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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
oh, and I know I'm late to the party, but the SD Channel works beautifully for me. I thought I would have to wait until my 4GB card arrived this afternoon, but I found my micro->SD adapter card and was able to grab the 1GB chip from my phone temporarily. Total time to load FF:CC or Strong Bad was around 10 seconds or so. About the ONLY minor tiny complaint I have is that I miss seeing the Menu Screens for especially the WiiWare games before loading them up. I realize that was code running and Nintendo has a strict "no running code from SD" policy, but it still kind of sucks that I'll never see those menu screens anymore except for the 2-3 seconds they display after the game copies.

still, if that's the worst complaint you can level about the system, overall it's gotta be a massive success.

Neo Samus

borghe said:
oh, and I know I'm late to the party, but the SD Channel works beautifully for me. I thought I would have to wait until my 4GB card arrived this afternoon, but I found my micro->SD adapter card and was able to grab the 1GB chip from my phone temporarily. Total time to load FF:CC or Strong Bad was around 10 seconds or so. About the ONLY minor tiny complaint I have is that I miss seeing the Menu Screens for especially the WiiWare games before loading them up. I realize that was code running and Nintendo has a strict "no running code from SD" policy, but it still kind of sucks that I'll never see those menu screens anymore except for the 2-3 seconds they display after the game copies.

still, if that's the worst complaint you can level about the system, overall it's gotta be a massive success.

I agree. It kinda sucks that it doesn't display the opening when you click the channel, but it's a small price to pay to be able to load from the SD. :D


I can't believe nintendo would be worried about running out of games now that c64 and arcade are now here? So there must be another reason for slow releases?
Randomly, I decided to check the prices on eBay and Amazon for one of our often wished for VC releases-Earthbound. It's currently sitting at about 80 bucks on average. Has it gone up in price recently? I thought it was sitting closer to 65 a few months ago. Makes a man despair of ever getting the chance to sit down with it.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Nintendo are so you arrogant that you'd give Super-Punchout a week practically all to itself?

Why not? They've given real stinkers a release week on their own several times. Super Punch Out! is actually a good game.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
After the storage solution filled us all with joy and hope, it's back to business as usual.

Too bad about the lack of VC Arcade games this week, since I'm really interested in what that service will have to offer, but at least Super Punch-Out is a pretty good game.


Eh, even I'm giving VC a pass this week--I mean, between the two import games last Monday, the four VC Arcade games on Wednesday, and the one game today, it could be said that we've actually averaged three and a half games per week for the last two.

If there's only one game next week, though, we'll be back to problem territory and :mad: faces all around. It would be especially ridiculous with Commodore 64 and VC Arcade both having launched so recently.

Kulock said:
Super Princess Peach actually handles it that way, of all things.
If there was a walk button in Super Princess Peach, then I sure didn't use it--but yes, I love the game for its auto-run. As far as Nintendo platformers go, though, Yoshi's Island did it long before SPP. Probably no coincidence that it's my favorite of their 2D platformers by far! (Aside from Kirby Super Star, which is more of an action game.)
Hobbun said:
Why not? They've given real stinkers a release week on their own several times. Super Punch Out! is actually a good game.

Why at all? They're supporting a multitude of platforms, many of which that have a ton of games sitting right at the front door.

Besides that I don't even like Super Punch-out. I may be alone on this but what if I'm not? What if there are guys like me forced to sit on their hands this week because there is nothing out they want to buy?

Sure we could all just play the games we already have, but wouldn't Nintendo want us to spend more money? Three games should have been standard and the releases should have been organized so every week there's something for everyone. Seriously if every VC fan found something they wanted once a week that would be at least an extra $260 per person per year. Obviously Nintendo isn't hurting for money but hey why not?

Is it really that difficult to get Japan's release schedule? Sure we can't get the majority of the import-only titles but at least every week the releases would be little more sensible.

Anyway I'm done. I guess the VCA/SD card announcement got me thinking a bit too positively about the Virtual Console service, I needed a slap back to reality. Then again Jiggy has a point so we'll see what happens next week.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Why at all? They're supporting a multitude of platforms, many of which that have a ton of games sitting right at the front door.

Besides that I don't even like Super Punch-out. I may be alone on this but what if I'm not? What if there are guys like me forced to sit on their hands this week because there is nothing out they want to buy?

Sure we could all just play the games we already have, but wouldn't Nintendo want us to spend more money? Three games should have been standard and the releases should have been organized so every week there's something for everyone. Seriously if every VC fan found something they wanted once a week that would be at least an extra $260 per person per year. Obviously Nintendo isn't hurting for money but hey why not?

Is it really that difficult to get Japan's release schedule? Sure we can't get the majority of the import-only titles but at least every week the releases would be little more sensible.

Anyway I'm done. I guess the VCA/SD card announcement got me thinking a bit too positively about the Virtual Console service, I needed a slap back to reality.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you, we should have a better release schedule than our defacto one game per week. We have too many good games out there to continue that trend.

But to say Nintendo is arrogant for releasing Super Punch Out! in a one game week, you should have picked from one of the previous multitude of one game crappy weeks, first.

But yes, I do agree with your frustration with the VC as they could be doing a lot better. And now that the DSiWare(VC) games will be combined with the Wii releases, I have a sneaky suspicion it will still be one game a week (VC and ware games), but now we have to share it with the DSi as well.


I'll say one thing: if we do eventually wind up with a scenario where Nintendo can draw from a pool of games from nine systems--and not just any systems, but the C64, NES, SMS, TG16/TGCD, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, N64, and whatever in the world the "Arcade" platform consists of--and yet can't manage so many as two games per week, there's something wrong.

It's a bit sad that I'm honestly not even sure I want Nintendo to support new systems for VC this generation and next--for example, Sega CD now, and Dreamcast and Gamecube for Wii 2--since so far they haven't been able to manage the ones they've already got.


borghe said:
The game has to run off of internal flash memory. You can have games loaded on SD but it has to copy first to internal ram.
Hmm? No option for that yet, even after updating to the latest DSi firmware.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Jiggy said:
I'll say one thing: if we do eventually wind up with a scenario where Nintendo can draw from a pool of games from nine systems--and not just any systems, but the C64, NES, SMS, TG16/TGCD, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, N64, and whatever in the world the "Arcade" platform consists of--and yet can't manage so many as two games per week, there's something wrong.

It's a bit sad that I'm honestly not even sure I want Nintendo to support new systems for VC this generation and next--for example, Sega CD now, and Dreamcast and Gamecube for Wii 2--since so far they haven't been able to manage the ones they've already got.
I doubt this has anything to do with manpower. Do we know if Nintendo does the conversions themselves or do they provide some base emulator, the differing emulation options depending on publisher in the arcade releases suggests that the publishers are the ones who ported/emulated the games. I think the release rate is purely a marketing decision.


poppabk said:
I think the release rate is purely a marketing decision.
Which would still be "something wrong" to me. :p

I was being general on purpose. I have no clue what goes on behind the scenes, so I can't name specifics, but the question of whether the fault lies primarily with Nintendo's marketing, or Nintendo's inability to test and release games, or third-parties' unwillingness to release games, or third-parties' refusal to consent to whatever share of the profit Nintendo will take, or any number of other possibilities--none of that matters to me. I just know that at least one thing is going in the wrong direction and I don't like it, no matter which of these "it" is.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Jiggy said:
Which would still be "something wrong" to me. :p

I was being general on purpose. I have no clue what goes on behind the scenes, so I can't name specifics, but the question of whether the fault lies primarily with Nintendo's marketing, or Nintendo's inability to test and release games, or third-parties' unwillingness to release games, or third-parties' refusal to consent to whatever share of the profit Nintendo will take, or any number of other possibilities--none of that matters to me. I just know that at least one thing is going in the wrong direction and I don't like it, no matter which of these "it" is.
There is definitely something wrong, when they are releasing so few titles. I just think that wishing platforms away is a bad idea, you would just end up with weeks with zero releases, people not interested in those platforms would be no better off, and people who are interested would be completely screwed.


Brandon F said:
Rondo of Blood still not up?? Didn't that hit VC Japan in 2007?
Hudson is only sporadically supporting VC (Outside Japan) now. You just got Detana!! Twinbee and Bomberman '94, the last TG games prior to those were in September.


hello Super Punch-Out!!

Goodbye money.

I just beat Mike Tyson for the first time ever on my NES last week, now it's time to finally settle the score with the Bruiser Brothers.


poppabk said:
There is definitely something wrong, when they are releasing so few titles. I just think that wishing platforms away is a bad idea, you would just end up with weeks with zero releases, people not interested in those platforms would be no better off, and people who are interested would be completely screwed.
There's a pretty big difference between wishing platforms away and not wishing new ones in.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Jiggy said:
There's a pretty big difference between wishing platforms away and not wishing new ones in.
I am just saying that whether there is 1 or 20 platforms supported, it wouldn't make the games you are waiting for come out any sooner (or at all), so we should hope for as many platforms as possible to be supported, because it won't hurt us but it will benefit someone.


I tried Bonsai Barber... It's easy to see why Nintendo slapped their name on it. The production values are great, and the game is uber-friendly, with great use of the Wii remote.

There isn't a lot of challenge in it. It's really aimed at little girls or non-gamer women, to be honest. You can only cut the hair of five customers a day, so it's something to be played in small doses like Brain Age or Flash Focus or Animal Crossing.

The actual haircutting is more like playing dress-up than anything. You can style the hair and paint it how you want. The customers only judge you based on how well you stay in the lines for their desired style, however.

There's no particular challenge, if you're patient, so there's also no stress to playing. Any hair (i.e. branches) you accidentally cut off can be regrown by spraying the customer with a water bottle. I guess the goal is to get 5 star ratings. There are a slew of achievements available.

If you play games with small kids or non-gamer females, it would be a worthwhile purchase, for sure. For anyone else, despite the overall quality of the product, it's not likely to keep you playing.
I need to find a Wii Points card somewhere because I wants me some Super Punch Out!! I should really refrain from making any further VC purchases until I complete Ys 1 & 2 and Ogre Battle though.


Could be Nintendo giving Super Punch-Out some space. Or the same team they started VC with is doing VC, Wiiware, DSiWare and VC Arcade all at the same time. That wouldn't be surprising. Eitherway at least the quality has gone up again, so there's a silver lining in this.
Just a thought, but is it possible that SNK stopped putting up Neo Geo games because of Virtual Console arcade? Or are the Neo Geo ports so identical to the arcade counterparts that we'd be better off with the Neo Geo version anyways (due to training mode and stuff like that)?

Also, some guy on Gamefaqs is claiming Capcom of Japan announced Forgotten Worlds for Virtual Console arcade -- and it's not April Fool's yet. Anyone hear this announcement?

Yes Boss!

Mockingbird said:
Just a thought, but is it possible that SNK stopped putting up Neo Geo games because of Virtual Console arcade? Or are the Neo Geo ports so identical to the arcade counterparts that we'd be better off with the Neo Geo version anyways (due to training mode and stuff like that)?

Damn, we REALLY need more consistent Neo Geo releases now that there is no longer a fridge. Some of the bigger games. And where the hell is Nam '75?!?! A game I consider nearly perfect and helped to define my arcade experience along with SFII. Just look at how badass this game is:


Dave Long

Mockingbird said:
Just a thought, but is it possible that SNK stopped putting up Neo Geo games because of Virtual Console arcade? Or are the Neo Geo ports so identical to the arcade counterparts that we'd be better off with the Neo Geo version anyways (due to training mode and stuff like that)?

Also, some guy on Gamefaqs is claiming Capcom of Japan announced Forgotten Worlds for Virtual Console arcade -- and it's not April Fool's yet. Anyone hear this announcement?
Neo Geo games are exactly the same game whether they're home or arcade. There were no "ports" as you think of them.
Super Punch-Out is a bit funky to play on the GC controller considering the placement of the B and Y buttons. Playable, but I guess I should get a Classic Controller. Is it good?


VistraNorrez said:
Super Punch-Out is a bit funky to play on the GC controller considering the placement of the B and Y buttons. Playable, but I guess I should get a Classic Controller. Is it good?
Yes. You can also change the controls in Super Punch-Out!! though.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
If you're planning to play SNES games for any length of time, the Classic Controller is well worth a purchase. It's the only controller suitable for those titles and the D-pad is one of the best I've used in a long time. Just hang onto a GameCube controller for N64 games.
Dave Long said:
Neo Geo games are exactly the same game whether they're home or arcade. There were no "ports" as you think of them.

Except that the home versions wouldn't save your highscores, even if you had a memory card. You could save progress... but not scores. But beyond that, identical.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Iam Canadian said:
If you're planning to play SNES games for any length of time, the Classic Controller is well worth a purchase. It's the only controller suitable for those titles and the D-pad is one of the best I've used in a long time. Just hang onto a GameCube controller for N64 games.
agree 100%. SMW was completely unplayable with the GCN controller. My preference goes:

NES: wiimote
TG-16: wiimote
SMS: wiimote
C64: wiimote
Gen: classic
SNES: classic
NEOGEO: classic
N64: GCN

you can get away without a GCN controller, but it works really well on N64 games. but yeah the classic controller is mandatory for any of those systems.

Dave Long

A Black Falcon said:
Except that the home versions wouldn't save your highscores, even if you had a memory card. You could save progress... but not scores. But beyond that, identical.
Yeah, I didn't want to get into that fine detail, though.

The bottom line is they're the same game, but they conform to the conventions of the location they were played in.
borghe said:
agree 100%. SMW was completely unplayable with the GCN controller. My preference goes:

NES: wiimote
TG-16: wiimote
SMS: wiimote
C64: wiimote
Gen: classic
SNES: classic
NEOGEO: classic
N64: GCN

you can get away without a GCN controller, but it works really well on N64 games. but yeah the classic controller is mandatory for any of those systems.

TG16, Wiimote? But what about the turbo switches? They're so, so useful in a lot of games... and they're only on the CC/GC controllers, right? Or am I wrong?

Dave Long said:
Yeah, I didn't want to get into that fine detail, though.

The bottom line is they're the same game, but they conform to the conventions of the location they were played in.

Yeah, it is a pretty minimal difference... strange, though. Sure the memory cards were very small, but still... saving progress in a 16-bit fighting game, but not your highscores? How strange. :)

Of course with things like suspend or savestates (or emulators in general), that problem is usually dealt with. Not on the actual system though of course.

Ranger X

Jiggy said:
I'll say one thing: if we do eventually wind up with a scenario where Nintendo can draw from a pool of games from nine systems--and not just any systems, but the C64, NES, SMS, TG16/TGCD, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, N64, and whatever in the world the "Arcade" platform consists of--and yet can't manage so many as two games per week, there's something wrong.

It's a bit sad that I'm honestly not even sure I want Nintendo to support new systems for VC this generation and next--for example, Sega CD now, and Dreamcast and Gamecube for Wii 2--since so far they haven't been able to manage the ones they've already got.

I'm prepared for the worse really. To have 2 releases a week would even be less than demanding. Counting all the possible games that can come up, I'm sure that even if they would release it 3 games a week they would be ok until 2016 or something lol.

Even 2 games a week would be on the verge of an insult.


Lee N

The latest Japanese DSi Ware is up since a couple of hours.

DSi Ware 200

Nintendo DSi Tokei Famicom Mario Type and Doubutsu no Mori Type:

Chotto Magic Taizen Suki Kirai Hakkenki:

DSi Ware 500

Kakonde Keshite Wakugumi no Jikan:

Ganbaru Watashi no Osaifu Ouendan (no, not that Ouendan):

Kuru Kuru Action Kuru Pachi 6:

Photo Stand Tsuki Banbro DX Radio:
Yes Boss! said:
Damn, we REALLY need more consistent Neo Geo releases now that there is no longer a fridge. Some of the bigger games. And where the hell is Nam '75?!?! A game I consider nearly perfect and helped to define my arcade experience along with SFII. Just look at how badass this game is:


NAM-1975 is the most badass videogame based on Nam ever made. Shame that seemingly so much stuff is lifted from every classic Nam-movie ever made it's possible we'll never see it re-released.

Course this was back when games weren't supposed to make sense and you'd rescue random blondes whose butts jiggle whenever they fired a machinegun to help you mow down the bad guys.

Like seriously look at the screen in this Top 10 ranking list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6BsGCNIKWs&feature=related (within the first few seconds). Which movie did they rip this out of? I dunno but I'm sure Hollywood would figure it out and start asking for checks.

Another one: That first boss(well the smaller dude) is more or less a replica of Leonard Lawrence(hell both of the first bosses share some of his facial features..very weird)

4:05 in the video. Seriously...

Yes Boss!

PepsimanVsJoe said:
NAM-1975 is the most badass videogame based on Nam ever made. Shame that seemingly so much stuff is lifted from every classic Nam-movie ever made it's possible we'll never see it re-released.

Course this was back when games weren't supposed to make sense and you'd rescue random blondes whose butts jiggle whenever they fired a machinegun to help you mow down the bad guys.

Like seriously look at the screen in this Top 10 ranking list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6BsGCNIKWs&feature=related (within the first few seconds). Which movie did they rip this out of? I dunno but I'm sure Hollywood would figure it out and start asking for checks.

Interesting, I never thought of the political environment today that would inhibit a rerelease of Nam 1975. Makes sense. Still, the game is part of our cultural history and needs to be made available.

That scene is loosely based on the opening scene of Apocalypse Now when Martin Sheen is in his hotel room, btw. Goto about 3:35:

Yes Boss! said:
Interesting, I never thought of the political environment today that would inhibit a rerelease of Nam 1975. Makes sense. Still, the game is part of our cultural history and needs to be made available.

That scene is loosely based on the opening scene of Apocalypse Now when Martin Sheen is in his hotel room, btw. Goto about 3:35:

Yeah that one came to mind as well.

These days somebody would get offended with how Vietnam is depicted in the game. Sure it's hardly believable to see guys doing backflips to dodge bullets but others will still get the wrong idea if they play a game based in Vietnam that just happens to feature some real freaks(like the first boss).

Another boss you've got this psycho tossing grenades everywhere. Once you kill him he just kind of flips over and falls on his face groveling like a cartoon character. It'd sort of be like a Call of Duty game where you shoot the main bad guy and he falls off a building...only to fly back up to the roof with wings or maybe a bungee cord.

I guess what I'm saying is when one is dealing with sensitive material one has to take it seriously. NAM-1975 is very much a product of the time when nobody gave a shit. Today it just wouldn't fly.

Yes Boss!

PepsimanVsJoe said:
I guess what I'm saying is when one is dealing with sensitive material one has to take it seriously. NAM-1975 is very much a product of the time when nobody gave a shit. Today it just wouldn't fly.

That is maddening. It is why we don't get things like Song of the South ever released or why there is now an anti-smoking advert in front of Pinocchio.

Perhaps it is time for me to finally buckle down and get another AES or, at least, aconsolized MVS.
Worst part is if NAM-1975 actually dropped all of the Vietnam references and instead took place in some generic war-torn land I imagine there would be zero problems with it getting re-released. Cause really with a few cuts here and there they could totally get away with it. It's only NAM-1975 because a handful of programmers are nuts about the country and/or the movies its war has spawned.

And unfortunately nobody of any importance considers videogames as something worth preserving. It's not like SNK and a bunch of other guys are going to get together and release all of their "controversial" games in a special collector's set. Even Disney has made great strides in ensuring that future generations will be able to experience a number of works they've put out over the years that fly completely in the face of what is considered politcally correct(still no Song of the South though).
Sunday night I downloaded the Strongbad "Dangeresque 3" episode to celebrate my new SD enabled freedom to easily store 300 block Wii Ware monsters. See, Nintendo? When you give your customers what they want, you and your partners get more money.

It's a simple but very enjoyable point 'n click adventure with plenty of fun little mysteries to solve. I chose it as my first Stronbad ep since the Dangeresque e-mail is my favorite skit from the website.


For anyone that cares I was surprised at the Bonsai Barber Reviews

IGN Review

If you've got the cash to spend, I would definitely recommend you pick up Bonsai Barber because it is a game that I believe epitomizes the WIiWare model. Simple, accessible, wholly original software. In this case, Zoonami has built a title that is unique to the point of surrealism. And yet, I'd be a liar if I indicated that becoming a virtual barber and giving trees and plants fashionable foliage cuts wasn't a fun task made more enjoyable by smart controls and a humorous presentation. The only significant complaint I can level at the game is that it's pricey, especially given the fact that when you strip away the bells and whistles, you are essentially performing the same task over and over again without variation.

8.0 Presentation
Simple, but polished and quirky design. It's fast and accessible. Game lacks modes and features.
7.5 Graphics
A humorous concept complemented by silly facial animations, fluid animation, and an impressive foliage system. Still, it's simple to the point that it looks Flash-y.
7.0 Sound
Subtle, ambient music married to whimsical, punchy sound effects.
8.0 Gameplay
The surreal premise proves to be great fun thanks to really smart controls that just feel right and a foliage system that allows for creative and satisfying results.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
Five foliage cuts a day, stop, repeat. Follow this process without advancing your Wii clock and cheating and you'll have a good run. But the gameplay still won't change dramatically.
Impressive OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)

Wiiware world


Once the customers have been served and new hairstyles have been dished out, one thing should be evident - Bonsai Barber is one of the most unique titles available on the Wii Shop Channel. The game overflows with personality and substances, as does a stellar job of creating a real-life barber shop. Cutting customer’s hair is a breeze thanks to the game’s simple to use controls, as is navigating the menus. The steady learning curve also is great for younger audiences who aren’t capable of starting with difficult tasks at the beginning of the game. Though the 'five cuts a day' thing may not be everyone's cup of tea, it asks a little realism to the game and makes it feel as though you're an actual barber. With everything is said and done though, this is one game that you definitely don’t want to miss.


TG16, Wiimote? But what about the turbo switches? They're so, so useful in a lot of games... and they're only on the CC/GC controllers, right? Or am I wrong?

The turbo buttons are mapped to A and B on the remote. Consequently, they aren't nearly as accessible as on the Classic controller.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Chumly said:
For anyone that cares I was surprised at the Bonsai Barber Reviews

IGN Review

Wiiware world


The video on the Nintendo Channel looked pretty fun, there's quite a lot to the game.

I really like Super Punch Out but I never realized how much it was a step back from the NES version. I like the added depth to the fighting but I'm glad the new Wii game is taking more from the original.
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