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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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First tragedy, then farce.
threeball said:
im getting ready to make a republican support thread, but ill be the only one who posts in it... oh well

wow @ that democrat guy on CNN right now, what you think the democrats are just going to withdraw from iraq since they took the house? :lol :lol :lol

George Carvil is democrat guy? Hes ****ing George Carvil you retard.

Karl Rove = some republican dud3.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves

They're already too exhausted from the illegal wiretapping/torture/secret prisons/habeas corpus murdering.
threeball said:
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves

It took 2 presidential terms and a republican majority to undermine what the founding fathers of this country fought so hard to establish.

a winna is us. :)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
threeball said:
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves


Because the founding fathers had the greatest respect for the ruling authority!

Why don't you go sob into your George Bush plushie?
maynerd said:
And if they saw you supporting these republicans and this president they'd have you strung up for treason.

QFT. Bush and Co. have done many things that our founding fathers would strongly disagree with.

threeball said:
im the only person keeping this thread from being one big democrat circle jerk

Yes, and you're not doing a very good job of it.
threeball said:
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves
oh, i'm pretty sure they're already turned over from the Bush administrations constant limitations on freedoms, fearmongering, and bloating of government power.




I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves
You gotta be f*cking kidding me. They already have more than enough to be turning in their graves over. How would the founding fathers know what a nazi is anyway?
Chuck Todd on MSNBC right now: "Northern Virgina is doing everything it can to secede from the Confederacy. "

:lol :lol :lol :lol


Incognito said:
Chuck Todd on MSNBC right now: "Northern Virgina is doing everything it can to secede from the Confederacy. "

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Having lived in Northern Virgina for about 15 or so years I can certainly say QFT!


Geez threeball. Democrats, not just here, but anywhere, have a right to be pretty excited tonight. You however seem pretty pissy. It's not like the Republicans just lost the White House or something. Your favored party currently controls that, and likely will keep the Senate; it's not the end of your world. Also, House terms are two years. Two years. If Democrats don't deliver or manage to piss people off you could POSSIBLY see this flip back to the Republicans again when you look at the way politics is in this country. There's no telling these days. But if this thread is swarming with Democratic points of view, you really can't change that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
threeball said:
The TCU campus had a booth set up on the front lawn of the main campus building. I admit, I walked by and threw a few rocks at it, since that is where I stand on homosexuals. I just don't see why there were trying to force this down people's throats by handing out flyers and having rainbow umbrellas.

SUCK IT DOWN. I'm gonna have my liberal friends gay-married by Nancy Pelosi while she stands on top of the burning Constitution while having an abortion.


threeball said:
im the only person keeping this thread from being one big democrat circle jerk
Which doesn't mean you're NOT being an obnoxious tard. Tamanon, Ripclawe and ToxicAdam are all Republicans and aren't acting like mouthbreathing Freepers. Take some notes.


i have no problem with the democrats winning the house, i have a problem with me being attacked because i am the lone right winger in the damn thread.


Honorary Canadian.
CNN Count on Virginia:

Democratic Webb
1,141,052 50%

Republican Allen
1,138,676 49%

Independent Grassroots Parker
25,512 1%
Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Which doesn't mean you're NOT being an obnoxious tard. Tamanon, Ripclawe and ToxicAdam are all Republicans and aren't acting like mouthbreathing Freepers. Take some notes.
I smell a catfight.


Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Which doesn't mean you're NOT being an obnoxious tard. Tamanon, Ripclawe and ToxicAdam are all Republicans and aren't acting like mouthbreathing Freepers. Take some notes.

And I'm neither myself. I just know that its not in the country's best interest to have Republicans in control of the house, the senate, and the white house. I almost wish there was a law that prohibited that situation.


Honorary Canadian.
threeball said:
i have no problem with the democrats winning the house, i have a problem with me being attacked because i am the lone right winger in the damn thread.
you're being attacked for trolling, not for being a right winger. you know it, too, and so do the mods. my advice is shut the **** up or you'll find yourself on the working end of a 2 month ban.

or, you know, quit trolling and sound off with something intelligent. your call.


threeball said:
i have no problem with the democrats winning the house, i have a problem with me being attacked because i am the lone right winger in the damn thread.

You have trouble reading and comprehending, don't you?

YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN IN THIS THREAD! You ARE the only sore loser and troll in this thread, though.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
SUCK IT DOWN. I'm gonna have my liberal friends gay-married by Nancy Pelosi while she stands on top of the burning Constitution while having an abortion.

There's no way he really said that right?

ugh, I should have figured he was from Texas.


Link648099 said:
Man....what is going on?

democrats take the house, act like they just took over the entire government

since im the only non-democrat supporter in this thread i am being tossed around like a rag doll and knocked on


New numbers in. Webb's lead holding:

Democratic Webb
1,143,144 50%

Republican Allen
1,140,879 49%

Independent Grassroots Parker
25,549 1%


whytemyke said:
you're being attacked for trolling, not for being a right winger. you know it, too, and so do the mods. my advice is shut the **** up or you'll find yourself on the working end of a 2 month ban.

or, you know, quit trolling and sound off with something intelligent. your call.

i havent made a single trolling post yet. i just have a differing opinion than the other 99% of the posters in this thread so it seems that way.
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