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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


works for Gamestop (lol)
kameo's soundtrack is pretty sweet. i didnt realize they got an orchestra for it...it sounds very good

pd0's ost is ok


Wario64 said:
kameo's soundtrack is pretty sweet. i didnt realize they got an orchestra for it...it sounds very good

pd0's ost is ok

just decided to get Kameo on the music alone.. :D

PDO soundtrack is frankly awful imo :(


The Inside Track
While he would not give me his final score, a reviewer friend told me that Kameo was really good, if a bit too much on the kiddy side (his word, not mine). He finished the game in about 16 hours but did not try to unlock much stuff.


Fifty said:
PGR and Condemned. Or Perfect Dark....Or Call of Duty

I'm buying CoD and PDZ, and gameflying PGR and Condemned. Madden gets pushed down on my list due to the meh animations from the lastest vids.


I should be recieving my X360 tomorrow, but for some reason, I'm not so excited about it. I guess it's the lack of games that appeal to me. Are there any post launch game that are worth getting? besides sports titles/Racers?


EGM92 said:
I should be recieving my X360 tomorrow, but for some reason, I'm not so excited about it. I guess it's the lack of games that appeal to me. Are there any post launch game that are worth getting? besides sports titles/Racers?

I'll gladly take it off your hands, you ungrateful bastard.
Some collected info on launch numbers, etc - reported at IGN 360 boards.

Take it for what its worth:

K-Naledge here just wanting to provide some new information I engineered out of a few key people at key retailers regarding the Xbox 360 launch. Here we go:

* As of November 10th, 2005 most Wal-Mart chains received their shipment of full launch day unit allotment of Xbox 360s. According to a few sources across some of the New England based chains, the average ratio of Core systems versus Premium systems is about 3:1 (the average was about 10 Core systems for every 3-5 Premium. For instance, at one particular Wal-Mart in my neck of the woods, which also happens to be the highest volume / sale P&L, has 14 systems total: 10 Core, 4 Premium. Still another Wal-Mart some 10 miles away from this one has 10 systems total: 8 Core, 2 Premium.

* All Wal-Mart stores should have their shipments in by November 15th, 2005.

* Target stores across the New England area will all be receiving their Xbox 360 shipments either by today (November 13th, 2005) or by Wednesday, November 16th, 2005. As confirmation of this, I called my three of my local Target stores and was able to disover they all had their shipment in as of 12 AM this morning (Nov. 13th, 2005).

* Target is going to be one of the largest retail chain suppliers of Xbox 360 units. The average allottment per store is based on district, location, and sales volume with the Target chains in New England receiving an average of about 40-60 units per store. One very popular and high-foot traffic Target in my area is receiving approximately 50 units of EACH TYPE and has them in stock as of today, November 13th, 2005.

* Best Buy was pretty much covered the other day with the GR linkage to the MRDC/ORDC Best Buy shipping logs. The info I can provide is the exact format of how most Best Buy stores (at least in the New England area) intend on performing the launch.

* Best Buy stores in the greater New England area will be opening at either 12 AM EST or 9 AM EST on November 22nd, 2005. Of the 5 stores I spoke to in my area, 2 of them will be opening at 12 AM and the others will be opening at 9 AM. Those opening at 12 are based solely on first come first serve and will be implementing a sort of "ticket system" or voucher that will entitle them to an Xbox 360 unit typeo f their choice, until supplies last (of that type). Those opening at 9 AM will start handing out their tickets/vouchers at approximately 6 AM EST November 22nd, 2005. Once again, these customers will be able to choose which type of system they would prefer until supplies last. This is also on a first come first serve basis. All stores will be either acepting this tickets/vouchers upon turn in at the customer service desks or at the front-of-floor registers (whichever is closest to the security booths). From what I understand, it will not be a mad rush into the stores once the doors open - most local Best Buy chains are intending on security monitored escorts to the point of sale systems.

* Target stores will be enacting a similiar method of allowing customers to purchase an Xbox 360 system of their choice. I spoke to three stores in the New England area and each had a fairly similiar story to tell: most Target stores will be opening a handful of hours prior to their usual opening times (some locations, however, like those at malls, etc. may not be able to open much earlier as Pyramid heavily regulates what time a store may open/close). Regardless of opening time, however, all three Target stores stated that they would begin handing out green tickets marked either Premium or Core at approximately 6 AM EST November 22nd, 2005. This will be on a first come first serve basis. Should, for instance, all Premium systems be distributed by the time you are reached in the line, you will have the choice to either decline a ticket or accept the Core system ticket.

* Wal-Mart stores have a very interesting method being implemented this launch: According to two Wal-Mart stores, each stated of their own accord that on <b>November 21st</b>, 2005 at approximately 6 AM EST, customers will be able to show up and ask for a ticket for either the Premium or Core system and <i>then return</i> later on that evening/following morning (depending on how you look at it) at approximately 12 AM EST November 22nd, 2005. This is a very interesting method of "walk-in" as it is nearly a full day prior to the launch and would sugest not only will there be a line to <i>get</i> the system, but also one to get even a <i>ticket</i> to allow to get in line the following morning to get the system.

* EB Games: This whole EB thing has been beaten to death but just to recap, a manager at my local EB Games that I have been friends with now for over 7 years (and also used to manage one of the most popular stores in our area), let me in on how exactly its been going for them lately across most stores in the district. Most if not all stores will be receiving their shipments of units this week (as early as November 14th, 2005) with the average unit count being somewhere in the mid 20s. The EB Games previously mentioned (the very popular one) had to irk about 150~ people or so with a fateful phone call I'm sure most of us are familiar with by now. They are expecting about 60-80 units. Demo units of every Xbox 360 unit that were shipped to Eb Games in the district were all shown on the shipment logs instead of as ONS or not on the log altogether. This was done to ward off any potential less-than-honorable managerial staff wanting to show off a bit early on eBay or at home. Contrary to many earlier reports, Kameo is the only game currently available in stock at the moment - however, November 14th and 15th will see both PGR3 and PDZ (LE and regular) in stock. Another possible title will be Quake 4 and a few of the EA Sports titles as well.

* As for the system itself - one interesting thing I learned is that the power supply is indeed final. Sorry folks. Also, the unit itself gets pretty f'ing hot after about 20-30 minutes of being powered on. How hot? Not hot enough to alarm you at the touch but hot enough that it could make your home entertainment center a bit stuffier/humid. The closest thing I can compare it to that everyone might be able to understand is placing your hand on the side of your CRT monitor toward the middle. The unit itself, however, is fairly quiet with only the tiniest of a wirr/lull of fans to be heard. Interestingly enough, one thing I noted was that the optical drives in these units seems to have a bit more staying power than the Xbox console. I'm sure most of us are familiar with what the Xbox drive sounds like when attempting to read a disc and it just can't quite seem to do it quickly enough. That small little nuance seems to have been remedied here and I paid close attention to the drive whilst loading things from the demo disc and other music discs. Another interesting thing to note is that the shipped demo units (though some stores are claiming they are final retail) also show that there is approximately 13GB of drive space free, with 19.6GB being total available. This is fairly interesting to note because no amount of fooling about or digging could reveal what exactly this used space was for - most notably because of the fact that Halo/Halo 2 would NOT boot under emulation, though we were prompted.

That's all I can gather at this point in time but I hope it sheds some new light on the situation for those of you out there that share the same predicament as I do on the 22nd. I also got shafted on the 360 launch via EB Games so I deided to take some matters into my own hands as you can see above. My suggestion would be to arrive at least 3 hours prior to whateevr times are listed above at whichever store interests you.

And remember: the key to social engineering is making them believe what you want them to believe. If all else fails, just act uninterested!


Another interesting thing to note is that the shipped demo units (though some stores are claiming they are final retail) also show that there is approximately 13GB of drive space free, with 19.6GB being total available. This is fairly interesting to note because no amount of fooling about or digging could reveal what exactly this used space was for - most notably because of the fact that Halo/Halo 2 would NOT boot under emulation, though we were prompted

Why would that be?


ack. mixed emotions about this information if its true.

I hope Wal Mart is really gonna allow tickets to be handed out almost a day before launch. Ill definitely be looking into that. hopefully this is not info that will be well known and make it easier to get one. its gonna suck though if they really are getting that ratio of core to premium systems. I wonder if Sams Club has anything to do with this? maybe the premiums are going to Sams?

sounds like Tartget may be a good place to try if I dont have any luck at midnight. the girl I talked to last week when I called to get some info sounded very knowledgeable and excited about the 360 kiosk being set up that day.

I really dont want to have to camp at Best Buy but if I can manage to stay awake Ill probably drive by there as much as possible to see what kind activity they are getting and if more than a few people are there super early I may have to bite the bullet and nerd it out.

it seems to be a mixed blessing that games and accessories will be coming out early since I dont know what kind of bundle I may be forced to buy. I think I better just pick up as much stuff as I can early though to save myself the hassle in case I do end up having to try a few stores.

hgplayer1 said:
I hope Wal Mart is really gonna allow tickets to be handed out almost a day before launch. Ill definitely be looking into that. hopefully this is not info that will be well known and make it easier to get one. its gonna suck though if they really are getting that ratio of core to premium systems. I wonder if Sams Club has anything to do with this? maybe the premiums are going to Sams?

I've seen pics posted of the tickets so that's a given. I'll see if I can round them up, but they are pre-printed 360- walmart tickets.


krypt0nian said:
I've seen pics posted of the tickets so that's a given. I'll see if I can round them up, but they are pre-printed 360- walmart tickets.

Ive seen the pics of the tickets. the thing Im questioning is that they will be allowed to give tickets out as early as 6 AM on 11-21.


Console Market Analyst
hgplayer1 said:
Ive seen the pics of the tickets. the thing Im questioning is that they will be allowed to give tickets out as early as 6 AM on 11-21.

Word is, 10:00pm whatever your timezone. I'm going to get on the phone with my local Wal-mart and see if they can verify.


If true, that's a pretty screwed up ratio of premiums to cores at Wal-Mart. But hurray to the info on Target. That might be the best place for me to get a 360. Closest one is a minute's walk.


Console Market Analyst
Wal Mart Electronics Manager: "We haven't heard anything yet. Not even how many we'll have. We'll pull them out at Midnight. First come, first served." "So, no tickets will be handed out beforehand?" "Not that I'm aware of. Call back Sunday if you'd like, and we might have more details."


Goreomedy said:
Wal Mart Electronics Manager: "We haven't heard anything yet. Not even how many we'll have. We'll pull them out at Midnight. First come, first served." "So, no tickets will be handed out beforehand?" "Not that I'm aware of. Call back Sunday if you'd like, and we might have more details."

just called my local Wal Mart and got the same info you did. doesnt sound good. I wonder if stores that arent getting very many of them arent getting the tickets?


Console Market Analyst
Checked with another, bigger, Wal-mart. No tickets are being handed out beforehand. They go on sale at Midnight. He said lots of calls have come in, so to come at least an hour early to even have a chance. They're expecting around 100 systems, but can't be sure at this point. And have no idea on the core/premium ratio.

I might have to grab two of these babies. :)


Mifune said:
Throw in a copy of Barbie Horse Adventure and you've got yourself a deal. A sweet-ass deal, I might add.

... Are you serious??.... Cause I do have a SEALED BRAND NEW COPY OF Barbies Horse Adventure sitting around, :D


Another interesting thing to note is that the shipped demo units (though some stores are claiming they are final retail) also show that there is approximately 13GB of drive space free, with 19.6GB being total available. This is fairly interesting to note because no amount of fooling about or digging could reveal what exactly this used space was for - most notably because of the fact that Halo/Halo 2 would NOT boot under emulation, though we were prompted
123rl said:
Why would that be?
A large part of the difference is dedicated cache partitions for games. Xbox had them too.

Also: Bundled music, videos and any other extras.
I have a question, sure it's been answered but I haven't seen it yet...

Can you run an Xbox Live account on X360 and Xbox at the same time?

I know on Xbox you can only run it on one and then transfer it over if necessary. But considering that I might be playing old non-BC Xbox games on Live and some X360 games on Live I was hoping that you could have the account on both systems simulatneously...
GitarooMan said:
I have a question, sure it's been answered but I haven't seen it yet...

Can you run an Xbox Live account on X360 and Xbox at the same time?

I know on Xbox you can only run it on one and then transfer it over if necessary. But considering that I might be playing old non-BC Xbox games on Live and some X360 games on Live I was hoping that you could have the account on both systems simulatneously...

You can use the account on both machines but only ONE can be logged in at one time.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
SkinSider said:
I'm guessing, but I reckon that's when they will accept orders for shipping on the dot-com store only.

I need to make some phone calls tomorrow to find out what the deal is with CC. If they break street date, I'm marching up to the mall to demand my 360.
I dunno if this has been posted or not, but 1up is gonna post some xbox360 game reviews at midnight. I just dont know if thats midnight pst or est.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
god damn, that wal-mart news is sad :(

'll be at my parents in the woods, and the ONLY store i can think that will carry 360 of within 30 minutes of them is wal-mart.

damn, maybe i should prep for the hour plus drive to chico to hit up best buy that morning.


I find it hard to believe that they'd be able to break street date like that. I'm betting this gets cancelled, no matter what the CC reps said.


This has got to be some kind of miscommunication. The customer service reps probably don't know what they're talking about because CC generally doesn't do website-specific pre-sales.

They'll have changed their tune by tomorrow.


SuperPac said:
This has got to be some kind of miscommunication. The customer service reps probably don't know what they're talking about because CC generally doesn't do website-specific pre-sales.

They'll have changed their tune by tomorrow.

NO. you shall not ruin my hope. Friday is freedom day.


Wario64 said:
it's funny cause weren't the every10minutes winners suppose to be the first ones to get x360? haha

They still will be, followed by firsttoplay people and those who go to the launch event in the desert.
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