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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

Now that the games are hitting stores, anybody know whats going out?

Like At EBgames... Are they shrinking the Xbox section, putting the Xbox 360 games on islands and axing PSone games... etc?

Same for larger stores....what is the general product thats losing shelf space in favor of the 360?


I suppose this might be the place for this question: can I use my existing linksys usb wireless adaptor on my Tree Sitty to connect the sucker online? If this is a really stupid question, feel free to mock me, after answering it.
CC won't break street date unless they don't want to get any more 360s to sell until Summer 2006.

More shortage news: I was talking to a Game Rush manager tonite who said that even though they only pre-sold 10 consoles per store...they are only getting about half that at launch, and the unlucky customers at the bottom of the list will get theirs 'by christmas'.


Raoul Duke said:
I suppose this might be the place for this question: can I use my existing linksys usb wireless adaptor on my Tree Sitty to connect the sucker online? If this is a really stupid question, feel free to mock me, after answering it.
Unless you know something I don't know, I wouldn't bet on standard USB wifi adapters working.

If they require a proprietery driver, I would imagine they won't work.


My dad has a HDTV monitor. Its a 30-32 inch samsung and it has 1028i (not sure about the i) on the side. Is this better or worse than the 720 that I hear you guys speak of and is this the ideal type of tv to play my 360 on?

Quick PSP wallpaper I threw together.


There was a Madden 360 commercial on tonight during football,though I doubt many gaffers saw it as they only comment on football games,not actually watch it. :lol
guys CC is not selling the system early. they are selling pre-order "tickets" on friday so you are guaranteed the system on tuesday.

p.s. i'm getting a little nervous about my gamerush preorder :/

Seth C

I got confirmation on the weird distribution at Wal-Mart. A store I heard from is getting 13 of the core packs and only 4 of the premium ones. Disappointing.
Let's continue the CC Friday hype! :D

Even if it is just a preorder, I wonder if it guarantees you a system on the 22nd. I will wait in line at a Walmart/Target but I'd rather get a little more sleep.


That Circuit City advertisement doesn't have a date, it may be that it is part of their Black Friday promotions for the day after thanksgiving.


Luckily, I was first in line at my Gamerush, but damn, these reports have me skittish.

If this is not hype, there are going to be a lot of ticked of people in 8 days.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Sh0k said:
That Circuit City advertisement doesn't have a date, it may be that it is part of their Black Friday promotions for the day after thanksgiving.

I believe some people on the ign boards called CC.com cs and reps were saying they were going up online for sale on the 18th,this Friday.
Well thankfully they just put in a Subway at my Wal-Mart right next to where they usually have console launch lines (near layaway for some reason) so I'll go early in the day, chill out at Subway, and when I see a line start to form, I'll hop in. I'll feel like a vulture, but that's cool.
Well fuck this. I guess I should've tried harder for the free 360.

I called Babbages yesterday (the place I pre-ordered) and was told that I probably won't be getting one 'til sometime in December. I would just tell them to forget about it but I traded in a bunch of stuff for credit towards the system so I guess I'll just have to wait. Honestly, these guys shouldn't be taking pre-orders unless they can gurantee you a system when it launches. I mean, why the fuck else would I preorder? To wait another month? Fucking retail monkeys.

The upside I suppose is that I no longer have to go through another idiotic midnight release which is nice because I'm flying out of Seattle that morning at 5:30. A 5:30am flight....I must be out of my mind. That means I gotta get to Sea-Tac at 4. Jesus. I can't wake up this early.

Anyway, back to my original point: FUCK YOU! YOU RETAIL BITCHES!
the gamerush guy still told me last week that they were getting 40 in. i don't believe him. the only thing i can hold out hope for is that i'm there @ midnight and some people dont come to pick theirs up. hopefully there is an ignorant employee working that night that won't mind selling me one, despite the fact there are people who have paid for their preorder ahead of me (i assume) :D


What has me worried, is I was first in line at my Gamerush, and out $100 down. Whewn I tried to pay it off fully last week they told me it was not possible, despite someone else I know paying his off. WTF?

Musashi Wins!

shantyman said:
What has me worried, is I was first in line at my Gamerush, and out $100 down. Whewn I tried to pay it off fully last week they told me it was not possible, despite someone else I know paying his off. WTF?

You can't pay it off in any normal sense there. I just have the amount on my "account". Their system is lame. They still haven't told me if there is a midnight sale "for sure".


FrenchMovieTheme said:
guys CC is not selling the system early. they are selling pre-order "tickets" on friday so you are guaranteed the system on tuesday.

p.s. i'm getting a little nervous about my gamerush preorder :/

How do you know this, if you don't mind me asking?


btf1980 said:

Do you work for Circuit City?

CC's date is incorrect, I think it was just a goof. I've been told that MS is working with them today to get the information corrected.

I don't know anything about any preorder tickets or anything else like that, that's up to whatever CC decides to do.


look once and for all the circuit city dates are the DATES THEY WILL START TAKING ORDERS

here the email form the circuit city rep to prove it:

Circuit City's PR managers have responded to our request for clarification on the confusing language on the Circuit City website. Here's the real deal:
"Circuit City will begin selling a limited supply of Xbox 360 bundles on www.circuitcity.com beginning 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, 2005. These units will ship on 11/21/2005; customers who opt to pay extra for next-day delivery can do so to get their Xbox in their homes on 11/22/2005."
We are not selling them earlier in our stores; I apologize for the misinformation you received from the call center.


can we stop this craziness now?


The Inside Track
Well, looks like I'll have my 360 tomorrow :D
The worldwide embargo on 1st/2nd party games is tomorrow btw, so expect a lot of reviews starting midnight !


Blimblim said:
Well, looks like I'll have my 360 tomorrow :D
The worldwide embargo on 1st/2nd party games is tomorrow btw, so expect a lot of reviews starting midnight !

will you get the retail or a demo kit?


If you guys wanna see some other achievements, check Paul Bunyan's Gamer profile. He's playing a couple different games than HiroProtagonist is. Like NFS:MW, NHL2K6 and NBA2K6.

NFS's achievements don't seem all that exciting. Ah well.
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