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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


Tag of Excellence
I like how the kiosks in Best Buy have memory card slots. Hopefully MS makes use of them for cool freebies near launch.

Hey AniHawk how many systems are you guys receiving? If you can't specifically say then how many people do you think will be really pissed come launch?


TekunoRobby said:
I like how the kiosks in Best Buy have memory card slots. Hopefully MS makes use of them for cool freebies near launch.

Hey AniHawk how many systems are you guys receiving? If you can't specifically say then how many people do you think will be really pissed come launch?

Well, let's say, hypothetically, that we had 60 preorders for the 360. Hypothetically speaking here. We're getting about 20% of that.

On the bright side, our kiosks are hooked up as well and have 22" HDTVs with the little memory slot at the bottom too. The sound is shot though, which sucks. I got to play all three playable demos and came away most impressed with Call of Duty 2.


works for Gamestop (lol)
i also noticed the headphone jacks on the kiosks. has anyone actually tried using headphones? i dont see the point if microsoft didn't include them with the kiosk...i cant imagine many people using the jack

also, mtvu was on campus the other day and i heard they actually gave out a free X360 on the spot...WTF? if they're giving them out, why the hell haven't i heard anyone giving impressions and shit


Well, let's say, hypothetically, that we had 60 preorders for the 360. Hypothetically speaking here. We're getting about 20% of that.

I found out I'm in the "other 80% who are going to get fucked" group today =\ I couldn't help but think of seinfeld episode about reservations at the car rental place.

Agent: I'm sorry, we have no mid-size available at the moment.

Jerry: I don't understand, I made a reservation, do you have my reservation?

Agent: Yes, we do, unfortunately we ran out of cars.

Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the

Agent: I know why we have reservations.

Jerry: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car. See, you know how to
take the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation and
that's really the most important part of the reservation, the holding. Anybody
can just take them.

I called BB and they are doing the midnight launch. I just don't know if I'm willing to go through all of that for a system that doesn't have a game that I must have.
Custom vinyls online

Website HERE

They do other consoles as well, and you can upload the image you want to use.

Anyone know of Tego?

Thanks, Superpac for the correction. :)


TekunoRobby said:
I like how the kiosks in Best Buy have memory card slots. Hopefully MS makes use of them for cool freebies near launch.

According to some of the people who got mem cards at the NYC press event last month, the kiosks already put a couple things on a card if you have one -- like new Gamertiles. Not sure what else you'd get at this point, but... that's something!

More than you'd ever want to know about the kiosks -- http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/xbox360/kiosk.htm


SuperPac said:
According to some of the people who got mem cards at the NYC press event last month, the kiosks already put a couple things on a card if you have one -- like new Gamertiles. Not sure what else you'd get at this point, but... that's something!

I think they also have a few dashboard themes on them. That's probably it right now though. I think you get to them from the "system" blade (the purple one on the right, not sure if it is called "system" on the kiosk).


krypt0nian said:
Custom faceplates online

Should be noted that these aren't full faceplates, they're vinyl stickers that you peel n' place on the faceplate you have. I'd hope that eventually once all this launch madness is sorted out that Microsoft or someone offers a way to get a high-quality custom faceplate of your own design. That'd be neato keen.

I think I may actually get a faceplate at launch though, just to see how it all works... this one:


Though it'll really depend how good it looks when I'm in the store buying everything.
Jesiatha said:
I think they also have a few dashboard themes on them. That's probably it right now though. I think you get to them from the "system" blade (the purple one on the right, not sure if it is called "system" on the kiosk).

A saw a vid that said there should be themes to match the first run of faceplates for your dash to DL. (wood/hotrod/flames/chrome)


this launch shortage is crazy. are they actually making any machines that pass inspection? Early october they make predictions, only a month later they halve them? Next week theyll halve again?

At this rate they'll need to box the kiosk units and sell those. Even my 2nd in the queue at GAME is looking dodgy.


Who is offer the best deal on an extended warranty? Something tells me 90 days isn't going to be enough.


Fight for Freeform said:
Every Special Edition version of a game should come with a face plate.


If Halo3 doesn't have a Ltd. Ed. that comes with a faceplate I will be absolutely shocked. I actually said this to the person who was sitting next to me at the MS conference at e3.


i dont think anything is wrong with production. you guys are basing it of off eb and i'll ell you first hand eb/gamestop hasn't a clue yet and its pissing me off. Over at TXB there are confirmations of best buys out there getting 100+ consoles. some as far up as 300. that doesnt sound like a shortage to me. I went to GS and paid off my 360 "oh you wont get it on the first shipment"....went back and reserved a few games.."oh you're DEFINATELY on the first batch. see you at midnight on the 22nd!"....called yesterday to confirm...."oh you only reserved it 6 months ago? no way you're getting it the first day" WTF? that store is run by monkeys. None of the employees know anything and they seem to just be pulling info out of their asses.


Just got back from toys'r'us and saw that they are offering 2 bundles. One that was around $610 and the other close to $800. Both included WIRED controllers. I asked if you could switch to wireless and was told no.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Yeah, TRU started offering pre-order bundles over the weekend. Each store is only offering anywhere between 4-16 pre-orders. They're kind of pointless, like you said (wired controller), but you might be able to just return it to them later on.


Party Pooper
Liquid said:
"oh you only reserved it 6 months ago? no way you're getting it the first day"

that's pretty fucked up if true. i preordered the DAY they opened up. i sent a txt to my friend who's a manager at a different store (as he was transfered from the store i preordered at), and he says i'm good for day 1.

but i wouldnt put it past them to fuck it up. it is gamestop after all


I just recently Paid off my Xbox 360 and game Reserved along with it about 5 days ago. Guy never told me this until I acctually paid it all off that now I should have no problem getting it on the first day.
I hate my gamestop since they always have a different employee everytime I go.

How many employees does a gamestop hire anyway?

Sucks since If I were to go on the day of release I can't complain that certain employee said I will get it for sure since they don't work there anymore.


The Translator
found this on txb, impressions from the Glasgow first look. Very good, and nice PDZ impressions (along with plenty of other games):


I’ve heard a lot of criticism about the AI in this game, and to all those people who say the AI is useless; guys just stand there when you shoot them etc. I didn’t experience this once, none in that context anyway. You can sneak up on guards, but once others around hear shots or whatever, they will be onto you. They use cover, and seem to hold an area. You also must use cover, and when you do, the game goes into 3rd person, and you can aim your crosshair, then just press fire and Joanna will lean out and fire where you aimed (as you would expect); its best to shoot when the enemy is reloading or moving. I found that there was no shortage of cover and on the harder settings you will have to use it, for example one shot from an enemy sniper and you’re dead. I was even more surprised at the game when I found it was a 75% build, and it still looked and felt great. I can’t wait for this game
Me and a couple of friends went to the TOronto special preview thing.

I got to play PDZ NHL2K6 and Kameo for 4 hours.

AI in this game will NOT be a problem. The game was pretty damn hard on secret agent.
The aiming was pretty bad but then i adjusted it in the option and it was pretty much perfect.

The game was ALOT of fun and graphics were really good.

NHL2k6 was really fun but it looked just like hte xbox version only with much better ice and fans.

KAmeo was ok the level that they were showing off was too dark anf nothing special. We spent most of out time with PDZ anyways.


The Translator
Kabuki Waq said:
NHL2k6 was really fun but it looked just like hte xbox version only with much better ice and fans.

off topic I guess: I haven't played the xbox version, how do you like the commentary? That's one thing I really enjoyed about the previous NHL 2k titels, but the new commentator team just seamed atrocious in the videos I've seen ...


Tekunorobby, I played the kiosk at Best Buy on Kendall today.

One of the guys working there mentioned that they hooked it up through VGA. Unfortunately I couldn't see the back but the sharpness and colors would lead me to believe that it is hooked up through VGA. My impressions:

CoD2 was very sharp but you could see some aliasing (didn't bother me one bit). Sound was intense and the control is tight as can be. The gun texture you see when you pull the sight up to your eye is detailed, but when you walk up to the AA guns you see many of the textures are blurry and ugly. Smoke effects are incredible and need to be seen in person, even some kid's dad was oooing and aaaing. I got pretty far into the demo but I wanted to let others play so I gave up the controller.

My brother played King Kong. I know it's a port but it looks very nice. I know people always say these 360 games could be done on the XBOX, but the game I think comes closest to this as far as effects is Splinter Cell CT. The wet rocks reminded me alot of SC:CT, but then I saw a huge (detailed) T-rex, rain coming down and some flying monsters and I realized the framerate didn't hiccup. Still, even in HD you could see it was a port and not as big a deal as the other 2 demos.

Kameo didn't get any love from the casuals there. I played it and kids were leaving cause it looked too kiddy to them. Definitely not my type of game but it had some crisp visuals. I noticed aliasing here as well but again it's not like current gen games where it's annoying. If you're not looking for it you won't notice it.
hadareud said:
off topic I guess: I haven't played the xbox version, how do you like the commentary? That's one thing I really enjoyed about the previous NHL 2k titels, but the new commentator team just seamed atrocious in the videos I've seen ...

it was pretty much like 2k5. It was decent but nothing to write home about.


Does anyone know:

If I cancel my X Box live account now, will my account revert to a Silver now, or do I need to wait until I perform account recovery on the 360 first? I'd like to keep my name if possible.


Tag of Excellence
newsguy said:
Tekunorobby, I played the kiosk at Best Buy on Kendall today.
Cool, that would explain the same setup at Dadeland's store. It wasn't HD they told me.

Kameo was actually sort of popular when I played. The Best Buy employees couldn't try out the kiosk during work so they asked me to check out a few games to them while they pretended to sell me a system, hahahaha.

Hexic HD is also pretty cool, surprised by how many people don't know that it can be played.
It didnt help that Rare decided to show the leat impressive level for kameo.

The game seemed like something you have to sit down and play to appreciate.


For those of us who did'nt pre-order the Xbox360, what do you think the wait will be?

Anyway, once i actuualy get my hands on one i will buy the following day 1 (pending awful reviews)



Monorojo said:
For those of us who did'nt pre-order the Xbox360, what do you think the wait will be?

Ask this question again 'round 5 p.m. on the 21st. There's no way to tell realistically right now how long you'll have to wait. By dinnertime on the 21st you'll start to hear reports on how crazy / not crazy it is or is going to be as people prepare for the midnight sales. My guess is, though, that the lines will be shorter the morning of the 22nd for shops not doing midnight events.


Just thought I'd give a small update to those interested on renting the system-

According to rogersvideo.ca the current going rate for renting a system is 20 bucks + GST, with games costing 7 bucks + GST. At the moment systems can be rented for 7 day periods and the site had no mention of a damage deposit but assumably with the 360 you'll be paying the 20 bucks and get it for only 5 days instead of 7 as well as the deposit being 500 dollars. That's just my guess though. There was mention on the site of bundle deals - rent the system + 2 games for 32 dollars. This was stressed has being different depending on the store so don't bank on it I guess.

So basicaly for those of you wanting to rent the thing on launch day or the day after expect to pay atleast 20 dollars for 5 days of system use and 7 bucks per game. It also mentioned rental systems come with 2 controllers but at a system launch this isn't always the case.


In the newest episode of his blogcast, Major Nelson says that there will be some "big news" coming up this week/next week. And "soon" for the launch game list.

Short blogcast this week. You'd think there'd be a lot to talk about with launch just about two weeks away but I guess not.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Damnit, when he said "Andy..." for Name the game, I thought I won! (my first name is Andy). Of course, it was for the Gamertag Andy787... blast it.
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