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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
MrVargas said:
Has there been any word recently on the storage solution update?

Other than Tom Prata's reaffirmation of Iwata's announcement this past week at DICE, no.
Thing to keep in mind about The Last Ninja:

"Last Ninja was the most successful original game ever on the Commodore C64. In Europe the sales for the C64 version alone were in excess of 750,000 units and international multi-format sales exceeded 2,000,000 units. It won almost every award available and was critically acclaimed everywhere as an original, ground-breaking game. There is no C64 gamer that has not heard of Last Ninja. Even today, people still talk about the impact it had on the gaming world."

And as it was originally created on the C-64, that is the definitive version, even if it may have better graphics/music on Amiga or other systems.
Best part about Last Ninja is the almost insane number of ways you can die instantly. In many ways it's definitely an adventure game.

One of the worst is those sections with the stop lights and if you cross at the wrong moment you get ran over by a motorcycle. I think it's the first game that ever got me to swear.
RuneFactoryFanboy said:
So I'm supposed to be happy that the wait for the games I want will be even longer while the fill the catalog with games I couldn't care less about? Quality > Quantity


The VC features a range of consoles spanning years of console history. Frankly it's a little annoying when people bitch that Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy 6, Shining Force 2, and Earthbound don't all release in the same week. That's not the way it works. As it is i've been waiting for the Last Ninja since Commodore games were announced last fucking year. I don't waltz into the VC threads week in and week out and bitch about how i'm not being catered to, because I understand how it goes.

I mean, I understand the bitching that we're only getting 1 VC game a week because then you have to wait even LONGER for your favorite titles to manifest themselves. But bitching that certain platforms shouldn't be on a service that prides itself on being a collection of mulitple platforms from EVERYONE's past and not just your own? That's class A dickery right there. The VC ain't just for you and your whims, suck it the fuck up.

Yes Boss!

SuperAngelo64 said:
C64 and the SMS.

It's like trying to decide what's better; the giant shit in the toilet or the vomit it's stewing in.


Man, Wonder Boy just got released on SMS VC. What the hell, hardly shit or vomit.
Capndrake said:
Every version of The Last Ninja is terrible except for the C64 one. This guy's got videos of every single version of all three games to compare: http://www.youtube.com/user/laffer35

And Onslaught's awesome.

I decided to take a chance on it and it really is. Controls are really responsive and and it has got me really hyped for the Conduit. I think the large bounding box plus quick turning speed is the way to go on Wii, lets you pick off shots with ease but get out of trouble in no time.

Oh, and wtf at the irrational SMS and C64 hate? Writing off a whole system's library after watching a couple of Youtube videos has to be the mark of a clueless gamer.
RuneFactoryFanboy said:
So I'm supposed to be happy that the wait for the games I want will be even longer while the fill the catalog with games I couldn't care less about? Quality > Quantity

The VC has plenty of quality games, it's just that people like you instantly dismiss them while crying about the lack of 'insert whatever SNES RPG here' and Super Smash Bros.

I never grew up with C64 either, I was more of a Master System guy, but I grabbed a handful of games off the VC and fell in love. Mayhem in Monsterland, Last Ninja, Jumpman. The C64 has plenty to offer.
Joy Stiq mentioned that Mr. Driller DSi basically looks like Drill Spirits that's converted to DSi. Odd:

http://nintendo.joy stiq.com/2009/02/23/namcos-dsiware-katamari-puzzler-downloadable-mr-drillers-in/

Speaking of originality: screens of DSiWare Mr. Driller confirm that it really is content from Drill Spirits, directly excerpted. It looks exactly the same. Again, for 500 points, it might be a viable download for DSi owners this week, but not those who already own Drill Spirits. Mr. Driller World for WiiWare, on the other hand, is new, with a bright new visual style!

But I've been searching around, and I'm highly believing that Mr. Driller World may actually share this method and could be a WiiWare port/remake of Drill Land from GC.

I found this screenshot of DL at 4CR:


And here's World:


Too similar aren't they?

Someone made an import review of Drill Land for reference:


And I easily removed the Game Watch logo from the title screen for your convenience:



provides useful feedback
Infernal Monkey said:
The VC has plenty of quality games, it's just that people like you instantly dismiss them while crying about the lack of 'insert whatever SNES RPG here' and Super Smash Bros.

I never grew up with C64 either, I was more of a Master System guy, but I grabbed a handful of games off the VC and fell in love. Mayhem in Monsterland, Last Ninja, Jumpman. The C64 has plenty to offer.

This. So this, honestly.

Hey, have you reviewed anymore Phoenix Games lately? Your YouTube videos always bring the chortling.
RuneFactoryFanboy said:
When I say looks, I meant overall not visually.

Well of course you did and that's why I went ahead and fixed your post.

As a kid the only two series I played regularly on NES were SMB 1-3 and Mega Man 2-4 (the games I pined for in class while playing Carmen Sandiego and Number Munchers) but that didn't stop me from picking up an EGM or a Gamepro once in awhile and being intrigued by the various SMS, Genesis, and TG-16 offerings, so much so that me and my brother on several occasions pooled our allowance money and got other systems just so we could have other games like Alex Kidd, Psycho Fox, Bonk and Air Zonk (got my TG-16 in early June '93, right before I saw Jurassic Park was released, ah good times, a year later we got a new, complete Duo with all 5 games bundled, 6 if you count the hidden version of Bomberman on the Gate of Thunder disc, snagged it when Waldensoftware was closing them out for $99).

We would have gotten a Genny before our TG-16 but we had several friends we could borrow it from (will never forget the first time I played Sonic 2 at a friend's '92 Superbowl party, the heck with the Bud Bowl shenanigans, Chemical Plant Zone and Casino Night needed conquering) then later opted for SNES instead (finding an inexplicable pile of new and sealed copies of Mega Man X in a local toy store sweetened the deal to get one, got the LttP bundle in Jan '95).

OK, so anyways in your opinion, the greatness of MD Sonic 1-3 vs SMS Sonic 1-Chaos = other SMS titles like Fantasy Zone, Wonderboy in ML, and Alex Kidd in MW being qualitatively uninteresting to you graphics and gameplay wise as the three C64 games released today which remind you of the classroom floppy games you disliked so much as a kid which SMS games look and play nothing like at all? OoooooK.


This damn thread sucked me back into Virtual Console . . . I just purchased $30 dollars worth of Wii points and got Super Mario 64 & Paper Mario for the N64 and Zelda II & Mega Man 2 for the NES.
Well I can't really respond to so many C64 fans calling me out, so

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to irritate you all and didn't think my opinion would cause such an uproar. I was throwing my opinion out there to see if anyone felt the same but I'll just keep my mouth shut next time.

Didn't want to make enemies especially in the VC thread :(
RuneFactoryFanboy said:
Well I can't really respond to so many C64 fans calling me out, so

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to irritate you all and didn't think my opinion would cause such an uproar. I was throwing my opinion out there to see if anyone felt the same but I'll just keep my mouth shut next time.

Didn't want to make enemies especially in the VC thread :(

In a way I agree with you!

But the thing to consider is; think about the people who really want these games when you couldn't care less about them. It's only fair! :)
Oh and I forgot to clarify, the reason that pile of brand new Mega Man X carts was "inexplicable" was because I found them in December '94 (at Circus World, was kinda like Kay Bee back in the day) for just $10 a piece! One of THE AAA SNES games for only ten bucks, new and boxed less than a year after its release! So I grabbed it right away, then with help from my brother, my parents and Walmart layaway, we got the LttP bundle the next month. My mom WANTED to help us buy a SNES after we showed her the NP video for DKC. Man, my mom is cool. That first weekend with the SNES was amazing. Non stop MM X and LttP then the next weekend, the first of many DKC rentals.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
handofg0d said:
I am as unfamiliar as the rest of you when it comes to C64 games, so here are some gameplay youtubes that might help you decide if you're interested:

The Last Ninja: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0DdmyxHg9s
.. the memories .. are choking me.. i must have salivated a barrel to that game back in high school. it was the epitome of the forbidden fruit for me - the c64 i never had, and the last ninja i could only watch others play.. then our ways parted and i never looked back. seeing it today and knowing i could have it just like that, at the click of a wiimote.. it just doesn't feel right.
BobJustBob said:
That would be the greatest thing ever.

I'm wondering if due to WW's size limit and World's different theme, if perhaps they'll only bring over the main puzzles and such that show that global theme from Drill Land. How much of DL consisted of these country-themed puzzles?

But if those were the best part of DL, then I won't complain. :D

Ranger X

RuneFactoryFanboy said:
Well I can't really respond to so many C64 fans calling me out, so

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to irritate you all and didn't think my opinion would cause such an uproar. I was throwing my opinion out there to see if anyone felt the same but I'll just keep my mouth shut next time.

Didn't want to make enemies especially in the VC thread :(

You shouldn't give a fuck to other people's opinion to begin with.



SuperAngelo64 said:
C64 and the SMS.

It's like trying to decide what's better; the giant shit in the toilet or the vomit it's stewing in.


Missing out on potentially hundreds of great games (the C64 game library is absolutely massive) just because of ignorance is a sad state of affairs.


My very early impressions of Onslaught:

-Better looking than the screens suggested (seems the case for most wii games , doesn't look n64 at all).

- controls are pretty smooth overall. the only thing that is kind of annoying it the whip, but it is manageable.

- online is very smooth, but lack of VS mode sucks. Good to have ranked matches without needing friend codes.

- Reminds me more of an old arcade on-rails shooter than a straight FPS.

- Levels are very linear, and the difficulty doesn't seem too hard (playing on normal setting).

I'll try to play more this weekend when I have more time.
Hero of Legend said:
I'm wondering if due to WW's size limit and World's different theme, if perhaps they'll only bring over the main puzzles and such that show that global theme from Drill Land. How much of DL consisted of these country-themed puzzles?

But if those were the best part of DL, then I won't complain. :D

Not much as I recall. I think they were only the different depth zones for the main mode, and there were four other modes. Those are the ones that I really want, especially the exorcism mode and Indy mode.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
JCX9 said:
My very early impressions of Onslaught:

-Better looking than the screens suggested (seems the case for most wii games , doesn't look n64 at all).

- controls are pretty smooth overall. the only thing that is kind of annoying it the whip, but it is manageable.

- online is very smooth, but lack of VS mode sucks. Good to have ranked matches without needing friend codes.

- Reminds me more of an old arcade on-rails shooter than a straight FPS.

- Levels are very linear, and the difficulty doesn't seem too hard (playing on normal setting).

I'll try to play more this weekend when I have more time.
Yeah I only played a few games but it seems a reasonably solid game, especially given the size limits - looks about on a par with quake2. Its just a quick, fun to play, online co-op FPS of which there currently zero (and none planned that I know of) on the Wii other than this. I definitely think I will get my moneys worth out of it.

Neo Samus

I'm excited about C64. At the moment I don't have any interest (or funds) for the current C64 games released in NA, but I'm keeping my eye out.


Onslaught is actually pretty good considering how bad it looks.

The game badly needs voice work or some type of system to work together or to cover an area.
And doesn't look like you can upgrade weapons online?


(more a nerd than a geek)
Can't we get Infogrames on board so that we can get some Atari 8-bit stuff?

I want Star Raiders.

(Not the stupid 2600 or 5200 ports... the REAL Star Raiders.)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Okay. I'm baffled.

I'm trying to play Last Ninja and I can't make my character pick up any items.

Glittering items/fruit don't seem to respond to any attack/move I make on them, and when I kneel before the various statues, the game prompts me with "Collect Sword" but nothing appears to actually DO that.

How do you pick up the sword???


DavidDayton said:
Okay. I'm baffled.

I'm trying to play Last Ninja and I can't make my character pick up any items.

Glittering items/fruit don't seem to respond to any attack/move I make on them, and when I kneel before the various statues, the game prompts me with "Collect Sword" but nothing appears to actually DO that.

How do you pick up the sword???
Make your hands touch the item when you do the pick up move.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Capndrake said:
Make your hands touch the item when you do the pick up move.

1) So, using the Wii Remote, I hold [2] and then press away from the item to make the hand dart out, right? Is this just a matter of my not lining pixels up correctly? Mr. Ninja punches madly, but I never get the key/shimmering nunchuk, etc. What about items on the ground?

2) When I kneel in front of a statue, and the game says "Collect" with a picture of a sword, HOW do I collect the sword?

I'm trying everything I can think of and still failing. It's odd.

Edit: Okay, I tried playing with the Classic Controller's joystick... and now I'm having no problems at all. I guess it was entirely a matter of incorrectly entering diagonals on the wii Remote's joypad.
BobJustBob said:
Not much as I recall. I think they were only the different depth zones for the main mode, and there were four other modes. Those are the ones that I really want, especially the exorcism mode and Indy mode.

Hmm, I just read this part of the DL review and it mentions this beauty:

Drill Land World Tour is much like the Disney Small World ride in basic theme with each 100m clear causing the country to change and the little dancing graphic in the sidebar to show different people and things from that country. The 1st level (500m) looks like the traditional Mr. Driller game, but the 1000m and 2000m levels get much wider and the blocks smaller to fit them all in the screen. This is the only one of the games where you can choose which character to play as.

It seems rather silly that the other modes don't let you choose who you can play as, so I can definitely see why this mode was considered the best by NBGI to bring to WiiWare.

The review mentions extras like a sound test in the theater. I've watched some videos of the other parts of the game like the Star Driller mode, and the music is fantastic! It'd be a shame if NBGI didn't say, mixed in the music from the other modes into the WW version to be played at random times. The soundtrack's one of the highlights to me after seeing the videos! :D
DavidDayton said:
1) So, using the Wii Remote, I hold [2] and then press away from the item to make the hand dart out, right? Is this just a matter of my not lining pixels up correctly? Mr. Ninja punches madly, but I never get the key/shimmering nunchuk, etc. What about items on the ground?

2) When I kneel in front of a statue, and the game says "Collect" with a picture of a sword, HOW do I collect the sword?

I'm trying everything I can think of and still failing. It's odd.

Edit: Okay, I tried playing with the Classic Controller's joystick... and now I'm having no problems at all. I guess it was entirely a matter of incorrectly entering diagonals on the wii Remote's joypad.

Keep in mind, commodore 64 games frequently had only one button. So the grab = d-pad away and fire, and attack = hold fire, press up for high weapon attacks, and down for kicks.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
SuperAngelo64 said:
C64 and the SMS.

It's like trying to decide what's better; the giant shit in the toilet or the vomit it's stewing in.

One of those systems has Phantasy Star...


Hero of Legend said:
Oh yeah, Mr. Driller is out now for WiiWare in Japan.

Anyone here have a Japanese Wii to download it?

I downloaded it. Something like 128 blocks (I'm running low - had to delete the AMAZING Bubble Bobble Wiimake for now).

It's... Mr. Driller, brilliant and simple and as good as any other versions I've played. Haven't got to the deeper, wider levels yet. I'll try harder, later.

But yeah, as expected, really. Moreso than any other game.

Bubble Bobble Wii though... now *that's* awesome. Consumes hours at a time with its arrange-mode maps and super-mode.
swerve said:
I downloaded it. Something like 128 blocks (I'm running low - had to delete the AMAZING Bubble Bobble Wiimake for now).

It's... Mr. Driller, brilliant and simple and as good as any other versions I've played. Haven't got to the deeper, wider levels yet. I'll try harder, later.

But yeah, as expected, really. Moreso than any other game.

Bubble Bobble Wii though... now *that's* awesome. Consumes hours at a time with its arrange-mode maps and super-mode.

What kind of modes of play does it have?

Any local or online multiplayer?

Any mention of DLC?

How's the music?

Is it really a port of Drill Land?


DavidDayton said:
1) So, using the Wii Remote, I hold [2] and then press away from the item to make the hand dart out, right? Is this just a matter of my not lining pixels up correctly? Mr. Ninja punches madly, but I never get the key/shimmering nunchuk, etc. What about items on the ground?

2) When I kneel in front of a statue, and the game says "Collect" with a picture of a sword, HOW do I collect the sword?

I'm trying everything I can think of and still failing. It's odd.

Edit: Okay, I tried playing with the Classic Controller's joystick... and now I'm having no problems at all. I guess it was entirely a matter of incorrectly entering diagonals on the wii Remote's joypad.

Sounds like you got it. But to be clear. To pick up an item you hold the fire button and press back + down. And yeah, the hands have to touch the item for it to register. Even if the position you're in makes no sense from a visual aspect.

The controls do take quite a bit to get used to. However once you've got it, it's a really awesome action adventure game.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Agh noooo now I will get no work done today.

Gotta setup the Wi-Fi here at work.
ivysaur12 said:
Onslaught is good? Really?

If Serious Sam + perfect Wii FPS controls + immaculately integrated online co-op sound appetising to you, then yes, go ahead and buy it.

Sure the textures are a joke, but that can be forgiven because they allow the game to pack in an awful lot of weapons and levels into 40MB. A constant 60 fps doesn't half help the controls either.



Wow, watching that video really brought back so many great memories. I had completely forgotten some of those great games that I used to play as a little kid. I'd love to see Montezuma's Revenge, Archon, the Games series, and Boulder Dash (the c64 version was the best one I've played, the NES one sucked) appearing on the US Virtual Console. My family didn't have many c64 games (looking back, I'm amazed we had the computer at all), but damn if I didn't spend hours playing the few that we had!

People writing off the system are missing out on a lot of great games. Maybe the launch titles aren't the best choice (although Last Ninja is a classic), but there's plenty of good stuff out there.
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