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Official Madden Thread of Oh We Just Play DOTA2 Now


I still don't have a full grasp on how Elder Titan works, but he seems pretty cool as long as you have a Luke in your lane to distract the other team by giving them a meaty target to attack.


intangibles, motherfucker


Great work, team.


I think I've finally gotten to the point where I'm comfortable roaming with Lina once I get my ult. Was able to make some plays in the other lanes instead of having tunnel vision on my starting lane.

Pheenix has improved quite a bit, at least when he plays Lich or CM. Now we just have to get him warding to complete his initiation. Plus I'll be able to get my scepter up quicker.


intangibles, motherfucker
Crow/Mastershake. I hit you both with messages on steam.

Its about our plans to start our pro team named "To Slardar, With Love."


Live and I had a good pub game last night. Some guy with the name Master Shake. coincidentally, absolutely destroyed with Bloodseeker (sp?). I went with a new guide on firedota for Silencer. His glaive hits hard when you up the intelligence. I really like Silencer. My rotation of Kunkka, Silencer, and Lion is pretty fun. I do need to add a 4th though. Anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking about Spirit Breaker.


Yeah, when IG didn't ban him the casters immediately said "gg" and were like, "welp, Na'Vi just made the finals"

So pissed that I am going to miss the finals tomorrow. This shit is a blast!


Wisp is an awesome hero. So awesome, in fact, that he gets banned all the time in pro games. Learn him!

I don't understand him! I'm looking at the wiki page and it's confusing me. I would technically just buy bottles and salves and then just link myself with someone?


I don't understand him! I'm looking at the wiki page and it's confusing me. I would technically just buy bottles and salves and then just link myself with someone?

Watch the replay of the navi v. ig game four that just happened. That relocation and stun stuff is bad ass.


I watched some Meepo videos a couple of days ago. I have the urge to try him, but I suck at micro so I'll just fail horribly.


Don't worry, I'll keep messing with Night Stalker since he has such a cool name.

Trasher played TONS of Nightstalker when he was teaching me back in the day, he probably has a bunch of good advice on him.

Silencer is a total dong to play against McNeily, the better you get with him the more you can torment people the world over


Silencer is a total dong to play against McNeily, the better you get with him the more you can torment people the world over

I've started to look up different guides and replays for Silencer. My biggest problem with Silencer is how squishy he is. I find myself dying a large amount due to his lack of escape. For example, last night in the pub match with Livewire, I went 10-8-10 or something like that. I died about 5-6 times in the early-mid game and it was awful because I could never earn enough gold to purchase Mek, Force Staff, or the Scythe. Other than that, though, I seemed to always take at least one enemy with me because of how strong Last Word is. I'm having a lot of fun with him. I guess I should buy the Rod of Atos early on.

Yep. I added the lol for that reason. What in the hell is up with that guy.

Necrolyte seems like fun.


I've started to look up different guides and replays for Silencer. My biggest problem with Silencer is how squishy he is. I find myself dying a large amount due to his lack of escape. For example, last night in the pub match with Livewire, I went 10-8-10 or something like that. I died about 5-6 times in the early-mid game and it was awful because I could never earn enough gold to purchase Mek, Force Staff, or the Scythe. Other than that, though, I seemed to always take at least one enemy with me because of how strong Last Word is. I'm having a lot of fun with him. I guess I should buy the Rod of Atos early on.

Yep. I added the lol for that reason. What in the hell is up with that guy.

Necrolyte seems like fun.

You should get a Force Staff and depending on what they have and how effective you're farming get a ghost scepter and then they can't melee you (spells will shit on you though)


What do you wanna know friend? How have your games gone on him so far?

Just general tips on his build/items/strategy. When is the best time to use his ult? And what exactly should I be doing during the daytime? I tried him out in a pub game last night with CB, shake, Crow and pheenix and did pretty well. Once the first night hit, I got first blood and started roaming the map for ganks. The silence + slow is amazing against magic users. Got quite a few kills, but then they started focusing on me late game. The rest of the team cleaned up though.


Just general tips on his build/items/strategy. When is the best time to use his ult? And what exactly should I be doing during the daytime? I tried him out in a pub game last night with CB, shake, Crow and pheenix and did pretty well. Once the first night hit, I got first blood and started roaming the map for ganks. The silence + slow is amazing against magic users. Got quite a few kills, but then they started focusing on me late game. The rest of the team cleaned up though.

That's generally how NS games go. He's super effective once that first night hits, and continues to be when the second night hits too. Once the third night comes around, he starts to drop off a bit because heroes start to get more hp/items. But if you get a lot of kills in those first two nights, you should have enough of your own items to still stay effective somewhat in the late game. If you get behind though, you become quite worthless except for your silence.

As far as skills go:

Always max your nuke (Q) first obviously, put 1 point into silence, and then the rest into your passive (so this gets maxed after your nuke). When you hit 6 though, it sort of depends on how the game is going for you. I generally hold off on leveling Darkness until 7 or even 8 sometimes. The extra points in your passive are really good early on because it gives you that extra movement/attack speed to chase guys down in that first nighttime. And if you are getting good ganks off, you should get those extra levels pretty quickly. As soon as you level your Darkness, pop it right away. Think of it as just extending your first night a bit longer. Generally people think they should save it for when daytime hits, but you want to use it whenever it's up during a real nighttime. It will maximize the amount of time you actually have at night this way. When daytime does hit, that's when you become situational with it. So if your team is about to engage or roam for a gank, you want to pop it only when necessary because the enemy team will know when you do. It will blow your cover so be careful with it.

Another good tip is that your nuke (Void) is also a mini stun. So if you are ganking someone and they are already running for the side shop or whatever, hold off on using it if you know they are planning to TP. The cooldown is only 8 seconds though which is really good on that spell.

Item builds:

I will always start out with two gaunts of strength, tangos, a healing salve, and a couple sticks. You will want to build those 2 gaunts into an Urn almost right away (goal is to have it by 6 min for when night pops and you start ganking to collect as many charges as you can). Those Urn charges are so important early on because they can keep your health up so you don't have to return to the base ever (thus maximizing your time ganking in the first night), and they can also finish off enemy heroes as well if you can't dive past towers while they are running away at low health. Magic Wand is also a good item to build after the Urn if you can (although if you can't finish that and boots by 6 minutes just get boots before it since movement speed is so important early on). Urn + Magic Wand will give you that extra HP/mana to help keep you out and about. I should also mention that Bottle is a very good item as well. If you want to, you can buy one early on, but I really like having the early Magic Wand and charges depending on the heroes I'm going up against if they cast lots of spells to charge me up. Bottle is good for obvious reasons, and Nightstalker is obviously super good at running down runes since he will be the fastest hero on the map early on. Phase boots come next. Gives good early damage and enables you to run through creeps/units to get to your targets faster.

So once your early items are done (Phase, Urn, bottle/Magic Wand) you can go a couple different ways. If you feel like you aren't tanky enough, go ahead and make a Vanguard. I should also mention that the stout shield is a fairly good pickup on its own because of all the diving you do and all the creep aggro you will inevitably attract. Or, if you wanna go for a more damage focused build, go ahead and build an Armlet (get good at toggling and you will be nearly impossible to kill when you are running around at night). If I go Armlet though, I like to get a Helm of the Dominator right after in order to keep my HP up. You want to have these items by the second night or somewhat early on into it.

Once the second night ends, this is when your Void nuke really starts to drop off, and it becomes much harder to find kills because generally the other team is grouping up by now. When that happens, your effectiveness really drops off. So what I generally do to combat that is by making a Basher. This enables me to still be effective and focus certain heroes (usually the carry so I can lock them down and annoy them with the bash proc), and then I can throw up my silence on whichever caster I feel is the most detrimental to my team. Hopefully, if you've done your job well in the early and mid game, you've created a lot of space for your carry to farm and now they have some good core items in order to successfully start putting out some solid damage in team fights.

BKB is also a really good item to have. Generally good to get it in time for the mid game, and still helps a lot after that as well.

Solid items for late game: Abyssal (built with the Basher that you should make before obviously), Aghanim's Scepter (this is sort of a support item. It gives you a shit ton of vision at night including high ground vision even if you are on the low ground, and it also makes you a bit tankier as well), Satanic, Assault Cuirass, and Heart are all good pickups. I generally only do Satanic if I go with that Armlet/Helm of the Dom build.

In the end, NS is pretty flexible with item builds as long as you get those early items quickly. It really depends on how good of a game you are having and when the enemy team starts grouping up together. It really really sucks if a team starts 5 manning by 10 minutes when you play him. You generally just hope that your carries are getting really good free farm because of it because you pretty much get taken out of the game when enemy teams do that. Can be really frustrating.


Luke was right. I just played a game where one guy complained every now and then about Silencer. It felt so good. Also, when he raises his int... oh damn it feels good.
Hopefully this shit is true!

♦Goalies intelligence was improved to increase their ability to read the play and determine if the player is likely to deke, pass or shoot based on the scoring situation.
♦Goalies will stay out and challenge on shots rather than pulling the puck back in with them (also fixes the issue where goalies would pull slower shots in with them as they moved backwards when saving.)
♦Goalies will stay in a save/position if they are aware they are going to be hit by the puck that is on its way. The goalie will no longer blend to another save if not necessary which was sometimes a disadvantage.
♦Goalies show more urgency in getting back to cover open parts of the net, part of heightened awareness.
♦Goalies react more realistically to deflections based upon whether they can see the initial shot cleanly or if they need to square up and make a save with one of their limbs.
♦Goalies will react more realistically to shot fakes, opening up areas of the net and creating more goal-scoring possibilities if the move is used correctly.

Animations & Movement

♦Fixed saves where it appeared that the goalie was able to move back up against their momentum/gravity when making a save (again, no more “Spider-Man” Goalies).
♦Improved butterfly save space – goalie won’t be locked in butterfly on dekes and will be more conscious of moves to the forehand and consider them more dangerous.
♦Added more saves out of Vertical-Horizontal and Butterfly styles so that the goalie can stay in those poses and react to pucks that are going to hit them (makes staying big and cutting off an angle more effective).

Fighting Through Screens

♦Goalies’ field of vision and puck awareness were corrected to be more realistic. If a puck is out of sight, the goaltender will work harder to fight through screens.

Against One-Timers

♦Goalies won’t give up the short side if they have defensive help and are more likely to cheat to the short side if the attacking player is on their forehand. True to real-life.
♦Goalies will anticipate a pass on a two-on-one if the puck carrier is on their backhand or doesn’t put themselves in a good shooting position (winding back, gliding, sells shot).
♦The closer the shooter is to the net, goalies will try to take away more of the bottom of the net. The further out shooters are, the more they try to get a limb half way up the net to be able to move up/down since the shooter now has a better chance to get height on the shot. The negative to this is exposing more holes and not creating as good of a solid wall like they can when the shooter is close.
♦The more a goalie has to move and the less he can see the puck both have effects on his ability to make a direct save compared to when they are squared up for a shot and reading the release right off the stick. In these cases, the goalie will try to slide across and take away the shooters best chance and then react to the puck once they can see it.


♦AI & animation improvements were made to allow goalies to better handle rebounds and second-chance opportunities off the rush. Goalies can now recover more quickly to handle a bad rebound, especially if they lose the puck within their body/equipment.
♦Goalies will recognize low shots better and attempt to kick the rebound to the corner more often.
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