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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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First tragedy, then farce.
threeball said:
democrats take the house, act like they just took over the entire government

since im the only non-democrat supporter in this thread i am being tossed around like a rag doll and knocked on

Your president is a ****tard. Congrats on controling that branch of government.

for two years..



distantmantra said:
It starting to sound like McCaskill might have a chance to pull it off....
I don't know. I tend to think that, but look at the stem cell vote. One would think that gives a good idea of where it all ends up.


StoOgE said:
Your president is a ****tard. Congrats on controling that branch of government.

for two years..


who from the democratic has a good chance? dont even say hilary clinton
Regardless how the Senate turns out (though I really want Allen to lose), I'm just glad the Dems got control of the House. Mission Accomplished for me. We'll finally have some oversight.


First tragedy, then farce.
Link648099 said:
Why are the gov't numbers and CNN's different?

good question: the state website could be more up to date since there is no middle man.. or CNN Could be grabbing the same info and updating their numbers quicker than the state workers..

who the **** knows.


threeball said:
i havent made a single trolling post yet. i just have a differing opinion than the other 99% of the posters in this thread so it seems that way.

What do you call this?

i guess this is what kind of effect the liberal media has on people... too many people just voting democrat because they hate bush and listen to the liberal media too much


Looks like Hayworth is out of here!!!!

however, it frightens me that the reps think that through provisional ballots and such that hayworth will eventually come out ahead... what kind of trick do they have?


Looks like the reps from AZ will be split 4 Dem, 4 Rep
The missouri senate race is the more important one. It appears the dems have Virginia
So...why are the repubs worried when there is 60,000 vote difference? Is it the precincts?


StoOgE said:
good question: the state website could be more up to date since there is no middle man.. or CNN Could be grabbing the same info and updating their numbers quicker than the state workers..

who the **** knows.

The state website's numbers are older because they have a lower vote total


Honorary Canadian.
anybody else put threeball on ignore? of all the trolls on gaf, that's the first one i've ever put on ignore. talk about an incessant cvnt


Link648099 said:
The missouri senate race is the more important one. It appears the dems have Virginia
So...why are the repubs worried when there is 60,000 vote difference? Is it the precincts?
apparantly so. NPR was saying the very blue, urban districts have not been counted much yet

whytemyke said:
anybody else put threeball on ignore? of all the trolls on gaf, that's the first one i've ever put on ignore. talk about an incessant cvnt
two pages ago
GhaleonEB said:
VA SEN [100% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,140,879 49.42%
D- WEBB 1,143,144 49.44%



whytemyke said:
anybody else put threeball on ignore? of all the trolls on gaf, that's the first one i've ever put on ignore. talk about an incessant cvnt

He is about to land on mine and he wouldn't be the first or even sixth person on that list.


threeball said:
who from the democratic has a good chance? dont even say hilary clinton
Joke poster confirmed.

Stop falling for this shit people. He's probably laughing his ass off at all of you.


venison crêpe
VALIS said:
What happens if the Senate is 50/50? That seems quite a possibility.

Dem: VA, MT
Rep: TN, MO

I've been hiding in here wondering what would happen in this case too.

You guys across the pond have some crazy elections.


threeball said:
i havent made a single trolling post yet. i just have a differing opinion than the other 99% of the posters in this thread so it seems that way.
if the founding fathers saw you liberals calling the president a nazi and flag burning they'd turn over in their graves

I basically mean non-republicans and/or non-conservatives. you know, the bush haters, the iraq war haters, the gay marrige wanters, the illegal immigration embracers

you forgot your /liberal footnote at the end...
Yep, the votes in the large urban areas of Missouri haven't yet been tallied. I think McCaskill has a more than fair shot of pulling out the win. As for Virgina, wow wow wow. And in other news, J.D. Hayworth in Arizona has been defeated. Awesome.


StoOgE said:
Damn right bitch.. and when we win, Im going to **** your sister, abort the fetus and donatel it for stem cell research while burning an American flag..

Y2Kevbug11 said:
SUCK IT DOWN. I'm gonna have my liberal friends gay-married by Nancy Pelosi while she stands on top of the burning Constitution while having an abortion.

He may be an idiot, but shame on you both for this level of crap.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Donono said:
Damn... Cheney is going to be voting.

There is still the chance that Missouri could go blue. It's slim, but it is possible.

Montana looking good. If they took Montana and Missouri, I think the Europeans would have to throw us a parade or something.
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