It's a debug/review kit.Gc-Freak said:will you get the retail or a demo kit?
It's a debug/review kit.Gc-Freak said:will you get the retail or a demo kit?
Blimblim said:It's a debug/review kit.
Blimblim said:Well, looks like I'll have my 360 tomorrow
The worldwide embargo on 1st/2nd party games is tomorrow btw, so expect a lot of reviews starting midnight !
Considering the europeans sites got their kits at the end of last week if seems unlikely. Unless they also have a paper magazine on the side, in that case I guess they could have some reviews up in a couple of hours.gofreak said:Could European sites post reviews at midnight their time, or is there a uniform time everywhere? Like midnight PST?
Blimblim said:It's a debug/review kit.
I've been told I'll get the review builds of PGR3 and Kameo, and a builld of PDZ (no idea if it's review or not)DenogginizerOS said:Blim, what is the first game you will play/review?
Blimblim said:I've been told I'll get the review builds of PGR3 and Kameo, and a builld of PDZ (no idea if it's review or not)
Blimblim said:I've been told I'll get the review builds of PGR3 and Kameo, and a builld of PDZ (no idea if it's review or not)
I will try, but it will be difficult to switch back to 480i for the recording sessions.Gc-Freak said:can we expect some direct-feed videos tomorrow?
Blimblim said:I will try, but it will be difficult to switch back to 480i for the recording sessions.
I'm still wondering what would be best, doing direct feed 640x360 footage (deinterlaced so a bit blurry) or trying to use my camcorder with direct feed sound. I guess I'll try both and let people choose.
We'll see. Properly calibrated the result could be good. Anyway it's a temporary solution until this {~¹#{[¶{ of a hdtv capture box is finally released. It's been announced for 6 months now and still no release date. Blah.krypt0nian said:Your cam rocked last time. Surprisingly so.
I guess they do. You can already capture in HD, but it requires a PCi-X capture card, so it only works on high end MACs or PC motherboards for servers. I guess IGN or Gamespot could afford this easily, but so far at least IGN seems to be still using the good old 480i capture system.Joe said:how is everyone else capturing in HD? or are they getting direct HD footage from publishers?
The premium pack comes with a cable that can do both Component and Composite. For S-Video you'll need a separate cable.aparisi2274 said:Ok I am sure this must have been asked several times, but I am not going to go searching...
So here it goes... I have a TV that just has S-Video on it..(havent upgraded to an HDTV yet), and I have an Svideo switch box that I have all my components plugged into...
I have the X360 Premium pack preordered and I know it comes with the Component HD AV Cable. So my question is, can I use that with my svideo switch box? Or am I going to have to get an svideo cable for it?
Any info would be much appreciated.
Blimblim said:The premium pack comes with a cable that can do both Component and Composite. For S-Video you'll need a separate cable.
The whole kit.aparisi2274 said:When you say I need an S-video cable, do you just mean a std svideo cable by itself, or the whole s-video kit, with the yellow, red, white cables as well?
STFU free unitJeff-DSA said:So will the US winners be getting Kameo as well, or is it another Canadian bonus thing?
Intec case + Kameo = awesome unexpected extras to wave in our faces.
SuperPac said:
SuperPac said:
newsguy said:Best achievements so far. 1000 headshots? damn.
Hey Blim, shouldn't you be able to just use a PC HD tuner card to cap the output from the Xbox?Blimblim said:I guess they do. You can already capture in HD, but it requires a PCi-X capture card, so it only works on high end MACs or PC motherboards for servers. I guess IGN or Gamespot could afford this easily, but so far at least IGN seems to be still using the good old 480i capture system.
The capture box I want to buy uses PCI Express 4x, much more common stuff than PCI-X.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:Word going around is that one Sam's Club in St. Louis put a pallet of 360's out by mistake. Supposedly a few were sold before they recognized the error.
DenogginizerOS said:Gotta love those little blue vested Wal-Martians and their inabilty to read.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:Word going around is that one Sam's Club in St. Louis put a pallet of 360's out by mistake. Supposedly a few were sold before they recognized the error.
Holy shit, that had better be a typo.Kabuki Waq said:wow some ppl will be pissed. I just came home with CoD2 and ont he back of the box it says 2-8 players online and 1-16 through system link
Kabuki Waq said:wow some ppl will be pissed. I just came home with CoD2 and ont he back of the box it says 2-8 players online and 1-16 through system link
WTF that's not cool.....Seems like I'll be renting from Gamefly. Seriously, 2-8? I thought Finest Hour and Big Red One even had up to 16!Kabuki Waq said:wow some ppl will be pissed. I just came home with CoD2 and ont he back of the box it says 2-8 players online and 1-16 through system link