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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Precincts Reporting: 2425 of 2443 (99.26%)
Registered Voters: 4,555,672 Total Voting: 2,323,715 Voter Turnout: 51.01 %
Candidates Party Vote Totals Percentage
J H Webb Jr Democratic 1,148,750 49.44%
G F Allen Republican 1,146,952 49.36%
G G Parker Independent Green 25,719 1.11%
Write Ins 2,294 0.10%
View Results by District Locality Total: 2,323,715


Shard said:
The fate of the Senate does seem to rest on Missouri at this stage.

According to Bill Kristol on Fox News, the Republicans believe Missouri will go Dem. Apparently most of the votes remaining are from St Louis and Kansas City which are large dem cities.

Montana also looks like it will go democratic

It will all come down to the VA recount/absentee count I think

I think I one of the talking heads said their absentee votes are counted at the same time though
Incognito said:
Yep, the votes in the large urban areas of Missouri haven't yet been tallied. I think McCaskill has a more than fair shot of pulling out the win. As for Virgina, wow wow wow. And in other news, J.D. Hayworth in Arizona has been defeated. Awesome.

Source on the votes not counted part?




I really hate to be this guy... but the Dems kind of shot themselves in the foot by nominating a black man in TN. I kind of think another guy would have won. :( Poor stupid southerners.


I want whatever outcome maximizes gridlock and causes a budgetary surplus due to no new programs being funded. When Congress completely shut down in the Clinton Era, that was awesomesauce.


Boogie said:

A lot of people said that during the 2000 and 2004 election. They didn't do shit.

If Hilary Clinton(help me God don't let it happen) got elected into office, I wouldn't move away or bitch and complain like people do with Bush. I would just put up with it and watch the people learn from thier mistake. However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.
threeball said:
However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


threeball said:
A lot of people said that during the 2000 and 2004 election. They didn't do shit.

If Hilary Clinton(help me God don't let it happen) got elected into office, I wouldn't move away or bitch and complain like people do with Bush. I would just put up with it and watch the people learn from thier mistake. However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.


threeball said:
However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.

You are so ravingly wrong. :lol There is really no evidence to support this claim - Bush may be tough on terror, but if anything his positions have only agitated our political rivals and given them more global power.

The Republican party needs to run away screaming from George W. Bush and back into the realm of sensibility and fiscal responsibility. Anyone of them that complained about Clinton's spending and democrat pork barreling during the 90s have little right to complain now. McCain would have been 90bazillionx better than Bush, and he's still by far the best guy in your whole party.


Zyid said:




I'm not taking him seriously, I'm laughing my ass off. He's a good troll.
threeball said:
However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.

Indeed. You just echoed what a lot of Republicans who are cleaning out their office are saying. :lol :lol


Honorary Canadian.
damn, this is just incredible that the dems might get the senate too. i can't believe this :lol

I'm wondering if Allen really wants a recount, cuz the longer the recount takes, the longer the chance of the bullied voters get to cast their ballots still, too, which also means the longer it takes the longer the investigation into election fraud goes on. should be interesting.
threeball said:
how is that any different from the opinions and slamming you guys are giving me for not being a democrat?

Dude, you imply that Bush is like the best president ever and state unequivocably that he has protected us. Sixteen frickin intelligence agencies say that Bush's dumb little war has INCREASED the terrorist threat against us. If we get attacked again Bush should be impeached for treason. WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER. History will view him as such and will view us giving single-party control to the Republicans this decade as the dumbest collective act that we have committed.

Guess what. I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent conservative that isn't a Koolaid drinking chump.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
The Republican party needs to run away screaming from George W. Bush and back into the realm of sensibility and fiscal responsibility. Anyone of them that complained about Clinton's spending and democrat pork barreling during the 90s have little right to complain now. McCain would have been 90bazillionx better than Bush, and he's still by far the best guy in your whole party.
Republicans need to take back their party so I can actually vote between canidates. :/


The Autumn Wind
threeball said:
However its going to be tough for any president to top the job Bush has done for our country, if it wasn't for Bush we might not be here today.

Joke poster, right? Right?!
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