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Official MLB 13: The Show Online League Thread


I have no fucking clue how to early steal.

I just mash L2 and hope for the best since the runners jump seems to be random and not really responsive to input


I have no fucking clue how to early steal.

I just mash L2 and hope for the best since the runners jump seems to be random and not really responsive to input

I'm not quite sure how to do it this year. it used to be you pointed to a base runner with the left stick then pressed the button corresponding to the base you wanted to steal. I think. this year it's different.


If hes just hitting L2 its fine.

Its only a quick steal when the runner takes off before a pitch is even thrown and your pitcher is still holding the ball, while it goes to the fielding view. That type of bullshit won't fly.


Its only a quick steal when the runner takes off before a pitch is even thrown and your pitcher is still holding the ball, while it goes to the fielding view. That type of bullshit won't fly.

that's what happened, just trying to figure out how he's triggering it. I don't believe it was intentionally done.


Well if that's whats happening then mashing L2 might be the issue? I only hit it once and that's all it needs.

As far as L2 being random...Guys with good BR ability should get early jumps when the pitch is thrown.


Well if that's whats happening then mashing L2 might be the issue? I only hit it once and that's all it needs.

As far as L2 being random...Guys with good BR ability should get early jumps when the pitch is thrown.

if you hold down L2, you get a vibration on the controller, and, when you let go, the runner immediately takes off.

if you just press down L2 and release it immediately, you queue him up to steal on the pitch delivery.


I'd love to! I am very patient. I care not for winning. We played til 3 am last night including three in-houses. Never a better time to learn.

Who has the Angels?


Lol Gg

Top of the 8th, lead off batter grounds into a routine out to second. Weeks fields the ball cleanly, throws to firs......wait, uh, pump faked to first but decided to hold onto the ball and refuses to throw it. Ok. Safe.

Next man up scorches one to Segura for a simple double play. Jean fields it cleanly, flips it to Weeks....wait, the ball is filled with helium! The flip goes 40 feet in the air and lands in right field.

Of course that guy scores to go up 6-5 which is how the game ends.

Amazing work, Sony. Fuck yourselves.


Lol Gg

Top of the 8th, lead off batter grounds into a routine out to second. Weeks fields the ball cleanly, throws to firs......wait, uh, pump faked to first but decided to hold onto the ball and refuses to throw it. Ok. Safe.

Next man up scorches one to Segura for a simple double play. Jean fields it cleanly, flips it to Weeks....wait, the ball is filled with helium! The flip goes 40 feet in the air and lands in right field.

Of course that guy scores to go up 6-5 which is how the game ends.

Amazing work, Sony. Fuck yourselves.

Same thing happened to me in my game with bob. All the sliders are default.


I feel like the defensive sliders for throws are fine. Most of the errors I hear about or have seen sound like user/input error, controller issues + what you'd normally expect from time to time in a game. Most of my errors are definitely my own fault and are caused by me getting too anxious when trying to throw the ball (at least on button meter throwing for fielding). Analog and button throwing errors are based on the sliders + arm accuracy and power rating, button meter throwing is based on timing - with the timing window being more forgiving depending on the same ratings. I can't remember a single throwing error where I hit the green area on the meter, though the receiving player can still make an error by dropping it.

I've seen some outfielding catching errors where my opponent wouldn't stand and face in the right area to catch the ball causing them to do some motion that looks like they're having a heart attack as their body swings around and misses the ball. Not sure how to address that since it usually only happens when taking a bad route to the ball and/or lining up with the ball facing the wrong direction or stopping under it too early. That last one is kind of a pain and not sure if there's a slider to address it or if it's just working as intended. I've dropped or couldn't get to easy fly balls because I got too comfortable standing under approximately where the ball was going to land, but too far on the margins of the ball icon. You'll notice some players have bigger ball icons than others, but you want to try to be as centered as you can. I think the new ball physics are causing us to misplay them a bit, where in the past every fly ball to the outfield was basically a guaranteed out.

Fielding is definitely a touch more challenging in the outfield than it used to be and canned animations are as bad as ever on what should be bang-bang plays. If there's a slider for reaction maybe that can be bumped up a bit, maybe bump up arm accuracy and fielding a bit too, but I'm not certain how much that'll address some of the issues we're facing. I'll say that most of the time it really comes down to practice and building muscle memory for different situations. I've only played about 5 games in the last month and I'm botching plays that I normally would make, but I'm rusty and usually playing at the end of a long day when I'm tired.

I played some games earlier this year in a different league and most of those players were incredible. I very rarely saw errors that were caused by the player and they were making plays I rarely expect. They also had members who would put a lot of effort into setting up different shifts for different situations and such - micromanaging that I don't have the patience to do so I always let the CPU auto shift for me.

Last thing, which is something I've said before and probably isn't applicable to many of you guys but something I've heard other players say - analog fielding is awful awful awful. Pulse Pitching is terrible. Button Meter throwing is by far the most accurate once you get used to it, though it can cause some bad throwing errors on quick plays if you're too anxious (like I am).

Analog hitting is easy mode in some ways, but can also babip ya worse than zone hitting if you're not perfect with it. It's incredibly hard to strike out a player who uses analog hitting unless they swing at garbage because the aiming is the same as timing. All you have to do is get your stride right (which becomes incredibly easy with practice) and then time your pitches. Much much easier to turn around on high heat.

For me personally the default sliders are ok. I'm not super anal about sliders either way though, so if there's any desire to bump them one direction or the other that sounds fine to me. I do feel terrible when I see my opponent make an error in the outfield that I know they would've made most of the time. The game I had with Eznark in the last league stands out for me in particular. I had never seen so many errors or weird plays in a game in a very long time, but I've played him many times in the past and never saw what I was seeing. Not even close. And it sounds like he's having fielding issues in a lot of his games. It's either gotta be his control settings or his controller that he says has been a bit on the fritz lately.


Not sure what button I pressed to make Weeks pump fake the throw to first or even why there is a pump fake in the first place. Can't really blame it on my controller or anything really, other than the game being a mess. Press the circle button, release. Same as every other throw I've ever made to first. For some reason Weeks feigns throwing the ball but holds onto it. I've had that happen in the outfield too. Just totally unable to throw the baseball and the game can't progress until the runner scores. Thankfully since the ball was in the infield the play was considered dead once the runner settled at first.


Not sure what button I pressed to make Weeks pump fake the throw to first or even why there is a pump fake in the first place.

A pump fake throw where the throw wasn't completed only happens by cancelling the throw. I've done it before because a slow, canned animation of the throw can make me think my button didn't register, and other times when I get anxious and double press the throw button (or change my mind mid throw and want to throw it somewhere else but changing buttons also throw cancels).

Throw cancelling was added in the 2011 version which I didn't play much and it's thrown me off many times. I really wish they'd have a universal cancel button that wasn't the same as any of the face buttons.

eznark said:
Can't really blame it on my controller or anything really, other than the game being a mess. Press the circle button, release. Same as every other throw I've ever made to first. For some reason Weeks feigns throwing the ball but holds onto it. I've had that happen in the outfield too. Just totally unable to throw the baseball and the game can't progress until the runner scores. Thankfully since the ball was in the infield the play was considered dead once the runner settled at first.

It's either a controller issue where your button press is somehow being doubled or you're accidentally cancelling your throw. I believe you can turn off throw cancelling. The throw cancel animation really needs to be sped up regardless. As does the fielder transition from catching a ball and throwing it (particularly in the infield) as well as the transition from tagging a player and throwing. Where's that MLB animator guy who was posting in the other thread? That shit needs to be fixed in 2014.
If analog hitting is supposed to be easy what is "normal"?

I used to do analog pitching but that didn't register accurately. meter is ok but the random speeds make me uncomfortable. pulse pitching works for me since I can feel the timing better


Yeah, I've cancelled throws before, specifically from the outfield, but you can always throw the ball after that. In this case (and the outfield cases), he completed the throwing animation fully but the ball was never released. He then acted as though he was no longer in possession of the ball and wouldn't even fake a throw anywhere. This wasn't a cancelled throw, it was a bug.

I forgot the other awesome bug in yesterdays game. Throw beats my runner to home by about 15 feet. Catcher standing in proper position on third base side. Runner runs past him and scores. Ludicrous. That happens so damn often in this game and always has.


Yeah, I've cancelled throws before, specifically from the outfield, but you can always throw the ball after that. In this case (and the outfield cases), he completed the throwing animation fully but the ball was never released. He then acted as though he was no longer in possession of the ball and wouldn't even fake a throw anywhere. This wasn't a cancelled throw, it was a bug.

Ahh, gotcha. I've never seen that but described like that it definitely sounds like a bug.

I've had a bug happen to me twice this year that I never saw before, both times it involved hitting a ball to right field and the fielder should've caught it but didn't. So naturally I would round the bases, but if it was bad enough that I could get an inside the parker my runner would run past home and keep running into the wall. He'd run forever and ever. The only way to break this sequence is to throw the ball to first, and it counts it as an out.

Also had one this year where an outfielder threw the ball to second; the second basemen dropped the catch then kicked the ball back hundreds of feet into the stands. Only way to break that sequence was to run around the bases for an inside-the-parker.

Also had one where my right fielder threw the ball and it hit a base then flew back from that at a 45ish degree angle in the other direction and my left fielder started punching his glove and standing there like nothing was going on. Only way to break that sequence, again, was to inside-the-park it since I had no control of my fielders whatsoever.

Weird stuff.

If analog hitting is supposed to be easy what is "normal"?

I used to do analog pitching but that didn't register accurately. meter is ok but the random speeds make me uncomfortable. pulse pitching works for me since I can feel the timing better

Analog is "easy" in the sense that you don't have to aim your swing. It's all about timing with your stride and timing with when to swing the bat. Analog+zone is the hardest and very very few people use that.
Zone hitting is the most "normal". Point your swing to where the ball is going and then press the button at the right moment. It's harder to hit high-inside heat with zone because it's harder to respond quickly and accurately to that. With analog (or timing, which isn't available in most online games fortunately) hitting a ball anywhere in the zone is as easy as any other place in the zone. It's easier to respond with one input (button press or flicking the analog stick) than simultaneously aiming and pushing a button/flicking analog stick.

Why analog isn't necessarily easy is because it takes some of the player skill out of the equation. Even if you get a perfect stride and timing on analog, if you're using a hitter with poor vision there's a good chance he won't center the ball. With zone hitting, it's hard to center the ball but when you do it's because of user skill. Of course, a centered ball in either mode doesn't mean great contact; that's where the pitcher's attributes + the hitters attributes + baseball gods come in to play.

I haven't confirmed, but I also believe that using either timing or analog hitting (non-zone) puts you at a bigger disadvantage against pitchers with higher K ratings. Obviously a higher K rating is harder for any hitting mode, but I believe an analog/timing hitter is more prone to missing swing location when going against a pitcher with a good K rating.
Hopefully that stuff can get taken care of

This feels like the first time in forever that playing the game online is actually enjoyable


In future games maybe. They don't ever fix bugs in released versions.

Some things do get fixed, but there are definitely new glitches and legacy glitches that linger. Catcher glitch most notably.

There were some significant fixes earlier this year that addressed a long-time issue of the game freezing when going to the bullpen in certain situations. Usually triggered when your opponent also had 2 guys in the bullpen.

Another glitch earlier this year was there would be a recurring hitch after a pitcher would throw the ball. Always occurred a few milliseconds after release and it made trying to bat terrible.

MLB The Show 2013 Changelog

MLB The Show 2013 Issue Reporting Forum

Another issue I've seen but didn't notice it in the most recent game I played in the league - the home team's settings would apply to both players. I'm not talking about strike zone/hot zone, but rather things like hiding/showing swing/pitch info and the vertical/horizontal size and position of the screen. Also, if the home team chooses to have the ball marker fade or not be visible at all, the opponent is stuck with that too which stinks.

I shrink my screen about an inch vertically and adjust the vertical high a few ticks. I shrink the screen horizontally about a quarter of an inch. For me and the position I sit at this helps me see the ball a bit better (plus the default size always has a portion of the display not showing on my tv). When I play against an online opponent and they're the home team, my hor/vert options are stuck at whatever that other player is using.


Yeah, they fix stuff like that but they don't usually fix ball in play bugs. I can't honestly remember the last time they fixed one.


Yeah, they fix stuff like that but they don't usually fix ball in play bugs. I can't honestly remember the last time they fixed one.

The only ones I can think of are ones they created.

In 2010 a patch caused a glitch to occur where when runners on crossed home plate on a force out at first with 2 outs (either when the current hitter hit a ground ball and was going to be the third out of the inning on a routine force out at first, or a dropped third strike routine force out at first). Normally any runner that crossed home plate wouldn't get credited for a run because the inning was over on the force out, but they all counted until the glitch was fixed. That glitch lasted maybe 3 days.

The other glitch isn't so much a glitch but something wonky with the physics of the game. It's still slightly an issue, but it was ridiculous early on last season - RF assists to first for a force out. You could have a 99 speed / 99 base running guy hit a ball to right field and 9 times out of ten the right fielder with an above average arm would be able to get the force out.

This would still a problem, but the game forces the first baseman off the bag in that situation (though I believe this can still be somewhat undone by manual defensive placement) and makes the right fielder throw like shit to first base.

So while it isn't really a bug, it's an issue that was mostly fixed with an inelegant solution. Never was an issue prior to 2012.


The other glitch isn't so much a glitch but something wonky with the physics of the game. It's still slightly an issue, but it was ridiculous early on last season - RF assists to first for a force out. You could have a 99 speed / 99 base running guy hit a ball to right field and 9 times out of ten the right fielder with an above average arm would be able to get the force out.

lol yeah I remember that. I think they also fixed an issue where the dropped strike 3 throw to first would be an overthrow into right like 60% of the time.

They never fixed the issue where a dropped third strike would result in the catcher simply freezing though. And that happened a lot.


lol yeah I remember that. I think they also fixed an issue where the dropped strike 3 throw to first would be an overthrow into right like 60% of the time.

They never fixed the issue where a dropped third strike would result in the catcher simply freezing though. And that happened a lot.

Yeah, that's one of the worst glitches and they never fix it. Maybe 2014 will have a brand new engine on the PS4 and be error free.

Yeah right lol
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