Official Madden 25 Online Franchise Thread: When you own the world you're always home


Think I'm already done with Hearthstone. I leveled up all the characters so at this point like all of my decks are the same as the character cards, outside of a few choice ones, are never as universally useful as the generic cards which means all the matches turn out super samey and ultimately boring.

Fun few weeks though. Wish I could transfer my access to one of you not named Soka.


If anything you failed in taking advantage of it as much as you could have.

Also in game 2, Bob buys a Mek at 31 minutes in that never actually finds his way into his inventory and ends the game on the courier. Also the team already had a Mek.

This was almost boots gate part two. I sent the courier my way and went back to the field to do battle but then someone else must have stole the courier and it went back to base. We were so ahead at the time I decided I didn't even need Mek.

Lead strong with that first blood. Set the tone for the whole game. Support Vengeful Spirit is boss!


I like how Somnia is now leader of the Xbox militia. We need to check on Smokey as well. He likes to talk about his PC prowess but you know tears are welling in his eyes.

Also, somehow I'm going to take shit for what you posted even though I viewed all those threads today and didn't say a word here! Of course, this really isn't much news for all of us. We already know the PS4 is more powerful. My interest now lies in how Penello is now going to spin this.

Edit: Be careful to not get banned posting in the thread.

Edit 2: SenjutsuSage might be my favorite Xbox militia member. He truly is working overtime in those threads.


Whoever owns the Cardinals, when can you play? I might be able to play tonight around 11 est, but I'm not sure yet. I should be available most of the weekend though.


A girl I'm with went looking for some cathedral today and apparently some dude on the corner yelled "white girl comin'" as she walked past. She ran like hell back towards the hotel. Baltimore is just like The Wire!


intangibles, motherfucker
A girl I'm with went looking for some cathedral today and apparently some dude on the corner yelled "white girl comin'" as she walked past. She ran like hell back towards the hotel. Baltimore is just like The Wire!

Your mistress should know better


Madden says "There was certainly plenty of home cookin' this week in Denver!"

Even the game knows it is trash! Lost one guy for three weeks, the other for six. Thanks a lot rinse


That was his first game starting, I was afraid to use him because he fumbled so often in my offline games. I was afraid when he got injured too, but he was only out for a series


GG, smokes. Fumbles killed me.

yessir gg, down 0-14 thought i might catch a L. Couldn't get anything going, but then I caught a fumble off you and that helped turn things around. That and knocking Flacco out of the game 3x. Thought he might be done after that last one.
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