped into a prevent one time and the fucker still got open,man wtf.I fucking hate playing people I don't know,but when no one is around it doesn't leave you much of a choice :(

Well if it is a long route Moss is running, I say send a blitz from the other side. Blitzs kill most deep routes.


what diff are u guys mostly playing on? last yrs game...i mastered on all madden but this yr for some reasoning i barely win on all pro.

maybe its cause i been playing espn two week prior to this and lost the sense of the game for a while.


dont forget about the quitters........gotta love them quitters

played two guys.....one quit at half time with the score only 7-3.......the other quit in the 4th losing 24-3........dont know why i didnt finish that one against the CPU :(
i don't think i've seen one yet in all my games played. EA really needs to work on their PI calls... even if you boost the sliders all the way up it doesn't matter
espn's running game ISN'T as good as maddens. i picked the browns last night against a buddy (JGAR!!) and on ONE play i kid you not i knocked down 5 players all in a row with the browns running back (lee suggs is his name i think). this wasn't "I knocked down one guy at midfield, one guy at the 35, another at the 20..." this was they blitzed me, i shoulder charged 3 guys in a row, ran into the secondary and shoulder charged the cb + safety... and i stayed up! they had to grab me from behind! this was on default legend mode, and it's just ridiculous.

See I don't understand this. Are you talking about last years version, or 2K5? Because in last years version, I could see this as plausible. It was fairly easy to lean on the shoulder charge with a power back and just bulldoze and stumble to extra yardage. Also the spin seemed highly evasive if you tacked one on after a shoulder charge or whenever you were in a swarm of defenders.

But in this years version, on anything above Pro difficulty, I just don't see how this is possible. I'm currently playing franchise mode on All-Pro with the Cowboys, and Jamal Lewis is my starting runningback. He rushed for 2,000+ yards last season and is one of the highest rated backs in the game (90 on "break tackle") and I simply cannot get away with bulldozing like I could in 2K4. In fact I'm often dropped by the first hit when running up the middle, using a fully charged shoulder blast. At first it really pissed me off (and still does to an extent), but upon reading in the manual further I established that the first hit has been taking me down because of the new maximum tackle setup, where upon being wrapped the defender and the ballcarrier engage in a turbo tapping battle to see if the ballcarrier is dragged down or breaks for more yards.

Even the jukes are less effective than last years version. I've found that the only way to be near as effective a runner as in 2K4 is to utilize the entire repetiore of moves, including the stuff on the right stick like the shortstop and the mini-jukes.

Regardless, I haven't yet played this years Madden (I've been reading this thread for impressions, pondering whether or not to buy it) and I'm not here to bash it, but when I see bashes against ESPN about stuff like the running game being nothing but shoulder charges for 7 yards every play, I feel I have to respond considering I play the game every damn day and I just don't see it. If and when I do break for big yards, it's usually on a sweep to the outside, stiffarming the first pursuer and taking whatever else I get thereafter. I've had a few runs with multiple broken tackles or evades, but more often than not they seem like happenstance; incedentally pressing the perfect buttons to break a big one.

If I have any complaints about the running game in ESPN its the occassional total stupidity of the blockers (reminds me of NFL2K3) and how sometimes the special moves don't seem as immediately responsive as I'd like.


As if my recent streak of online losses wasn't bad enough, my Xbox gave me my first online DDE, and now I add a quit to my impressive resume. Ugh..


Ned it isn't like were making it up...

You say you play it every day,and we don't?The majority of the people in this thread are some of the best football online players you'll find anywhere,were not making this up to give ESPN a bad name.The running game is flawed,not as bad as last year,but when Im still getting trucked by Eddie freaking George like it ain't nothin,its stupid.
Well that would lead me to question the defense. I just recently shut down Ahman Green for under 40 yards on All-Pro (admittedly my defense is rated 96 since I added Mike McKenzie at DB). If you're tackling full charge, "wrapping and tapping", and calling the appropriate plays against the appropriate opponent, you can shut down anyone in 2K5, power backs included.


I've seen far less calls in this year's Madden. Last year there were tons of crap calls, but this year I actually got through 2 entire games with the Raiders and no calls. o_O

Also, Challenge is way bullshit. It's always in the CPU's favor no matter what. You look at the replay and go "WTF!?!?!" every time.
ned flanders how about you play me online sometime. i guarantee you i will get over 100 yards on you and break 20+ tackles.

i'm not saying this as a threat or "oh im so good at this game", it takes no skill at all. just press the Y/Triangle button on time and you can run anyone over and get 5-10 extra yards free of charge. the best part of all is there is NO fumbling in this game. so i can run my RB 10 straight times and have no consequences.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
ned flanders how about you play me online sometime. i guarantee you i will get over 100 yards on you and break 20+ tackles.

i'm not saying this as a threat or "oh im so good at this game", it takes no skill at all. just press the Y/Triangle button on time and you can run anyone over and get 5-10 extra yards free of charge. the best part of all is there is NO fumbling in this game. so i can run my RB 10 straight times and have no consequences.

Dude, you'll usually fumble if you RB's fatigue is below half and he's not Ricky or Jamal Lewis. You might not like ESPN but why must you guys exaggerate shit? lol

And most of the big yardage runs I get are when the guy calls pass coverage and I get by one dude. There is no unrealistic number of broken tackles like last year and you'll rarely get 100 yds w/o a star RB. Either play better run defense or quit whining IMO :p

edit: And if you think "showing" him consists of running 40 times in the game to get the yardage, I dunno what to tell you...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ask Dm what he did to me with Mike ASScolt :p Espn running is just as bad as last year,its just been switched from broken tackles to super should charges and super head butts.
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