He should have gone with it instead of stirring the pot.
Keep holding out hope, Boobs.
Luke could chime in and give us the real talk on the topic. No one else has. Strangest move ever if true.
what did smokey say
Maybe Smokes got banned on purpose so that we will feel bad for him and play BLOPS 2 with him.
Here's the deal...somewhat. From a dev at one of the biggest in the industry. Just a messenger here.
Dev still a little cagey to give out 100% concrete numbers unfortunately like I was previously told, so I apologize ahead of time that they're not as detailed, but these are supposed to be the closest to detailed info I get on the OS footprint:
-At most, the OS uses 1.5GB, with a good amount of that helping the HD recording feature and on the fly switching/ multi tasking
-4.5GB is indeed about what's available for devs at present.
-1GB is set aside for futureproofing OS operations down the line.
-1GB for developer reserve, should they need it
And finally as an important point, I'm being told the faster RAM in the PS4 does in fact make a huge difference.
Sounds like that Eurogamer article is misleading.. Poor Somnia. When you see Leadbutter is the author you take pause.
Sounds like that Eurogamer article is misleading.. Poor Somnia. When you see Leadbutter is the author you take pause.
I'll be glad when we can get back to debating which system has the better games and stop the pissing matches over unconfirmed specs.
I'll be glad when we can get back to debating which system has the better games and stop the pissing matches over unconfirmed specs.
Did you just ignore my last paragraph where I said it doesn't matter?
None of this spec shit matters to me. The only time I care about specs is when I build a PC.
What're you talking about AT? How are you not excited about Ryse and Dead Rising?!
AT, how do you usually build your NP?
Starting to practice my jungle NP and I go midas -> treads -> shadow blade -> deso
Not really sure what to get after that...
AT, how do you usually build your NP?
Starting to practice my jungle NP and I go midas -> treads -> shadow blade -> deso
Not really sure what to get after that...
AT, how do you usually build your NP?
Starting to practice my jungle NP and I go midas -> treads -> shadow blade -> deso
Not really sure what to get after that...
Get a sheepstick
Do you start with Basilius?
NP is a hero where I am really flexible with everything in my build after Treads, depending on the game. Shadowblade is in the mix more often than not lately. If the other team has blink heroes or other heroes that can be shut down with a silence (ex. Weaver, Storm Spirit), I usually go Orchid, then Sheep Stick. If I really need pushing power, Necro Book (also great if they have invis heroes) and Maelstrom. If we really need DPS, Deso and Daedelus or MKB.
Sheep Stick is definitely always good on Furion though.
Gotta find it amusing anytime Bob thinks we give as much of a fuck about this console war as he does
Yet I'm not the one who got banned.
MS and Sony should be thrilled people are being immature fanboys about meaningless system specs and ignoring how awful all the games for their new systems are.Unless you don't own a PC.
No KI on pc bruh!
Jennings is going to make a pro bowl QB of Ponder:
I don't even know if I can rip Rodgers here. Sounds like sour grapes.