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Official Madden 360 Season 9 Thread: A Jgar for All Seasons


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ChrisJames said:
Thanks bro. That was probably one of the most fun/crazy/intense games of Madden I've ever played.

2 Fumble Recoveries for TD's?! Long Bomb TD followed by kickoff return for TD?! Last second defensive stand at the 7 yard line! Yeah, that was fun :D

I can't believe you shut down Kevin Jones so effectively, and find it even harder to believe that Kitna put up such good numbers (249 yds, 4 TD's, 1 INT).

It was just an insane OMG HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN kinda game,I loved it,wish more were like that,win or lose.

Just for that CB,I'm going to Vick you!


intangibles, motherfucker
Meh. Ill just throw an LB on you. Its not like the extra defender will be needed in coverage cause young will gun the ball off in the other direction


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ColdBlooded33 said:
Meh. Ill just throw an LB on you. Its not like the extra defender will be needed in coverage cause young will gun the ball off in the other direction

edit - so... i can't put in the patriots player stats. should i just write them down for now? (usually i just enter the stats directly into leaguedaddy after games)

sweet. I hate recording stats :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ChrisJames said:
edit - so... i can't put in the patriots player stats. should i just write them down for now? (usually i just enter the stats directly into leaguedaddy after games)

I dont think it really matters/not worth it to take player stats since its no ones team.
Andokuky said:
Wanna sub for my NE game James?

Not tonight, I'm going to watch a movie and don't have enough energy to play another league game right now. I'll play tomorrow afternoon or night if you still need a sub.


So let me get this straight, Patriots, Jags and Vikings are ownerless? Good lord. Anyway, if this is the case i need someone to step up and play a fill in game with me against the Jags, Birdman, if you are around, i'll give you first dibs :D Since you are scrambling for some GAF league experience. I hope you are versed in the way of the League if not here :

Type: Unranked
Difficulty: All-Madden
Time: 5 minute Quarters

* Vision cone is required on every play from the start of the play! To accomplish this, when your QB is up to the line press and hold the R-Trigger. Then press the button of a receiver you want your cone locked onto. This will turn the cone on automatically at the start of the play. Then you use L-Trigger + Button of any receiver you move the cone around (or use the right stick for manual movement). If you accidentally forget to do it on a play or something no problem, but if it's a continuous issue that is a problem. Please use the cone for every passing play.

* Play sim-ball for christ sake. No going for it on 4th down in the 1st quarter in your own territory, no onsides kicking early in the game, no scrambling out of the pocket at the start of EVERY PLAY, etc. Also, play sim-ball in your playcalling. There is NO FUN to be found in playing against 4-wide sets every play, or someone throwing deep bombs over and over and over and over. I know teams like the Colts are big deep passing teams, and that's fine, but mix it up a little as well.

* DO NOT ABUSE THE SLOT CORNER ROUTE OR TE ROUTE! These plays ARE NOT ILLEGAL! However, if you are on the final drive of the game trying to tie the game, and you throw 5 straight corner passes to the slot receiver in a 3-wide set that is cheesy. Again, mix up your passes. For those that don't know, a slot corner route or TE corner route is when the wr/te goes straight up the field, and then breaks downs the sideline at an angle. Why is this dirty? Because the CPU DB usually won't defend it properly. That's not to say it is a 100% money play, because many zones will stop it and if you have a good enough nickle CB they will defend it properly a good deal of the time, but it is SO easy to complete and it's a guaranteed 20-30 yards. Again, it's not illegal, but don't abuse it.

* Physical defensive line spreading is BANNED for regular season play! I asked that everyone detail their experience with it, and the only feedback I received was negative. Therefore do not do it. For those who don't know, physical defensive line SPREADING is pressing LB + Up on the D-PAD. Now, you can SHIFT your line left or right, or PINCH your line, you just can't SPREAD your line physically. You can STUNT your line to do a spread (LB + Up on the RIGHT STICK).

* No manual blitzing with linebackers or defensive backs. Now, you can call on anyone to blitz from any position on your defense, it's just it can't be YOU controlling him. The reason is that the blocking AI can never pick up a human opponent properly. This is cheap as well, don't do it. There will be no compromising on my part with this rule. The one exception is that if you are playing linebacker/CB, and you are covering the field and the QB BREAKS THE POCKET, you can go after him. As soon as you see the QB scrambling to the right or left, you can go after him. If you have a CPU Controlled player CLOSE to the qb or already past the offensive line and you want to take control of him, feel free to do so!

* No pulling your DE off the line of scrimmage and blitzing in with him. This is basically like a manual LB blitz. You can manually rush the QB with anyone on the defensive line, that isn't a problem. The problem is when you move your DE far off to the side so you can get an easy sack. Don't do this, it is cheap.

* No manually controlling WR's. This is a tough one to make a rule, but I have to. When you throw to a receiver, you can't switch to the receiver while the ball is in the air and make the catch. The reason is this is impossible to defense. The WR will ALWAYS do the jetpack animation, while the CB defending will do some shitty swat animation 95% of the time. This isn't fair. We tested this out in the old league and it is completely dirty. Now if you are trying to break up an interception, then that's fine, take control of the WR and do your business. Otherwise, you live with the throw you made!

* NO INTENTIONAL JUMP PASSES! When you throw the ball, do not press Up + Button of Receiver or else you go into jetpack mode and it's dirty. I know it can't be helped sometimes but come on guys please don't make this an issue.

* No ridiculous sub packages. I don't want to see Champ Bailey at TE or Alex D Smith at DE (even though he dominates!!). I don't mind if you put a CB in @ WR or something that ACTUALLY happens in the NFL, but no bullshit subs.

* NO CLOCK MILKING UNTIL THE 4th QUARTER! if you are letting the playclock purposely run down to under 10 seconds in the first 3 quarters that is bullcrap. Have some respect for your opponent. If we were playing 15 minute quarters, fine, run the playclock down. But we aren't. We want everyone to have a chance to win, so don't pull out the milking card. In the 4th quarter, milk all you want.

* DO NOT run up the score on people. If you have a 20 point lead in the 4th, don't attempt to throw bombs to the endzone. This is just common courtesy. Please guys, if you are beating someone hardcore just be content with your win. I know everyone likes to brag about being the #1 rusher or passer or whatever, but it causes unnecessary problems and tension amongst league players. If you are clearly dominating a game, and the scoreboard shows it, just run the ball and be a courteous winner.

* For disconnections: This one is tricky as well. If you lose connection, and the game says "Continue Vs. CPU", that means your opponent has lost connection. Now one of two things can happen here: A) you can mark down all the stats (or take a pic with a digital camera and send it to me if you want) for you and your opponent and start a new game simply playing out the remaining time. For instance, it disconnects with 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. So start a new unranked game, set the Quarter length to 4 minutes, and play out 1 half (i.e. there were 8 mins left in the game, so play those 8 mins). Or, B) You guys can play an entirely new game over. This one is totally up to the two players because it kinda sucks if someone is getting blown out and the other guy disconnects, then the other guy gets screwed. We'll play this by ear.

* ALL STATS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENTERED! All game AND player stats are required! Now you can bend this rule a little bit. For defensive stats, you don't have to enter EVERY SINGLE LAST TACKLE if you don't want to. What I want to see on the defensive side of the ball is all sacks/int/forced fumble/fumble recoveries recorded, and then record your top 5 or 6 tacklers as well. I know it's a pain in the *** when you have 20 guys who have 1 tackle, so don't worry about that. For offensive, I would like to have all passing, receiving and rushing stats recorded. Please ask me if you have any questions about this.

UPDATE! Forgot to mention the playoff format: It is exactly the same as the real NFL! 4 division winners + 2 wild cards per conference. A total of 12 teams in the league get into the playoffs. The #1 and #2 seed from each conference gets a first round bye. Tie-Breakers are done using NFL Rules. Post in the thread if you have any questions about this!

* UPDATE! Safety Bluff is banned! Gap Press out of the 3-4 Defense is banned! The humanity!

1. No 4th down attempts in the first half, period.
2. In the 3rd quarter if you're trailing by 20+ 4th downs are user discretion.
3. In the 4th quarter if you are trailing by any amount 4th downs are user discretion.

So you see, in all other instances it is illegal. And even in the 4th, if you are WINNING, it's a no-go!

Any breaking of the rules means an automatic loss. Of course SOME of the above rules are subject to interpretation. But for the most part they are pretty clear cut. If you have questions ask one of the people in charge (or myself!)

Maybe on of the mods will make you the owner of one of these teams, i know for sure the Vikings are truely ownerless, as with the Pats and Jags have owners who have fallen back a bit.



If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Yeah we are apparently a few teams short. If you can find a full time replacement let me know asap. The vikings are a nice team to play with, I enjoy subbing them.


I'll take the Vikings....I'd hate to get booted if one of the other owners wanted to take back control of their team. I've already signed up on the league daddy site if one of the mods will assign them to me.

The rules look pretty straightforward as far as SIM ball.

Thanks DCX!


Birdman02 said:
I'll take the Vikings....I'd hate to get booted if one of the other owners wanted to take back control of their team. I've already signed up on the league daddy site if one of the mods will assign them to me.

The rules look pretty straightforward as far as SIM ball.

Thanks DCX!
No problem. Now if you want, you could sub for the Jags :p In like a half hour if you're up for it.



gg, 24-20 Jags. I guess the commish can put the score in.

Since I read earlier that stats don't matter for teams with no owner I didn't take any stats.


Andokuky said:
gg, 24-20 Jags. I guess the commish can put the score in.

Since I read earlier that stats don't matter for teams with no owner I didn't take any stats.
You did Vick better than Vick did...and i had to many droped passes, one for a sure TD and a couple for sure first downs, i was going to go for it on 4 and 5 but i didn't know if it was going to break a rule :/ Oh well...



Yea the game was tied so it would have been against the rules. That drop was killer but I don't really see how he got so wide open in the first place, I had already given up once I saw the pass expecting an easy TD :lol


Andokuky said:
Yea the game was tied so it would have been against the rules. That drop was killer but I don't really see how he got so wide open in the first place, I had already given up once I saw the pass expecting an easy TD :lol
yeah, i saw how he got open, that's why i threw it :lol You was suppose to cover that man once he got pass the CB with the line backer, but you wer manually Spying meonce i seen he break off the CB i scrambled to draw you in further and bam threw it Deep...i was getting Happy like this is the big play i needed and the way the game was going it would have decided the game....nope he dropped the ****ing ball...and then the same drive i dropped a sure first down...i only had three drops, but all were big drops, hell on goal line i set up a wr screen that i would have scored for sure but he dropped it!!! Good lord i was destined to lose that game.



Nah I picked a deep zone on that play, there was supposed to be a safety back there. If I control the MLB he is either on a back or in a short zone on the middle. But there was no one within 10 yards of him. The drops sucked but you got some breaks on your first two drives with no one open when you hurled it deep twice and both times in double coverage you got a leaping catch by a WR setting you up first and goal. I held once and you got the TD the other time. One time I throw it into double coverage = linebacker skies up and catches it. Next play thrown right into my linebackers chest = dropped. This game can be pretty frustrating sometimes.

Is there some secret to getting your players to swat or try to catch a ball? I have catch on defense assigned to Y and swat to the L trigger yet time and time again I will have a guy in position to make a play on the ball and hit a button and nothing happens. At first the catch button wouldn't do crap so it got to the point where I'd just try and swat everything and that worked for awhile but now that doesn't do anything either.


Andokuky said:
So is New England one owner now or still up for subs? If so if anyone wants to sub for NE and play me that'd be great.
I would but i have to go to work soon.

I can play as New England right now if anyone needs me too. send me an invite (gt=mightbewrong). i'll take down team stats for the pats.


Everytime, between both the Madden and NBA league, someone says they will be around all day, they are never around. Bons, I am here until 11.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
LiveWire said:
Ando, AirBrian, I'm free now to play either of you (Jags for Ando, Bears for Brian). IM is Atreides815.

I'm trying to mesage you for our game and you're not here...


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Well yesterday... But we're waiting on Shawn and I to hook up to finish his game. We have him a little slack. All other dates are as scheduled.


Okay now see THIS is why I am never nice online.

I let Bons bend the rules a bit on going for it on fourth down and let him go for an early 4th and 6 when he is down just a couple of points.

Fourth quarter, 1:13 left and I am faced with fourth and short. In fact I would have challenged the spot if I could have because I got the FD but the game didn't give it to me. So now here is the scenario.

Fourth and short.

Up by 3.

At my 29 yard line.

FG puts me up six.

If I fail I am up 3.

Either way a TD afterward and I lose the game.

Since I was so nice to allow Bons to go for it I figured he'd see the situation, and I told him I wanted to go for it. He checked with Vumpler and came back with no.

I kick the FG.

Ensuing drive long TD.

I lose game.

I really don't think I am wrong in this one. No NFL coach would have kicked that FG.

Furthermore, the going for it on fourth down rules are stupid.

Also, tiki barber has fumbled it 7 times in my last three games.


intangibles, motherfucker
i agree, these 4th down rules are bullshit. Do you know how hard it is to kick the field goal on 4th and goal when you are like an inch away from a TD? I know for sure atleast half the coaches in the NFL would go for it, because even if you dont get it they are ****ed at their own goal line
Wellington said:
Okay now see THIS is why I am never nice online.

I let Bons bend the rules a bit on going for it on fourth down and let him go for an early 4th and 6 when he is down just a couple of points.

Fourth quarter, 1:13 left and I am faced with fourth and short. In fact I would have challenged the spot if I could have because I got the FD but the game didn't give it to me. So now here is the scenario..

If he broke the 4th down rules earlier in the game this whole conversation is moot. He forfeits and you win anyways. Either way I do agree that in that situation most coaches would go for it. You play to win, not play to not lose.

HGplayer when can u play our week 5 game?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Yeah I'm not understanding this situation at all. When did he go for it on 4th and 3? Was it in the 3rd quarter down by 20+ or was it in the 4th quarter? If not you just stated you gave him special permission to do so? I don't understand why or how this happened and would like an explanation. Bons won't answer his phone.


I think the rule should be changed to inside the 10 it's owners choice. I had a different view earlier in the year, but now that i've played the game, i see how valuable 4 extra points are.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
The rule will not be changed this season. It just shows you even moreso how important the first 3 downs are. And if anything were to change it would be allowed to go for it on 4th an inches only... But thats not even a possibility.
vumpler said:
Yeah I'm not understanding this situation at all. When did he go for it on 4th and 3? Was it in the 3rd quarter down by 20+ or was it in the 4th quarter? If not you just stated you gave him special permission to do so? I don't understand why or how this happened and would like an explanation. Bons won't answer his phone.

I'll be flat out honest right now, if I understand the situation correctly, and he went for it (regardless of what wellington said he could or couldnt do) he should forfeit. The rule isn't "if you feel like breaking the rules just ask your opponent and break away". Also asking your oppnenent != free pass. Vumpler or a commish would have to decide that. Clearly shown when bons went and asked vump for a ruling. Wellington is guilty of being nice, but should not get a loss. If you side with Bons, this league is pretty much dead to me. All credibility just flys out the window. You might as well say "yea we have all these rules, but there is no reprecusions so go ahead and do whatever".


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Sable I've had about enough with you're outrageously uncalled for posts. I'm handling the situation and you need to hold yourself a little longer. If wellington messaged bons and said "hey you can go for it," that's all on wellington but if Bons said "hey can I go for it" then bons is a moron for asking and wellington is just as much so for letting him do it. You can't lead someone on into forcing themselves a forfeit by saying "sureee go for it." So once I finally get ahold of one of these two guys we'll get things rolling.


I don't find anything stupid about it.

Wellington allowed his opponent to bend the rules on a 4th down, i'm guessing because if this were the real NFL, it would be a go for it situation. Then later in the game, where it was a situation where Wellington wanted to go for it because it was a go for it, or basically lose the game situation. And due to the 4th down rules, he HAD to kick the FG, and the game was later lost because of that situation.


easy as

vumpler said:
Sable I've had about enough with you're outrageously uncalled for posts. I'm handling the situation and you need to hold yourself a little longer. If wellington messaged bons and said "hey you can go for it," that's all on wellington but if Bons said "hey can I go for it" then bons is a moron for asking and wellington is just as much so for letting him do it. You can't lead someone on into forcing themselves a forfeit by saying "sureee go for it." So once I finally get ahold of one of these two guys we'll get things rolling.

There should be no asking. The rule is the rule. My post is not outrageous, it is my personal feelings on the league if the rule isn't enforced. I will add a dead to me in the edit just for you. Oh and Wellington said he has imed you. I felt like I should express my view of the situation, and yes I do know the situation. Maybe I shared them a little to early, but better early than just sit here and say nothing at all.

Oh and on a side note, I in no way look forward to Wellington taking his anger out on me. I pray for Alex Smiths safety.... and more fumbles from tiki.


vumpler said:
Sable I've had about enough with you're outrageously uncalled for posts. I'm handling the situation and you need to hold yourself a little longer. If wellington messaged bons and said "hey you can go for it," that's all on wellington but if Bons said "hey can I go for it" then bons is a moron for asking and wellington is just as much so for letting him do it. You can't lead someone on into forcing themselves a forfeit by saying "sureee go for it." So once I finally get ahold of one of these two guys we'll get things rolling.

dude, calling someone a moron like that isn't very mature, or cool. Especially since you are a commish. Set the example.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Ok this discussion is over.

The 4th and 3 attempt occured in the 4th quarter when Bons was down by 3. It was NOT illegal. Bons had messaged him to make sure that the rules allowed him to go for it and wellington confirmed.

That's the story now lets get our week 4 games done.


intangibles, motherfucker
Who didnt see something like this coming? Honestly, when i read that 4th down rule at the beginning of the season, i knew shit was gonna hit the fan eventually, cause it can really **** you over

Nah, its not over dude. CK should have been able to go for it, but the rule ****ed him over. This isnt the only time that rule is gonna stick someone in a horrible situation


vumpler said:
Wellington IM me or something this is stupid.

Well, I've already contacted you over AIM, and for the second time today you chose to ignore me, so we know that doesn't work.

The second part of what you said is accurate. Bons asked and I said go for it on 4th and I believe 6 in the third quarter with a tight score.

That's not the point of contention.

The point is that I should have been able to go for it on my fourth down situation. Win, loss, I don't care, these 4th down rules are completely unrealistic and it's clear that they weren't thought up thinking about football situations.


Alright, hopefully Bons exitted the game normally so that the gamecast actually comes out. But again, I really don't give a shit what he did, it's what I wasn't allowed to do.
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