Smokey probably did this same thing when he woke up this morning, only replace the ball with a Titan X.
The reality is I give no fucks about basketball. Sport has some real joke fouls that I can kind of understand at times, but for the most part think are a bunch of BS. Reffing seems about 1000x worse than football in terms of consistency of calling the shitty rules that exist.
While we don't live right up in Cleveland or some shit, we're close enough (about 45m-1hr South) that it seems like everyone here follows the teams; so it's kind of hard not to watch some of this mess. I try to know what's going on with most of their teams just so I can talk about it with my father-in-law. It'd be nice for the city of Cleveland to have something positive happen, but outside of that, I don't really give a shit as I'm not really a fan.
That said, I have no expectation of them actually winning this. GS really has to shit the bed.