I wonder if they'll bring back league customization ... or leagues at all
The dream is dead. Forced to play randoms 95 percent of the time for my fix
I wonder if they'll bring back league customization ... or leagues at all
GopherD said:Does anyone know what the sound of 2500 jaws hitting the floor at the same time sounds like?
You soon will.
GopherD said:There are so many really frustrated devs at the moment who will be trying to gain attention for some damn amazing work over the next few days, and its getting drowned in (justifiably) negative shit.
If the industry decides to allow corporate wanks to throw handbags at 10 paces, then let them. Let's remember what makes us excited about working and playing in this field. Hype it up!
And let Nomura's Return be EPIC![]()
GopherD said:What the hell? I leave for 15 minutes and you brought the place down already, Bird?
A man, both wise and weathered, stood up in front of you all and said...
"Let nothing come between the platform and the joy of play"
I'm king of what I do. Not worried.
Also, Sony adding more games to PS Plus:
Uncharted 3, Xcom, and uhhh, LBP Karting WOOOO.
Sony really wants those PS Plus subs.
I came here to escape the horrible NBA thread and it's Kobe discussion DURING the finals and I come here to get trolled by you guys
I'm officially homeless.
Kobe would have won that game last night
Play through xcom ten more times? Fuck yes Sony!
I reading through an old HBR as I wait for this fucking clown to stop pretending he has more important people to talk to than me and there is a little feature on EA using analytical and market research in making publishing and promotion decisions. Fucking tired of video games man.
He did win that game last night
by playing nba 2k on his couch
dota tonight?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
Sorry bro, I have a bachelor party to attend. No Dota for anyone this weekend.
I'll be around for dota.
Oh, shit. Can I play DOTA tonight since BigBullyAT isn't around?
Oh, shit. Can I play DOTA tonight since BigBullyAT isn't around?
While I agree that generally AT is a huge twat, he is actually incredibly pleasant and patient in Dota.
I try to keep my frustrated screaming, desk pounding and cursing off mic.
When boobs is on your team you just sort of accept your fate and don't care about losing.
Revengence to PC. No console future materializing.
Fucking gaming side is nothing but rookie Bobs c/p'ing talking points with zero finesse or creativity. Such a waste of money.
So, Microsoft wins in the end and Sony has terrible aim? Makes sense.
I tried to get into the Animal Crossing games a few times. The game always looks way more fun than it actually is. I won't let myself be tricked a 3rd time!
Is anyone getting animal crossing? I don't know what you can do over the internet with others but it could be interesting.
Fucking game. I was remembering how I spent a ton of time on the GameCube one and an urge to get this one came out of no where.
I've never played one but I on the last mansion in Luigi so I will probably grab it. I have zero clue what they are. Are they like FarmVille?
No. $35. $30 at k-mart!Yeah, I watched a couple minutes of the GB quicklook and am intrigued. Is it $50?