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Official Mario Strikers Charged League: North America Edition

dear vumpler,

sorry i entered my wii code instead of my friend code. i did not know they different. also, it took me forever to find it. anyway, i have since updated my info, so could you update it on the list?



Milabrega said:
<--- Did not get PM

And Damnit Magicked Week 1 I better start juicin my players.

Haha. I haven't played too much in the past few days, so it may be a better game than you think.:D

Anyway, I should be around for our match today. If I catch you on, I'll send you the invite!
tetrisgrammaton 2(7) - penguin 1(6)

good games, penguin!

NOTE: i am changing my Mii so that my record will reflect only my GAF league record, minus the one match i've already played. New Mii Name= Bert

EDIT: fixed


Way to show up for our pregame match, deduce :lol

Is no one playing? We have till tuesday guys...

Let's game some practice games in. If you want to get some friendlies in, let me know.

Also, what happens if you pm who you're supposed to play and they don't get back to you?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Akinola said:
Also, what happens if you pm who you're supposed to play and they don't get back to you?
Then they get booted from the league.

This is a mandatory game. BUt it looks like we're only going to have 8 people for the league....


Akinola said:
Way to show up for our pregame match, deduce :lol
Yeah, I went on for a good 5 minutes that night and decided I couldn't stand to be away from my Odin Sphere. Don't worry, I won't miss our season game.
Hopefully I don't get eliminated too early.
vumpler said:
Then they get booted from the league.

This is a mandatory game. BUt it looks like we're only going to have 8 people for the league....

8? I count 6 who played their match. If we remove tetrisgrammaton it's 5. Come on people, play you matches :(


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Guys lets be honest, we wanted a truly active league and that is not what this has become.. Now I know david will play all his games because he loves the game and is my little brother that lives in a different state. So we play all the time.

Now what we can do is restructure the league and have signups all over again. Because this large format is not working.

We could set it up to where its more like american football scheduling, you play each person 2-3 times and then we could do a league with like 10 people and it still be really competitive.

Up to you guys.


Let's see how many people play their first match tonight and tomorrow. If the numbers are low, I say we take the remaining people and structure it like vumpler just said. That way we already know who is active.

I also don't think that east and west will be too big of a deal, judging from most of the feedback on it.

And Mila, I'll be on @ 9 as well.


Mii 2 (9) MrPlow1817 1 (7)

Match Recap: Starters Week - Match 1: MrPlow1817 @ Mii
Arena: Classic: The Underground

Game 1: 2-1 Mii
Game 2: 4-3 MrPlow1817
Game 3: 4-2 Mii

Notes: 4 Star Connection, with some slight lag in the first Game. Nothing after, though.


As for people not playing, I didn't have the time until now. Have we IMed any of the ones that are MIA right now? Check with them to see how things are going and if they still are up for this.

I'm certainly up for this until the end, though.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. I had a question about how we are supposed to set-up our matches. Did we decide on a standard difficulty level? It's odd that I don't even know what the default for this is (like during "Ranked" games), but you have to select it yourself when playing a Friendly.


DeceitDecide said:
Oh yeah, that reminds me. I had a question about how we are supposed to set-up our matches. Did we decide on a standard difficulty level? It's odd that I don't even know what the default for this is (like during "Ranked" games), but you have to select it yourself when playing a Friendly.

I've been wondering what the default is for ranked games myself. It seems like level 5 difficulty is the best though, but I don't know what the difference is really.

On another note, I just played a ranked match against a guy who was 25-1. As soon as I saw that I knew it was probably another dc'er. We played the first game through and it was actually a really close match. He eeked me out 3-2. The second match was equally as close. It was tied 2-2 all the way until the last 2 seconds when he left my Boo open to make a shot from the half line! Anyway, I mashed down A to skip through the replays and right after time ran out I got the disconnect message. I checked my record immediately and saw the win recorded! Gotcha fucker! :D


Milabrega 2 (8) Magicked 0 (6)
Match Recap: Starters Week - Match 1: Milabrega @ Magicked
Arena: The Vice

Game 1: 4-3 Milabrega
Game 2: 4-3 Milabrega

Notes: 3/4 Star Connection, I was experiencing some chops especially during face offs dunno about Magicked. Storm in my area probably causing it.

Tough match as expected, I went into Panic mode when i heard the crowd chanting your captain's name.


Yea, I felt some chops too. No long pauses or anything though, so it was good enough.

It was definitely a tough match. I had problems getting my megastrike off though with my special. I'll get you next time! :D


Been trying to get a hold of tim1138 for our match and have been unsuccessful so far. No response to PMs and I never see him on AIM. I'll keep trying though.


SpeedRazor said:
Been trying to get a hold of tim1138 for our match and have been unsuccessful so far. No response to PMs and I never see him on AIM. I'll keep trying though.

He's on AIM right now. Remember that its TimD1138 for AIM
Match Summary

Akinola 0 (3) - DeceitDecide 2 (12)

Game 1: Akinola 3 - DeceitDecide 4
Game 2: Akinola 0 - DeceitDecide 8

Good games, Aki! And you're right, I got away with a couple pretty sleaze-ball goals in that second game. A couple lobbed one-timers with Dry Bones and Toad that shouldn't have gone in for sure. I mean, you never know with a white ball, but in my book crappy shooters like that probably shouldn't score on those shots.


DeceitDecide said:
Good games, Aki! And you're right, I got away with a couple pretty sleaze-ball goals in that second game. A couple lobbed one-timers with Dry Bones and Toad that shouldn't have gone in for sure. I mean, you never know with a white ball, but in my book crappy shooters like that probably shouldn't score on those shots.

I hate it when that happens against me, but I can say that I usually don't worry when an opponent takes a white ball shot against me with one of those characters. Although, dry bones' electric shot goes straight in more often than it probably should in my experience.

Has anyone else noticed that Mario and Luigi seem to be abnormally good at making regular shots? Perhaps I've just been unlucky, but whenever I play against one of these two online they seem to score with just about every shot. What's the point of taking a captain with top shooting if it doesn't make a difference?


That top shooting rating really effs with the goalie. Also, those power captains like DK have good slide tackles and big hits to compensate for their shitty movement.

But never has a deficit like that happened to me before. I don't mind that I lost, but I mind that I lost by such a wide margin. Usually DK gives me no problems, but I guess I'm not used to seeing hammer bros that don't spam constantly. DK is also really popular online, probably up there with Waluigi.

If anyone is up for some friendlies tonight after I get done playing Metroid, drop me a line. I have some strats to try out.

Also, I'm used to playing on a variety of stages. Usually when I'm playing a ranked series, I'm put in the most ridiculous of levels and my team can adapt pretty well, so I'm still confident. Those that play me might bet burned tonight (In the Lava pit), or shocked (stormship stadium).

So I'll see you guys for a kickaround tonight


Magicked said:
Has anyone else noticed that Mario and Luigi seem to be abnormally good at making regular shots? Perhaps I've just been unlucky, but whenever I play against one of these two online they seem to score with just about every shot. What's the point of taking a captain with top shooting if it doesn't make a difference?

For me, I have this issue with Luigi. When I play Luigi players, regardless of their Win Loss and Points, almost EVERY shot goes in. It gets ridiculous. I'll be essentially controlling the game, and then just a small pass to and kick by Luigi and the game is tied up.

I fear anyone who uses Luigi.

As for today being the deadline for the mandatory game, I think the date should be delayed. I've talked to a number of people on AIM who are planning their matches but the time alotted to play this match has been too short for them. Perhaps an extra day or two?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
The only problem with extending matches to a 1 week time frame is that this league would last forever. Right now the major game for the wii is Charged, but once more games start hitting the market people aren't going to want to give as much time to charged. If we have 10 weeks of just regular season in charged you're talking about 2 and a half months before the first playoffs.. That's a lot of time for some people to turn and flake on us. 5 days should be the MAX to get a game in. The game takes 10 minutes!??!? It's just not that hard I don't care what your schedule is.


I don't really have much sympathy either for people who don't think they can get a match in. As vumpler said, most games take 10 minutes. Yes, they could last 20 minutes with all 3 games being played and OT, but it really isn't a huge time commitment.

I'd say this Tuesday deadline is fair enough. It was meant to weed out the people who either lost interest, or would drag the league down because they were slow on their matches.
CrookedRain 2 (17) @ Bumpkin 0 (3)

Game 1: CrookedRain 12 - Bumpkin 1
Game 2: CrookedRain 5 - Bumpkin 2

First game, everything was flying in the goal. I kinda felt bad. Bumpkin increased his ball movement in the second game and it ended up being much closer. Good game, Bumpkin.


5 days would be optimal, as most leagues (Madden anyway) have seen. 4 days may be right in the middle of a person's work week. Not caring about what you're schedule is, well, is a bit thick headed. And it's not just your own schedule you're worried about, it's someone elses as well. with Widgetraf, he tried messaging me a few times, while I was at work, I'd get on AIM and not see him around and go to bed. Finally got a hold of him yesterday, but hew as AFK. I waited for about an hour, I think, then went to doing other things. He messaged me back while I was away and I was finishing up what I was doing and going to bed.
Now, we agreed to try to play tonight, but I had to go away, came back, and it looks like now he's AFK.

Your hard deadline is a bit silly, considering the timeframe. while 4 and 5 days may not be too different, it helps to make sure you can set aside some time to play. Sure, it may only take 30 minutes to play all the games, but if two people are constantly missing each other, that's pretty lame I think.

Anyway, Raf, if you're around, my Wii is waiting for you ;)


CrookedRain said:
CrookedRain 2 (17) @ Bumpkin 0 (3)

Game 1: CrookedRain 12 - Bumpkin 1
Game 2: CrookedRain 5 - Bumpkin 2

First game, everything was flying in the goal. I kinda felt bad. Bumpkin increased his ball movement in the second game and it ended up being much closer. Good game, Bumpkin.
Thanks, CrookedRain! I may have gotten beat, but it was a good match. :)

I definitely need to practice a bit more. Perhaps we can play again another time! :D


Match Summary

widgetraf 2 (4) vs Miguel 1 (2)

Game 1: widgetraf 1 - Miguel 2
Game 2: widgetraf 1 - Miguel 0
Game 3: widgetraf 2 - Miguel 0

6 goals in the whole match. Can you say low scoring? :D

Great game though, a lot of really tense moments since every goal counts.

edit: fixed format. sorry about the delay, was playing you know what and I lost track of time :lol


Just a quick recap guys.

8/15 games have been played, scores are as follows:

Slacker 2(9) vs Meta-Knight 0(6)
tetrisgrammaton 2(7) vs penguin 1(6)
Jackson 2(6) vs Deduce 1(3)
Mii 2(9) vs MrPlow1817 1(7)
Milabrega 2(8) vs Magicked 0(6)
DeceitDecide 2 (12) vs Akinola 0(3)
CrookedRain 2 (17) vs Bumpkin 0 (3)
widgetraf 2 (4) vs Miguel 1 (2)


Another thing about my rant earlier.

Posting a game + schedule + expecting the game to be played in 3-4 days I doubt would work in the long run.

If you had at least a few weeks built up already (as in, have the scheduling for week 1 posted before the season even starts, so we can have a chance to communicate with who we're supposed to match up against well in advance of the game. This gives people a chance to actually find out that person's schedule, and see when in the allotted time frame you can get the game in. The "weeks" may not have to be 7 days, but at least give enough advanced notice so we can avoid scheduling conflicts.

Not having the real week 1 already posted is just eating into time that we could be attempting to message whoever our next opponent is.

Now about the game:

:lol going by my few games the past 2-3 weeks, I think I'm gonna end up getting the GAF Brick Wall award. While I don't score much myself, I don't allow much either :lol

Good games widgetraf.


Miguel said:
If you had at least a few weeks built up already (as in, have the scheduling for week 1 posted before the season even starts, so we can have a chance to communicate with who we're supposed to match up against well in advance of the game. This gives people a chance to actually find out that person's schedule, and see when in the allotted time frame you can get the game in. The "weeks" may not have to be 7 days, but at least give enough advanced notice so we can avoid scheduling conflicts.

I'm definitely for this, as well as flexibility with moving a game out of the 'required' week if necessary. For instance, I will be without a TV from the 25th to about the 1st or 2nd I believe. Some leniency with being able to push back or forward games would be greatly appreciated. If I could, I'd get done all games until the 10th done right now.
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