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Official Madden 360 Season 9 Thread: A Jgar for All Seasons


Matrix said:
ahhhhhh at that catch on 3rd and 21 :eek: :(

GG Hg,glad we could get it in.

yeah i didnt realize that game was for the lead in the division otherwise I might have choked. :lol

i almost did anyway when your offense finally got in gear. i still dont feel this team though it was only my second game with them.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Its just my 3rd game ever with the Titans and I already can challenge people better than I ever did with my shitty Texans.

Your D is still as insane as I remember it.

hgplayer1 said:
yeah i didnt realize that game was for the lead in the division otherwise I might have choked. :lol

i almost did anyway when your offense finally got in gear. i still dont feel this team though it was only my second game with them.


So I'm trying to play azwethinkweiz and everytime I invite him I get a "unable to establish connection to other player message". Anyone run into this before? What's the solution?
AKA, I don't know why you never seem to respond to my AIM messages, but if you want to play our week 4 game we'll need to get it in tonight or tomorrow during the day. I'll be gone from tomorrow night until Monday evening...
ChrisJames said:
AKA, I don't know why you never seem to respond to my AIM messages, but if you want to play our week 4 game we'll need to get it in tonight or tomorrow during the day. I'll be gone from tomorrow night until Monday evening...

Yeah and we need to play our week 3 game before the deadline on Saturday.
Azwethinkweiz said:
Yeah and we need to play our week 3 game before the deadline on Saturday.

I just looked at his schedule and he's only played his week 1 game so far, which leads me to believe that I'm not exactly going to be at the top of his list right now. I think he's too focused on keeping up his perfect record in our 2k7 league :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
bluemax said:
So I'm trying to play azwethinkweiz and everytime I invite him I get a "unable to establish connection to other player message". Anyone run into this before? What's the solution?

See if he can host the game,I had to be home in the my game against HG because of this.

Weird shit is up with the EA servers.


Not official, but i think that may have been my last game in the league. I don't feel like the league is as sim as the rules enforce, and when rules are broken, it's overlooked as "real life football", which makes the rules in place completely useless.

Just played the colts, not going to make a huge deal out of it, but every 3rd down was either a FB dive to Utech, whom had i think 7 carries, which is more than i've ever seen a FB have in a single game, and what makes it worse is that all 7 were on 3rd and shorts, or a over the middle pass where Manning would hike the ball, roll out, and sit there waiting for a receiver to come over the middle, then was hit was a high pass. Harrison caught 1 of these for a 60 yard TD where Manning rolled out, sat on the right side of the field, Harrison came across the middle, and just sat on the 50. Manning stood there for 1.5 second, and bulleted a high pass to him, making the CPU jump the wrong way to defend the pass, and nothing but space for Harrison. The other 3-4 times it was Wayne running over the middle, Manning rolling out, and hitting him with a high pass. The FB dive wasn't so bad, just that it was EVERY 3rd and 1. i stopped it more times than not, but makes the game boring and repetitive. 4th and 1, 2nd qtr, he comes out in I formation, i'm forced to burn a TO, then it's said that he was "trying to draw me off sides" which is crap, bc regardless....you can't go for it on 4th, so why even come out in I formation? just punt the damn ball away. The same 3-4 routes were ran all game.

I got bored and fed up to the point where i just no huddles for the last minute of the game, trying to give him the ball back so he could kneel it.

Wasn't this guy complained about in a previous league? for the exact same things?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Konex still rolling out.


BirdBomb said:
Not official, but i think that may have been my last game in the league. I don't feel like the league is as sim as the rules enforce, and when rules are broken, it's overlooked as "real life football", which makes the rules in place completely useless.

Just played the colts, not going to make a huge deal out of it, but every 3rd down was either a FB dive to Utech, whom had i think 7 carries, which is more than i've ever seen a FB have in a single game, and what makes it worse is that all 7 were on 3rd and shorts, or a over the middle pass where Manning would hike the ball, roll out, and sit there waiting for a receiver to come over the middle, then was hit was a high pass. Harrison caught 1 of these for a 60 yard TD where Manning rolled out, sat on the right side of the field, Harrison came across the middle, and just sat on the 50. Manning stood there for 1.5 second, and bulleted a high pass to him, making the CPU jump the wrong way to defend the pass, and nothing but space for Harrison. The other 3-4 times it was Wayne running over the middle, Manning rolling out, and hitting him with a high pass. The FB dive wasn't so bad, just that it was EVERY 3rd and 1. i stopped it more times than not, but makes the game boring and repetitive. 4th and 1, 2nd qtr, he comes out in I formation, i'm forced to burn a TO, then it's said that he was "trying to draw me off sides" which is crap, bc regardless....you can't go for it on 4th, so why even come out in I formation? just punt the damn ball away. The same 3-4 routes were ran all game.

I got bored and fed up to the point where i just no huddles for the last minute of the game, trying to give him the ball back so he could kneel it.

Wasn't this guy complained about in a previous league? for the exact same things?

:lol You let Manning roll-out on you? :lol

Kobex, your something else. :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea how the heck does anyone let Manning roll out :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Has birdboob not bitched after a game?


I'm really not bitching. I've grown used to this kind of play with the 360 league, and i don't really care about the season anymore. When i was in the ps2 version league, i think people whined about me more than i whined about other people(i had double everyone else's receiving yards with Harrison). I don't care anymore about if, or how i lose. But if i feel something was out of wack, i'll post it regardless. Aside from 3rd down attempts, the game was very good. I lost the game myself, nothing he did, or nothing the CPU did to screw me. I scouted him before the game, saw the calls zone defense every 1st down, i just didn't exploit it enough(aside from my 1st 60whatever yards pass to Bruce), the loss was my fault. I wasn't cheesed beyond all recognition like the ravens game(which is the only game i've really had a problem with, and not just venting, like everyone does at some point in time. I just tend to do it more than others). Overall it was a GG, and i'm not being a sore loser, whatever, i told u gg after the game was over. I'll probably still play, and just play to maybe ruin a playoff hope or 2. I think the fact that i've only had the game since about a week before xmas contributes to the fact that i get beat more that i'd like. Anyways, gg again.
What is our stance on the whole trying to draw offsides? I would think to be honest that your not even allowed to attempt to do that when your not allowed to go for a 4th down attempt (2nd quarter), but just wondering.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I don't see any problem with trying to draw someone offsides. You don't get a better jump by being on the stick right as he hikes the ball. The computer will automatically have your line jump at them as soon as he snaps its so just take over as soon as possible. If they are trying to bring it that quick eat em with the fake snap. Keeping the D off of a scheduled hike is very important. You don't want the D getting in rhythm.
vumpler said:
I don't see any problem with trying to draw someone offsides. You don't get a better jump by being on the stick right as he hikes the ball. The computer will automatically have your line jump at them as soon as he snaps its so just take over as soon as possible. If they are trying to bring it that quick eat em with the fake snap. Keeping the D off of a scheduled hike is very important. You don't want the D getting in rhythm.

Its not drawing them offsides that we are discussing, its whether on 4th and 1 in the 2nd quarter you can line up like your actually going to run a play in order to "get them offsides". Sorry I realize my first post wasn't that clear. I have no problem with simply trying to draw them offsides, I'm just talking about what bird brought up.

BirdBomb said:
4th and 1, 2nd qtr, he comes out in I formation, i'm forced to burn a TO, then it's said that he was "trying to draw me off sides" which is crap, bc regardless....you can't go for it on 4th, so why even come out in I formation? just punt the damn ball away.

Say its successful to no fault of the user, ie the computer decides hey lets jump, wouldn't that be pretty crappy? I'm just saying we have this rule of no going for it on 4th down (generalizing here), so how is the other person supposed to know that the other player isn't attempting to break the rules. Maybe they think that the other user simply doesn't know the rules? Either way if we had fair play option I doubt you'd even be allowed to do this, correct me if I'm wrong. It just seems like if its a situation where they aren't allowed to go for it on 4th down, they shouldn't even be lining up like they are.


If fair play was going on then no, it wouldn't be allowed and I agree... seems kind of pointless to make these draconian 4th down rules but then say weeeeeelll... you can line up like you will go for it just to try and get the CPU to jump offsides and give you a first. It's just asking for frustration. The AI in this game is bad enough without allowing it to give people free first downs. Imho that's just taking advantage of bad AI like whatever route it is that is banned or super jump passes all game that the AI won't defend.

Personally I think most of BB's frustration stems from this game being shit. Or maybe just not being used to the shitness like almost everyone else. I have had more jump balls, double coverage deep completions and super runs due to crap run defense AI then I care for and I am just 4 games into the season.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
No that is complete crap and if someone actually does lineup on 4th and 1 and tries to draw them offsides the game is forfeited right there. That's complete crap.

So I guess that means birdbomb ftw


vumpler said:
No that is complete crap and if someone actually does lineup on 4th and 1 and tries to draw them offsides the game is forfeited right there. That's complete crap.


Birdbomb has a right to be pissed.

And yea, sable, FairPlay would have prevented any controversy whatsoever (you can only select Punt if it's 4th down in the 1st half). EA left it out of Next-Gen Madden though... :/


Oh and what's the story with my week 2 against Tamanon? Do I get a forfeit? Is someone gonna play for him? And week 3 sable played against DM already, but I don't see the stats entered. With that said, bonsevan, I'm free late tonight and tomorrow morning/early afternoon to play our game (Redskins/Ravens).
LiveWire said:

Birdbomb has a right to be pissed.

And yea, sable, FairPlay would have prevented any controversy whatsoever (you can only select Punt if it's 4th down in the 1st half). EA left it out of Next-Gen Madden though... :/
Exactly. I think FMT's intent has always been to follow fair play standards as well. I could be wrong though I just thought I remember reading him say something to that extent. I agree with birdbomb this time. Hopefully next madden will have the return of fair play.

Also I can sub in for tamanon if need be until his 360 comes back?

Last thing livewire, the stats should be entered, you don't see this when you goto the game page?



sableholic said:
Also I can sub in for tamanon if need be until his 360 comes back?

Last thing livewire, the stats should be entered, you don't see this when you goto the game page?

I'm fine for you subbing if vumpler is.

Yea, I checked the stats after I posted, and added the final score. For some reason it wasn't showing up on my page when I checked, I guess it was stuck on an old cache or something. *shrug*
LiveWire said:
I'm fine for you subbing if vumpler is.

Yea, I checked the stats after I posted, and added the final score. For some reason it wasn't showing up on my page when I checked, I guess it was stuck on an old cache or something. *shrug*

k cool, sorry bout the loss.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Bout to head out for the weekend. I'll be back sometime Mid Monday. I tried to get my game against Konex done, but we had connection problems. The only chance to talk to Malley, resulted in "not a good time." I hope to get those games, and Week 5 done when I get back.


League Awards said:
Brandon Williams (SF 49ers) [2 Kick Returns for 122 yards and a score.]
Talk about parody...how could you let this happen, San Diego?

It's that damn spin move. I swear every one of you guys is a master at that. It annoys me to no end.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You caused Konex to quit ? :lol



He is full of crap. I kicked his ass fair and square now he wants a rematch cos I faked 4th and 1 but punted anyways? Screw that...


TheGr8Matheson: yo, so apparently i'm getting the free win because of your 4th and 1 "draw you offsides" thing. I don't want a free win, so we can just replay if u want. If not, i'll take the win.
Konex2k4: screw u
Konex2k4: i quit the league



:lol :lol

I've seen worse, kobex shouldnt have to give up a win for 1 play. Not like he ran the play.


Bird officially has engaged in verbal war with everyone in the league, to you sir i say kudos.



Cloudy said:
He is full of crap. I kicked his ass fair and square now he wants a rematch cos I faked 4th and 1 but punted anyways? Screw that...

If you beat me "fair and square"(are we in the 3rd grade again), then why are you not willing to play me again? The rules say "no going for it on 4th in the 1st half", so who try to draw someone offsides? I was the Safety 3/4 of the game, all you were tryting to do was get the CPU to jump for you. Quit crying, take the tit out of your mouth.


Big Zep said:
:lol :lol

I've seen worse, kobex shouldnt have to give up a win for 1 play. Not like he ran the play.

he didn't run the play because i called a TO. im betting if i hadn't he would have ran his FB dive play.


DCX said:
Bird officially has engaged in verbal war with everyone in the league, to you sir i say kudos.


? try 3-4 people. quit over exaggerating.

Vumpler(which was simply a complaint disagreement)
Ravens owner(forgot his name)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
People have made mistakes in past leagues,like what konex did and didnt have their wins taken away or have to replay it.

Just except your loss and move on.


BirdBomb said:
If you beat me "fair and square"(are we in the 3rd grade again), then why are you not willing to play me again? The rules say "no going for it on 4th in the 1st half", so who try to draw someone offsides? I was the Safety 3/4 of the game, all you were tryting to do was get the CPU to jump for you. Quit crying, take the tit out of your mouth.

I won 31-16 and that play happened in the first half. I'm not wasting my time replaying you...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
That desperate for a win :lol jesus.


BirdBomb said:
? try 3-4 people. quit over exaggerating.

Vumpler(which was simply a complaint disagreement)
Ravens owner(forgot his name)
3-4 to many. Big deal dude, this league isn't that important that you should feel the need to inject you negativity into every post. I haven't hear one good thing said from you, never a good game, never hey man that one play was a great call, no it's how somehow the gods owe you something, if you were a better player you wouldn't have these issues. Man i had huge issues with Aka and Shawn in the NBA leaguer and we did our verbal jousting but it was done within AIM and kept out of GAF...i just don't understand....maybe it's me...but you haven't even tried to fit in to our little community, you have tried to make the community yours.



talking about me?

I offered a rematch. Apparently 45 minutes is too long to spend play a guy for the 2nd time. I'm not gonna beg for a rematch. He more than likely would have won again, but whatever.
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