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Official Madden Thread of Oh We Just Play DOTA2 Now


I like playing with LiveWire because he does a good job of listening to general strategy so I don't want to come off as a huge dick. Consider this constructive criticism:

- Deny and harass! You are king range fucko, if you're in a lane with a melee hero on your team you should be constantly right clicking any fucking chump ass bitch oppo who tries to come in and get last hits or denies. Just keep harassing them. Get last hits and stuff when you can, but when you and I were in a lane you should have been harassing and denying and letting Nyx get cash because as soon as I hit 6 I can go gank while you can stay and farm.

- Follow a guide but not all guides are always right. I'm guessing the guide you were following was a mid build which is why you got the bottle (which I assume you had skipped at first).

- Don't spam that sniper shot. You should be getting kills with it like every time, not harassing with it.

This isn't all that bad (unless creeps are being targeted...) because it can sort of be the lead up to an engagement or a gank. The cooldown is also very short so it makes it fairly strong early on to use it often.


This isn't all that bad (unless creeps are being targeted...) because it can sort of be the lead up to an engagement or a gank. The cooldown is also very short so it makes it fairly strong early on to use it often.

This was sort of mid-game when we are facing off across the river. He shot me with it and it did like nothing since I was full health. Then he died before it came back from cool down.

The people I see who are successful with sniper play him like a sniper! Hang back and pick low health dudes off.


I'm not sure on the cool down but if it's fairly short it might be best to snipe as a team fight starts and then again as it ends.

Also on a slightly related note. With Zeus's ult, do you use it at the beginning of team fights or the end? I was thinking in the beginning so it does maximal damage to all heroes.


This was sort of mid-game when we are facing off across the river. He shot me with it and it did like nothing since I was full health. Then he died before it came back from cool down.

The people I see who are successful with sniper play him like a sniper! Hang back and pick low health dudes off.

Generally you want good enough farm where your ultimate isn't even worth the time to use eventually. It's only really useful in the early to mid game and the occasional pick off on someone with super low health running away.

I'm not sure on the cool down but if it's fairly short it might be best to snipe as a team fight starts and then again as it ends.

Also on a slightly related note. With Zeus's ult, do you use it at the beginning of team fights or the end? I was thinking in the beginning so it does maximal damage to all heroes.

Yeah you start with it and finish with it ideally. Might need a support with mana boots to insure this though.

Zeus: If you are setting up a team fight it's good to lead with it right as you engage, but most people will want the kills so you don't see that often.


Couple things I want to stress from the last game we played last night.

There is a certain point in the match where farming in the jungle just shouldn't be done anymore unless it calls for it. There were so many times when we had a chance to push or gank and we would never have a full team together. Items are important but there are more effiecient ways to farm up gold than stay in the jungle farming.

BkBs...This should be priority if you are a hero that should be one of the first ones in with a stun or a spell like that. Pure damage items can come later as even if you had all those damage items, you could still get melted down by their whole team. The team we were playing against had a lot of high damage magic spells and it would have helped greatly.

Priority of targets and rax needs to be stressed. We had a couple times when we got down a rax and some people stayed back hitting creeps or we had a fight in their base and people were farming creeps outside of it. We had a chance to get super creeps with just one rax half way down and I was the only one hitting it. It could have prevented that last push the team made right down river. Stuff like this comes after playing for a long time, but perhaps by putting it out there for you guys, it'll come a little quicker.

Shots from the Point
♦Shots can now be flush against the ice (in previous years, there was always at least some height to the shot)
♦Teammates Avoid – AI players will recognize shooting scenarios (they will move earlier to positions for deflections/rebounds and do a better job avoiding shots on way to the net).


♦Shots that are flush to the ice can now be deflected up off the ice and over the goalie.
♦Players recognize their own position in front of the net and will take that angle into account when trying for a deflection. (For example: They may try to pop it up more when closer to the net)
♦Players will try and deflect the puck to a location on the net that gives them a higher chance to score rather than just a random angle:
♦A shot to the top half of the net will be deflected downwards
♦When cheating to one side, players will try to deflect the puck to the opposite side of the goalie.
♦Players will try to gather the puck after a deflection in front of the net if they are in a bad spot to attempt a shot.


♦Goalies are less likely to get over and cover a one-timer if a player sells the shot before making a pass.
♦If a goalie has to move, or if a shooter is far outside of their original vision path, the less effective a goalie will be at reading the shot trajectory or velocity of a one-timer.

Puck Possession Intelligence

♦In setup situations, offensive players will have more urgency going after rebounds and won’t consider the puck turned over as quickly (especially when using an aggressive offensive strategy).
Shots from the slot
♦When you’re taking shots from the slot, the goalie will be unable to cover the entire net.


♦Goalies are now much more aware of the player’s body, the puck’s position and the handedness of the attacking player. They can now favor a player’s forehand, understanding what a player is capable of based on their current momentum.
♦If a goalie is reading deke from an attacking player he will sit deeper in net and it will be easier to beat him with a shot. However, he is also less likely to bite as much on a first move.
♦A quick shot can catch a goalie off-guard, especially if they are thinking pass or deke.

Maybe I won't be such trash on breakaways this year!


Frazier was unwilling to go to Rutgers, goes to Northern Illinois instead.

How does that make you feel A to the AT AT.

It wasn't that he was unwilling to go. There was a woman on the search team that decided Julie Hermann was her candidate and it was the only move to be made that would be a progressive hire (female > minority I guess), then completely bypassed the process to get it accomplished (Hermann didn't even appear on the list of 50+ potential AD candidates that the executive search firm Rutgers hired provided to them). She fast tracked Hermann as a candidate and didn't even do a half-decent background check on her, look at how that worked out for them.

I don't believe Frazier got a fair shake at the end of the hiring process. Good for him for finding something else, I'm sure he'll do well there. Still a really regretful, foolish decision by Rutgers not to hire him.


Ferny/FMT it looks like we will get new videos, etc at comic con for KI, but they confirmed at gamescon they will announce and show all characters and features.
Ferny/FMT it looks like we will get new videos, etc at comic con for KI, but they confirmed at gamescon they will announce and show all characters and features.

They owe us 2 reveals with gameplay!

Glacius looks so bad ass and his move set is awesome. They are working my hype level higher and higher!


I like playing with LiveWire because he does a good job of listening to general strategy so I don't want to come off as a huge dick. Consider this constructive criticism:

- Deny and harass! You are king range fucko, if you're in a lane with a melee hero on your team you should be constantly right clicking any fucking chump ass bitch oppo who tries to come in and get last hits or denies. Just keep harassing them. Get last hits and stuff when you can, but when you and I were in a lane you should have been harassing and denying and letting Nyx get cash because as soon as I hit 6 I can go gank while you can stay and farm.

I deny quite a bit, I think I actually had the most denies of both teams in one of the matches last night. The problem is, that king range really doesn't come into play until level 3 of the E skill. As soon as I go in for a hit, an aggressive player will come right at me, and I have to move back. If I'm in a solo lane it's not a problem. But on a side lane, it's helpful to have the other player get my back by coming up to intimidate the opponent(s) as well. The problem with one of the games we played over the weekend against the vets is that the noobs were so concerned with not getting killed (which is good, and I've been much more focused on that myself in all of my recent games), that they weren't able to make a presence and get those denies/harass/ganks. It's a fine line between all of this, and I'm well aware of it.

- Follow a guide but not all guides are always right. I'm guessing the guide you were following was a mid build which is why you got the bottle (which I assume you had skipped at first).

The bottle wasn't on the guide, but I've found it helpful at times in games where it felt like there wasn't going to be a big 5v5 throwdown every so often. For example against heroes with good escapability or invis, I would fire off a warning shot to lower their health right as they engage a teammate, which usually turns into their death because the team gangs up on them. Then the fight might disperse and people re-engage elsewhere on the map within 20-30 seconds, and the cooldown is up and I'm ready to go. tl;dr -- I've found with the bottle even in late game I can get 5 shots off in as little time as it takes the cooldown and help supress enemies for the team. I should NEVER be within less than maximum shot range in games until I have full farm (two yashas/two critical blades and level 18 or 19). By then I can usually ministun most heroes to death even from melee range.

- Don't spam that sniper shot. You should be getting kills with it like every time, not harassing with it.

See above.


Loooool unfinished content creation is now pitched as a day one free DLC download:

“So when you first boot up the game, we’re going to ask you to log in,” he explained. “And when you log in you’re going to get the Drivatars and you’re also going to get a whole bunch of content: tracks and cars. Our production schedule is such that we are putting them in as late as possible and that means making them free as downloadable content on Day One.

After that, Greenawalt said, Forza 5 is like your refrigerator. “You have to fill it up with food the first time,” he explained. “And from then on, you connect whenever you want when you want to update your food. The Drivatars are as fresh as they are. It’s not like they’re going to degrade, but when you’re looking for new stuff – fresh stuff…it’s going to keep evolving. That’s the nature of this Drivatar system.”

“We’re not making a launch game. We’re making Forza 5, at launch.”



I deny quite a bit, I think I actually had the most denies of both teams in one of the matches last night. The problem is, that king range really doesn't come into play until level 3 of the E skill. As soon as I go in for a hit, an aggressive player will come right at me, and I have to move back. If I'm in a solo lane it's not a problem. But on a side lane, it's helpful to have the other player get my back by coming up to intimidate the opponent(s) as well. The problem with one of the games we played over the weekend against the vets is that the noobs were so concerned with not getting killed (which is good, and I've been much more focused on that myself in all of my recent games), that they weren't able to make a presence and get those denies/harass/ganks. It's a fine line between all of this, and I'm well aware of it.

The bottle wasn't on the guide, but I've found it helpful at times in games where it felt like there wasn't going to be a big 5v5 throwdown every so often. For example against heroes with good escapability or invis, I would fire off a warning shot to lower their health right as they engage a teammate, which usually turns into their death because the team gangs up on them. Then the fight might disperse and people re-engage elsewhere on the map within 20-30 seconds, and the cooldown is up and I'm ready to go. tl;dr -- I've found with the bottle even in late game I can get 5 shots off in as little time as it takes the cooldown and help supress enemies for the team. I should NEVER be within less than maximum shot range in games until I have full farm (two yashas/two critical blades and level 18 or 19). By then I can usually ministun most heroes to death even from melee range.

See above.



I deny quite a bit, I think I actually had the most denies of both teams in one of the matches last night. The problem is, that king range really doesn't come into play until level 3 of the E skill. As soon as I go in for a hit, an aggressive player will come right at me, and I have to move back. If I'm in a solo lane it's not a problem. But on a side lane, it's helpful to have the other player get my back by coming up to intimidate the opponent(s) as well. The problem with one of the games we played over the weekend against the vets is that the noobs were so concerned with not getting killed (which is good, and I've been much more focused on that myself in all of my recent games), that they weren't able to make a presence and get those denies/harass/ganks. It's a fine line between all of this, and I'm well aware of it.

The bottle wasn't on the guide, but I've found it helpful at times in games where it felt like there wasn't going to be a big 5v5 throwdown every so often. For example against heroes with good escapability or invis, I would fire off a warning shot to lower their health right as they engage a teammate, which usually turns into their death because the team gangs up on them. Then the fight might disperse and people re-engage elsewhere on the map within 20-30 seconds, and the cooldown is up and I'm ready to go. tl;dr -- I've found with the bottle even in late game I can get 5 shots off in as little time as it takes the cooldown and help supress enemies for the team. I should NEVER be within less than maximum shot range in games until I have full farm (two yashas/two critical blades and level 18 or 19). By then I can usually ministun most heroes to death even from melee range.

See above.

You should never have two Yashas... And you should never have a bottle in the late game. Make an Aquila over a bottle. That will give you the mana regen and damage at least. And I'm hoping that's a mistake when you said "two critical blades" as well. That doesn't stack. Just make Daedalus. You need to really read the item descriptions. Otherwise you are gonna be a completely worthless carry at the end game with those item "builds" you just mentioned.



Very helpful reply, 10/10 would read again!

You should never have two Yashas... And you should never have a bottle in the late game. Make an Aquila over a bottle. That will give you the mana regen and damage at least. And I'm hoping that's a mistake when you said "two critical blades" as well. That doesn't stack. Just make Daedalus. You need to really read the item descriptions. Otherwise you are gonna be a completely worthless carry at the end game with those item "builds" you just mentioned.

Now THAT is actually helpful. Thanks Trasher. I didn't know they didn't stack. Makes sense now that I saw Deadalus pop up as 3400 (1000 to complete) in late games. I think it bumps dmg by 81 and crit over 200%?


Movement speed doesn't stack with multiple Yashas either.

What you can do with your build is this: Wraith band (I noticed you get two but that's not completely necessary), Wraith band builds into Ring of Aquila (Wraith band + Ring of Basilius), Power Treads, Yasha, Manta Style (Yasha + Ultimate Orb + recipe), Crystalys, Daedalus (Crystalus + Demon Edge + Recipe).

Do something like that if those are the items you are comfortable with. Shadow Blade is also another really good item because it gives attack speed + damage + invisibility. Helm of the Dominator is also decent as well for the extra little bit of damage and the life leech. Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, and Mjolnir are also good items too.


Loooool unfinished content creation is now pitched as a day one free DLC download

I knew as soon as I saw the thread you'd be in here making some stupid ass comment.

I am 100% ok with this for a launch/launch window game. Considering how rushed launch games are with cert. etc. After that if it's not an online only game then I think it's an issue to force a day one patch (note: force, not have one, having one is fine).


If you guys want to try new heroes, feel free to ask us here or wherever as to what item builds are the best for who you want to play. We can give you good builds to start with so you can get into a good habit of building the right things for your hero. It's especially important for carries who are ultimately completely dependent on their end game builds. You don't want to end up playing an entire game without being useful for any minute of it.


If you guys want to try new heroes, feel free to ask us here or wherever as to what item builds are the best for who you want to play. We can give you good builds to start with so you can get into a good habit of building the right things for your hero. It's especially important for carries who are ultimately completely dependent on their end game builds. You don't want to end up playing an entire game without being useful for any minute of it.

I think NewbLuke was looking for tips on buzz saw.


Eznark, you should have bought retail SMT4. The package is awesome.

But it isn't the main star of the show. GOTY Dynasty Warriors 8 is in the house!
The problem with one of the games we played over the weekend against the vets is that the noobs were so concerned with not getting killed , that they weren't able to make a presence and get those denies/harass/ganks. It's a fine line between all of this, and I'm well aware of it.

I think you meant to say "us noobs" and "we" ;)


With companies cutting back or getting rid of instruction manuals, Dynasty Warriors 8 includes a 50 page color manual. Based Koei you rule. 50 pages when ultimately I'll be mashing on square and triangle for the next 40 hours. Amazing.


intangibles, motherfucker
With companies cutting back or getting rid of instruction manuals, Dynasty Warriors 8 includes a 50 page color manual. Based Koei you rule. 50 pages when ultimately I'll be mashing on square and triangle for the next 40 hours. Amazing.

They could have saved the trees on that one
Movement speed doesn't stack with multiple Yashas either.

What you can do with your build is this: Wraith band (I noticed you get two but that's not completely necessary), Wraith band builds into Ring of Aquila (Wraith band + Ring of Basilius), Power Treads, Yasha, Manta Style (Yasha + Ultimate Orb + recipe), Crystalys, Daedalus (Crystalus + Demon Edge + Recipe).

Do something like that if those are the items you are comfortable with. Shadow Blade is also another really good item because it gives attack speed + damage + invisibility. Helm of the Dominator is also decent as well for the extra little bit of damage and the life leech. Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, and Mjolnir are also good items too.

Desolator is really good on him too.
Shrapnel build? Ugh, gross.

mouz.Synderen put together a pretty thorough guide on warding as Radiant. Definitely a good watch for people that are still trying to figure out warding. Some of it is definitely beyond the scope of pub games though, I would focus on 1:40-4:40.


Thanks! I never thought about aggressively warding to siege towers. I think that will be really valuable for noob mm's cause we are always pretty passive when it comes to pushing. This will give us some good vision and hopefully allow us to push better.


With companies cutting back or getting rid of instruction manuals, Dynasty Warriors 8 includes a 50 page color manual. Based Koei you rule. 50 pages when ultimately I'll be mashing on square and triangle for the next 40 hours. Amazing.

50 pages to tell you how to mash a button mindlessly?


intangibles, motherfucker
Wait. Killer Instinct got booed at Evo? Funny how that didnt get reported on here by Frenchie!


With companies cutting back or getting rid of instruction manuals, Dynasty Warriors 8 includes a 50 page color manual. Based Koei you rule. 50 pages when ultimately I'll be mashing on square and triangle for the next 40 hours. Amazing.

yo you really gonna pump up dynasty warriors 8?

cmon bob
Wait. Killer Instinct got booed at Evo? Funny how that didnt get reported on here by Frenchie!

why are you concerned about KI? you'll just watch a couple minutes on youtube and base your impressions off that


and as already stated, MS was booed not KI you dumbass biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!


Wait. Killer Instinct got booed at Evo? Funny how that didnt get reported on here by Frenchie!

No they boo'd anytime Xbox One or MS was shown, the actual game the crowd was into it till the 3rd one when they started chanting marvel cause it was running over.
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