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Official Madden Thread of Oh We Just Play DOTA2 Now

They should really fix matchmaking so that teams with a manual goalie only face other teams with one. Playing against a team with a CPU goalie when you're using a human-controlled one is so dumb.
you can do that

"match goalie" is an option if you press Y in the locker room

they dont fix that in the random pub games though, where positions are grab first


They should really fix matchmaking so that teams with a manual goalie only face other teams with one. Playing against a team with a CPU goalie when you're using a human-controlled one is so dumb.

I'm pretty sure that was a option you could select when you were the captain. You could also choose whether you wanted to play against opponents with equal amount of players.


Yeah, those are the two options. I wish they allowed you to play more than one club game at a time. So if we had 7, we could just play a game with 4 and 3.


you can do that

"match goalie" is an option if you press Y in the locker room

they dont fix that in the random pub games though, where positions are grab first

There are positions in random pub games? LW, RW, D, everyone is in the offensive zone after 10 seconds.


intangibles, motherfucker
Fun Fact:
FMT doesnt own Dishonored on steam and has a single achievement for it on xbox live.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Isn't the cpu goalie team at a disadvantage? That's how it was in 94 era at least.

What's the point of steam cards?

This sudden lack of dota talk is alarming.


Regarding the team last night:

I'm glad you guys are working on new heroes, but I do want to mention that part of how poorly we were doing was because of our poor lineups every game. Obviously the main problem was going up against what seemed to be teams of five who were smurfs though.

Slardar: Fairly decent hero. He has a stun, but it's not guaranteed and pretty hard to hit a lot of times. His ult is good when you face invis heroes as well obviously. He really drops off if he doesn't get farm and doesn't help gank early on though. BKB is something you need up on him fairly quick in order to guarantee yourself in running down kills and engaging. Blink Dagger is the other super important item (generally before BKB) so you can be the initiator and guarantee your stun more.

Necro: I'm not a huge fan of this hero right now. I feel like he doesn't do much for the team unless you are grouped up early and he has an early Mek for big heals. His ultimate is really only good if they have a lot of strength/tanky heroes since it does damage based on the amount of hit points a hero has.

Nightstalker: NS is good, but you have to let him go mid, and I'm glad Nightz got some good practice on him doing that. But yeah, if a team picks NS that means your mid hero is chosen so don't pick another one like Zeus etc. I actually thought Nightz was doing fairly well last night. He was building good items, and he was trying to gank at pretty decent times. His main problem was that we just had poor lanes and poor hero choices (aka no lane had a guaranteed stun to set kills up for him). It's really hard to gank lanes when you don't have proper setup, and all that really means is that we had shitty stuns (just Slardar's). The one thing I would say to you Nightz is that at one point I noticed you had lots of urn charges banked up. You want to be using those as much as you can to heal allies or to cast it on a target you are about to try to gank for the extra damage. Urn is only good early on if you are maximizing your charge usage because eventually they are quite worthless once people get more HP and are higher levels. So don't be afraid to use them more.

So those three heroes above were our core team in every game last night. That didn't leave too much flexibility for the last two heroes since at least one of them had to be a pure carry. Also, if you guys are going into a game planning on playing a certain hero, there is no need to pick them immediately in All Pick. Obviously we were playing against some smurf teams because when they saw the heroes we chose they picked good heroes to counter them. So go ahead and just hold off on picking your hero in the hopes of the other team choosing some of their heroes first.

Splat: I know you enjoy Zeus and he can be a lot of fun (even in lane) when you are just starting out in the low tiers, but I would recommend getting comfortable with some more versatile supports like Lich, Tidehunter, Vengeful Spirit, Lion, Lina, Jakiro, and even Windrunner. Zeus is sort of a pub stomp hero, and you can't learn too much from him early on other than about how to kill steal with your ultimate which isn't that great of a thing haha.
I agree with everything Trasher mentioned. That being said, I think you guys still did pretty well in spite of having a sub-optimal lineup. We would've actually won the first game if we didn't lose our tier 3 mid so early.


Regarding the team last night:

I'm glad you guys are working on new heroes, but I do want to mention that part of how poorly we were doing was because of our poor lineups every game. Obviously the main problem was going up against what seemed to be teams of five who were smurfs though.

I would've played one of my other heroes but I'm trying to expand my hero selection. I like what Necrolyte can do but he doesn't seem very helpful until mid-game. And it seems he can only be effective if he gets enough gold early. I was struggling last night in those games due to learning tri-laneing as well as getting killed very quickly with those stuns. The second game I played with him ever (not with you guys), I was in a pub match and I was able to get gold very fast. Although those players are very far away in skill compared to smurf accounts, I was still able to do enough for the team damage wise as well as stay alive with Sadist and Heartstopper. One thing I still need to time is his ult since it seems to take a second or two to cast.

I haven't gone through the list yet but I might find another hero instead of Necrolyte. As you can tell, I really like Support/Carry type heroes. I've always wanted to get familiar with a Carry hero but for the most part I play with you high tier guys so I feel like I'd let you guys down if I went in with a carry hero and completely sucked. I'm going to play a pub match later today and select a carry and see what happens there.

Also, I'm always up to select a hero based on team make up but I don't know how much help I would be if I selected a hero I'm not familiar with.


intangibles, motherfucker
Regarding the team last night:

I'm glad you guys are working on new heroes, but I do want to mention that part of how poorly we were doing was because of our poor lineups every game. Obviously the main problem was going up against what seemed to be teams of five who were smurfs though.

Slardar: Fairly decent hero. He has a stun, but it's not guaranteed and pretty hard to hit a lot of times. His ult is good when you face invis heroes as well obviously. He really drops off if he doesn't get farm and doesn't help gank early on though. BKB is something you need up on him fairly quick in order to guarantee yourself in running down kills and engaging. Blink Dagger is the other super important item (generally before BKB) so you can be the initiator and guarantee your stun more.

It was tough getting farm in those games. We did tri-lane twice and the other two games it was double carry.



Have you visited Montreal/Quebec City? I am thinking of taking a trip there during Christmas break

I've been to Montreal a few times; Quebec City, never.

Montreal is great - going to be cold as fuck around Christmas though.

A must-visit in Montreal: http://schwartzsdeli.com/ , it's an institution

Super-Sexe if you're going with your buddies. Massive strip joint.

Ste Catherine Street for shopping, Crescent Street for nightlife, Casino Montreal is pretty nice as well. If you're there around New Years you'll probably run into a shit-ton of 19-year old Americans coming up to take advantage of the lower drinking age.


I would say that any of you new guys should really hold off on playing a carry until you can last hit consistently.

I think if they are playing in a newb 5-stack - which bluntly, at this point I think that's what they should be doing, rather than getting smurf-carried to victory - they should play some carries because those games go on forever and the auto-gold will get them good items.


I think if they are playing in a newb 5-stack - which bluntly, at this point I think that's what they should be doing, rather than getting smurf-carried to victory - they should play some carries because those games go on forever and the auto-gold will get them good items.

Yeah. I appreciate all the help that the high tier guys have been giving but now that we know the basic mechanics, I've been thinking we should continue to run noob pub matches. That way we can learn the things that come naturally like what hero matchups should be or what to do in given situations rather than have one of you upper level dudes explain it to us.
Montreal is fucking awesome. The people are total shit though.

So the 'French Canadians are douche bags' reputation is well earned?

I've been to Montreal a few times; Quebec City, never.

Montreal is great - going to be cold as fuck around Christmas though.

A must-visit in Montreal: http://schwartzsdeli.com/ , it's an institution

Super-Sexe if you're going with your buddies. Massive strip joint.

Ste Catherine Street for shopping, Crescent Street for nightlife, Casino Montreal is pretty nice as well. If you're there around New Years you'll probably run into a shit-ton of 19-year old Americans coming up to take advantage of the lower drinking age.

I don't mind the cold and I really love being able to see everything covered in snow. Hopefully I will get lucky and everything will get covered with a fresh layer of snow while I am there. I will likely go during Christmas so I am glad I will be avoiding all the drunk 19 year olds.


So the 'French Canadians are douche bags' reputation is well earned?

I don't mind the cold and I really love being able to see everything covered in snow. Hopefully I will get lucky and everything will get covered with a fresh layer of snow while I am there. I will likely go during Christmas so I am glad I will be avoiding all the drunk 19 year olds.

Oh ya, and obviously....



So for a 5 man pub match, is this the ideal lineup you want to run?

Safe lane: Carry/Support

Mid: Carry

Suicide: Support/Support


For you guys something like:
  • safe: Ranged Carry, Ranged Support with a stun (Huskar /Lion)
  • Mid: Ranged Ganker (Lina)
  • Suicide: Ranged support with Stuns/Disable, Initiator with stuns (Windrunner/Sand King)

Stuns are so powerful in the game and super powerful until people can get BKBs up.

Lina goes to suicide to gank, Sand King burrowstrike is a free set-up for her light strike array. Windrunner starts powershot as soon as SK burrow. Then Lina does Dragon Salve or Zap after light strike array and WR can shackle shot if the hero start to escape.

Free kills 4 Days


I would've played one of my other heroes but I'm trying to expand my hero selection. I like what Necrolyte can do but he doesn't seem very helpful until mid-game. And it seems he can only be effective if he gets enough gold early. I was struggling last night in those games due to learning tri-laneing as well as getting killed very quickly with those stuns. The second game I played with him ever (not with you guys), I was in a pub match and I was able to get gold very fast. Although those players are very far away in skill compared to smurf accounts, I was still able to do enough for the team damage wise as well as stay alive with Sadist and Heartstopper. One thing I still need to time is his ult since it seems to take a second or two to cast.

I haven't gone through the list yet but I might find another hero instead of Necrolyte. As you can tell, I really like Support/Carry type heroes. I've always wanted to get familiar with a Carry hero but for the most part I play with you high tier guys so I feel like I'd let you guys down if I went in with a carry hero and completely sucked. I'm going to play a pub match later today and select a carry and see what happens there.

Also, I'm always up to select a hero based on team make up but I don't know how much help I would be if I selected a hero I'm not familiar with.

I'm glad you are trying new heroes. That's why I don't really care in the end that we lose these games. I was just trying to explain to you all why we were doing so poorly last night. Generally we don't have to worry too much about team lineups if we are in your guys' tier, but we were clearly not in the tier you guys are supposed to be in.

It was tough getting farm in those games. We did tri-lane twice and the other two games it was double carry.

Yup, and Slardar plays like a semi carry so you were very much hamstrung in most of those games too thus limiting your effectiveness. Like I said earlier, Slardar is quite item dependent on that Blink Dagger and his BKB. If I were to change the lanes up in those games for us to be more effective, I would have ideally put you in the hard lane with a ranged support that could stun. Really easy to set up early kills with that since you can combo in with your stun and then use your speed ability to chase them down and finish them off.


aw, that nhl 94 stuff won't be playable online

not surprised but it would've been fun

There are ways to play NHL 94 online now lol.

And thanks for the tip Trasher. I did realize in that one game that I had like 15 charges stored up in the urn. I was good about using them in the first game, but I think I got thrown off and frustrated in those games against a Spirit Breaker. Seemed like everytime I heard that roar, he'd be coming at me and I couldn't do anything against him. My spirit was broken. :(


Jim Sterling's awesomeness knows no bound. He is a musou fan:



Tuesday, can't wait! I should probably cancel my SMT4 order since I doubt I'll play it with Dynasty Warriors 8 in possession.
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