Jeff-DSA said:
Microsoft today announced that retailers nationwide are beginning to sell various Xbox 360 games, accessories, and Xbox Live retail offerings in advance of the November 22 console launch. Eager fans are encouraged to check with their local retail stores for information regarding specific Xbox 360 product availability.
To give gamers hands-on time with Xbox 360 prior to purchase, Microsoft is installing 30,000 Xbox interactive kiosks into retail locations worldwide, each outfitted with a state-of-the-art high-definition monitor, Xbox 360 controller, and playable versions of Microsoft Game Studios Kameo: Elements of Power and HexicHD, Activisions Call of Duty 2, and Ubisofts Peter Jacksons King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie. Already set up at several retailers, the kiosks also feature game trailers, as well as virtual tours of the next-generation of Xbox Live and the unique Xbox 360 digital entertainment experiences.
Offering Xbox 360 games, accessories, and Xbox Live products in advance of the November 22 console launch lets gamers and retailers jump in on the euphoria and prepare early for the hottest consumer electronics product launch of the decade, said Peter Moore, Microsoft Corporate VP, Worldwide Marketing and Publishing.
A complete list of day-one games, accessories, and Xbox Live retail offerings available on November 22 will be announced next week.
*sigh*Jeff-DSA said:
Blimblim said:*sigh*
Still not even a review build (not even mentioning a 360 review kit) in sight here. MS Europe/France, how I love thee...
I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever). I've been promised a review kit as soon as they are available but I'm not holding my breath, to say the least...Jeff-DSA said:Are you supposed to be receiving your review kit before launch? How is Xboxyde's relationship with Microsoft?
SuperPac said:Oh, and I'm thinking I may switch my faceplate purchase to this one:
Blimblim said:I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever). I've been promised a review kit as soon as they are available but I'm not holding my breath, to say the least...
It's kinda sad considering how big xboxyde has become in the past few months.
Blimblim said:I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever). I've been promised a review kit as soon as they are available but I'm not holding my breath, to say the least...
It's kinda sad considering how big xboxyde has become in the past few months.
Is that Larry's (major nelson) other Email? I've met him 4 times already so I'm well aware he can't do much to help mekrypt0nian said:Seriously drop a line to and see if you can sort that out. He's got to be well aware of xboxyde's part in all of this.
krypt0nian said:Seriously drop a line to and see if you can sort that out. He's got to be well aware of xboxyde's part in all of this.
Thanks, but please no.Jeff-DSA said:Actually, we should all do that. We should let him know that we'd be happy to see xboxyde get some reviews up since we appreciate their media coverage so much. I think a few emails of support (providing they don't sound like they were encouraged from xboxyde) could go a long way.
Y2Kevbug11 said:Wtf, how?
I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever).
Raiden said:Damn screens like this really arent good for my ''i aint gonna buy a 360 till i finished the good current gen games" plan.
snatches said:FYI DOA4 will not make launch. Tecmo just let me know it will ship December 6th.
Mr. Lemming said:Edit: It sounds like co-op may only be for certain portions of the game: "Use the Change Level option to choose from the Co-operative battlegrounds on offer. These have been carefully selected from some of Kameo's most intense struggles against the Troll forces. But, you must have completed the adventures in single player before they are available to you in Co-operative split screen play."
But, you must have completed the adventures in single player before they are available to you in Co-operative split screen play."
Y2Kevbug11 said:I liked it a lot, it was a lot of fun. The framerate is not a concern of mine, I guess.
jobber said:PD:0 co-op online????
Bebpo said:Yeah, I wouldn't have minded the framerate if the graphics hadn't looked so poor to me. At least in PGR3's case you get amazing visuals to trade off for unfortunately losing 60fps. Kameo should've at least been 60fps with its visual level.
Bebpo said:Yeah, I wouldn't have minded the framerate if the graphics hadn't looked so poor to me. At least in PGR3's case you get amazing visuals to trade off for unfortunately losing 60fps. Kameo should've at least been 60fps with its visual level.
Fifty said:Yes well you're a fool.....a fool who's missing out on some great "car racing" games!
I bet you're holding out for the camel racers, aren't you?! They'll run at 60 fps for sure.
Fifty said:Nowhere! Because I'm a tentative fool who wanted to screw himself over in the worst way. I'll head down to the downtown (suburbs are for pussies) Futureshop location to get in line before it opens (not sure when it'll open yet) and get a first-come first serve system like a real man!
Kameo should've at least been 60fps with its visual level.
SuperPac said:He is really racking up quite the Gamerscore. Wonder if he's just having the product managers come into his office and play in order to pump up his numbers.I can't imagine that he has time to sit there and play all day like he seems to have been doing... crazy. said:Nah, J. Allard actually plays games regularly.
TekunoRobby said:
Damnit he's playing PGR3 now!