No new player can farm enough to be a hard carry anyway. I am a shitty farmer, I almost never play carries at all.
Roles are a fantasy until you're a long way in to your career. Just do whatever to keep team afloat
do you guys remember that time we were bros
do you guys remember that time we were bros
Shake, SK should not played strict support. Getting that blink dagger on him quickly is important for team fights later on. You can get a courier or initial wards, but he is not most effective with doing that all game long.
You guys still playing?
SK is a 4, CM is a 5, Lich is a 5, Tidehunter is a 4.
Squabbling over farm is mostly pointless since reliably last-hitting isn't something most new players can do, anyway.
Just do what team needs, if you don't have vision, get some. If you lose your Safe Lane Tier 1, ward the lane and ward the jungle entrance so the jungle is safe for someone to farm.
Yeah. Acting like you can or can't ward because of how pros play the hero you picked is kind of shitty. AT had like 20 kills in the first in house yesterday. Should he have stopped the snowball just because Lich is a support? C'mon man, just do what is necessary.
this 5 man mm game is probably over in ~15, if people want to start getting on
Streaming it?
My fault team... I fucked up not dusting the shadow fiend. I rarely buy it so its not a reflex yet to use it in battle. Pretty sure that was the final straw that made Luke quit.
My fault team... I fucked up not dusting the shadow fiend. I rarely buy it so its not a reflex yet to use it in battle. Pretty sure that was the final straw that made Luke quit.
Nah you guys just haven't decided to dedicate resources to shutting down invisible heroes yet. It'll happen! I still sort of believe
My fault team... I fucked up not dusting the shadow fiend. I rarely buy it so its not a reflex yet to use it in battle. Pretty sure that was the final straw that made Luke quit.
Dust for SF is nice, but the problem was you needed it more for Riki. I was just handing out assists that game!
You guys leave Rikki alone!
I'll only play Rikki in pub matches. I'll focus on other heroes.
Anyone around for a Dota game?
You guys leave Rikki alone!
I'll only play Rikki in pub matches. I'll focus on other heroes. Tried playing viper the first two matches, but DotA wasn't having it!