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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

That's where shutdown is? I hadn't been able to find it. Took me awhile to find the themes thing, too.

Am I missing something or does the audio player not have a shuffle option?


beermonkey@tehbias said:
What happens when you record HDTV with MCE? Does it recode it from MPEG-2 to WMV? Is there cablecard support yet? If recording non-premium content, is there still DRM on the files?
MCE records HDTV in a proprietary format (MS-DVR or something like that). I assume it is a variation on WMVHD. It streams fine to the 360, and can be played back in WMP.

MCE does seem to retain DRM in recorded HD files, but I have not been able to discern any restrictions on what you can do with the files.

Not sure about cablecard support. I think there was an announcement a few weeks ago about adding it.


Joe said:
-voice chat system is fucked up right now. not sure if its pd0 or all of xbox live (someone else said they had the same thing on pgr3). lots of lag on voice chat, and echos. hopefully its an xbl thing and MS fixes it. and unless im not seeing it, you cant tell whos talking and that kind of blows.

I did a private voice chat earlier with a friend, it there was INSANE echo, even with the speakers turned way down, everything was coming back.


Yusaku said:
Well thats...awkward. The dashboard is cool, but it feels a little incopmlete. I know the dashboard video player is just for trailers and stuff pre-loaded on the HD, but really, no fast forward or rewind? It litterally just plays, pauses, and stops.

Isn't that how exactly how Windows Media Player works? Always hated WMP for that.


yeah so my 360 just locked up. i was playing pd0 single player (the first level, training board...kinda cool but once you go outside it was AWESOME). i go on the elevator next to that giant rocket to ride the elevator. says "press A to ride" i press A and the fucking thing locked up. hopefully it saved my progress :(


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
question for those that have a 360...

Can USB wireless adapters work with 360? I have a few laying around and I don't want to pay $100 for the MS one.

Seth C

jobber said:
question for those that have a 360...

Can USB wireless adapters work with 360? I have a few laying around and I don't want to pay $100 for the MS one.

There wouldn't be proper driver support. They don't work.


im not sure if its been answered but the kameo warrior pack is christmas themed outfits for kameo and her morphs.


jobber said:
question for those that have a 360...

Can USB wireless adapters work with 360? I have a few laying around and I don't want to pay $100 for the MS one.

I tried 4 different ones on my friends x360 none of them worked. they powered up but the router wasn't picking up anything. 2 of them had a red led on which means there's an error.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Joe said:
about 15-20 minutes to DL a 132mb cod2 720p trailer...slow as shit (im on 10mbit cable).

I have a question. Can you download a HD videos from IGN or Gamespot on your PC and send them to the Xbox 360 and they will play?


Yusaku said:
Why is Shutdown listed on personal settings in the guide?

Hold the guide button down for 3 seconds and a blade will pop out from the right side of the screen. You can quickly chose shutdown from there.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
Me too, sort of. I'll basically be waiting in line, buy it and then head home to get some sleep before work.

Exactly my plan. I'm hoping I get a system, and then I'll spend all day at the office wishing I had my 360! :D


I've been searching for a VGA cable all week with no luck, though I've spotted other accessories.

I heard that the VGA cable will be in short supply :(


if you do not like going to the settings menu to shutdown your console, there's an easier way - just do the same thing you do to turn it on. hold down the xbox 360 guide button for about 3 seconds. a dialog will pop up asking if you're sure you want to turn it off!
Are you serious about the Track info not showing up when playing music?? And you can't see album art? I use folder.jpg for all mine, if they don't show up on 360 thats fucking lame.

Also there's no shuffle option? You've gotta be shitting me.


4 friggin Walmarts and not one has games out. Everytime the mutant says the same thing. We can't sell those until the 22nd.


Fowler said:
Isn't that how exactly how Windows Media Player works? Always hated WMP for that.

Uh, no, have you even used WMP before? I LITERALLY mean you can play, pause, stop, and NOTHING else. If you watch 10 minutes of the Titantic video and want to finish it later you can't fast forward, you'd have to rewatch te entire 10 minutes.

Gunstar77 said:
I have a question. Can you download a HD videos from IGN or Gamespot on your PC and send them to the Xbox 360 and they will play?

If they're WMV it might work so long as you have a Win MCE computer. Unless MCE only lets you stream videos you've recorded yourself yourself.

hlazzo said:
Hold the guide button down for 3 seconds and a blade will pop out from the right side of the screen. You can quickly chose shutdown from there.

Yeah I know that, but that doesn't explain the confusing placement of the shutdown command in the guide. The dashboard is pretty, but I think the usability design of the interface is poor.

PanopticBlue said:
Are you serious about the Track info not showing up when playing music?? And you can't see album art? I use folder.jpg for all mine, if they don't show up on 360 thats fucking lame.

Also there's no shuffle option? You've gotta be shitting me.

It's true, no track info in the visualizer, and no album art. I'm pretty positive there's a shuffle option when playing music in the dashboard, but I didn't see an option when playing music in the guide while playing a game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
MentalNoiz said:
Has anyone been able to find the VGA Cable anywhere ? I looked at Target & Best Buy and had no luck .

Thanks .

My Target has the component and vga cables. I almost bought the vga ones.


Yusaku said:
Disapointed the music player doesn't show album art, or display track info during fullscreen visualizations.

What about while playing games either on Arcade or from DVD? Is there an option to have each new track title pop up as it plays? Please say yes! :)


VALIS said:
What about while playing games either on Arcade or from DVD? Is there an option to have each new track title pop up as it plays? Please say yes! :)

I think that depends on the game. PGR3 will show a custom track just like it does with it's own music. Games that don't display track names for it's own music don''t do it for custom soundtracks either.

Musashi Wins!

alejob said:
Well geez, XBox 360s are selling for 600+ already on ebay.

I sold my 360 to a co-worker tonight for 600. But he's lazy and rich with an impatient kid. Sold the first in line pre-order, at least.

Have fun guys :(


VALIS said:
What about while playing games either on Arcade or from DVD? Is there an option to have each new track title pop up as it plays? Please say yes! :)

There certainly isn't one by default, and I don't think it is an option either.

You can enable shuffle in the Guide by selecting the image that is an up arrow and a down arrow.
Yeah, I just found shuffle. Earlier I was choosing individual songs on my iPod and that button wasn't working. Then I realized it was cuz choosing an individual song just makes that song loop over and over and over. And Play All just plays the first 100 songs on my iPod. Kinda sucks that it can't just shuffle through all of 'em. I guess I'll have to make playlists or just choose by genre or album.


well im finally done toying around with the 360, just waiting for the nba live demo to finish DL'ing. i really do love it, its awesome. cant wait to play some madden tomorrow.

is there any word about the "slow" DL speeds and the lag during voice chat in games? can we expect these speeds all the time? or will DLs speed up in the near future?


Joe, you scared me when you said the 360 froze earlier....has it been smooth since? I had two xboxes before....one had a bad drive and froze often, the other never once froze, so hearing this reminded me of the old (crappy dvd drive) xbox :(


yeah its been smooth sailing since and its been on pretty much all day long. it was weird though, the whole thing just locked up. i couldnt swing open the xbox live guide or anything.

just before when i took out pd0 the disc was warm/hot (more on the warm side). i guess thats just the nature of the beast though.

i will tell you one thing, im probably gonna spring for MS's extended warranty. $60 for 2 years, i got the thing for free so it makes sense. plus who knows what happens whats gonna happen a year from now with the first batches.
Jesiatha said:
Apparently the backwards compatability update was released earlier today. Feel free to try any of the supported games.
Ohhh! I was just about to post about how I popped in Ninja Gaiden Black and it worked without me downloading a patch. I guess that patch I downloaded for Halo 2 enabled it! So it's just one update, huh? For some reason I thought you had to download one for each game.

Edit: Ninja Gaiden's no longer a steady 60fps. What the FUCK.
It drops all over the place, and often at odd times when there's not much on screen. Usually just for a second or two, so it was playable, but when I hit the two white ninjas on the bridge before the first boss the entire fight played out in slo-mo. That's when I turned it off.

This really pisses me off.


Rummy Bunnz said:
It drops all over the place, and often at odd times when there's not much on screen. Usually just for a second or two, so it was playable, but when I hit the two white ninjas on the bridge before the first boss the entire fight played out in slo-mo. That's when I turned it off.

This really pisses me off.

Yeah, if this happens on other games as well...then I'd just keep the old xbox plugged in and play them on that :(

It's bad enough that most of the X360 games aren't 60fps, but now it's going to kill Xbox 60fps games in BC? Boo.
Oh shit...are you fucking serious about the NG emulation? Aw man. WTF are you doing, MS? If it doesn't at least run as well as it does on XBOX, don't put it on the list. :(
Rummy Bunnz said:
Yeah, you can. Dang 100 song limit still applies, though. Guess I need to shrink this playlist down a bit.

So just to clarify, I can stream an .m3u playlist from my pc and play it shuffled in-game?


The Inside Track
Jesiatha said:
Apparently the backwards compatability update was released earlier today. Feel free to try any of the supported games.
Thanks for the info. Just gave Forza a try, it works very nicely except for the movies who have some weird interlacing and sound sync problem. Everything else runs as expected.
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