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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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Yes Boss! said:
Diddy Racing, Mickey Speedway, Perfect Dark and Conker. Those are Rare now, right? Though Nintendo published the serviceable version of Diddy for DS.
There's also Jet Force Gemini but don't know who owns the rights to that one.


Junior Member
Iam Canadian said:
This is wrong, nothing is better than EarthBound.

However, there are very good RPGs on the VC, and since Nintendo's lawyers deny us the awesomeness of EarthBound, you shouldn't hesitate to check them out.

Hey listen, I'm not saying Earthbound is in any way bad, nor that there are a ton of RPGs that outclass it on the VC. There are a few though.

Off the top of my head:

Super Mario RPG
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star IV

And soon to be joining their ranks is the original Phantasy Star :D


Pretty much anything Rare published is theirs. Note that Nintendo published their own titles that were developed by Rare. So stuff like JFG is not coming to VC.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Agent Unknown said:
Has there been any rumors of it possibly appearing on XBLA or is there supposedly something poltical holding it back (see Iwata saying no and threatening over Goldeneye on Live, still suprised BK got through in light of that)?
was BK completely reprogrammed? or was it a ROM dump in an emulator? My guess is the only thing Nintendo would hold back from Rare is to not have an N64 emulator running on MS hardware. Conker was for example a complete reprogram.

Also not sure if Nintendo held back goldeneye entirely. There is also the issue of the Bond license as well.
borghe said:
was BK completely reprogrammed? or was it a ROM dump in an emulator? My guess is the only thing Nintendo would hold back from Rare is to not have an N64 emulator running on MS hardware. Conker was for example a complete reprogram.

Also not sure if Nintendo held back goldeneye entirely. There is also the issue of the Bond license as well.

Didn't Activision say that would definitely grant the license if Nintendo and MS can actually come to an agreement?
borghe said:
was BK completely reprogrammed? or was it a ROM dump in an emulator? My guess is the only thing Nintendo would hold back from Rare is to not have an N64 emulator running on MS hardware. Conker was for example a complete reprogram.

Also not sure if Nintendo held back goldeneye entirely. There is also the issue of the Bond license as well.

A completely reprogrammed port.
Is there anything good in the DSiWare store? I have the free 1000 points but nothing looks remotely interesting. Mr. Driller and Katamary Damacy look ok but not interested in those games. Everything else seems like cheap minigames so that Nintendo can suck back up all those points they gave out.


listen to the mad man
Synth_floyd said:
Is there anything good in the DSiWare store? I have the free 1000 points but nothing looks remotely interesting. Mr. Driller and Katamary Damacy look ok but not interested in those games. Everything else seems like cheap minigames so that Nintendo can suck back up all those points they gave out.

well the point of the store is quick downloadable games so if you're going to dismiss arcade-style puzzle games like the entire art style set, then you're not going to enjoy things very much.

but for people who do like the kind of games that are going to be on the service, hacolife and most of the other artstyle games were well received as well as the warioware minigames, chotto dr. mario, and chotto panel de pon. i think most people weren't thrilled by warioware snapped.
Synth_floyd said:
Is there anything good in the DSiWare store? I have the free 1000 points but nothing looks remotely interesting. Mr. Driller and Katamary Damacy look ok but not interested in those games. Everything else seems like cheap minigames so that Nintendo can suck back up all those points they gave out.

What about Phantasy Star 0 Mini?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
well I just had to buy a classic controller.... apparently Super Mario World (which I also just bought) is completely un-freaking-playable with the GCN controller. regular jump on the other side of the A button from 'run' is just crazy.. wtf...


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Synth_floyd said:
Is there anything good in the DSiWare store? I have the free 1000 points but nothing looks remotely interesting. Mr. Driller and Katamary Damacy look ok but not interested in those games. Everything else seems like cheap minigames so that Nintendo can suck back up all those points they gave out.

PicoPict, HacoLife, Nalaku, Wario Ware Snapped are all good. I've linked to my impressions on Youtube.


beelzebozo said:
not to be that guy complaining about one of his favorite games not being up, but man, the world has forgotten BLAST CORPS.

Blast Corps was easily my most played game on the N64. What an amazingly fun game.


borghe said:
well I just had to buy a classic controller.... apparently Super Mario World (which I also just bought) is completely un-freaking-playable with the GCN controller. regular jump on the other side of the A button from 'run' is just crazy..
Yeah, a lot of games are ruined by the GC controller layout. There are quite a number of 2D platformers where doing something other than running at full speed is so pointless that, in hindsight (or if developers had been able to predict that one day their games woud be played on completely different controllers), it might have been better for them to use walk buttons instead of run buttons.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They aren't unplayable, you just need the claw style instead of thumbs.

Treat the controller like an arcade stick, I 100%+ All three DKC games like this before I had a CC.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does the new update with the SD functionality mean you can copy a game you own onto multiple systems? I have two Wiis in different locations--will I be able to copy one of my Wiiware games onto the other system?


listen to the mad man
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does the new update with the SD functionality mean you can copy a game you own onto multiple systems? I have two Wiis in different locations--will I be able to copy one of my Wiiware games onto the other system?

It is quite remarkable that Nintendo is supporting four platforms all at once, five if you include the Virtual Console. That's a lot of platforms.


Anyone interested in Bonzai Barber?

I don't exactly have 1000 points to freely throw around (well I do, but I'm considering Kirby 64), but I like the idea of a nice slow paced game to get into. And since you can only cut 5 bonzai's a day, it sounds like a game I can dedicate myself too (like Nintendogs limiting you to a few events each day). Plus, Nintendo's the publisher, so I can't help but wonder if there's something more to the game, or at least what is there is a lot of fun.

But then the other half of me says to wait for some reviews to ride on in.

Oh well, if Super Punch-Out!! comes out tomorrow, that'll be good enough.
Hero of Legend said:
Didn't Activision say that would definitely grant the license if Nintendo and MS can actually come to an agreement?

No, according to an inside source (likely because this person leaked lots of pics of the remake which were published by XBox 360 World, click the link below), Iwata and NOJ told Activision they could kiss their Wii and DS support goodbye if the port was released. Up until then, Reggie and everyone else was fine with it:



(more a nerd than a geek)
Agent Unknown said:
No, according to an inside source (likely because this person leaked lots of pics of the remake which were published by XBox 360 World, click the link below), Iwata and NOJ told Activision they could kiss their Wii and DS support goodbye if the port was released. Up until then, Reggie and everyone else was fine with it:

That is the least credible thing I've read in a long time.

"While Ninty apparently have neither rights to the core nor any legal means to block the release"

The release is blocked because, as far as all of us can tell, Nintendo owns at least SOME of the rights to Goldeneye. The issue of whats rights they hold is a bit murky, but if they didn't retain some sort of rights to the title, they'd have no say in the matter. Claiming that Iwata threatened Activision seems laughable, to be honest...

It seems like it SHOULD be fairly easy to find out who owns the game ROM image for Goldeneye, and to determine if there is any difference between that copyright and the game code itself. Logically, the only real issues would be with licensing/sublicensing the Goldeneye/Bond imagery from BOTH the production companies (and possibly the actors themselves, at this point).

An anonymous guy claiming that Mean Old Iwata is blocking Goldeneye seems rather improbable, UNLESS Nintendo owns the game copyright... and, in that case, Nintendo has every right to keep it.
Jiggy said:
Yeah, a lot of games are ruined by the GC controller layout. There are quite a number of 2D platformers where doing something other than running at full speed is so pointless that, in hindsight (or if developers had been able to predict that one day their games woud be played on completely different controllers), it might have been better for them to use walk buttons instead of run buttons.

Super Princess Peach actually handles it that way, of all things.
I was hoping for either VC type emulated games on DSiWare or original interesting things like FF4: The After, Peggle, and other cool stuff you'd find on XBLA or WiiWare. Most of the stuff on it seems like cheap minigames. Oh well.



March 30, 2009

In this farewell edition of the Wii-kly Update (more on that below*), we're pleased to announce a pair of excellent games based around completely opposite vocations. Newly available on the Virtual Console™ is Super Punch Out!! ™, the classic boxing title that pits players against tough pugilist rivals such as Bald Bull. Speaking of baldness, the unique new WiiWare™ game Bonsai Barber™ invites players to take off the gloves and work their clippers instead, giving new hairstyles to a colorful cast of fruits and vegetables. Both are yours for the downloading via the Wii™ Shop Channel.

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:


Bonsai Barber (Nintendo, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone-Comic Mischief, 1,000 Wii Points): The village residents are hungry for the latest in foliage fashion, and it's up to you, the new barber, to fix them up. Use the tools of your trade: scissors, clippers, spray can, and more in this humorous, first-of-its-kind "first-person-groomer" game. Bonsai Barber features a colorful cast of 12 intriguing customers, including a temperamental shallot starlet (don't call her an onion), an oddball strawberry boffin, a cactus cowboy, a daredevil carrot, and a suave banana with top-secret clearance. Each day, five customers arrive to test your stylistic skill. If the customer requests a specific style, you'll plow that furrow, or you can rely on your expertise to pick from more than 30 popular fashions. Or, why not turn over a new leaf? Be creative and see how they react. They're a demanding bunch, so if you miss an appointment, you'll hear about it-on your Wii Message Board. If you do a good job, you may receive a gift or even a postcard from an exotic destination as your happy customers travel to distant lands and show off their exquisite coifs.

Virtual Console

Super Punch-Out!! (Super NES™, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): Featuring the tight game play and humor the series is known for, this sequel to the NES™ classic sees Little Mac return to the ring with the World Video Boxing Association belt once again at stake. Slug your way through the grueling, sweat-pounding matches of the Minor, Major and World Circuits as you face off against some of Little Mac's greatest rivals, such as Bear Hugger, Bald Bull and Super Macho Man. With a cast of new challengers waiting, do you have what it takes to identify their unique patterns and exploit their weaknesses? Go to your corner and come out fighting, but remember what Doc Louis would say: "It's not about brawling-it's about finesse!"

Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit Wii.com.

* - About that "farewell edition" stuff: Starting next week, the name of this newsletter will be changed from Wii-kly Update to Nintendo Download. Why? With the April 5 launch of the new Nintendo DSi™ portable game system comes the opening of the Nintendo DSi Shop. Like the Wii Shop Channel, the Nintendo DSi Shop will offer a growing library of downloadable games, with new titles added every week. Accordingly, we'll be using this space to tell you not only about new games for Wii but also for Nintendo DSi. Watch for the first edition of Nintendo Download on April 6.
Hm. If Bonsai Barber is decent, that's not a bad update, but there's no indication yet that the storage upgrade is going to lead to a flood of VC/WiiWare titles.

(...and did anyone else have a momentary "uh-oh" on that "Farewell Edition" section? ;-) )

Yes Boss!

radcliff said:
Does Virtual Console Arcade get updated on a separate day? I thought Namco had like 30 games planned over the next 30 weeks.

That was for Japan, with the implication that they will naturally follow on NA VC in some fashion.
Cosmonaut X said:
(...and did anyone else have a momentary "uh-oh" on that "Farewell Edition" section? ;-) )
Not really. Already new about the Nintendo Report tho I wish they would've renamed it to the "Wiikly Dual Update" or something.

Anywayz: I'll look into both games Bonsai Barber looks interesting. I enjoyed Punch Out on the VC so I will probally get Super Punch out aswell.

Well...if there are no DSiWare games on day 1 there should be some on day 2 :lol

I don't see them not releasing any games on day 1 then wait a single day to actually release DSiWare...maybe they will launch 3-4 games on day one and another 1-2 on the 6th?...Either way glad to see DSiWare confirmed for weekly updates. And not monthly like Japan :D

@Radcliff: Virtual Console Arcade games are'nt seperate of the Virtual Console...so if there were any they would be under the VC section not under a new catagory altogether :lol


I'm holding off on the Super Punch-Out!! purchase till I get an SD card. It's not that I'm dying to play it anyway since I've spent years doing so. Afterall, definitely one of my favorite games ever. And yes, I prefer far better than the original NES game.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Currently up on the DSiWare shop in Australia;

Fuck all

Can't even connect :(


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
this is what I was afraid of. Not that the titles this week are bad, but that with with 1 WiiWare title a week guaranteed and usually 2 title updates, adding Arcade there is now a 1:9 chance that system X is going to have a title released for it in a given week. Not a good feeling being how many unreleased games that are out there. I really think the conspiracy theory that NOA is holding back VC games (and even multiple WiiWare games) is to give each WiiWare title a bigger spotlight on the week.

Jiggy said:
Yeah, a lot of games are ruined by the GC controller layout. There are quite a number of 2D platformers where doing something other than running at full speed is so pointless that, in hindsight (or if developers had been able to predict that one day their games woud be played on completely different controllers), it might have been better for them to use walk buttons instead of run buttons.
back in the day, "run" was essentially hard mode. it didn't take much to beat any of the SMB games once you had them down, so we would instead say "ok, beat the game without walking once" or tape the run button down (which was truly hilarious on SMB with the flower)

Man God said:
They aren't unplayable, you just need the claw style instead of thumbs.

Treat the controller like an arcade stick, I 100%+ All three DKC games like this before I had a CC.
sorry, meant unplayable for someone who beat SMW back between September and November '91 2-3 times and maybe two or more times since then. Pretty much can't change at this point. I mean it was really frustrating enough not being able to play how my reflexes and memory were trying to play that I literally turned it off, got up and went to target at 8:45pm on a Sunday night to get a classic controller. :p


With this new "Nintendo Download", I hope they don't lessen the Wii Shop Channel releases even more, like a release one week for the Wii VC and then a release next week for the DSi.

It better be at least one game every week for WiiWare and Wii VC AND one (or more) game(s) for the DSi Shop, as well.
borghe said:
this is what I was afraid of. Not that the titles this week are bad, but that with with 1 WiiWare title a week guaranteed and usually 2 title updates, adding Arcade there is now a 1:9 chance that system X is going to have a title released for it in a given week.

I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. We had four arcade titles hit last week, so I wasn't necessarily expecting an increase in volume today. Now, if the next three - four weeks all feature only one VC (or VC Arcade) title, I'd say your fears are confirmed and updates are going to be an ugly drawn out process from here on out.
How much longer can they keep up this 1 WW game a week BS? They said at GDC that there are over 100 WW games in development. I can't wait to buy Cave Story when it finally comes out... in 2011.


now that its digital download, one of the console guys (maybe Nintendo, but they are quite conservative) needs to take a gamble on opening the doors like Apple have done with the app store.

Let consumer dollars decide what deserves to be in the store or not, rather than some random political factors between local markets.

BTW, is there a technical limit on DSiware? Do they have to fit into the DSi ram to work, or can they pull data off the SD card? Just wondering if we'll only ever get tiny minigames, or there is potential for GBA games or larger original games.

At the moment all the consoles have some nice stuff, but I perhaps have a look once a month, they update so slowly.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
mrklaw said:
BTW, is there a technical limit on DSiware? Do they have to fit into the DSi ram to work, or can they pull data off the SD card? Just wondering if we'll only ever get tiny minigames, or there is potential for GBA games or larger original games.

At the moment all the consoles have some nice stuff, but I perhaps have a look once a month, they update so slowly.
AFAIK DSiWare runs similar to WiiWare with the SD update now. The game has to run off of internal flash memory. You can have games loaded on SD but it has to copy first to internal ram. Internal RAM is 256MB on the system, with x amount being taken up by the OS (much like Wii).

That being said, a large number of DS games have been done well within 128Mb and 256Mb (16MB and 32MB respectively) and probably half of the library has been done inside of Wii's 40MB WiiWare limit (320Mb)... So presumably they could start releasing real games on DSiWare, and if they get the security/encryption from SD worked out they could run directly from that. Otherwise as long as they had say 30-40MB available to developers they could come up with full blown games on DSi Ware.

As for GBA games.. heh.. most GBA games were 32-64Mb... so like 4-8MB. EASILY done inside of the DSi.

Ooooh! Virtual Console Day! I can't wait to see what new arcade titles they......


Heeeey! Only one title again? This is just great! Now that they've added C64 AND Arcade titles, they STILL can't manage to upload more than one VC game a week! Well guess WHAT, Nintendo? You're not getting ANY of my money now! That's right! NONE! So you can....

Super Punch-Out!!




Well, you win.
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