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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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I swear, after tonight, if Rumsfeld isn't gone within a month it's unconscionable.

I'd also said to myself tonight - "Play Okami, don't follow the election, just see what happened in the morning." I'm glad I didn't follow my own advice, it's been a thrilling night, and the prospect of Allen getting kicked to the curb is great - but I won't sleep easy until that's a done deal.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Diablos said:
Hmm, the only thing is... if Dems have a majority in the House AND Senate, this makes the Presidential election perhaps easier for Republicans in two years. Would the whole country want a Democratic White House, House of Representatives, and Senate? I don't know.

yeah. i really dont see a dem house, dem senate, and dem president happening.


oooh icic, so wait, worst-worst case scenario, the president does NOT have the power to veto whatever the hell he wants however many times he wants, etc etc?


threeball said:
I would, except I can't pass up my opporitunity to play D-1 football. Not everyone gets that chance.

And fewer are possessed of enough moral fiber to carry through their firm convictions on such a war.

The war would be a none-issue if all the soldiers were made of men like you, utterly firm in their conviction that this is the right thing to do.

But this is reality; the only soldiers that brain washed belong in the North Korean army... the ones from Democratic nations tend to have varying degrees of informativeness and more importantly, opinions on the war. But because of the way the military works, it's not like they can choose to go or to sit out of wars they don't think are just.

If you have tha gall to send those men into battle, surely you should also have the gall to stand with those men with battle.

But... the recurring theme among pro-war hawks in the parliament is that they don't have a solid grasp on what exactly it means to go to war. Not when the top two men in charge have done what they can in their youths to dodge war; avoiding draft, going AWOL.

You're lucky that in this day and age, there is no draft... but someone like you would be doing more good in Iraq then at home. As it is, your hypocrisy has no leg to stand on.
Yamauchi said:
Tester's lead is declining.


Professional Schmuck
threeball said:
ok democrats(all 350 of you), what do you think our country should do in iraq now that democrats control congress?

I would expect them to take a very very cautious approach to this. Personally, I hope they send 100k more troops over there and then have a 2-year pullout plan. Enough to have a show of force and long enough for us to figure out if it is worth cleaning up this mess that we made.


Setec Astronomer
YakiSOBA said:
oooh icic, so wait, worst-worst case scenario, the president does NOT have the power to veto whatever the hell he wants however many times he wants, etc etc?
Again, even if congress can't get laws passed, they can exercise oversight and bust up the white house for signing statements. :D

BTW, Congress can override a presidential veto with 2/3 vote, but the dems don't have that kind of majority so it's not a consideration.


threeball said:
ok democrats(all 350 of you), what do you think our country should do in iraq now that democrats control congress?

start moving troops from Iraq to Afganistan where we are quickly losing control of the situation. better to focus on something that can be successful than waste resources on something that is only getting worse.

fuk, I fell for it didn't I???


Rove upbeat about GOP money, GOTV
By Jonathan E. Kaplan

Karl Rove told Republican supporters last Friday that the media was misreading the political environment — that the combination of money and mobilization of religious conservatives could keep the House in Republican hands after November.

Speaking at a fundraiser for Ohio GOP congressional candidate Joy Padgett at the Old Ebbitt Grill, Rove said polls showed that evangelical Protestant voters were still enthusiastic and suggested that Republicans started with a two- to three-point advantage because of their successful voter turnout operations in 2002 and 2004.

When asked if Rove remains as confident in private about the 2006 election, Padgett said, “Even more so


The puppetmaster has no strings ...


PantherLotus said:
I would expect them to take a very very cautious approach to this. Personally, I hope they send 100k more troops over there and then have a 2-year pullout plan. Enough to have a show of force and long enough for us to figure out if it is worth cleaning up this mess that we made.

even democrats should know the cost of losing the war in iraq


This race is close...

Democratic McCaskill
839,870 49%

Republican Talent
822,819 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
40,615 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,254 1%

82% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:28 a.m. ET


max_cool said:
start moving troops from Iraq to Afganistan where we are quickly losing control of the situation. better to focus on something that can be successful than waste resources on something that is only getting worse.

fuk, I fell for it didn't I???

we aren't losing control over there... infact we are more in control over there then ever... what possibly makes you think that? CNN getting to your head?
Missouri Senate
Updated: 1:28 a.m. ET

Democratic McCaskill
839,870 49% 82% of precincts reporting votes by county voter survey results

Republican Talent
822,819 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
40,615 2%
Full MO
Progressive Lewis
15,254 1%
threeball said:
even democrats should know the cost of losing the war in iraq

Yep. The terrorists will cross the ocean (since even they dont protect us anymore!) and begin the fight anew in our streets in New York, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Dallas, Chicago, etc. :lol :lol

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
threeball said:
even democrats should know the cost of losing the war in iraq

Moving troops out != losing the war.

Too many Republicans act as if any change of course in Iraq is going to spell doom and gloom for the world.


Yamauchi said:
This race is close...

Democratic McCaskill
839,870 49%

Republican Talent
822,819 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
40,615 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,254 1%

82% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:28 a.m. ET
That ****ing Progressive!


First tragedy, then farce.
YakiSOBA said:
oooh icic, so wait, worst-worst case scenario, the president does NOT have the power to veto whatever the hell he wants however many times he wants, etc etc?

the president can veto absolutely 100% everything that comes before him.

After a bill is vetoed it goes back to the congress. If both parties pass the bill overwhelmingly (I think its 60 or 75%, dont recall) they can override the veto and pass the law regardless of what the president wants. THIS IS EXTREMELY HARD to pull off.
StoOgE said:
the president can veto absolutely 100% everything that comes before him.

After a bill is vetoed it goes back to the congress. If both parties pass the bill overwhelmingly (I think its 60 or 75%, dont recall) they can override the veto and pass the law regardless of what the president wants. THIS IS EXTREMELY HARD to pull off.
I think the number to override a veto is 67. :)


Lost Fragment said:
Moving troops out != losing the war.

Too many Republicans act as if any change of course in Iraq is going to spell doom and gloom for the world.

it would certainly send a message to terrorists that we are weak and soft and are easily swayed by anti-war propaganda. we would be ripe for an attack. we can't just quit in iraq.


Setec Astronomer
threeball said:
we aren't losing control over there... infact we are more in control over there then ever... what possibly makes you think that? CNN getting to your head?
Ok, Mr. Kool-aid.


StoOgE said:
the president can veto absolutely 100% everything that comes before him.

After a bill is vetoed it goes back to the congress. If both parties pass the bill overwhelmingly (I think its 60 or 75%, dont recall) they can override the veto and pass the law regardless of what the president wants. THIS IS EXTREMELY HARD to pull off.
Fairly sure it's 75%. Rarely ever happens in history.


threeball said:
we aren't losing control over there... infact we are more in control over there then ever... what possibly makes you think that? CNN getting to your head?
facts? please back this up


Incognito said:
Total annihilation tonight. Just a complete demolition of the GOP. Amazing.

Incognito said:
Total annihilation tonight. Just a complete demolition of the GOP. Amazing.

Incognito said:
Total annihilation tonight. Just a complete demolition of the GOP. Amazing.

Incognito said:
Total annihilation tonight. Just a complete demolition of the GOP. Amazing.

Incognito said:
Total annihilation tonight. Just a complete demolition of the GOP. Amazing.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Yamauchi said:
This race is close...

Democratic McCaskill
839,870 49%

Republican Talent
822,819 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
40,615 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,254 1%

82% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:28 a.m. ET

where are you getting your updates?


never mind.


threeball said:
we aren't losing control over there... infact we are more in control over there then ever... what possibly makes you think that? CNN getting to your head?

Maybe it's my friend in Afganistan that just sent 2 of his friends home in caskets and has been telling me that since he's been there things have gotten worse, but you know it could just be a liberal pretending to be my friend.


And more...

Democratic McCaskill
852,065 49%

Republican Talent
833,501 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
41,155 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,486 1%
84% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:31 a.m. ET


First tragedy, then farce.
ferrarimanf355 said:
I think the number to override a veto is 67. :)

could be, its been since college since I could rattle off those kinds of specifics. Its hard to pull off though, you have to have an overwhelming majority.


PantherLotus said:

Threeball is refering to the fact that our puppet government will crumble and then a new Saddam-lite will be installed in Iraq, this time with new Shiite/Iran ties. Making Iran even stronger than before and putting our "Superpower" status into question.

Which is fine for alot of people (us failing as a Superpower), but about the worst thing to consider for a hawkish conservative.


Oh crap. Jackson county is totally counted. McCaskill doesn't appear to have made the gains necessary to counter the rest of the state.


YakiSOBA said:
ah, nice -- thanks for answering my curious questions :)

Last one: why hasnt 3bawlz been banned? :p

because im not trolling or doing anything wrong.

i am just showing my political opinions just like all of you are. the only reason it seems like i am trolling is becuase its different than the popular opinion of this thread.


Yamauchi said:
And more...

Democratic McCaskill
852,065 49%

Republican Talent
833,501 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
41,155 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,486 1%
84% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:31 a.m. ET

damn 3rd parties
max_cool said:
Maybe it's my friend in Afganistan that just sent 2 of his friends home in caskets and has been telling me that since he's been there things have gotten worse, but you know it could just be a liberal pretending to be my friend.


Banstick Emeritus
threeball said:
it would certainly send a message to terrorists that we are weak and soft and are easily swayed by anti-war propaganda. we would be ripe for an attack. we can't just quit in iraq.
Just popped in from Canada to say :lol

carry on


I'd like to take this chance to apologize to JayDubya, SiameseDreamer and APF for them having red or worse reputation points and 3b here getting through unscathed. I'm sorry vatos.


threeball said:
it would certainly send a message to terrorists that we are weak and soft and are easily swayed by anti-war propaganda. we would be ripe for an attack. we can't just quit in iraq.

So you preferring to send others in your stead while you play out a cushy football season is somehow sending a more positive message?
ronito said:
I'd like to take this chance to apologize to JayDubya, SiameseDreamer and APF for them having red or worse reputation points and 3b here getting through unscathed. I'm sorry vatos.

The night is young...


Zaptruder said:
So you preferring to send others in your stead while you play out a cushy football season is somehow sending a more positive message?

ok ok... you guys are pounding me for chosing a scholarship at a $30,000 per year university and a chance to play D-1 football over going into the military, if you guys are so big and tough and bad, why don't you guys join the military? pot, meet kettle

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
it would certainly send a message to terrorists that we are weak and soft and are easily swayed by anti-war propaganda. we would be ripe for an attack. we can't just quit in iraq.

They're going to think that no matter what we do.

Being able to turn more and more control over to the country will be a great thing provided they're able to handle the sectarian violence.

Besides, we're over in a foreign country, and we're causing assloads more damage to the country by simply being there.

It might be a moral victory for the terrorists depending on how we go about it, yes, but like I said, even if we really did "win," they'd think that they won anyway unless we kill 90% of Al-Quida and throw Bin Laden in an iron maiden.

We went over in Iraq, and have totally blown their country to Hell and back. If we stay in Iraq for longer than we need to (I.E. after their government can handle the country themselves), then we will be staying there to handle our own agendas, while not taking the health of the country's native population into consideration, which is very wrong on a moral level, IMHO.

We broke it, we bought it.
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