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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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More from The Corner, on Allen. Basically, he's done:

Allen's Done [John Podhoretz]
MSNBC reports that there are 33,000 uncounted ballots in Fairfax County, which will presumably break for Webb.

Va. [James S. Robbins]
Most outstanding VA ballots are in Arlington, Fairfax (both Northern VA) and Richmond. So don't expect an Allen surge.
Posted at 1:16 AM

:D :D
threeball said:
ok ok... you guys are pounding me for chosing a scholarship at a $30,000 per year university and a chance to play D-1 football over going into the military, if you guys are so big and tough and bad, why don't you guys join the military? pot, meet kettle

You are the only person in this thread to declare he would "serve" his country if it needed him, only to back down when somebody called your bluff.


Thank goodness to Northern Virginia for Old Dominion seems to leaning Blue this time. We have alot of military bases & gov't folks along with conservative voters in rural areas but the motor of the state is NoVA, where it is predominately democrat.

Webb seems to have won by a few thousand votes.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yamauchi said:
Oh crap. Jackson county is totally counted. McCaskill doesn't appear to have made the gains necessary to counter the rest of the state.

The crucuial thing to remember.. 84% reporting means 84% of precincts, not votes. 30K is a big lead to pick up in rural precincts. Plus, Kansas City?


Lost Fragment said:
They're going to think that no matter what we do.

Being able to turn more and more control over to the country will be a great thing provided they're able to handle the sectarian violence.

Besides, we're over in a foreign country, and we're causing assloads more damage to the country by simply being there.

It might be a moral victory for the terrorists depending on how we go about it, yes, but like I said, even if we really did "win," they'd think that they won anyway unless we kill 90% of Al-Quida and throw Bin Laden in an iron maiden.

We went over in Iraq, and have totally blown their country to Hell and back. If we stay in Iraq for longer than we need to (I.E. before their government can handle the country themselves), then we will be staying there to handle our own agendas, while not taking the health of the country's native population into consideration, which is very wrong on a moral level, IMHO.

We broke it, we bought it.

i'd much rather have this than some tyrant controlling that country with WMDs and constantly making threats against the country i live in. our country did what was needed. we are finishing the job. and the iraqi people are grateful that we liberated them and are helping them out.


threeball said:
ok ok... you guys are pounding me for chosing a scholarship at a $30,000 per year university and a chance to play D-1 football over going into the military, if you guys are so big and tough and bad, why don't you guys join the military? pot, meet kettle
Where did anyone of us say we support the war? And that losing the war has a huge cost? Or that Pres. Bush is greatest? Or that we even agree with anything that is going on in Iraq? Where did we say that?
I can only pray that the democrats don't get Senate. That would disrupt the power that we've brought.... to our new empire.....


threeball said:
we aren't losing control over there... infact we are more in control over there then ever... what possibly makes you think that? CNN getting to your head?
Uh... one of our generals over there saying that we had maybe six months to clean things up before we lose the confidence of the Afghani people? That was about 2 months ago, as well. Although I guess he's just a GINO.

Since you asked what people would do in Iraq (also note that I'm not a Democrat, more of a Green/Socialist), here's what I would do: since we've been paying lip service to the idea of "Democracy" in Iraq, let's do just that. Put the issue to a vote by the Iraqi people: give them three choices A) Withdrawal of all troops in six months, B) Withdrawal of all troops in eighteen months, or C) no immediate decision on withdrawal, to be voted on again in a year. That saves us face and puts the decision in the hands of the people who have the most at stake, for the first time. Personally, I would prefer option B. I would also try to fix Afghanistan, but honestly I think that might be the more broken situation.


echoshifting said:
You are the only person in this thread to declare he would "serve" his country if it needed him, only to back down when somebody called your bluff.

allright, then this thread needs to back down on me for my choice.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
StoOgE said:
could be, its been since college since I could rattle off those kinds of specifics. Its hard to pull off though, you have to have an overwhelming majority.
We'll be a hell of a lot closer to pushing through something for stem cells, although I don't believe enough without changing some minds as well. I might guess there will be some vetoes from Bush that moderate Republicans won't agree with.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
i'd much rather have this than some tyrant controlling that country with WMDs and constantly making threats against the country i live in. our country did what was needed. we are finishing the job. and the iraqi people are grateful that we liberated them and are helping them out.

Egh, I was trying to have a decent debate since people seem to be too venomous towards the few republicans in this thread, but now it seems like you're just trolling.


Professional Schmuck
threeball said:
it would certainly send a message to terrorists that we are weak and soft and are easily swayed by anti-war propaganda. we would be ripe for an attack. we can't just quit in iraq.

While you're just miming what Rush and O'Reily say, I don't blame you, because it "sounds" right. Unfortunately, that's not how I or most of the world sees it. Right now, they way that I see it, we've encouraged terrorists more by going half-assed into a war without proper preparation, proper equipment, etc, while avoiding the actual war with the actual terrorists. I'd say that's more of an encouragement to them than anything we're doing in Iraq.

The problem is that we left Afghanistan unfinished, Bin Laden uncaptured, all for a Little-lord Jauntleroy in Iraq to defend daddy's honor. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and we knew it. Iraq had no terrorists in there before hand and we knew it. We KNEW it would be reduced to Civil War. We KNEW that we didn't have the resources or the backbone to do what we had to do (400k thousand on the ground), and we KNEW it was all about the contracts for corporate fat cats that support the GOP.

Leaving now doesn't send a message to the terrorists other than we can learn from our mistakes.
threeball said:
ok ok... you guys are pounding me for chosing a scholarship at a $30,000 per year university and a chance to play D-1 football over going into the military, if you guys are so big and tough and bad, why don't you guys join the military? pot, meet kettle

Wow... just reading this makes me want to ship you off to Iraq to prove a point.
threeball said:
allright, then this thread needs to back down on me for my choice.

I'm sorry, I don't even know what this means.

You ****ed up, you contradicted yourself, and as long as you keep blathering you are going to pay for it.


ronito said:
Where did anyone of us say we support the war? And that losing the war has a huge cost? Or that Pres. Bush is greatest? Or that we even agree with anything that is going on in Iraq? Where did we say that?

you guys are slamming me for not serving in iraq. why slam me when you guys are also not serving in iraq? thats like making fun of someone chickening out to ride a rollercoaster when the person making fun is also afraid of riding it.


Lost Fragment said:
Egh, I was trying to have a decent debate since people seem to be too venomous towards the few republicans in this thread, but now it seems like you're just trolling.

please tell me how?


threeball said:
even democrats should know the cost of losing the war in iraq

Yeah. Just like the cost of pulling out of Vietnam was that whole domino-effect thing about how all of SE Asia would fall to communists......oh wait.

threeball said:
you guys are slamming me for not serving in iraq. why slam me when you guys are also not serving in iraq? thats like making fun of someone chickening out to ride a rollercoaster when the person making fun is also afraid of riding it.


explodet said:
I'm popping in from Canada as well, pointing and laughing all the while.

Enjoy your piss poor health care french boy!* :lol

this opinion may or may not be the views expressed therein or written by one victimofgrief


McCaskill 861,251 49%
Talent (Incumbent) 840,927 48%
85% of precincts reporting


lead growing

Tester holding on to 10k with 60% in


William Kristol now actually saying that because the Senate, even with a Dem majority, would be close to 50/50, it would make for an "unusual 2008 Presidential election" in which it would basically be up for grabs.

Hell, if that's the case, win 'em both, Dems. I look forward to a Democratic White House in 2008.

Why am I watching Fox? Because it's awesome to see these uber-conservatives unable to deny the power of what went down tonight.


PantherLotus said:
While you're just miming what Rush and O'Reily say, I don't blame you, because it "sounds" right. Unfortunately, that's not how I or most of the world sees it. Right now, they way that I see it, we've encouraged terrorists more by going half-assed into a war without proper preparation, proper equipment, etc, while avoiding the actual war with the actual terrorists. I'd say that's more of an encouragement to them than anything we're doing in Iraq.

The problem is that we left Afghanistan unfinished, Bin Laden uncaptured, all for a Little-lord Jauntleroy in Iraq to defend daddy's honor. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and we knew it. Iraq had no terrorists in there before hand and we knew it. We KNEW it would be reduced to Civil War. We KNEW that we didn't have the resources or the backbone to do what we had to do (400k thousand on the ground), and we KNEW it was all about the contracts for corporate fat cats that support the GOP.

Leaving now doesn't send a message to the terrorists other than we can learn from our mistakes.

how do you know there were no WMDs, terrorists, etc.? are you in the CIA? and capturing bin laden wouldn't be easy. lets see you capture one guy in a large world with plenty of places to hide? its not like he has a tracking device on him. its like trying to find a needle in a haystack, actually, more like trying to find a grain of sand in a haystack. ill be damned if anyone ever finds him.


threeball said:
you guys are slamming me for not serving in iraq. why slam me when you guys are also not serving in iraq? thats like making fun of someone chickening out to ride a rollercoaster when the person making fun is also afraid of riding it.
No. It's like someone pointing at a rollercoaster and saying "Man, that rollercoaster is messed up." And another saying "I LOVE that rollercoaster! That' rollercoaster is the greatest! I'd go on that rollercoaster ten times a day! Because I'm A MAN!"

"ok fine, go on it."

"I, uh, gotta play a football game or something."

Catch the difference there? Sorta subtle. I can bold it if you'd like.
threeball said:
you guys are slamming me for not serving in iraq. why slam me when you guys are also not serving in iraq? thats like making fun of someone chickening out to ride a rollercoaster when the person making fun is also afraid of riding it.

I think people are slamming you because you're spewing every single Republican talking point near word-for-word. Some points even being years old that those living today within your party have moved on from (WMD's?). It's like you were frozen in 2002 and just woke up or something.



Democratic McCaskill
867,295 49%

Republican Talent
842,170 48%

Libertarian Gilmour
41,710 2%

Progressive Lewis
15,722 1%
85% precincts reporting - Updated: 1:45 a.m. ET


threeball said:
how do you know there were no WMDs, terrorists, etc.? are you in the CIA? and capturing bin laden wouldn't be easy. lets see you capture one guy in a large world with plenty of places to hide? its not like he has a tracking device on him. its like trying to find a needle in a haystack, actually, more like trying to find a grain of sand in a haystack. ill be damned if anyone ever finds him.

Seriously though, why hasn't this joke account been banned yet?


Professional Schmuck
I won't deride ANYONE for choosing not to serve until the day they vote for somebody that presses for an unneeded and unwanted war. Continued support of such a policy is a conviction of that belief, and not supporting that whole heartedly is as cowardly of an act as there is.

I serve my country by believing that we can do better, and for saying so when its needed the most. And your ass better believe when China comes knocking on our door in about 20 years, I'll be on the front line. But I'm not about to join some war that I don't believe in, that I can't help by joining, when I would just be some statistic used to support one thing or another.


Small balls, big fun!
Personally, I want to cop to being way off on Lieberman/Lamont/Whatshisname.

The Democratic Party couldn't throw everything it had at him, even officially supporting Lamont, because of the possibility of him winning and defecting. Which was totally predictable right from the primaries, and I didn't figure out because I was stupid.

Thanks everybody for not taking the bet!


ronito said:
I'd like to take this chance to apologize to JayDubya, SiameseDreamer and APF for them having red or worse reputation points and 3b here getting through unscathed. I'm sorry vatos.

No, I earned my red badge of honor for taking trollbait. I shouldn't have done that. I know better now.

3B hasn't really done anything wrong insofar as I've seen. Maybe he will eventually, but this forum can't be so ideologically bigoted as to think being a Republican should equal insta-ban.

We all love games, can't we all just get along?


im done with this thread. im not going into it anymore. its useless and pointless of me, just one republican, trying to go up against several and several non-republicans. theres no use.

now that i am leaving the thread, this thread is just going to be a bunch of democrats preaching to the choir. might as well just be a democratic support thread since im gone from it.

and if you try to poke at me in other threads, ill just ignore the post. keep it in here.

and if i get banned becuase of what i have posted in this thread, its because the mod who banned me has a problem because i am supporting the republicans, not because i am trolling. i havent made one trolling post this entire thread. the posts you democrats have thrown at me are more trollish than anything i have posted, its just that since all you agree with those posts that it doesn't seem like trolling. but from a republican standpoint it does.



Professional Schmuck
threeball said:
how do you know there were no WMDs, terrorists, etc.? are you in the CIA? and capturing bin laden wouldn't be easy. lets see you capture one guy in a large world with plenty of places to hide? its not like he has a tracking device on him. its like trying to find a needle in a haystack, actually, more like trying to find a grain of sand in a haystack. ill be damned if anyone ever finds him.

Ok, you're just an asshole. Sorry I tried.


Mandark said:
Personally, I want to cop to being way off on Lieberman/Lamont/Whatshisname.

The Democratic Party couldn't throw everything it had at him, even officially supporting Lamont, because of the possibility of him winning and defecting. Which was totally predictable right from the primaries, and I didn't figure out because I was stupid.

Thanks everybody for not taking the bet!


Oh what could have been ....


Blitzer and company keep saying that no Dems lost in the House, but those two seats in GA are too close to call with 5-6% left to report.


Mandark said:
Personally, I want to cop to being way off on Lieberman/Lamont/Whatshisname.

The Democratic Party couldn't throw everything it had at him, even officially supporting Lamont, because of the possibility of him winning and defecting. Which was totally predictable right from the primaries, and I didn't figure out because I was stupid.

Thanks everybody for not taking the bet!
I swear that someone took you up on that bet. I was about to do it.
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