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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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House District 16 96% of precincts reporting
Candidate Party Vote Total Percent Winner
Mahoney Dem 114735 49%
Foley Rep 110219 48%
Ross Ind 6460 3%

Foley's seat (haha) is still up in the air ...


Link said:

Joke poster, right? Right?!

No, rational poster. Since a large majority of this thread are anti-Bush and democrat, they will think what I said is a joke.

However I am not the only one who shares that view. Millions and millions share the view I put down. He handled 9/11 as good as he could have
in before Bush and the government caused 9/11
and cares about the well being of the people in the country and their safety.


JayDubya said:
McCain would have been 90bazillionx better than Bush, and he's still by far the best guy in your whole party.

Please tell me there's someone better than McCain that I just haven't heard about.


The Autumn Wind
ToxicAdam said:
House District 16 96% of precincts reporting
Candidate Party Vote Total Percent Winner
Mahoney Dem 114735 49%
Foley Rep 110219 48%
Ross Ind 6460 3%

Foley's seat (haha) is still up in the air ...
My local news stations (I'm in Ft. Lauderdale) have declared Mahoney the winner.
Okay, now CNN is back to 50/47 with 69% reporting. I think there is a problem with the site updating, the 48/48 number is with 74% reported. I saw it too that time duck ;)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
echoshifting said:
Holy shit!

McCaskill 48% 754,879
Talent 48% 753,698

McCaskill IS AHEAD


wait, is it too late to use that reference?


threeball said:
No, rational poster. Since a large majority of this thread are anti-Bush and democrat, they will think what I said is a joke.

However I am not the only one who shares that view. Millions and millions share the view I put down. He handled 9/11 as good as he could have
in before Bush and the government caused 9/11
and cares about the well being of the people in the country and their safety.

Then start a new ****ing thread praising Bush. This thread is about the midterm elections. Bush is not running.


I have a question about the ballot measures. What exactly happens if something is voted "Yes" by the people? Like the Nevada marijuana measure, if it had won, what would happen next?


Professional Schmuck
A conversation with FOXNEWS


"We should compare Iraq to the struggle with the Nazis!!"


"No no, you fool. Let's make it an issue about morality again. Play up stem cells!"


"I have an idea, let's distance ourselves from the President and hope the public doesn't notice our rubber stamp support of his agenda!"


"Maybe we should just tell them to stay home?"







Hitokage said:
Republicans need to take back their party so I can actually vote between canidates. :/

Yeah, I'm stuck in Douchebag or Turd Sandwich mode everytime I go to the polls, and Texas Republicans really, really suck on account of the whole authoritarian theocrat "in god we trust," "one nation under God," crap.


threeball said:
Allen is actually up 6,000 votes according to FOX News


Last I saw, FoxNews had him down 2,000+ with 99% of the vote, and likely to lose more as the last few precincts report. With that, it looks like the Dems win the Senate, and the house will be above the 10% threshold for effective control.

Despite it all, I doubt this changes policy very much, but it will at least bring some accountability to an executive branch that has been given a blank check WAY too long.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
Threeball is the first person on my ignore list ever.
Smart man. Good call.

Anyways, this is awesome. Even though my vote accomplished absolutely nothing, this is the first time I've watched election returns and not been overwhelmed with depression and anxiety! The VA race is insane. I can't belive Webb didn't blow him out, but whatever. Tester should probably pull it off, and McCaskill seems to be holder her own now too. Too bad for Ford, but damn, the Senate is still in sights. Awesome.
Futureman said:
I have a question about the ballot measures. What exactly happens if something is voted "Yes" by the people? Like the Nevada marijuana measure, if it had won, what would happen next?

Kids get free pot on wednesdays


GeMiNii said:
Last I saw, FoxNews had him down 2,000+ with 99% of the vote, and likely to lose more as the last few precincts report. With that, it looks like the Dems win the Senate, and the house will be above the 10% threshold for effective control.

I don't know what he is talking about. I am watching Fox News and they are saying 100% reported with Webb ahead by 1700

Schwarzenegger , Arnold (i) GOP 1,370,374 61.40
Angelides , Phil Dem 759,377 34.02

talk about a landslide

btw, is anyone else having trouble w/ neogaf tonight?


ronito said:
wow you know it's bad when TAdam calls a conservative out.

Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Haven't you heard? threeball is the ONLY Republican or conservative in this thread.

Him and Tamanon. Haleon isn't here. Or Squaregamer. That's like 4 I can think of in the entire lineup of thousands of accounts.

If you read their posts, APF and Toxicadam are neither Republicans nor conservatives, it's just that GAF collectively is extremely left of center.


Yeah, Allen spoke to his supports and basically told everyone to go to bed. This is not being resolved tonight, and if there's a recount the soonest it could happen is approximately two weeks from now because one cannot be requested until the vote is legally verified - and that can't happen, legally, until 10 days after the election.


JayDubya said:
Him and Tamanon. Haleon isn't here. Or Squaregamer. That's like 4 I can think of in the entire lineup of thousands of accounts.

If you read their posts, APF and Toxicadam are neither Republicans nor conservatives, it's just that GAF collectively is extremely left of center.

The whole internet is. Just about every website out there is anti-GOP.


Wow, I just realized that both of the Candidates in the Indiana 8th district race were Deadwood characters: Ellsworth and Hostettler


Incognito said:
"Turnout will be low."

I can't wait to see how he spins this.
Probably by ignoring it. If he's feeling particularly humbled he might throw in a "we get most of them right here on the Factor, but we can't get them all" or something.
I wonder what the "Karl Rove and Diebold have infinite magical power to steal any election" defeatists like bob_arctor and White Man are thinking? Honestly, they pissed me off more in the run-up to tonight than any of the GAF Republicans.


threeball said:
I would gladly serve my country if I were needed.

Your country needs you son!
threeball said:
The whole internet is. Just about every website out there is anti-GOP.
That's just because righties sometimes have a hard time navigating the series of tubes that comprise teh internets.


Setec Astronomer
threeball said:
The whole internet is. Just about every website out there is anti-GOP.
Wow, nice persecution complex you have there.

Anyway, as for how left/right GAF is, it really depends on the issue. I have to admit that I'm more moderate than I appear on the forum, because I always go for easy issues that don't take any effort like seperation of church and state and usually against people who are easy to argue against. You don't see me arguing against people like Diablos or Triumph because it'd be detail oriented and much more work overall. ;)
teiresias said:
Yeah, Allen spoke to his supports and basically told everyone to go to bed. This is not being resolved tonight, and if there's a recount the soonest it could happen is approximately two weeks from now because one cannot be requested until the vote is legally verified - and that can't happen, legally, until 10 days after the election.

I wonder how the "Sore Loserman" GOP crowd that did everything they could to stop the 2000 Florida recount will justify this.
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