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Official PC/PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Thread. GODLIKE


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
MoxManiac said:
Someone please answer this, this is my only method i can do this at the moment.
I figured it out. Extract the file to whatever drive your PSP maps to on your PC. I just did it. It works like a charm. Remember to put your PSP in USB mode before trying to import.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
DenogginizerOS said:
I figured it out. Extract the file to whatever drive your PSP maps to on your PC. I just did it. It works like a charm. Remember to put your PSP in USB mode before trying to import.
Or just pop the MS Duo into the PS3 slot...unless you own a 20gig.


DenogginizerOS said:
I figured it out. Extract the file to whatever drive your PSP maps to on your PC. I just did it. It works like a charm. Remember to put your PSP in USB mode before trying to import.

Awesome, thanks!


I posted this over in the Epic Games Forums and was wondering if anybody here wanted to help me out by giving some suggestions or feedback. I'm just pitching the idea. If it is bad, I will foget about it. :lol

Basch said:
I am sorry if anybody is annoyed by this post, but I am new to the whole modding community. I just bought my copy of the game for PS3 and am enjoying it very much. I have a few ideas I would like to bring to fruition but have no idea where to start. First off, is it true that if I would like to create my own map I will need to purchase the PC version as well? Is it recommened I do so even if it is not required? Is there any guides around that can help me get started? How long do maps usually take to create? How indepth can the editor get? How many more questions can I ask? :D If someone could help point me in the right direction, that would help a lot.

Now, onto the good stuff. I have a plan... to create a map. It's called Tunnels (if you couldn't guess already). I've been throwing the concept around in my head for a while. It was influenced by Resistance: Fall of Man, but I thought Unreal Tournament III would suit it just fine. I have been working on the design, but as my artistic skills are not very... promising, it may not make a whole lot of sense when I first show it.


The general idea of the map is to present a vast cavern that was dug out of the earth as an atmospheric battlefield, built with team deathmatch in mind. The structure spans hundreds of meters vertically, and half of that horizontally. Three tunnels broken apart shoot out from either side of the granite walls; unusable except for a thin walkway stringing the remains of one set of tunnels in the middle. The bridge will be held up by supports to the tunnels above it. The bridge itself has undergone some heavy damage; riddled with holes, crevices, and dips. Players will have to watch their step as they traverse to the other side.

However, players will not be entirely isolated. The three tunnels on each side will have smaller, forked, if you will, junctions, that connect the tunnels above and below. I wanted to make these subtunnels weight dependant. Meaning, if too many people are in it at any given time, it will break apart. Also, with enough explosives, that same effect can be given. This presents a strategic stronghold-style of play. But if that wasn't enough to think about, on the way down these smaller tunnels there are outcroppings that are adjacent to little tiny holes that will allow the player to peak through, giving players an ideal sniping position. Let's keep in mind, though, all of these tunnels will be located hundreds of feet up from the pit below. What happens if you fall?

I've decided to include spires that reach up with gurneys running across the top. If you're lucky and hit one of these, you will take massive damage, but, luckily, will still alive. Miss? Well, let's just say you won't be so lucky. These spires should resemble something akin to watchtowers, but made of iron, and off bare essentials at that. Rust would establish this mood quite well. Once you land on one of these towers, you can locate a walkway that spirals down the length of the towers. Along the way down, it may be helpful to include some healths and ammunition on a level or two. Eventually the player will be able to see the ruined base. The ground itself will be uneven and will slope upwards to either side to join the walls. But the expanse itself should be pretty wide, allowing for open siege warfare. Trying to gain the upper hand down here will be a mission in itself. The terrain will rise and fall erratically. Sometimes high up as if on a hill, and the trenches fall below as if hidden by the surrounding ledges that poke above it. Some of the expanse will just be rather bumpy, for those that don't want to put up with the multi-directional possibilities.

To escape the blasted terrain, the player can opt for one of two exits; each one located to either side, but opposite to the walls the tunnels poke out of. The entryway should be fairly large so it is easy to spot amidst the broken terrain, but not too large that just anyone can see it. :D (I have to make it hard enough so that the player has to actually make an effort to look for it.) This will help keep the action on the floor lively, somewhat.

Once the player makes his/her escape, a new set of tunnels will be revealed. Stepping through, the first thing that many will notice is that these tunnels are brightly lit, showing off the rich soil it was built of. The color scheme should have a yellowish hue to it, with some light browns and reds painting objects along the way. This tunnel the player will have discovered will have a branching path right from the get go. Either way the player chooses it leads to the sides that the tunnels above rest against. The narrow passage will be rather straight. There will be coves that will provide cover for the player along the narrow passage, but all of them must be located against the far side so as not to ruin the design of the interior. The length will go a long ways with a few recesses for more ammo allocation. These recesses will be convex and move towards the interior. These shall be beneath where the hills/dunes of the blasted floor are.

At the bend that lies at the end of the hallway, there will be another passage, but this one climbs up the interior for as far as the eye can see. Stairs run up the length of the scale. This new passage must be displayed as as if it was an abnormally heightened room, meaning the ceiling should be located far above. The ceiling as the player knows it is actually the floor of the next level the stairs shoot through. There will be four levels. This should make up for the long fall down as the upper most will connect with the tunnels above. Once the player reaches the top, they will have to make a choice. They can head back into the tunnels by starting at the one highest up, or they can climb a new set of stairs that will take them to a series of outposts. The new stairwell should be rather thin and frail with a greenish tint to hint at its rushed creation.

If the player chooses to climb one more set of stairs they will be greeted to one last network of tunnels that rungs across the perimeter of the map. This path will have a low hanging ceiling making it impossible to jump. The color scheme should use a lot of dark colors as not much light can pass into this area: browns are preferrable (to keep with the earthly look). Occasionally, the player will find outposts. These outposts will be set convexly to the interior with a wide window that allows for a great view of the tunnels. If the player finds the opportunity one to take advantage of, there will be a shute that drops the player five feet down onto a platform. The platform will have a 270-degree view, with a sniper conveniently placed in its spot. The platform, however, will be rather small: it will not have enough room to move about, so if you are spotted the only way to escape is by jumping back up into the room above. If you do not want to take the chance, you can just break the window and shoot from there, but this makes it easier for you to be shot at (and your teammates if you choose to make it your base of operations). Since the room is connected by a winding tunnel, this will make it vulnerable to pincer attacks.

And then... Actually that's it. I think I rambled on too much. But is it a good idea? Something that needs work? Confusing? Or what? Any improvements you might want to suggest? Am I overly ambitious? Or should I just shut up now? :D

Anyways, the color scheme for the map will have black as its primary background. The description of the map I gave above is color coded to depict lighting that will help color the stage. The only light color will be yellow as to have a stark difference. The rest will have tints of the primary color. The blue for the tunnels, comes from the stone architecture it was built from and the light reflecting off it. The red on the floor? Because of the reflections off the watchtowers mixing in with the blue hue from the tunnels above. The yellow? From your basic lights. And finally, the brown? From the abscence of any direct light.

Here is my first jab at the preliminary art (In Progress). I told you my drawing skills left something to be desired.


I inked in only one of the subtunnels so far. The overlapping subtunnels on the other side mean they connect. This view is of the center of the map: only showcasing the tunnels. I'm not the best when it comes to sketching, but, hopefully, it gets the job done.

So what do you all think?

Feel the need for the Blue Pill? Just write wall of text. Don't worry, I don't mind. :lol


DenogginizerOS said:
Ok. I downloaded it to my PSP and my PS3 sees the PSP, but the data cannot be found. Any suggestions?

make sure the folder structure in the zip file is preserved. The "PS3" folder should be in the root of your PSP/thumbdrive/ipod/whatever.


How many people are playing online? Is it as big as the Warhawk/Resistance community? And more importantly, are any of these players socializing (voice chat)? The previous two games have barely any interaction from people.


How many people are playing online? Is it as big as the Warhawk/Resistance community? And more importantly, are any of these players socializing (voice chat)? The previous two games have barely any interaction from people.

There are no problems finding people & servers to play at all. The voice chat is a bit glitchy right now, it generally works but there is some cut-off happening. Epic is aware of the problem and their dev team is working on it.


How many people are playing online? Is it as big as the Warhawk/Resistance community? And more importantly, are any of these players socializing (voice chat)? The previous two games have barely any interaction from people.

Both games have a solid online community. If you log in any time of day, there's well over 100 servers on Resistance, and more than 500 servers in Warhawk. Note that Resistance ranked matches aren't listed, so there's probably a lot more players that cannot be counted.

As for voice chat, as a percentage isn't too high. But both games support enough players (40, 32) that you'll rarely play a completely silent match.

for some reason, Call of Duty 4 trumps them both by a mile when it comes to community. Most servers have 75% or more on the headset. I'm not sure why its so much higher, but there it is.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Thank god there is no Hailstorm spamming in MP, huh? Good score, but you know... Eurogamer lol.
Yeah, that really drags down Resistance's online right?

Seriously, that was one of the dumbest things I have ever read in a review. And I read the 1up review for Killzone: Liberation(5 out of 10 my fucking ass).


for some reason, Call of Duty 4 trumps them both by a mile when it comes to community. Most servers have 75% or more on the headset. I'm not sure why its so much higher, but there it is.

Because it is an intensly awesome game. I got the 360 version, but I'm sure this sold a lot of people into PS3s as well.

I never played an UT game before, so I am curious which of the following games it resembles more online: Gears, Halo 3, Resistance, or CoD4?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Because it is an intensly awesome game. I got the 360 version, but I'm sure this sold a lot of people into PS3s as well.

I never played an UT game before, so I am curious which of the following games it resembles more online: Gears, Halo 3, Resistance, or CoD4?
I'd have to say Resistance, especially in terms of speed, but in reality there is nothing on any current consoles like it.
Just rented the game. My experience with the game so far.

1. Hopped into a bot game quickly and start fragging. I found it pretty hard to aim in this game because it's the fastest FPS I've played in a while. Wasn't too thrilled with it.

2. Hopped online, did what I usually do which is always finish in the bottom half of kills. I didn't see too many non-DM/TDM games, which is practically a problem with a every shooter that doesn't have 5,000+ simultaneous players at the same time.

3. Hooked up a keyboard and mouse and it started becoming more fun. I did pretty well in the offlne bot game so I went online and in my first online game with a keyboard and mosue I finish first in my team in kills.

Playing with a K+M is making me like this game more. I use to casually play PC shooters like DOD: S, but the experience playing UT3 on the PS3 was definitely different and very refreshing in a good way. I guess it helps that I have a 37 inch screen compared to 19 for my monitor and I'm about 3 feet away from the TV instead of 8 inches away from the monitor. The weird thing is that neither this or Resistance have given me motion sickness even though they're very fast paced, but somehow COD4 did.

Anyways I'm liking it and I may just end up buying it. Having the bots are awesome when you can't find enough players in objective based games.
In the spirit of doing things like I think I'm supposed to, I updated the Online UT3 thread with my server info. I'm going to try running a dedicated server while i'm at work at night. Check it out, It will run standard while i'm here playing and dedicated when i'm gone. I like chaos so its a small rotation of small maps with forced re spawn, BOOSH!
edit: oh, controller only. Sorry keyboard people but most Gaffers seem to use controls so I'm making it friendly


Anyone else having problems playing online? I go to multiplayer on the main screen but it says i cannot play without a network connection..thing is, im signed into my PSN account :\
Roxas said:
Anyone else having problems playing online? I go to multiplayer on the main screen but it says i cannot play without a network connection..thing is, im signed into my PSN account :\

Yeah, this happens to me occasionally, sometimes if I press the home button and go back into the game it unlock and takes me to the multiplayer menu, sometimes it doesn't and I have to go back to the XMB and re-start the game - doesn't always happen, but it happens enough to be annoying.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Thought some of you might be interested in this, the guy who made Krodan was involved:


# 9 Levels in total, 5 CTF and 4 DM levels.
# The focus is on great gameplay.
# Hardcore oldskool (think UT1) levels with minimum clutter, maximum gameplay, and somewhat decent visuals.
# Nearly all contributing level designers are professionally active within the games industry and all of them are European.
# Involved were Hourences, Sefyra, h0ok, Sabrewulf, Sjosz, Hazel, Slainchild, Barballs.
# Great perfomance.
# Wide range of themes and colors.
# No or limited bloom, depth of field, motion blur, normal maps, and so on.

ftp://ftp.unreal.ie/unreal.ie/ut3/ma.../HOLP_Pack.zip - Thanks to Unreal.ie - 191 MB


More mirrors soon.

This pack IS NOT meant to look awesome, nor to rival the graphics found in the retail UT3 levels. These levels are meant to provide pure gameplay, not to look great. We hope that our levels will bump up the popularity of the classic gamemodes DM and CTF, and get some clan play going again.

Install : Unzip everything into C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps



BobTheFork said:
good games those who were on, I'm going to bed

Btw My rank is 241, come get it gaffers
You should play more with me and Sutdawg, so far Sutdawg has been the only player to keep me in check >_<.


Great map pack. Downloading now :)

I'm surprised there has already been some great maps for UT3 released. DM-Liftkill is my favourite custom map so far. It's such a great idea and a perfect deathmatch arena.


Aeon712 said:
You should play more with me and Sutdawg, so far Sutdawg has been the only player to keep me in check >_<.
Dude you killed my buddy like 20 times last night! I kept telling him to turn around, but he's not really into FPS so it was kind of useless! My poor ranking! :(


I heard that there's no splitscreen multiplayer. Is that true? If it is, that sucks because that was one of the big reasons for me to keep playing UT on the DC. Hell, isn't that supposed to be a standard for FPS's anyway?


Aeon712 said:
You should play more with me and Sutdawg, so far Sutdawg has been the only player to keep me in check >_<.
That just changed, was playing some DM's against a player UNREALGOD, he's currently ranked 37th. All the matches were won by either him or I, with the other players left behind


Quick question for PC owners of the game out there:

Are their a lot of people playing. I remember the problem originally was that their were only 500 people online playing. Is their more than that or is the community not quite there?


Got it for PS3 today... runs great. Once I tweaked it enough it was fine with the gamepad.

I'm glad to see the Torlan remake map (friggin love that map)...but did I miss it or is there no Facing Worlds ctf remake? :(


Strike said:
I heard that there's no splitscreen multiplayer. Is that true? If it is, that sucks because that was one of the big reasons for me to keep playing UT on the DC. Hell, isn't that supposed to be a standard for FPS's anyway?

Remember, Epic was just able to finish this game in time for Christmas. Epic is considering adding split screen in the future.


Because it is an intensly awesome game. I got the 360 version, but I'm sure this sold a lot of people into PS3s as well.

I never played an UT game before, so I am curious which of the following games it resembles more online: Gears, Halo 3, Resistance, or CoD4?

Resistance is the most similar online, and the weapons are similarly kick ass and feature alternate fire. The vehicles are incredible. The Dark Walker is the size of a building and is immensely powerful. Gameplay is lightning fast. The speed of Halo 3 seems geriatric by comparison, not to mention a bit of an ugly duckling. It's my favorite online FPS. The characters look similar to the characters in Gears, but the speed and style of play are night and day.


Bebpo said:
Good times. Playing the new map with bots right now. Procedure was fairly nice and quick, everything worked with no problems.

I just wish they let you download the maps on your PS3 instead of doing PC->PS3.

It's not quite as handy, but it's still really quick and easy to do as is. I don't mind a little inconvenience for free maps and features.
bendak said:
Got it for PS3 today... runs great. Once I tweaked it enough it was fine with the gamepad.

I'm glad to see the Torlan remake map (friggin love that map)...but did I miss it or is there no Facing Worlds ctf remake? :(

There is one in the works(there are probably several in the works...but I know of atleast one).


Aeon712 said:
That just changed, was playing some DM's against a player UNREALGOD, he's currently ranked 37th. All the matches were won by either him or I, with the other players left behind

you haven't played me yet :D


number1jagsfan said:
Right I just got the PS3 version yesterday, and played my first few matches online today. Anyway I was playing on a 'pure' server but I was getting terrible lag. Like there was a good second delay when I picked up weapons and when I fired weapons, but everyone else seemed to be playing fine. This happened in a couple matches I joined. Any ideas what caused this?

Look for low ping servers. Lag varies depending on the connection. Usually it's pretty smooth for me.


Is this game selling out by any of you? I did some Christmas shopping today and didn't see a copy of it at Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or Circuit City. Last week a couple of those stores easily had 40+ copies.


Aeon712 said:
You should play more with me and Sutdawg, so far Sutdawg has been the only player to keep me in check >_<.

I want to play with you guys, but I simply haven't had the time. When I do, none of you are online or you are playing something else. Sigh.

We need regular clan nights for UT3.
my system will occasionally freeze up when i try to connect to a midway server. so far i haven't had this problem connecting to user created rooms. after reading around a bit this seems to be an issue that is affecting a lot of people. most blame it on the new mods, but i disabled them and it is still happening to me.

i hope they fix it :<
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