Why would he want to play that game?
because it has Ashe
Showdown Effect is $5. Who will play it with me?
Why Soka plays LoL:
You're better than this Soka.
He's not.
McNeily, I'm mondo cool!
You should know you liar.
Blood Dragon is great.
Anyone who doesn't like blood dragon has no soul.So far only FMT doesn't like it. We should make fun of him!
Dota doesn't run well enough on this laptop for how quick you need to do some things in that game.The sacrifices I make for my friends... I was really looking forward to playing DOTA 2! CB, do you want to join us? Maybe we could get 10 people. Wouldn't that be great?
So far only FMT doesn't like it. We should make fun of him!
you guys better be playing dota 2 next week still!
Good start for the MaddenGAF Dota 2 team.
Holy shit. I want to play in that dumpster tier!
Holy shit. I want to play in that dumpster tier!
LOL, just noticed the name "Goos are Perfection". Is that Luke?
It was so low tier that I played riki in the second game.
Why do we have to wait a week?
Who's got the broncos? I should be around this evening after 8ish depending on when my kid goes to sleep.