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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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borghe said:
We used to know the Friday before. Then NOA squashed that for some reason. However I think it's safe to say the reason we don't get lists is because NOA really doesn't have the month planned out except for rare occasions. I honestly believe that in some cases they don't have the monday set until like Thursday or Friday before.

Oh yes, I do remember getting the info the prior Thursday or Friday. The "leak" wasn't really supposed to be doing that, though. With Japan, I'm guessing their month schedule is official.

But if NOA doesn't know that far ahead of time, then I guess that answers my question. Come on NOA, get on the ball!

Neo Samus

borghe said:
see above. except for Zelda 2, we've gotten all of the other zelda's the week japan got them.

I know we have, I would just like to get SSB before MM only because I've been patiently waiting for it.


Neo Samus said:
I know we have, I would just like to get SSB before MM only because I've been patiently waiting for it.

No offense intended, but we have all been waiting patiently for our games to come on the VC.
So after Majora's Mask, what other possible first-party N64 games are left?

Pilotwings 64
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Donkey Kong 64
Dr. Mario 64
Mario Tennis
Excitebike 64

Are those it?


I think I am the biggest Donkey Kong 64 fan on GAF. It's definitely my favorite N64 game. PLEASE RELEASE THIS NINTENDO!

Yes Boss!

Mockingbird said:
So after Majora's Mask, what other possible first-party N64 games are left?

Pilotwings 64
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Donkey Kong 64
Dr. Mario 64
Mario Tennis
Excitebike 64

Are those it?

Diddy Racing, Mickey Speedway, Perfect Dark and Conker. Those are Rare now, right? Though Nintendo published the serviceable version of Diddy for DS.
borghe said:
see above. except for Zelda 2, we've gotten all of the other zelda's the week japan got them.

Yeah, but the four prior Zelda titles were released at a time when Europe and North America had more robust Virtual Console schedules. The last Zelda title released was Zelda 2, which was released in mid-2007 if I remember correctly. The other three titles were released within the first four months of the Virtual Console's existence. I'd be willing to wager that we don't get a simultaneous release for Majora's Mask.

Neo Samus

FFantasyFX said:
Yeah, but the four prior Zelda titles were released at a time when Europe and North America had more robust Virtual Console schedules. The last Zelda title released was Zelda 2, which was released in mid-2007 if I remember correctly. The other three titles were released within the first four months of the Virtual Console's existence. I'd be willing to wager that we don't get a simultaneous release for Majora's Mask.

Yeah, that's why I figured we won't see it till July. :/


I'm not sure if I'll buy Majora's Mask--I did enjoy it more than every other 3D Zelda combined, and shockingly enough for me, I even liked it more than many of the 2D Zeldas. But it's such a very long game... Well, I'll think about it when the time comes.

Phantasy Star, on the other hand, I want to give a shot.
Capndrake said:
Next month for Japan:

-The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
HOLY SHIT! I've been out of this thread's loop for a while and HOLY SHIT I saw that. We've gotten every Zelda within a month of it's release in Japan so I am now UBER-HYPED.
Jiggy said:
I'm not sure if I'll buy Majora's Mask--I did enjoy it more than every other 3D Zelda combined, and shockingly enough for me, I even liked it more than many of the 2D Zeldas. But it's such a very long game... Well, I'll think about it when the time comes.

I love Majora's Mask - it's electronic nirvana. Definitely my favorite Zelda game and in contention for my favorite game of all time. If there are any heathens out there that have never played it before, they need to download it when it eventually hits the VC.


I might get Zelda MM to give it another chance - I didn't like it very much back at release; the time limit system felt really constricted, and there was way too much focus on sidequests and inane minigames, and not enough focus on dungeons, the latter being the best part aspect of zelda games.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Jiggy said:
I'm not sure if I'll buy Majora's Mask--I did enjoy it more than every other 3D Zelda combined, and shockingly enough for me, I even liked it more than many of the 2D Zeldas. But it's such a very long game... Well, I'll think about it when the time comes.

Majora's Mask may be long, but it's arguably the shortest 3D Zelda game; which, now that I think about it, probably contributes to why it's my favourite of the 3D games.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Yes Boss! said:
Diddy Racing, Mickey Speedway, Perfect Dark and Conker. Those are Rare now, right? Though Nintendo published the serviceable version of Diddy for DS.
AFAIK Rare owns the code to all of their N64 era titles and the rights to all of their characters/games except donkey kong (though they have the rest of the kongs) and any of the SFA stuff. I could be wrong, but I thought I remembered Nintendo being pretty damn gracious in their departure, at least how it seemed to me.

Now with that being said, MS has allowed some properties to appear on the GBA and DS.. but MS doesn't compete in the handheld market. If I had to guess I would say it is unlikely that MS would allow that stuff to appear on VC, but not impossible. If anything I think the only real barrier is that MS would try to leverage a larger royalty out of those games from Nintendo, something Nintendo hasn't been at all interested in in the past. However I think it would almost be worth an extra $1 ($11... ouch) to see those games end up on VC.

though frankly if we were going to start paying more now for "special" games I would much rather see earthbound hit VC at a "special" price before any of the N64-era rare stuff. I would include WWF games in there, but we all know at this point that the amount of work required to sanitize the WWF games makes them pretty much guaranteed to never appear emulated.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
AFAIK Rare owns the code to all of their N64 era titles and the rights to all of their characters/games except donkey kong (though they have the rest of the kongs) and any of the SFA stuff. I could be wrong, but I thought I remembered Nintendo being pretty damn gracious in their departure, at least how it seemed to me.

The only legalities ever mentioned were that dual copyrighted games (Banjo-Kazooie, Blast Corps, Killer Instinct) were sold by Nintendo to RARE/Microsoft.

RARE could could not possibly use anything from Donkey Kong Country or Star Fox Adventures without paying Nintendo since it was a fully owned copyright. I mean Nintendo is having a fun time using Diddy Kong and Crystal in their own games.
borghe said:
AFAIK Rare owns the code to all of their N64 era titles and the rights to all of their characters/games except donkey kong (though they have the rest of the kongs) and any of the SFA stuff.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo kept all the other Kongs too, didn't they appear in the King of Swing/Jungle Climber games and the racing game on Wii (I didn't actually play those games, but I'm pretty sure this was the case)? Diddy was in Brawl, too.

As for SFA, I know Krystal, the triceratops, and Dinosaur Planet itself appeared in Star Fox Assault for GameCube, so I assume Nintendo has the rights to those, too.

Anyway, Majora's Mask!! Excellent news, my favorite game of all time finally making it to Virtual Console. I wish I had known sooner though, I just recently made quite a bit of progress in a playthrough of the GC version. :lol


Iam Canadian said:
Majora's Mask may be long, but it's arguably the shortest 3D Zelda game; which, now that I think about it, probably contributes to why it's my favourite of the 3D games.
Completionism compels me to get every mask, which draws out the experience quite a bit.

Edit: Well, completionism in conjunction with the fact that I actually enjoyed the mechanics and world. I sure wasn't willing to bother with heart pieces in Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, or Twilight Princess.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
All Masks=not that long. Maybe an extra two hours.

All Heart Containers and other useless upgrades=Long, long time.


Then it was that. All I know is that I loved MM to death, yet haven't ever considered playing it again in the past nine years because of how long it took me the first time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was over sixty hours. D:

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Most of the Masks are in the path of playing the game, and if you start doing the easier bomber quests you see chains that eventually lead you to further quests and more masks.

Besides the milk bar related masks and the Anju-Kafei mask I can't think of any that really take more than a bit of time to get and that aren't part of the main quest.

However only having four dungeons means you only have 7 hearts without heart containers. That's a lot of pieces.


Junior Member
Zelda MM?!!! Hell yes!! Our prayers have been answered. We'll wait longer than Japan but knowing it's coming soon, makes me feel good. Great time to be a wii owner :D
I find it hilarious that just because Dinosaur Planet became a Star Fox game, Nintendo automatically got ownership of a practically whole new IP. :lol

They could very well make their own Dinosaur Planet game if they wanted to I'm sure.

As for the others, it's obvious that Nintendo owns everything DK from Rare.

Except for the stuff in Diddy Kong Racing, it's probably THE biggest ownership debate.

Taj the Genie appeared in the Donkey Kong Racing trailer, so you'd think he became an official DK family member. Krunch being owned by Nintendo is a given as he's a Kremling.

Timber was oddly seen with a Nintendo logo on his hat on the Diddy Kong Racing DS box, check for yourself on this wallpaper!

There was a rumor that TipTup was to appear in Nuts and Bolts, yet he didn't, yet he appeared in every other Banjo game, including Pilot which strangely had a cameo by Expresso. That or Rare got luckily and were allowed to make another Ostritch that looked like him.

The whole fact that DKRDS had every character sans Banjo and Conker raises many questions.

Rare did make a mention about this in a Scribes update over a year ago, saying the following:

All the major DKR characters who aren’t Kongs or Kremlings still belong to Rare. Which would make Diddy, Dixie, Tiny and Krunch the ‘licensed’ ones in this case.

... but who doesn't count as a major character? Taj? Wizpig? They only became playable in the DS game, so supposedly major characters would be the playables ones right? I don't really know.

But what was the fucking point of Rare keeping those characters in the first place? Especially as NONE of them have appeared in any other game sans TipTup.

They would've been a great addition to the Barrel Blast roster or even Super Sluggers and such.


Yay!! Majora's Mask!!! I've been waiting forever for it, one of my favorite games of all time!!!! It's funny because about a week ago, on club.nintendo.com, on a survey for Earthworm Jim, it asked, any comments for the virtual console, and I put in: PLEASE RELEASE MAJORA'S MASK!!!!!!! Looks like Nintendo granted my wish. :D
Majora's Mask confirmation is full of win.

You guys do realize that Japan is also getting the awesome version of CV3, do you not? But then I guess that was to be expected. Anyone interested in a writing campaign regarding superior import versions?


I decided to buy 1080º Snowboarding in the VC to celebrate the fridge-cleaning party and I have a really serious question: did I just become a retard with a GC controller in my hand? or is it the game itself bearing broken controls?

Why does the game register 360º so badly? Why am I crashing everytime I try to land completely paralell to the ground? Why, the rare cases I manage to make a 360º, does the game refuse to read my left or right afterwards to make a 540º, and if it does, it just registers as a sepparate 180º instead?

Can somebody explain me the controls better than the scarce-as-fuck online manual? Please? Pretty please? Before I throw the controller through the window? Thanks


Junior Member
I can understand why everyone wants Earthbound so much, but seeing as it's not coming, why not check out some of the other RPGs on the virtual console? Some of them are even better than Earthbound, I promise.


Speaking of Majora's Mask, I have a question about PAL Ocarina of Time on VC. Is it optimised in terms of speed?

The reason I ask is that I have the GC Zelda Collector's Edition compilation and I played OoT for the first time on that and it was 60Hz only (ie. running at the same speed as the American version). I then later stumbled across an original PAL N64 cart for cheap and bought it, but of course it runs much slower than the GC version so I prefer to play it on GC. So in terms of the VC version, at which speed does it run?

The reason I ask is because I'd buy Majora's Mask day one if it runs full speed, but if the PAL version turns out to be slowed down then I'll probably just stick with the Collector's Edition version even if in all likelihood it will crash on me a few times.


PAL N64 games, though working at 50Hz, are optimized for full screen. I'd say they're optimized for full speed as well after playing F-Zero X, but I'm not really sure about this


beje said:
PAL N64 games, though working at 50Hz, are optimized for full screen. I'd say they're optimized for full speed as well after playing F-Zero X, but I'm not really sure about this

It depended on the game. A lot of titles were optimised, a lot weren't.
beelzebozo said:
not to be that guy complaining about one of his favorite games not being up, but man, the world has forgotten BLAST CORPS.
I would love to have BC on the VC but you know as well as anyone we'll never see it.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
jeremy1456 said:
I can understand why everyone wants Earthbound so much, but seeing as it's not coming, why not check out some of the other RPGs on the virtual console? Some of them are even better than Earthbound, I promise.

This is wrong, nothing is better than EarthBound.

However, there are very good RPGs on the VC, and since Nintendo's lawyers deny us the awesomeness of EarthBound, you shouldn't hesitate to check them out.
Iam Canadian said:
This is wrong, nothing is better than EarthBound.

However, there are very good RPGs on the VC, and since Nintendo's lawyers deny us the awesomeness of EarthBound, you shouldn't hesitate to check them out.
This message was brought to you by your friendly and unbiased neighbor, Iam Canadian.
evilromero said:
I would love to have BC on the VC but you know as well as anyone we'll never see it.

Has there been any rumors of it possibly appearing on XBLA or is there supposedly something poltical holding it back (see Iwata saying no and threatening over Goldeneye on Live, still suprised BK got through in light of that)?
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