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Official Madden 2005 Thread


Slo said:
WTF!? Last night I was locked up with some guy playing as the Eagles 0-0 at half time. The bastard quits, and I play the CPU to avoid getting a DNF. I lost 17-0 because the Eagles rock. This morning I wake up and find that they gave me a loss on my record. Right after that I played and beat some guy on the last play of the game, and before the scoreboard goes up, he quits. I finish against the computer and win, but I don't get credit for it?

I just got hosed twice. :(

either it just hasnt recorded the game or you were playing a non ranked game. I had a couple game that people quit on me and I thought I didnt get the win even though I finished the game but it just took forever for the record to update.

Ive yet to play one single random person online that didnt quit when they were losing late in the game. NOT ONE!

with football games having been online for a few years now, why is it people are still buying these games and still going online to play them only to quit when they are losing. Ive never played Madden online before but has it always been this bad with random people? has anyone managed to play a good number of games against people who dont quit?
I just played a guy who ran the ball really well, for 13 yards. Then proceeded to go into singleback 4WR the entire game, running audibles at the line. He torched me for a lot of yards, but with presses and double teams, Warren Sapp had 3 sacks, my FS got 1, and my RE got 1. The score: 41-8 with only one first down by me. I had three bombs, one INT return, and a 80 yd TD run on a counter play.


I don't understand what's wrong with people not being able to rush. I'm playing one of the Pros (can't remember which), and I played my week 2 game (against KC) and S. Davis had 201 yds on 32 carries en route to a 42-14 victory (2 rushing tds and 1 recieving by Davis). I guess you just have to know where to run and when to run.


First of all Bowser look who your using :p Try running with the Steelers :D

I wish EA would let a person concede defeat at any point of the game,not just when their down by 24,people usually don't wait around that long,lol.


The rush will win you games. It just takes patience. I started out with lot of frustration, and passes the ball far too much, averaging about 3 turnovers a game. Now when I run the ball, play conservative, and really play D, I've only lost 2 games in the last week. (One to Rammy, who is just very very good)

Just stick with it, stick to small gains, and you'll eventually break a big one. Just don't run around all over the place for big losses. Thats when you really get screwed.


Anyone fool with the Rushing Attack mini game?I'm 6-0 in it,but I hardly ever break more than 6000 points,don't think thats too good,not sure though.


I am a golden god. 48 games played...........500 record!!!!!!

I did it gentlemen, I got back to .500


Only 5 teams left till it's all Ravens. I'm getting tired of pursuing the Team Usage trophy, but I'm so close I can taste it. Chargers, Texans, Giants, Jags, Niners.
Ramirez said:
Anyone fool with the Rushing Attack mini game?I'm 6-0 in it,but I hardly ever break more than 6000 points,don't think thats too good,not sure though.

I'm lucky to break 5000... I should put a little more effort into it though.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ok I do love this game,but not being able to challenge a play online is bs...I just lost a game 36-31 which I should have won >_< I end up driving down the field and I would say about 10 seconds are left in the game,I call time out with about 5 seconds left after getting stuffed near the goaline..its now 4 and 1 and I handoff to Brown *using Titans* and the ball clearly crosses the goaline and then I get pused back and the game ends...I mean my whole player went in pratically and then the clock sounds and I lose :| I would have loved to challenge that damn play,I mean I hardly ever win at this hard ass hell game,but I hate losing like that and for the love of god am I cursed or something ?


Fifty said:
I am a golden god. 48 games played...........500 record!!!!!!

I did it gentlemen, I got back to .500


Only 5 teams left till it's all Ravens. I'm getting tired of pursuing the Team Usage trophy, but I'm so close I can taste it. Chargers, Texans, Giants, Jags, Niners.

I'll be home all night if you want more wins.

For the record his win over me is what got him to .500. It was a hard fought battle that ended with him hitting a field goal with 2 seconds left. He wins 20-19. :( Had I been using the Giants I would have won that game. I am going for the usage trophy as well, was using the Vikes.

I'd like to play a lot more, I'm only 8-7 on Xbox and 2-2 on PS2. I was a lot worse last year, since then I have learned a lot about football and it is kicking in. The game we just played saw a mismatch and managed to hit it for a long gain. Probably wouldn't have even noticed last year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fine!,but if I lose again I'm going to jump out my first floor window...I WILL DO IT! no one talk me out of it.

I'll be online.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
GG Bob till you ran the score up like a biatch right at the end :\ You really needed that extra td and two point con?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Slo said:
Matrix, when do you want to play our tournament game?

Can we play tomorrow? I have an espn tourney game at 10 pm eastern time and Im really sick of playing madden today...I think I have lost 12 out of my last 13 games.


Errr.....no. A family emergency came up and I'll be going out of state tommorrow for a couple of days. Maybe it's best if I forfeit and let you play since you'll be around.

Can we arange that somehow?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ughhh sorry to hear that :( If you're not going to be around for a couple of days...if you beat me you wouldnt be around for the next round right? How long does the game say we have to play?

I think Ramirez can give out forfeit wins.

Btw I would play you,but this tourney game in espn is the championship game.


No I can't do anything...if Slo isn't gonna be around the next 2 days I reccommend he withdraws from the tourney,the rounds only last 48 hours.

Just go into the room and hit the black button I think,then pick withdraw.Otherwise both of you will forfeit.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Shit I dont want a forfeit that hurts my DNF rating :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Thx man,sorry about all of this.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
I can't hit extra pionts for a damn. :/

Cant spell either :p Ive missed tons of extra points and next time dont run up the score douche :(


Man do I hate cheesers. I played my 10 yr old bro (he's definately a cheeser lol) and he almost beat me (I won 56-49). What he does is pick this one money pass play that my Panthers defenders can't defend; a throw over the middle to the TE Lewis (He plays with the Eagles). I tried double-teaming and everything (it only worked once, when Fields steped in front of him and intercepted the pass), but it really wasn't doing much. I had started the game running, but I abandoned the run and just got into a throwing match with him. Here's some of the passes I made: 94yd TD to S. Smith, 71 yd TD to R. Proehl, 52 yd TD to M. Muhammad (those are the only ones I can remember) and that pick by Fields ended up being the difference in the game.


Matrix said:
Cant spell either :p Ive missed tons of extra points and next time dont run up the score douche :(

Oh come on dude. That isn't fair. I see you weren't complaining when I was up 16-10 in the 4th, with a minute thirty left, and I kept on passing, going for it and getting incompletions. I could have run out the clock....


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ok I will give you that,but you didnt need to go for a two point conversion...thats just pouring more salt into the wound.


That is pretty mean :(

I'm not sure why you guys miss the PATs, but after missing one (on the first day I got the game), I've stopped missing them, and it's quite simple. I just use approx 75 power, and then there's no element of chance :) If I kicked them with full power then I might make a few mistakes.

3 more teams! I can't play tonight, but I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow. :D Good games CK...I'm not sure where you were at during that second game.


Just had three of the most infuriating games in my entire fucking LIFE.

The first bullshit of the night was my game with DM... I sub in Ron Dayne since his carry rating is like 87 as opposed to Barbers 51, it was snowing so it would help me out a bit. It was a tight game all the way through, only score I gave up was at the end of the first half, one of those fucking SUPER-DRIVES in which none of your guys can tackle or stop a fucking pass from being completed. Got it to 7-6 but then fucking FUMBLES! Dayne had one and then fucking Toomer at the end of a play fumbles after he hits the fucking ground! What fucking BULLSHIT!

Then I played Fifty as the Steelers, Hines Ward, Plaxico Burress, and Antwaan Randle El just could NOT catch that game. I felt like I was playing NCAA 2005. Luckily Fifty was using the Chargers and I was able to squeak by pretty much on stats alone. A defensive touchdown held me over for most of the game until I was more fortunate with field position.

Lastly another horrible game. I used the Texans while Fifty used the Giants. I was able to hold him to 9, though I don't know how much holding I did with him as the Giants. That low a score didn't help me a bit as my offense was atrocious. I think I gained less than 50 yards in that one. Can't believe that the Giant DBs, the same guys that are rated so low and play like shit for me, were able to make EVERY SINGLE PLAY. *shakes head*

Man I am down to .500 :(


Matrix said:
Ok I will give you that,but you didnt need to go for a two point conversion...thats just pouring more salt into the wound.

yeah I was a little surprised that something like this happened to me in a game this year against a GA member. whats even worse is that with 23 seconds left in the game and me with absolutely no hope of calling timeouts to stop the clock, he kept passing the ball. I got an INT on the last pass of the game and could have run it in for a TD but I stepped out at the 1 on purpose. was very disappointed at the way that game ended.
Bowser said:
Man do I hate cheesers. I played my 10 yr old bro (he's definately a cheeser lol) and he almost beat me (I won 56-49). What he does is pick this one money pass play that my Panthers defenders can't defend; a throw over the middle to the TE Lewis (He plays with the Eagles). I tried double-teaming and everything (it only worked once, when Fields steped in front of him and intercepted the pass), but it really wasn't doing much.

Well, how badly do you want to embarrass him? Run cover 2 in the nickel formation and the LBs won't take any of that mess. If you're worried, take your better LB and hover in the area...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
hgplayer1 said:
yeah I was a little surprised that something like this happened to me in a game this year against a GA member. whats even worse is that with 23 seconds left in the game and me with absolutely no hope of calling timeouts to stop the clock, he kept passing the ball. I got an INT on the last pass of the game and could have run it in for a TD but I stepped out at the 1 on purpose. was very disappointed at the way that game ended.

That sucks ass...who was it ? :p


Oh shit, that might have been me. Sometimes I try to end the game peacefully, but people will call timeouts, just to keep the game going (Matrix!) Maybe that was my reasoning.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


I'm a nice guy :( I was caught up in the moment......I think. :(



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Can I ask you something Fifty? How come you didnt Double Gaffney at all that second game? Dude had 13 catchs on you and almost 400 yards :\


I was caught up in the moment.


Well that last game was very weird, and I took it lightly, you could say. I guess I'm just eager to go back to the Ravens (one more game!) :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'm not eager to play the Ravens :(
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