In other news...
Playoff wins:
Jags owner - 1
Bluemax - 0
Damn son, what'd I ever do to you!
I don't even remember exactly what was said lol
I remember you ragging on the winless jags in season 2 though!!
I don't even remember exactly what was said lol
I remember you ragging on the winless jags in season 2 though!!
I was originally against a playoff sub, but I really hope mastershake wins the super bowl now!
Info I posted last page didn't help?
Since I recently looked it up but didn't actually do it, I'll add this:
If the hotel has one of those sign in page proxy things to access the free internet, you need to sign in from your laptop/phone/whatever, then clone your MAC address from your laptop/phone/whatever onto your 360 (there's instruction online on how to do it). And then hope the TV in the hotel has actual inputs you can use (not likely).
Info I posted last page didn't help?
Got any links? I can't get it to work :/
This is for the old dash, but may be similar:
Go to My Xbox, scroll all the way to the right, click on System Settings, Scroll down to Network Settings and click on it, click on wired network(if that is the network that you are using), click on Configure Network, scroll to the right to Additional Settings, Scroll down once to the Advanced Settings Host name and Alternate MAC Address and press A, click on Alternate MAC Address, and enter the MAC address that you want.
this should be the mac from the other device you logged onto their network from.
if you are using a laptop, 'getmac' at a command prompt will get you the mac address.
I don't even remember exactly what was said lol
I remember you ragging on the winless jags in season 2 though!!
really? i get booted after we just advanced yesterday? I waited in the lobby after we pm'd each other earlier tonight, sent him a friend request which he didn't respond to, and waited IN the lobby and he didn't log in and I get booted? doesn't make much sense. just cause I'm a newcomer i suppose.
Well at least Mastershake helped advance you to the divisional round
I wouldn't be opposed to letting him finish it out though since he spent an entire season with us and got the win. Nothing against you though
Naaah, I want Crow to work for it!
Mastershake just won a playoff game. Don't be disrespectful
MAAAAAN, c'mon. I like the unknown factor Penguin brings to the game, that's it.
You guys are acting like because he won a game he's suddenly on Crow's level, I'm just being realistic!
After the game I had to go through to get there, I want Crow to be just as exhausted as I am!
me and FMT tried to play from his shitty hotel. It disconnected before halftime. I had just scored too
We're gonna half to wait until thursday
me and FMT tried to play from his shitty hotel. It disconnected before halftime. I had just scored too
We're gonna half to wait until thursday
Against Sanjuro, I ain't disrespecting dick. Crow will probably eat both of them alive, so it doesn't matter either way.
really? i get booted after we just advanced yesterday? I waited in the lobby after we pm'd each other earlier tonight, sent him a friend request which he didn't respond to, and waited IN the lobby and he didn't log in and I get booted? doesn't make much sense. just cause I'm a newcomer i suppose.
lol! good one sanjuro, that's the first time i've seen that gif.
FMT, can I get back in the league? It doesn't have to be as the browns, heck i'd take the bills so i could whoop sanjuro's ass twice a year.
me and FMT tried to play from his shitty hotel. It disconnected before halftime. I had just scored too
We're gonna half to wait until thursday