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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Just got a crash bug of all thinngs during VS play- I'd love to see the shit that would happen if that happened at EVO or some major.

This has to be the worst disk-based FG port this gen.


Loves Robotech S1
Spent a few hours with campaign...and it's not altogether unenjoyable. Actually I'm having a decent amout of fun with it...once I stopped using my arcade stick and picked up a pad. I can see how it will undoubtedly get boring eventually but in the end it's mainly for the story and unlocks. The story is silly and nonsensical but I'm enjoying it. I think the people who complain are holding it up to some crazy standards for a fighting game plot. I like how tekken doesn't take itself seriously.

However characters holding conversations in different languages is just...awkward. It's not a complaint...but it's certainly distracting. :lol
luka said:
However characters holding conversations in different languages is just...awkward. It's not a complaint...but it's certainly distracting. :lol

I actually like the fact that not are these characters all championship level martial artists, fashionistas and corporate/miitary/scientific geniuses, but they're fluent in both English and Japanese too.

It kind of breaks the MMA stereotype, you know?


luka said:
However characters holding conversations in different languages is just...awkward. It's not a complaint...but it's certainly distracting. :lol

There is actually an even bigger problem in the shadow of this!
How come all the world's famous fighters either speak in Japanese or in English?
Baek?Miguel?Zafina?Law? Come on....

It almost gives an impression as the typcial shounen-oriented anime where you can use some english sentences if you wanna be cool, some german if you want to be hardcore, and some spanish, if you make El Cazador De La Bruja, but that is all.. : D


V_Arnold said:
There is actually an even bigger problem in the shadow of this!
How come all the world's famous fighters either speak in Japanese or in English?
Baek?Miguel?Zafina?Law? Come on....

It almost gives an impression as the typcial shounen-oriented anime where you can use some english sentences if you wanna be cool, some german if you want to be hardcore, and some spanish, if you make El Cazador De La Bruja, but that is all.. : D
I'm pretty sure Baek and Hwoarang speaks Korean actually. Wang speaks Chinese too. But yeah, too bad they didn't go all the way with the western characters.


Sectus said:
I'm pretty sure Baek and Hwoarang speaks Korean actually. Wang speaks Chinese too. But yeah, too bad they didn't go all the way with the western characters.

My bad then.... that must have slipped trough my ears.


I'm warming up to this game.

Visually, it looks a lot better and more vibrant on my LCD versus the larger DLP I have in the living room. The LCD seems to hide some of the aliasing (I decided I like blur mode on) and the colors pop more. Heck, it almost looks like it could stand in the same general vicinity as SC4 now... almost.

Campaign Scenario is so bad it's almost good. Thankfully, the levels are so short, you can just blast through them and collect lots of goodies without being too bothered.

And of course, the actual Versus fighting is great. Good old Tekken. I've always liked the fast pacing of the series better than other fighters, and find that I enjoy playing as lots of different characters.

It's not all it could have been, or all it should have been--not by a long shot--but I'm enjoying it.
I did the disc install last night, then was playing some Slaughterhouse through the XMB while kickin' ass in Tekken, nice experience...This game is definitely one that I could see myself playing consistently for a long time, and it's been probably since the Dreamcast days where I could say that.


Calcaneus said:
I don't get the loading complaints. Maybe before installing it (PS3) it was bad, but after installing it wasn't bad at all.

Any amount of loading is too much loading in Tekken.

And yeah Lars would've been such a Goku wannabe wuss if he had spoken swedish :D


I finally got the PS3 version the other day. I installed the game on the HDD and played mostly some online matches. Most of the time the matches were lag free, though the other player was in close vicinity anyway.

Graphically what it really stood out was the ugly aliasing but it seems like turning off the motion blur does the trick. I'm curious do you guys prefer the motion blur over the 2xAA on the PS3 version?
DarkUSS said:
I finally got the PS3 version the other day. I installed the game on the HDD and played mostly some online matches. Most of the time the matches were lag free, though the other player was in close vicinity anyway.

Graphically what it really stood out was the ugly aliasing but it seems like turning off the motion blur does the trick. I'm curious do you guys prefer the motion blur over the 2xAA on the PS3 version?

I think on the 360 version there is some AF when you are in Blur On mode, so although low res at least it is a crisp clear image.. If you sit far away, you get used to the jaggies and low resolution, I prefer the blur on, because the motion looks so fluid. Without it, it's looks static and you can tell somethings missing.

It's tough to have to sacrifice proper screen resolution for an eye pleasing effect. But I'm used to it at this point and I actually dig the default visuals. Still if you throw in VF5 or Soul Cal 4 for a visual comparison... my goodness. Just don't do that lol.


Hi guys, how's it going? :)

My first post in this topic, because I decided to avoid it altogether before release to keep the experience fresh. Now, thanks to shitty salesman I got the game a week later then I supposed to and not even euro version but asian - there goes dlc. That fucker first sent me 360 version which I had to sent back to get the ps3 one. Enough of this twat, thinking about it just pisses me off.

On topic.
So I play since friday - pretty kick ass as expected, but there were some dissapointments.
Lemme list them:

Gfx not as great as I hoped. I'm talking about the resolution. It's aliased to shit sadly. Antialiasing without blur, but unexpectedly I like the motion blur.

Sound. Something's wrong with it. I had to crank up the tv sound way above normal to hear anything. Someone fucked up the sound mixing for regular tv's.

CG movies. Here Namco really droped the ball. They were masters in this - what happened? The CG quality is way below their usual work. Even the intro sucked ass - worst Tekken intro ever. The endings suck ass also, but at least some of them have that retarded T5 humour that I liked. Heihachi one rocks as always. :lol Anyway's the only good cg movie is Blood Rebelion arcade intro in gallery. Namco, go back to TTT and re-learn how to make good cg movie.

Loading. The biggest offender. WTF? Let me say it again. Loud. WHAT THE FUCK?! Such long ass load times blow my mind. When did we ever have to even think about load times in any Tekken before? Anyone? They were nonexistand. What the fuck is wrong with this generation?! Not only the load times are long(yes, instaled) but they pop up so often!
Disgrace. Namco why did you get lazy? I want to blame the 360 port, but I honestly blame only your fucking ass.

Campain mode is worse then I thought it would be. Sorry Markman, this is laughably bad and it quickly becomes a chore. Playing as all characters with their dialoges doesn't change much as they mostly cover the same topic - it's just worded differently. The general story makes me cry in despair.
The Arena - another disapointment. Why only 4 fights? They could put endings from this to arcade mode.
Namco, please stop making Tekken Force modes. Volleyball? Yes. Bowling? Cool. But fucking no more Tekken Force! You are getting it worse every time.

...And that's about it when it comes to whining. :D

The gameplay makes me come. So good. Thou I'm surprised that some moves have been taken out :O. The new (to T5) characters are awesome. Redone animations are orgasmic. The characters have awesome modeling and they're huge. Kazuya seems most impressive in this aspect - hellsweeps never looked better. New moves give new life to the old characters. It's all great. Also I like the motion blur, I bitched about it before release as I didn't like it in the videos, but I had a feeling I will change my mind when I get the game and I did. It's so smooth with it.

About online. I'm surprised at the global histery and whinefest. Maybe it's because I played T5DR online a whole month till T6 release to get ready, but the online is what I expected it to be honestly. It's better then DR but not by huge margain. The biggest difference is on full bars there's very little lag - it never felt that good in DR even on best occasions. I find the yellow bar very playable. You can say bye bye to most advanced juggles but it still works. Player matches seem unfriendly, what's with assholes kicking me out? :p

In terms of characters I still jump from one to another. Right now it's Bob for online. His poking game is mad. Seeing how I can outpoke steve makes me :lol. Take that Lili bitches! In only 2 online sesions I got him to 4 dan. Only Ranked play, no offline ghost mode. I rather play Lars to be honest, but he's a bitch to control in online play. Lag makes gameplay different. Shitload of Law's online. Maybe as much as lili's in DR. Now I know why he's Top tier. So little recovery and he's got a shitload of low, mid strings so he can attack without stoping. Very annoying. Still I'm happy Lili is not as godly for scrubs as she was in T5DR. :p

So guy's who do you play as online?

Oh and guys hit me up on online:
PSN: GrayFoxPL

Europe preferably.

DarkUSS said:
I finally got the PS3 version the other day. I installed the game on the HDD and played mostly some online matches. Most of the time the matches were lag free, though the other player was in close vicinity anyway.

Graphically what it really stood out was the ugly aliasing but it seems like turning off the motion blur does the trick. I'm curious do you guys prefer the motion blur over the 2xAA on the PS3 version?

I want to have both! :p
Motion Blur on. I can't go back. Aliasing pisses me off royaly thou. Comparing that to ultra clean DR makes even the anti-aliased T6 jaggy. Oh and maybe it's my eyes but I think that with AA the framerate is bit lower then normal. I noticed before using motion blur to extend. Maybe my eyes are faking it, but it seems few frames lower then say Tekken 5 DR.

I agree on online.

Btw. Seiken, you did win, didn't you, you bear smacking bastard? :lol


DarkUSS said:
I finally got the PS3 version the other day. I installed the game on the HDD and played mostly some online matches. Most of the time the matches were lag free, though the other player was in close vicinity anyway.

Graphically what it really stood out was the ugly aliasing but it seems like turning off the motion blur does the trick. I'm curious do you guys prefer the motion blur over the 2xAA on the PS3 version?

See, the game is meant to be played with blur on. It's one of Namco's stated objectives with its vaunted animation system to create a game that looks remarkable in motion rather than one that's merely impressive in still shots.

So it feels to me like I'm missing part of the intended experience if I turn blur off. Frankly, the game looks jaggy to me in both modes (PS3 version here), but I bit the bullet because I thought the 360 d-pad would ruin the gameplay for me.


zoukka said:
Any amount of loading is too much loading in Tekken.
Eh, its always been like 5 seconds or less for me. But I agree, while it is bearable, it could be better. Is that something that can be fixed with a patch? I feel like an idiot even asking that, but it would be cool.

Anyways, playing some more online, its not as rosy as I first thought. I definitely started feeling the lag in more than a few matches. But when its good, its good.

Also, after messing around with the cusomizations, I've come to the realization that there is no piece of clothing that can make Feng not look like a complete badass.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Calcaneus said:
I don't get the loading complaints. Maybe before installing it (PS3) it was bad, but after installing it wasn't bad at all.

It's like 4-5 seconds for a match installed on PS3. No problem.

Uninstalled is a different story. When I brought the game over to a buddy's house, one match took a whopping 30 SECONDS TO LOAD UP. :lol He deleted some stuff and we installed the game.

It really should be a mandatory install.


butthurt Heat fan
V_Arnold said:
There is actually an even bigger problem in the shadow of this!
How come all the world's famous fighters either speak in Japanese or in English?
Baek?Miguel?Zafina?Law? Come on....

It almost gives an impression as the typcial shounen-oriented anime where you can use some english sentences if you wanna be cool, some german if you want to be hardcore, and some spanish, if you make El Cazador De La Bruja, but that is all.. : D
I don't understand why Leo speaks English when her profile says that she is German...


twinturbo2 said:
I don't understand why Leo speaks English when her profile says that she is German...

Lars speaks Japanese despite him apparently being Swedish. :lol

But it's Tekken so who cares.
luka said:
However characters holding conversations in different languages is just...awkward. It's not a complaint...but it's certainly distracting. :lol

Dosnt for me actually. Watch star wars and tell me it's the same thing (is Chewbacca that easy to understand?)

Also, Lars being swedish, he's Japanese/Swedish in reality. C'mon peeps, makes more sense especially since the game spells out Heihachi is his dad.


Lyte Edge said:
It's like 4-5 seconds for a match installed on PS3. No problem.

Your PS3 must be faster than my 80GB and my Slim. My load times for each are about on par with the 11 or 12 seconds measured out by Lens of Truth.

It's too long.


Loves Robotech S1
Load times are not bad at all installed. They're only a few seconds longer than the arcade version (not that I think they should be that long at all, but they're really not a big deal).

Scenario is a different story. The load times after every single menu, level, and scene change can get annoying.


Installed the game on my 360 HDD and the load times annoy me.
Still, I've only got to unlock 3 more endings and then I've got 1000/1000 points :D
Only my second game to do so (other being Tales of Vesperia).
Online play is very hit & miss I find. Sometimes the lag makes the game unbearable, other time's it's barely noticeable. Weird.

Love playing as Asuka & Lars. I used to be 100% Xiayou, but for some reason I've gone off her.

I was worried that I would find it difficult to play with the 360 controller. The D-Pad isn't as good as the PS3's, but apart from that I've had no troubles at all :)
Neil said:
Still, I've only got to unlock 3 more endings and then I've got 1000/1000 points :D
Only my second game to do so (other being Tales of Vesperia).
Online play is very hit & miss I find. Sometimes the lag makes the game unbearable, other time's it's barely noticeable. Weird.
Goddamn! I'm about to try that, myself, and I'm dreading it :lol I'll be doing a second playthrough after I farm Grade in the arena
I don't want to do the Rita Grade farm trick
. It's gonna be fun :D ToV <3

Well, to keep it T6 related...we should add each other! I could use more Tekken 6 360 buddies. My GT's the same as my GAF name if you're up for it.


luka said:
So do Lars and Alisa not have ending FMVs or is theirs just the normal SC end?
The PSP version will include their endings.
I guess they wanted to give that version something exclusive.


MrDenny said:
The PSP version will include their endings.
I guess they wanted to give that version something exclusive.

I want to give Namco my best wishes, if after the Broken Destiny, they want to screw with those who who bought the same game with higher price for the 360/PS3. What I also want to give them starts with an F.


I hope Namco will offer new levels when the online co-op is implemented. It won't be worth going through the same stages again.


RelentlessRolento said:
I got 1000/1000 in Virtua Fighter 5 Online... now that's a real bitch.

I still have one or two arcades I haven't conquered, then they released Tekken 6. Assholes D:


Guys, can you please help me out?

I am really on the verge of purchasing the Collector with the Stick. So Arcade Stick Edition, it is. Is it worth it? The only thing I have heard so far is the "it is good for a beginner" stuff, which is nor informative, nor good enough.

Is it more responsive than my 360 analoge and its buttons? I consider myself as someone who plays with above 95% accuracy on those. I can do Viper's cancels anytime by pianoing on buttons, and I ofc Srk-FADC-Ultra is a nobrainer too. Will those be not attainable by missing out the sanwa quality buttons?

Or does it loses out inputs? Does it break before like 1 year of usage? If it breaks, I would never suggest it to a beginner. Having a proper hardware is not a question of who is beginner or not...

So is it a clear improvement over the 360's analogue for someone who have put monstrous amount of work into it?


V_Arnold said:

This is all opinion. Many people can't play a fighter with the analog stick. You can. It will be an adjustment for you. I have to ask if you're already comfortable with what you're using, why switch?

Hori stuff is pretty reliable. I have had several of my sticks from ps2/ps3 era randomly have a button stop working, though. Nobody here can say whether this stick will break in a year because it's only been out for a week or so :p.


Skilletor said:
This is all opinion. Many people can't play a fighter with the analog stick. You can. It will be an adjustment for you. I have to ask if you're already comfortable with what you're using, why switch?

Hori stuff is pretty reliable. I have had several of my sticks from ps2/ps3 era randomly have a button stop working, though. Nobody here can say whether this stick will break in a year because it's only been out for a week or so :p.

Very true!
Well, about the why switch part: because I know my boundraries, and basically there ARE moves which I am not even thinking about pulling off (Viper 2nd hard trial, for example), mainly because to do the said trial, i had to reconfigure my pad in a way that I would never want to use it comfortably. And hey, if I gain more speed from the new input device, all the better.

But after this, I have found MarkMan's opinion about the wireless in the SRK arcade stick news topic, and it was favorable, and did not mention any input loss or something - so I will buy it today, and will write down experiences later.
V_Arnold said:
Very true!
Well, about the why switch part: because I know my boundraries, and basically there ARE moves which I am not even thinking about pulling off (Viper 2nd hard trial, for example), mainly because to do the said trial, i had to reconfigure my pad in a way that I would never want to use it comfortably. And hey, if I gain more speed from the new input device, all the better.

But after this, I have found MarkMan's opinion about the wireless in the SRK arcade stick news topic, and it was favorable, and did not mention any input loss or something - so I will buy it today, and will write down experiences later.

If analog works for you and you're used to it, it'll be a bit odd adjusting to a normal stick. The main difference is with the activation of the directions on a stick versus an analog is pretty big, plus how you hold it will change entirely. The important thing is to not drop the stick because you're not used to it after a week or 2. It always takes adjustment. Hell, it took me a good while to adjust to using a square gate like most sticks have when I grew up using an octagonal/round gate like in most American arcades.

I realize I'm just regurgitating what others always say about people using a stick for the first time, but that's because it's the truth.


Loves Robotech S1
I can be pretty effective on both a stick and pad (given it has a decent dpad). In the end it comes down to "authenticity" I suppose. I prefer playing arcade games with an arcade stick because it's what I'm familiar with. It just feels right. Playing a fighting game with a pad feels empty to me.
Honestly Tekken isn't the kind of fighting game that demands a stick - there aren't any charge moves or really anything requiring precise left to right or down to up movements (like, say, street fighter) so the inherent physical advantages are moot.

Just don't try to play campaign with a stick. That's asking for a headache.


loves Arcade Sticks
Yea, the wireless stick doesn't have lag issues.

I've heard about input drops though, but haven't experienced it myself.



Any news or dates on the online patch?

I went back to try today. I got a few good games, but the majority were horid with a few never making it past the first round before a dc. :(


MarkMan said:
Yea, the wireless stick doesn't have lag issues.

I've heard about input drops though, but haven't experienced it myself.


I've had input drops the first day of use but it haven't happened since.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Kolgar said:
Your PS3 must be faster than my 80GB and my Slim. My load times for each are about on par with the 11 or 12 seconds measured out by Lens of Truth.

It's too long.

I'm not using a standard PS3 HDD, if that makes any difference.
After installing it on my 360, I'd say the load time has gone down a few seconds. I didn't think the actual length of the load was an issue (even though Tekken typically had fast-to-no load times) but the amount of loading screens is pretty brutal. I'll take any slight improvement that I can get so the install was worth it.


Loves Robotech S1
I love this game. Best Tekken ever. Best fighting game ever.

Most pointless post ever? Probably. Whatever.


Loves Robotech S1
riskVSreward said:
hoo boy...

I love it too, but I can't bestow the "best fighting game ever" award upon it just yet.

Tekken 6 has been out for 2 years now...isn't that long enough? :lol I don't know. I might put sf3 or alpha above it...maybe. All I know is I've never played a fighter this much in such a short time. I'm enjoying this a lot, and love all the little tweaks over T5DR.

Say what you will about the quality of the port job (which isn't terrible by any means), the core content and gameplay is still intact, and it's awesome.
luka said:
Tekken 6 has been out for 2 years now...isn't that long enough? :lol I don't know. I might put sf3 or alpha above it...maybe. All I know is I've never played a fighter this much in such a short time. I'm enjoying this a lot, and love all the little tweaks over T5DR.

Say what you will about the quality of the port job (which isn't terrible by any means), the core content and gameplay is still intact, and it's awesome.
Well, I've only been playing it for a few weeks now so I personally couldn't make any best game evar claims, I don't know how long you've been playing it. It's definitely addicting, the customization is on par if not more varied than VF5 (best in the series by far though) and you're right, the core gameplay is phenomenal. I'm still not sure I like it over TTT, nevermind all of my classic favorites like Hyper Fighting, Super Turbo, VF4:EVO, CVS2 etc etc...

I do enjoy it more than every other Tekken since TTT though. Once the online is patched (lol) maybe I can put in enough time fighting strangers to construct a valid opinion on the game as a whole. But for right now, ghost mode and playing against my friends is awesome and I can totally look past all of the shortcomings in the port.
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