So I walk into Best Buy, and lo and behold, there's the 360 setup. The quick rundown...
King Kong - I wasn't blown away at first by the Kong level, thought it looked like a slicker current gen game. Then the kid (who played this thing for like 20 minutes) switched to the run-away-from-T-Rex level, and oh man, the lighting and textures and just sheer clarity of the visuals just jumped off the screen. He's trying to run away as the beast's jaw clamps down on him. Awesome. This game looks fierce and intense and amazing. And pants-shittingly scary.
Call of Duty 2 - My god. It's so crisp and fast and responsive and earth-shatteringly intense. I was watching some guy play (after getting my ass handed to me within a minute) along with a small crowd, and we were literally reeling at some of the explosions and effects. The smoke, flying dirt, and shrapnel made this possibly the most immersive five minutes of video game I've ever seen.
Didn't get to check out Kameo.
Crowd response was OVERWHELMINGLY positive. My favorite quote was from a dude who walked up during King Kong, "That's a VIDEO GAME?????!!!!" There was some wincing when the price of the system was brought up; even the kid's CoD2-worshipping dad thought 400 clams was too steep. But overall we just sorta stood there, gawked slack-jawed, and laughed gleefully at the shiny new toy. WE WANTS IT.
The kicker is that these two games probably won't offer the best graphics at launch. But that's just it. It's not so much about the visual wow-factor as it is the whole package. You look at these screens and even watch the movies online, and you're not that impressed. But actually playing the games (or at least watching someone play right in front of you) lets you see that this level of immersion and atmosphere just wasn't possible before. And I feel like a blabbering idiot fanboy for saying this, but there's a gut-wrenching power hinted at in those demos that I've never experienced before in a game. I felt like I needed a stiff drink after walking out of the store. There's your next gen right there.
I'm sold like twenty times over on the 360. I haven't preordered, though, and I have like a thousand PS2 games to play, so as hard as it will be, I'm gonna wait a while. But when I take that plunge...oh boy.