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Official Madden 2005 Thread


The more I play Madden 2005, the more I'm starting to dig it. Remember, I've barely played Madden games in the past. Rented Madden 2003. Briefly played Madden 2004. Madden 2005 is the first Madden I've really sunk some big time into since, uh, Madden '97. -_-

First of all, the nice thing about Madden is my linebackers and cornerbacks can catch the QB. Which leads into my next point: The hit stick frigging rocks. I'm starting to figure out how to use it properly and to time my hits better. When to use it, when not to use it. I shouldn't admit this, but in my preaseason game against the niners, I had them backed up to 3rd and 15 on their own 20 with 45 seconds left. I blitzed up the middle, and instead of tackling with Urlacher I used the hit stick tackle. I missed kbar and he ran 80 yards for a TD at the end of the half. :/ I still won the game 18-10 though! But in the next game against the aint's, I got payback! Aaron Brooks decided to scramble on a pass play 'cause no one was open. Urlacher tracked him down and I nailed him with the hit stick. It looked like a vicious blow! I recovered the fumble from him and returned it for a TD. But I'm still losing 17-10 at the half. Which leads me to my next point about madden I like.

In game saving. I didn't even realize this till halftime. It was getting late and I was getting tired, so I figured since its a preaseason game I may just turn it off and replay it tommorrow. Little did I know you can save your ingame progress on the hdd and continue with the game later! This is awesome, as now if I have to leave I don't have to worry about finishing the game quickly! Another thing I like is the accelerated clock. I have my games set to 15 minute times with the AC option on. Games go a little longer than the five minute quarters that are set to default. But with the AC option it gives you more realistic stats for things like time of drives, possession time, things of that nature. Good idea for EA to turn the AC off with two and a half minutes left in each half.

Then you have the momentum factor. If you have read any of my other posts on this game, I have had a bit of trouble adjusting to the momentum in this game. With nearly 6 years straight of NFL2K/ESPN playing I was playing Madden like that at first. What would happen is I would end up overpersuing players and running by them. Now that I'm adjusting to the momentum factor, I'm really starting to like it. And I think it makes the game flow closer towards a real game of football. Defensively, I'm realizing that you can't have three guys on the line and stop the run like ESPN. :p 4-3, 46 Bear, good friends to stopping the run game. I'm still having a bit of trouble with the momentum and my running game, but I am getting better and hope to get it down soon.

I've been practicing offline in hopes I don't get crushed too badly by you guys online.


Mostly running off tackle is giving me fits, because it can easily be bounced either outside or inside depending on how I shift the line. If I set my ends up to contain, 5 yards up the middle. If I crash them in, 5 yards to the outside.

Maybe I just need to get better at manually using my linebackers.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Slo said:
Mostly running off tackle is giving me fits, because it can easily be bounced either outside or inside depending on how I shift the line. If I set my ends up to contain, 5 yards up the middle. If I crash them in, 5 yards to the outside.

Maybe I just need to get better at manually using my linebackers.

I usually spread my LBs if the opponent is run outside happy. I control the nose tackle and he stops the inside run alot of the time. Play with the spread LB audible and see how you like it.

Mrbob, get online ASAP. Online and offline are 2 totally different games.


Okay players. After getting hated on in my tourny game against Ramirez (I had a case of the fumbles), I've been running cheesers online with the Seahawks.

I need a break from the Chargers after they let me down vs. Ramirez. I'm starting to kick ass with my running game. Letting the pass set up the run and just wearing defenses down.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
dskillzhtown said:
CP, you may not realize it, but you do drop back 15-20 yards every single pasing play. I don't care because I know exactly how to defeat that kind of play. My beef is the fact you are going to call me out for my style of blitzing, yet fail to realize that your play is the what causes it in the first place. I have played many people on this board and you are the only one to complain about my style of play. I really do not like that stuff at all because you calling me out as an unfair player, when that is not the case.

Ask CK, FMT, Gunstar if I play dirty or unfair. Blitzing 33% of the time is not exactly out of the ordinary for an NFL team, especially one in the 3-4. But if you think that my play is dirty, then I guess I will end my record with you 2-0.

Why do people think blitzing is cheap? When you blitz you are leaving someone open which means it is a risk. If you don't blitz when you play D, that is your problem. Every NFL team in the league has blitzs in their Defensive playbook and they use them.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Mr. Bob I am glad to see you are enjoying Madden 2005, anytime your looking for a game of Madden online hit me up.


Gunstar77 said:
Why do people think blitzing is cheap? When you blitz you are leaving someone open which means it is a risk. If you don't blitz when you play D, that is your problem. Every NFL team in the league has blitzs in their Defensive playbook and they use them.

Our game was great in terms of blitzing. We each had 10 blitzes, and they all were very intelligent choices.
Ramirez said:
Blitzing is cheap when its all you do especially against a bad o-line :p

I think running down the clock, especially in a 4 min/quarter game, is cheap. Thing of it this way, if you play someone who runs down the clock, in one possession, assuming you go 3 and out, they'll burn 2 mins. That's cheap.

If you've got an opponent who blitzes a ton, there are ways to COUNTER it, you know? Look at your audibles, or more importantly, set up more blockers. Run double TE if you got it. If someone blitzed me all day, they'd be down 28 points, that I can guarantee.


Dude Im not saying its unstoppable,Im saying its cheap and no fun.Even if I do beat someone who blitzes everyone every play what fun is that?

If someone blitzed me all day, they'd be down 28 points, that I can guarantee.

Bahaha,I forgot your so much better than me :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I suck ass at this game all the sudden...I want to retire..hang up the controller and walk away from the game...I want to spend time with my family and see the world..maybe down the road I will comeback like MJ...but I'm past my prime and things are not looking up....

I really want to win! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I cant retire till I beat ramirez,Dm,and Fmt.


Yeah I'll be trying to play some Madden online tonight when I get home. Maybe I can play Fifty again and win. :p

Ramirez said:
Blitzing is cheap when its all you do especially against a bad o-line :p

I dunno, dude, blitzing isn't cheap. It's a part of the game. Run some short pass routes in the direction you are getting blitzed. A small gain becomes a big one as no one is there to defend your tight end, halfback, etc. I like running halfback pass plays up the gut or to the side. Three, four linebackers come blitzing in, dump the ball off and you usually have 10-15 yards of open field to run through. Running up the score against a dumb opponent who can't adjust is fun. :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
You may be playing up to Madden 2050 before that happens :p

Two games vs you : game one you blew me out and I cried :( game two I lost by 1 and missed an extra point,that game would have gone to OT.If I had some luck on my side I could take you down and if the wind wasnt blowing around...f-ing Fgs and extra points ...DIE!

Dm- I lost by a 53 yard GW fg in OT...he can be beaten,but he has some magical shit around him that lets him win games...damn curse is on us all.

Fmt- made me his bitch..I'm not sure I can ever beat him


Maybe you all are misunderstanding me,there are blitzes in this game that almost work 100% of the time especially if someone is trying to play a straight game.I'm talking cheesers who have a blitz that somehow still has everyone covered,yet it seems like there are 50 guys back in the pocket with you when you snap the ball ;)

You up for a game Matrix?I need to wash this ESPN taste out of my mouth even though I did beat Konie :p :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ok,but I'm going to try the Jags against you...I will lose bad anyway,damn playing espn tourney has screwed up my mind when its comes to playing Madden,I feel off now playing this :(

I will go online now....UPSET HERE I COME.....not.
Ramirez said:
Bahaha,I forgot your so much better than me :p

Perhaps, but I wouldn't cry about it either.

For the most part, I think people don't know what the fuck they're doing, or have 3 plays they'll choose. I played a guy who kept running quarter and sending in the house. That worked for about 3 plays. After that, he had to change his strategy.

Myself, I don't care if people repeat the same process, gives me a chance to figure out how to beat someone, and how to beat them badly. That's part of being a good defender, even if you are on offense. It prevents me from calling the same play when an even better QB/WR are on the field...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
MOTHER *BEEPING* FG!!!!!!!!!!!!!... i must go kill myself now.


Defense wins championships!!Dime Cover 2 Edge got that quick cutting route where my DBs didn't have enough time to react :p TD TO THE HOUSE!

Haha,gg man...

And Wasabi,if you like playing Cheesers have at it,I for one can't stand it.


To the people who claim to never see these cheese blitzes: Do you only play GA people or what?

Because they are most definitely in the game. Madden 05 is the best Madden ever, imo, but there's still some cheesy ass plays in there that are a bitch to play against.


I see nothing wrong with running the clock if you play someone who uses the same 5 plays the whole game. I do it all the time as the Chargers and win.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Maverick said:
To the people who claim to never see these cheese blitzes: Do you only play GA people or what?

Because they are most definitely in the game. Madden 05 is the best Madden ever, imo, but there's still some cheesy ass plays in there that are a bitch to play against.


I see nothing wrong with running the clock if you play someone who uses the same 5 plays the whole game. I do it all the time as the Chargers and win.

I think I know what you guys are talking about now. I have ran into one guy that kept calling a 46 Defense and would pull his Safety to the Line as well. Now he has everyone bunched up and what happens is he is really only blitzing 1 guy maybe 2 tops but he keeps changing which player is blitzing so it takes time to read the D. What is cheap about it isn't the fact that he is blitzing, it is the fact all the players he has bunch into the line can run back into there Zone faster then any of my WR can do a damn Go route. What is cheap is the LBs and CBs are way to fast to get back into their Zones, my biggest problem is the LBs. The LBs would beat TO up the field to the Zone. I know EA wanted to focus on Defense this year but damn give the Offense a chance.
Last night before I went to bed I played some guy who used the Pats. He did nothing but bomb it out to Bethel Johnson the whole game. Not one of my DBs could keep up with him, and blitzing wasn't effective. Eventually he would get the ball off, and Johnson would have 5 steps on my DBs everytime. Fucking lame. Think he ended up with almost 500 yards and 50 points. Speed kills in Madden. Lame shit.


Interesting,I've hardly ever had a WR burn me,unless Im in a zone and they get way too much time...man to man,never :p


Cerebral Palsy said:
Last night before I went to bed I played some guy who used the Pats. He did nothing but bomb it out to Bethel Johnson the whole game. Not one of my DBs could keep up with him, and blitzing wasn't effective. Eventually he would get the ball off, and Johnson would have 5 steps on my DBs everytime. Fucking lame. Think he ended up with almost 500 yards and 50 points. Speed kills in Madden. Lame shit.

That's odd. Did you double him?
Gunstar77 said:
I think I know what you guys are talking about now. I have ran into one guy that kept calling a 46 Defense and would pull his Safety to the Line as well. Now he has everyone bunched up and what happens is he is really only blitzing 1 guy maybe 2 tops but he keeps changing which player is blitzing so it takes time to read the D. What is cheap about it isn't the fact that he is blitzing, it is the fact all the players he has bunch into the line can run back into there Zone faster then any of my WR can do a damn Go route. What is cheap is the LBs and CBs are way to fast to get back into their Zones, my biggest problem is the LBs. The LBs would beat TO up the field to the Zone. I know EA wanted to focus on Defense this year but damn give the Offense a chance.



Thats what Im tryin to get across to some of these people who think they could stop anything cuz their so good at the game.Some things in the game are simply unstoppable if your playin a cheesehead who knows how to get around things.


I've played over 45 games and none of them have been with random people. Maybe we should work on creating a thread to set games up in, because there are no concerns unless you're facing a cheeser. :)


Sorry Matrix,I wasn't trying to run up the score or anything,it was just like whatever running play I called it was wide open to the endzone =\


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
That was the most bizzare game I have ever played....thats all im going to say about that.


Heheheh. That was exactly my sentiments when I played Rammy today. :D

Da bastard! Oh well, at least it's a Steeler fan that owns me.

Hey, I'm going to the preseason game tomorrow night against the Texans!


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Fifty said:
I've played over 45 games and none of them have been with random people. Maybe we should work on creating a thread to set games up in, because there are no concerns unless you're facing a cheeser. :)

When I play random people online, I first look at the Career stats. If they have 10% or more in Hot Routes, Audible, or Scrambles On Pass Play catagory I don't play them.


Yea hopefully they whip their ass Mav :D

What was bizarre about our game though Matrix? :p I just thought I got really lucky on the offensive side of the ball...ya gotta remember the Rams are a little more high powered than the Steelers on the offensive side :p


Wow, I think I finally have the running game down. Played the Packers in Week 1 of my Franchise regular season, and I got 221 rushing yards. Here's some breakdown from the match-up (bear with me, I don't have the cash yet for a Network Adapter and I'd rather feel good about being able to beat the COM :p)

Panthers - 37
Packers - 14

Total Rushing Yards - 221
Total Passing Yards - 212

S. Davis - 187 yds on 45 att, 1 TD, 4.1 yds/avg
S. Smith - 3 rec, 153 yds, 2 TDs, 45 YAC

And just for some laughs:

Brett Favre - 13/25, 105 yds, 1 TD, 3 INT, 36.6 RAT



Gunstar77 said:
When I play random people online, I first look at the Career stats. If they have 10% or more in Hot Routes, Audible, or Scrambles On Pass Play catagory I don't play them.

What do you have against folks who like to change plays at the LOS? >_<


The game keeps track of both hot routes (individual route changes) and audibles (entire play changes) so it's a perfectly valid thing to do.

Edit: Wow, I must have thought you were crazy, because I thought the reason you bolded those terms was because you thought they were one and the same.


Fifty said:
The game keeps track of both hot routes (individual route changes) and audibles (entire play changes) so it's a perfectly valid thing to do.

Edit: Wow, I must have thought you were crazy, because I thought the reason you bolded those terms was because you thought they were one and the same.

I bolded them cos I do both a lot :p

PS: ESPN tracks that as well but you have to DL VIPs to see it >_<

I just checked mine and it's 7% audibles, 24% motion, 12% coach's pick, 0% hurry to line, 56% play flip and 128% (WTF lol) hot routes. I'm not a cheeser, dammit ^_~


Late to the party that Hurricane Charley crashed.

Why is it that in the four reviews and countless impressions I've read, no one has mentioned that O-lineman do not pull. Tosses and counters are completely broken, in an already ridiculously tough running game, because the lineman get engaged in a block instead of pullling to where they're needed for the play. The only time this works is if the defense is in 3-4 or any other formation where there is no defender lined up directly in front of the lineman that is supposed to pull.

Also, why is it that no matter how much I burn the defense with the passing game, they still overplay the run on every down (on Pro no less). I go from averaging 10yds per carry in Rookie to 2yds per carry in Pro. The only time that average gets inflated is if you mix in a 60yd run. I wouldn't even mind 2yds per carry as much if I was actually making 2-3 yds per carry, but instead I'm miraculously stuffed behind the line on almost every play. It's been so bad, that I've had my QB tackled before he could make the hand off. Sure, it's easy to blow out the CPU on Pro by just passing every down, but I want to run dammit.


For the run, don't tap turbo immeadiately. Start running at normal speed, wait for a hole to open up, and then turbo through it. Most of the time you WILL find some kind of hole, and if not, there won't be many defenders on the outside, so you can bounce it out there. Also, make sure to switch the direction in you run if you find it favorable to go the other way or if the defense shifts. As for the QB getting hit before handing off, it happened to me twice in that Green Bay game I talk about up there, but I still managed 187 yds with one player. A week ago, I couldn't manage to pick up more than 60 yds with both RBs combined. You HAVE to be patient with the running game.


I have 12 hours worth of patience in the last two days alone :) And, I always try to wait for my blockers to make a hole. It's the uncanny ability for the CPU to always know when I'm running (unless my threory about them always playing the run is true) that irks me. So, it's the 2 LBs that are leaping into the backfield untouched that ruin my running game, not the guys that are blocked.


The Run D on Pro is pretty bad, follow your FB and look for the defense on setup. I run the same formation about 75% of the time and just have audibles to switch my run direction from the same formation and include a pass play or two, that way I can adjust my run to the presnap set up that the defense has without broadcasting my intention. Sometimes you can confuse the D with motion, especially with TE's and FB's. Once the the D really starts ganging up on you for the run, call a play action or short pass, hook routes seem to work well. They seem a little broken, actually, if you time them right the DB's will never be in a position to knock down the throw.

I regularly run for over 100 yards against the CPU on pro every game.


WTF!? Last night I was locked up with some guy playing as the Eagles 0-0 at half time. The bastard quits, and I play the CPU to avoid getting a DNF. I lost 17-0 because the Eagles rock. This morning I wake up and find that they gave me a loss on my record. Right after that I played and beat some guy on the last play of the game, and before the scoreboard goes up, he quits. I finish against the computer and win, but I don't get credit for it?

I just got hosed twice. :(


Maverick said:
Heheheh. That was exactly my sentiments when I played Rammy today. :D
Da bastard! Oh well, at least it's a Steeler fan that owns me.
Hey, I'm going to the preseason game tomorrow night against the Texans!


Trav said:
Late to the party that Hurricane Charley crashed.

Why is it that in the four reviews and countless impressions I've read, no one has mentioned that O-lineman do not pull. Tosses and counters are completely broken, in an already ridiculously tough running game, because the lineman get engaged in a block instead of pullling to where they're needed for the play. The only time this works is if the defense is in 3-4 or any other formation where there is no defender lined up directly in front of the lineman that is supposed to pull.

Also, why is it that no matter how much I burn the defense with the passing game, they still overplay the run on every down (on Pro no less). I go from averaging 10yds per carry in Rookie to 2yds per carry in Pro. The only time that average gets inflated is if you mix in a 60yd run. I wouldn't even mind 2yds per carry as much if I was actually making 2-3 yds per carry, but instead I'm miraculously stuffed behind the line on almost every play. It's been so bad, that I've had my QB tackled before he could make the hand off. Sure, it's easy to blow out the CPU on Pro by just passing every down, but I want to run dammit.

FUCK YES, I was just gonna post this. I usually don't run plays where the guard pulls, but I tried a few yesterday...and I could not for the life of me get the right guard to pull and block for my RB.

As for the running game, no comment. It took me about 3 months to get a good run game in Madden 04. I'd be better off playing just defense. It's my favorite :D.
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