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Official Madden 360 Season 9 Thread: A Jgar for All Seasons


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Outside of this issue how are things goin fellas? Lets make sure we get all our games caught up. Is anyone having trouble getting in touch with anyone etc?
hg wellie, sorry guys I've been real busy apartment hunting and with work. I'll be available tonight to play if you guys are around. Just im me AIM:sableholic or if you see me online send me a message.
Per my discussion with Vumpler last night, I am going to withdraw from this league. Due to disagreements with the rules, I no longer wish to participate.

Basically, I went for a 4th and 3 with 10 seconds left on the clock just 10 yards outside of field goal range, I converted and won on a field goal with time expiring.Bonsevan went on a campaign complaining about how I technically broke the rules, and I get an automatic loss. His complete disregard for this perfectly acceptable scenario and defiant stand I should lose speaks volumes about his character.

The hypocrisy is ironic though.. From Vumpler's moving a blocker to the side I am kicking off to on kickoffs, to Bonsevan manually moving his fastest receiver to the side I am kicking to thus invalidating a strategic move I make to kick away from a certain guy... I don't complain. While there are no rules explicitly prohibiting this activity, it does not making it any less curious or cheesy. Just because you did not think of a sceanario doesnt give you license to retroactively say "I mean't that too". The fact that FMT initally thought what I did was perfectly acceptable to Vumpler's assertion that I lose illustrates this point.

I look forward to the next league that FMT or CB runs. Although I don't always agree with them, at least they are consistent with their positions which is why I respect them. Enjoy your league guys, and may a real baller take the next crown. I'm out!!


Shawnwhann said:
Per my discussion with Vumpler last night, I am going to withdraw from this league. Due to disagreements with the rules, I no longer wish to participate.

Basically, I went for a 4th and 3 with 10 seconds left on the clock just 10 yards outside of field goal range, I converted and won on a field goal with time expiring.

Wait, what? You were DOWN and went for it on fourth down and it's against the rules? Even if it was a tie game, how could it be against the rules!? Man cmon.
Yeah, this league kind of sucks this season (I wasn't a member of last season, but the thread seemed a lot more active and like more fun was being had). It just seems to be missing something, but whatever, I'm still going to play all my games and try to make the playoffs.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
No the score was tied with like 20 seconds to go and he went for it on 4th and got the win... It says in the rules unless you're trailing in the 4th you can't go and he was tied... We didn't clearly state in the rules that IF YOU ARE TIED you can't go for it and he got upset... We've talked about it extensively and he decided this is the best option. Not any more I can do.
vumpler said:
No the score was tied with like 20 seconds to go and he went for it on 4th and got the win... It says in the rules unless you're trailing in the 4th you can't go and he was tied... We didn't clearly state in the rules that IF YOU ARE TIED you can't go for it and he got upset... We've talked about it extensively and he decided this is the best option. Not any more I can do.

When your tied you can't go for it on 4th down in the 4th with 20 secs? Interesting and wow.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
wow wtf wtf cant you go for it with 20 seconds to go in the 4th tied?

wtf wtf


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I offered to discuss this issue with rors but by the rules it clearly says you have to be losing. We were going to go with the FMT policy NEVER can you go for it on 4th downs, but we decided there were a few situations that you really should be included to keep the game close, and we did. In this case he didn't get the 1st down on 3rd and it would be an overtime game..

I could really care less what happens with this decision. If rors wants to step in and make a call fine, I could care less. Bons came to me and said "shawn just went for it on 4th and wasn't trailing in the 4th, isn't he disqualified?" and I said yes... Because in the rules that what it says. It couldnt have been made any more clear in the rules about the 4th down rule so I don't see where there is a problem.

This isn't the NFL and in the NFL you would go for that every time, but we set these rules and agreed to play by them. If we don't stay to the rules it makes the league incredible. So if rors wants to pull some weight here, let him make the call and change the rules... I still vote no 4th downs.. And in either of those scenario's you wouldn't be able to go for it then..

So whatever happens happens.


Wow, that is just ambiguos enough to make you sound the victim. This is pretty point blank.
You had the ball on 4th and 3 on the 41 yd line. I knew the rules stated you could not go for it on 4th down in the 4th unless you are DOWN! Therefore I went to the punt return selection, to then see you chose 4 wide. I immedietly was like WTF, can he go for it here? I tried to call a timeout to the realization that i did not have one. So unfortunately by this time my 5 sec to pick a play were up and the computer called the play for me, which happened to FG block (woot against 4 wide) needless to say you got like 20 yds and ran out of bounds. Then you ran another running play up the middle and then called TO to kick the FG with one sec on teh clock and win the game. Thats alot to do in 10 sec don't ya think. (there was more than that)
Anyway the rules are clear to avoid situations like this. I can not go into a play with the presupposition that you have to punt and then you don't, and you can see why with this play selection problem. You breaking the rules has nothing to do with my character, lol I think you got it backwards and the simple fact that you brought this to the forum and worded the situation in your bias speaks volumes. :) I had no problem with how you played madden and thought we had a GG, you have turned a disaggreement into a personal attack which is really uncalled for.


why would you not be able to go for it with 20 ticks left in a TIED game? The rules never had a scenario for 4th qtr ties, so he shouldn't be penalized. And if i'm mistaken, and there is a rule for tied 4th quarters, then it should be thrown out. THis league is supposed to be all about SIM ball right? Are we not always comparing our games to the NFL? Why should it stop at when u can go for it on 4th? that's dumb.


*round 1*
With regards to Bonsevan, he just caught himself in a lie. If I already picked my play and the computer picked your play for you it would be a play to combat an actual play not a punt return or a field goal block. The computer selects safe defenses for whatever it is combating. I encourage everyone to do a test to prove my point. I'd never run a play against a punt return formation as that is cheap as hell. That isn't me.

I left out the tied game part on accident as I was in a rush. And yes gentlemen, it was ten seconds. A pass play into the flats to my running back secured a good chunk of yards and I ran out of bounds. I was left with 5 seconds, and I ran a running play to get a litle more yardage and I called a timeout with 1 second to play. FG and game over. Moaning to myself and Vumpler ensues.

As far as Vumpler offering soultions for this, there wasn't any really. He told me he and Rors are in agreement that I should lose and maybe some overtime period could be worked out to determine the winner. More of the former solution than the latter though.

I'm relieved that I am not the only one saying "WTF" for losing a game I won in this manner. The fact that Vump could only respond to my argument saying "it's not in the rules, sorry but you lose" shows his inability to properly mitigate situations where the rule book obviously does not address critical scenarios such as this. What's wrong with saying, "Hey we left this out, I'm going to update the rules that address tie games and make up criteria that makes sense". In your attempt to save face, you lost another player that really cared about helping your league be successful.


vumpler said:
Outside of this issue how are things goin fellas? Lets make sure we get all our games caught up. Is anyone having trouble getting in touch with anyone etc?

Does anyone know Malley's contact info? We have a week 6 game to play!!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Please send me where i said rors and i are in agreement that you lose... I haven't even talked to rors.. Nice one..


That's how i basically lost a game, the Jags game, i had a 4th and 3 tied game and i kicked a field goal and lost on a TD.

Please send me where i said rors and i are in agreement that you lose

You heavily implied that Rors and yourself were on the same page. It was reminiscent of when your mother says "if your Dad says its ok" but you knew Dad would not say ok. Bottom line is that you let me leave our conversation thinking I was screwed in any situation.


Shawnwhann said:
With regards to Bonsevan, he just caught himself in a lie. If I already picked my play and the computer picked your play for you it would be a play to combat an actual play not a punt return or a field goal block. The computer selects safe defenses for whatever it is combating. I encourage everyone to do a test to prove my point. I'd never run a play against a punt return formation as that is cheap as hell. That isn't me.

I left out the tied game part on accident as I was in a rush. And yes gentlemen, it was ten seconds. A pass play into the flats to my running back secured a good chunk of yards and I ran out of bounds. I was left with 5 seconds, and I ran a running play to get a litle more yardage and I called a timeout with 1 second to play. FG and game over. Moaning to myself and Vumpler ensues.

As far as Vumpler offering soultions for this, there wasn't any really. He told me he and Rors are in agreement that I should lose and maybe some overtime period could be worked out to determine the winner. More of the former solution than the latter though.

I'm relieved that I am not the only one saying "WTF" for losing a game I won in this manner. The fact that Vump could only respond to my argument saying "it's not in the rules, sorry but you lose" shows his inability to properly mitigate situations where the rule book obviously does not address critical scenarios such as this. What's wrong with saying, "Hey we left this out, I'm going to update the rules that address tie games and make up criteria that makes sense". In your attempt to save face, you lost another player that really cared about helping your league be successful.

I would like to TEST your point about the computer picking a safe play to combat a play you picked on 4th down because i definitely did not pick a play the computer did. So if anyone would like to AIM me to try this out feel free :) Also the fact that I picked my play or not is irrelevant to your decision to go for it on 4th down in a tie game. Someone just said that they kicked a FG in a tie game and then lost by a TD, they knew the rules.

I am not debating over wether or not it is fair not too be able to go for it on 4th in a tie game. I don't care either way, but if the rules say you can only go for it on 4th down when you are trailing then that is the way it is. I don't understand why you are bringing up irrelevent issues about me (ie character problems, calling me a liar). Not once have I personally attacked you or your playing style. I cannot assume that you cannot go for it on 4th and you do. That is the point. If the rules said all you can do is run the ball, you can't pass and you throw the ball someone would be mad don't ya think. That is the point. Not any of this other BS that you are using to distarct from the issue. If you cared about this league you would understand the situation and offer possible solutions not just quit. Quitters suck. I would play you an OT period or give a tie. I did not realize you would moan so much over not knowing the rules. Sorry guys this got put into the forum there was no need to add more drama to this forum then already exists lol. Wellington lost to me because of this rule and that other guy lost to the Jags. You can't substitute rules when they best apply to to your situation.


Rules say no abusing the jump pass, I swear to GOD every single pass Bonsevan threw in our game was a jump pass with the exception of 3 bombs with like 15 seconds left in the first half. Since apparently there is absolutely no grey area in the rules and everything is black and white, I'd like my game reversed and get the win I deserve due to rules being broken.

10 seconds left in a tied game and you can't go for it? Jesus Christ.
Bosevan said:
I don't understand why you are bringing up irrelevent issues about me (ie character problems, calling me a liar). Not once have I personally attacked you or your playing style. I cannot assume that you cannot go for it on 4th and you do. That is the point. If the rules said all you can do is run the ball, you can't pass and you throw the ball someone would be mad don't ya think. That is the point. Not any of this other BS that you are using to distarct from the issue. If you cared about this league you would understand the situation and offer possible solutions not just quit. Quitters suck. I would play you an OT period or give a tie. I did not realize you would moan so much over not knowing the rules.

I am bringing up the "irrevelant issues" because they help frame who you are in all of this "respect the rules" rhetoric. You mean to tell me that you saw me pick a play and you were paralyzed by panic for 5 seconds hence I'm at fault because you didn't pick your play? I understood the situation and you were giddy with delight you won from a technicality, you didn't say "Hey we need to play this over, or this is what I'm feeling, we need a solution". I read over the rules before the league started, but in the heat of things where it obviously makes sense to take my shot before overtime there has gotta be room for us to go head up to decide the outcome free of some arbitrary rule that does not even apply.

My principle induced withdrawal has more to do with the leadership of this league than yourself though. I can play the hell out of this game as evidenced by my success last season. Don't give yourself that much credit. I'm ready to let this die, but hopefully going forward the admins consider adding in language talking about tied games in the 4th. Good luck fellas!!


wow that means alot coming from Ando

I did not abuse the jump pass, you are the only one that has ever said that. Your brother said I blitzed like every play (very false). We all have play styles, all you could do on me was throw it deep to Walker and he got it like 5 times with a 26yd average. That was the only way you moved the ball. Your brother only threw the post route to Holt over and over. Welly runs the ball non-stop and abuses Jacobs and Barber (and runs the ball well I might add), shawn PA and throws it in the flats 2 out of 3 plays. My point is we all have play styles that may aggrevate the other player and seem excesive because of this. You have to adapt to the other persons play style through out the game. I PA and threw the ball to heap several times on you because you kept bltz you LBs and running cover 2. Yes you have to throw the high pass on that route to get it over the LBs but it was far from the only play I ran that game. if on the other hand I ran a hail mary route over and over and let the guy get way downfeild and then throw the high pass so that he stops and turns around to jump, you would have a legit complaint, but if I remember the longest play I had in that game was 22 yards to heap lol. Anyway your complaint about the high pass in that game is bogus.



I agree you can play madden, I never said you could not. i don't understand why you are so defensive about you madden ability. I thought we had a good game. If the rules are unclear on the tie game issue than it should be clarified. I was not aware it was so grey, I understood it pretty clear but it seems like several people including Shawn did not. I am willing to just give you the win if you are going to quit the league, it is really not worth that. I was not gidddy about getting the win just upset in the way in which you won. I could and should have been more willing to work something out as far as a solution, you as well, I admit. I don't think that is still out of the question. If you feel you want to, just let me know via AIM so we can deal with it one on one.


bosevan said:
wow that means alot coming from Ando

I did not abuse the jump pass, you are the only one that has ever said that. Your brother said I blitzed like every play (very false). We all have play styles, all you could do on me was throw it deep to Walker and he got it like 5 times with a 26yd average. That was the only way you moved the ball. Your brother only threw the post route to Holt over and over. Welly runs the ball non-stop and abuses Jacobs and Barber (and runs the ball well I might add), shawn PA and throws it in the flats 2 out of 3 plays. My point is we all have play styles that may aggrevate the other player and seem excesive because of this. You have to adapt to the other persons play style through out the game. I PA and threw the ball to heap several times on you because you kept bltz you LBs and running cover 2. Yes you have to throw the high pass on that route to get it over the LBs but it was far from the only play I ran that game. if on the other hand I ran a hail mary route over and over and let the guy get way downfeild and then throw the high pass so that he stops and turns around to jump, you would have a legit complaint, but if I remember the longest play I had in that game was 22 yards to heap lol. Anyway your complaint about the high pass in that game is bogus.

Actually i said you threw too many jump passes too. I even pointed out the fact that you where whined about in the last league(or so i hear). The "over the LBs head" pass is called a JUMP BALL, and is not legal when used too much. Every over the middle pass you throw is a jump ball. and it just so happens that 90% of your passes are.....you guessed it...over the middle.


bosevan said:
wow that means alot coming from Ando

I did not abuse the jump pass, you are the only one that has ever said that. Your brother said I blitzed like every play (very false). We all have play styles, all you could do on me was throw it deep to Walker and he got it like 5 times with a 26yd average. That was the only way you moved the ball. Your brother only threw the post route to Holt over and over. Welly runs the ball non-stop and abuses Jacobs and Barber (and runs the ball well I might add), shawn PA and throws it in the flats 2 out of 3 plays. My point is we all have play styles that may aggrevate the other player and seem excesive because of this. You have to adapt to the other persons play style through out the game. I PA and threw the ball to heap several times on you because you kept bltz you LBs and running cover 2. Yes you have to throw the high pass on that route to get it over the LBs but it was far from the only play I ran that game. if on the other hand I ran a hail mary route over and over and let the guy get way downfeild and then throw the high pass so that he stops and turns around to jump, you would have a legit complaint, but if I remember the longest play I had in that game was 22 yards to heap lol. Anyway your complaint about the high pass in that game is bogus.

I don't care if you want to cheese and throw high passes all day, but the problem is if you look on the rules page it is right there plain as day as being against the rules if you abuse it. I wasn't being serious about wanting the game reversed, I was just trying to make a point about some rules being so black and white even in such retarded situations as 10 seconds left in a tied game yet when other rules are blatantly broken, I get the same stupid "bubububu different playstyles" crap you just said from the commisioner.


Ok, enough with all of this, when is week 9 going to be open, when are people going to finish their games, when can i get in another game!? This season has kinda been a cluster****, but even with all the drama ( which means either people are passionate or just little girls ) i have enjoyed myself, so lets keep it moving folks.



Shawnwhann said:
You heavily implied that Rors and yourself were on the same page. It was reminiscent of when your mother says "if your Dad says its ok" but you knew Dad would not say ok. Bottom line is that you let me leave our conversation thinking I was screwed in any situation.
Woah woah...

Firstly, I didn't know about any of this. Secondly, Vumpler is running the league, I'm mostly just stat boy and I help with admin powers on the site when he's not around and I provide input when asked.

Now, what do I think about the rule and what happened? I could have sworn we typed up a tie scenario, but it looks like we didn't. I would think that this situation was acceptable. I know we wanted to be strict about the 4th down rules and follow everything to the word of the law, but there's also the spirit of the law and I think that situation is acceptable. What coach in the NFL wouldn't go for that? The intention of the rule was to prevent cheesing and running up the score. That is why the rule says "when you are down." It seems reasonable to me to go for it on 4th and short just to get into field goal range and kick the go ahead field goal. That's just my 2 cents. Your call, vump!

PS: is everyone gonna threaten to quit the league with every bit of drama that occurs? -_- Come, on guys, we can resolve these things rationaly. Don't lose your cool after heated games.

[edit] yeah, I was having fun before my xbox broke too, dcx. I think people are taking this season way too seriously. o_O Maybe it's the tax season stress!

[edit2] Stats and awards will be updated tonight. Been busy with a real life legal battle. :p


Rorschach said:
PS: is everyone gonna threaten to quit the league with every bit of drama that occurs? -_- Come, on guys, we can resolve these things rationaly. Don't lose your cool after heated games.

:) Wow, woot


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
BirdBomb said:
Matrix, when do u want to play our week 9 game? i'm open anytime tonight, just hit me up on AIM or on here.

I havent even played my week 6,7 or 8.

This opening of 4 weeks ahead and playing stuff is annoying....

I miss the FMT leagues :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

We can only play now if you buy it and I want proof!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
No,you will buy it if I only lose by 14 or less !


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You have points just sitting in your account and its the best arcade game,you fail at games!

Ok im going on now,if your modem craps out again you have to buy the game.

Pray to the modem gods!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

your modem wants Heavy Weapon.


Matrix said:
I havent even played my week 6,7 or 8.

This opening of 4 weeks ahead and playing stuff is annoying....

I miss the FMT leagues :(

And? i dont wanna wait 4 weeks for u to finish ur 6,7, and 8 games. take your beating.


Matrix said:

your modem wants Heavy Weapon.

It wasnt my modem. I got sick and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Ugh, I ate some bad chicken earlier today I guess :(

I'll still buy Heavy Weapon though!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:
It wasnt my modem. I got sick and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Ugh, I ate some bad chicken earlier today I guess :(

I'll still buy Heavy Weapon though!

Ugh sorry dude :(

Atleast you get an awesome game out of barfing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
BirdBomb said:
And? i dont wanna wait 4 weeks for u to finish ur 6,7, and 8 games. take your beating.

Yea that's going to get me to play at 2 am :lol

You wont have to wait 4 weeks since I'm supposed to play Konex today and Dm when he feels better.
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