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Official Thread of Toronto on Strike, or Something is Rotten in Ontario

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Will QA for food.
It might be over with soon! But what will be the end results that both parties arrive at.. how will the tax payers undoubtedly be screwed.. upcoming..

explodet said:
So the strike isn't over yet, but they're halfway there!

After thirty-five long and miserable days, a deal was reached this morning to end the strike by Toronto's garbage collectors and other outside workers. The settlement came after around-the-clock bargaining sparked by a 48-hour ultimatum issued Friday by Mark Ferguson, president of CUPE Local 416, representing some 6,200 outside workers.

Ferguson said the next step is for the city to make a deal with striking inside workers represented by CUPE Local 79. He said the outside workers' deal would only be put to a ratification vote once the inside workers have an agreement as well.

The strike is not expected to end until then.






City of Toronto workers have been on strike for only five days now over the City's request to change their lucrative benefits, including, but not limited to; 18 sick days per year (not including vacation) that can be 'banked' into their retirement at the end of every year.

But that's not the issue I have; it's the ludicrous nature of everyone involved baffles my mind. City workers scoff at the idea of giving up anything because 'they don't have to bail Toronto out', the City itself is establishing temporary dumping grounds in parks for garbage (hooray, tourism.. and the parks won't be receiving any service either of course), and idiot residents are just through garbage near the bins downtown that have been wrapped shut. The delightful garbage smell is creeping up on us now, especially after the humidity the last few days, and now rain.

Our lovely Mayor Miller is quite the douche; he allows CUPE, and strikers to block what was before today, a hand full of temporary dump-sites in the city. These sites are the alternative residents are faced with, not having the City pickup garbage Letting one person through every 15 minutes, and harassing them all the way. Then when someone is having to wait 2 hours to dump a bag, and they just drop the bag, a by-law officer is there quickly to impose the $380 fine.

And of course now to 'appease' the residents, the City has decided that opening up temporary dump sites in city parks, and even the beach, is a great idea. Heaven forbid they actually use maybe.. a parking lot? But that might cost the City some money, so let's not think about that. Of course, Miller claims this affects him too. Yeah, right. I bet the garbage is just filling up his backyard. How could he ever afford to have it hauled away privately on a $166,985 per year salary. He may have to give himself a raise next year just to cover the cost.. or maybe take a vacation.

Ottawa has announced they're not going to force the workers back, which is probably a good thing. If this goes because an arbitrator, the union will probably come out on top. As such, it's going to be a long, stinky, summer here in Toronto. After all, Windsor, Ontario has been on strike for over 9 weeks. Oh boy.

News Stories:
National Post: The city manager told residents to obey picketers who refuse to let them drop trash at city-designated sites, even as he warned of ‘‘zero tolerance’’ for illegal dumping.

The Globe and Mail: Nineteen Toronto public parks and parking lots will be turned into dumps for the duration of the municipal workers strike, a move that has angered residents living near the temporary landfills. “You don't put a garbage dump in a waterfront park. I understand there's a lot of difficult choices, but that's the dumbest choice,”

Toronto Star: Longer Strike Feared. Hot, humid weather is forecast through the weekend and garbage is piling up, but the city's medical officer of health says it's not a concern yet.







Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
ToLOLto :lol

It's interesting that you guys let the city garbage workers go on strike but managed to avoid the potential disaster of a strike from the exclusive beer chain, LCBO. You guys got your priority right :D


Will QA for food.
NetMapel said:
ToLOLto :lol

It's interesting that you guys let the city garbage workers go on strike but managed to avoid the potential disaster of a strike from the exclusive beer chain, LCBO. You guys go the priority right :D

Of course, conspiracy theorist will tell you the whole 'LCBO strike' was just to drive up sales, because they were so overstocked. The day before the strike, they had their best day ever, sales wise. Shelves were bare! :lol


I was at the LCBO the day before the strike, thankfully all I wanted was some Glenfiddich, I was already stocked with everything else. The lineups were insane but were moving along quickly. If there had been a booze strike along with the garbage strike I think there would have been rioting. And to be fair the LCBO is a provincial matter while the garbage strike is municipal.

And everybody involved in this garbage strike mess deserves a good pimpslap.


Will QA for food.
explodet said:
I was at the LCBO the day before the strike, thankfully all I wanted was some Glenfiddich, I was already stocked with everything else. The lineups were insane but were moving along quickly. If there had been a booze strike along with the garbage strike I think there would have been rioting. And to be fair the LCBO is a provincial matter while the garbage strike is municipal.

And everybody involved in this garbage strike mess deserves a good pimpslap.

Indeed. Let's not forget, it's not just the garbage though. Almost all city services including Day Cares, Pools, Park and Rec, etc, are shutting down because of this strike. The garbage just stinks the most.


So, the citizens are going to get a refund for the days these public services were unavailable on tax day right? Right?


Will QA for food.
mAcOdIn said:
So, the citizens are going to get a refund for the days these public services were unavailable on tax day right? Right?

Hey, if my internet went out for a week, I'd receive a refund. Good point!

..too bad this is the government. I "owe them my life, soul and monies." Or so they'd have you believe.


Will QA for food.
Haha, garbage coming into work today is really horrible. Queen and Spadina, up to Dundas is just littered with waste. And we've only been on strike for 5 days. Can't believe just attempt to be a little more clean and civil? A little composting wouldn't hurt either..


not a medical professional
The LCBO thing was definitely a conspiracy... lets take a look at this shall we?

1) Canadian Auto Workers threaten strike
Canadian's response: Oh, okay.

2) Toronto Civic Union Strikes
Canadian's Response: mhm. have fun.

3) LCBO Threatens strike

I have a feeling that all these strikes are the "me-too" epidemic that is a result of the bailouts in the states... all these unions in the US are getting access to gov't funds, but since our economy is doing markedly better, the Canadian unions are like "well I want some pie too, damnit".

I live in London, so I'm at least far enough away that there will be no stench... I hope to hell DeCicco doesn't start offering trash removal like she has in the past...
I don't get why they can do this. Could a citizen haul off his own garbage if he wanted to, or are they shutting down the dumps, as well? I suppose they would be. Well, that sucks.


Will QA for food.
vas_a_morir said:
I don't get why they can do this. Could a citizen haul off his own garbage if he wanted to, or are they shutting down the dumps, as well? I suppose they would be. Well, that sucks.

Yes, we can take the garbage and dump it.. but they're pretty far out of the way for a lot of citizens in the city (many who don't own cars). That's why they're opening up 'temporary dump sites' inside CITY PARKS. Yep, no health risk there. I'm sure it will smell great at the western Beaches once Sunnyside has turned into a huge steaming pile of trash.

Let's not forget about the rats.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Fatghost said:
Torontonians have this false impression that toronto is a "world class city". :lol

I don't live in Toronto, but Toronto is a world class city and this small blemish isn't really gonna change that.
I just saw a family of raccoons having a feast in the garbage bags while I was jogging last night. Long live Toronto (i hate this city).


Fatghost said:
Torontonians have this false impression that toronto is a "world class city". :lol

Are you a fucking moron? London and Paris have had garbage strikes before. I guess those cities aren't world class either?

Anyways my biggest gripe with this strike is that the some people are pathetic self serving cry babies. I noticed that after only 1 day of the strike some people are already dumping their garbage in parks. That is absolutely pathetic. These people couldnt keep their garbage on their own property for more than ONE FUCKING DAY!? pathetic.

Seth C

Fatghost said:
Torontonians have this false impression that toronto is a "world class city". :lol


I just finished a road trip through about 13 cities. Toronto was perhaps the least attractive of all of them.


Hail to the KING baby
SuperSonic1305 said:
I'll take garbage in the streets to everyone walking around with guns any day thank you very much.
Uh Rumble in the Bronx was actually filmed in Canada, as were a lot of other action movies that claim to depict NYC life if that's what you're basing it on.


AlphaTwo00 said:
At times like these, I'm thankful that I only work in Toronto and live out farther away in the suburbs.
Did you miss the point where Windsor has had a 9 week garbage strike? I swear the Canadian media goes nuts everytime anything bad happens in Toronto.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Its as if some people here believe that David Miller is the first mayor in Toronto history to have a garbage strike on his hands. Oh well, he'll still easily win his re-election.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Its as if some people here believe that David Miller is the first mayor in Toronto history to have a garbage strike on his hands. Oh well, he'll still will easily win his re-election.
Easy to win when the other person can't advertise and you already have half a million Tamil votes in for you. Older strikes don't change the fact that he's a shit mayor. It's pretty sad to see when the unions start to employ the corporate mentality they used to rebel against.


Will QA for food.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Its as if some people here believe that David Miller is the first mayor in Toronto history to have a garbage strike on his hands. Oh well, he'll still will easily win his re-election.

Right.. I think most people are more upset that he's A) Letting CUPE strikers block residents from taking their garbage to dumps, and B) They're setting up 19 new 'temporary dumping stations' inside of public parks. Of course, they're telling us there's no health risk if there's a stinky pile of shit near Lake Ontario, and of course, rats are just friendly creatures.

The only reason the 2002 strike was cut short is because the Pope was coming to town, and Ottawa ordered them back. This time around, we could extend into those nice fall months.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
DevelopmentArrested said:
Easy to win when the other person can't advertise and you have 600,000 Tamil votes already in for you.
Yeah, David Miller has won his elections on the back of the Tamil vote. :lol

P.S. There aren't even 600 000 Tamils in all of Canada.
Azih said:
Did you miss the point where Windsor has had a 9 week garbage strike? I swear the Canadian media goes nuts everytime anything bad happens in Toronto.
Of course the media goes nuts, there isn't anything interesting to cover around the country anyways. Hey, it's not like they're going to hold anyone else's feet to the fire when it comes to politics anyways, right?

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Its as if some people here believe that David Miller is the first mayor in Toronto history to have a garbage strike on his hands. Oh well, he'll still will easily win his re-election.
Sure, but Miller's got a problem, he can't play it both ways like he did before when Lastman was running the show.


Will QA for food.
Don't worry guys, David Miller will win my vote by bringing those new streetcars to Toron..... wait a minute.
Recent polls show that Miller's popularity has plummeted to Bushian levels and that John Tory will win handily. Apparently even the buffoons who voted for him the first time around see what a shithole Toronto has become.
It seems that more and more unions are forgetting what "collective bargaining" means. You want to bank your sick days? Awesome, what are you willing to give up for it? Oh, nothing? Fuck off.


EvilMario said:
Most exciting city in Canada!

Heh, most exciting? Maybe not.

Still, probably one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. The amount of green life in Ottawa is pretty incredible for a city of it's size. Also, thanks to government workers, it's one of the only cities where the housing market has not been affected by the recession.

I'd like to see Vancouver though. :)
I hated Toronto the first 20 times I went there, but my last visit had me loving the city, and I am moving there for sure. The streets are always filled with people. So many hot chicks.

Edit: Ottawa was awesome when I was there because it was such a short trip into Hull, Quebec, and the beer was so cheap! Not only that, but they sold it at the grocery store! Super C I think it was called. Fucking stacks of 2-4's at the end of the aisles. Also, better returns on empties. Almost enough to make me want to move there.
EvilMario said:
Haha, garbage coming into work today is really horrible. Queen and Spadina, up to Dundas is just littered with waste. And we've only been on strike for 5 days. Can't believe just attempt to be a little more clean and civil?
Nothing new. Chinatown is covered in garbage year-round even without a strike.

Anyway, the union can seriously fuck off. Who in the world gets 18 bankable sick days a year? It's absurd.
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