Aruarian Reflection
Chauffeur de la gdlk
DenogginizerOS said:10 Words or less:
Why are YOU getting an XBOX 360 at launch?
Project Gotham Racing 3
DenogginizerOS said:10 Words or less:
Why are YOU getting an XBOX 360 at launch?
DenogginizerOS said:10 Words or less:
Why are YOU getting an XBOX 360 at launch?
Nor does it tell you what game you have in the drive.Yusaku said:
Well that's interesting. Must be an old pic, because the dashboard doesn't display the music you're playing, and it doesn't support album art. I wonder why they took it out.
DenogginizerOS said:10 Words or less:
Why are YOU getting an XBOX 360 at launch?
Mejilan said:Say, if I get a Premium pack that comes with the 20gb HDD, then I don't need to splurge on that silly little 64mb memory unit, correct? I can save games directly to the HDD??
hgplayer1 said:correct
Ha, me too, which is why it's all the more weird that I set in the stone the fact that I was going to buy one of these things like two weeks after E3.Mejilan said:since I skipped out on the last Xbox entirely.
vatstep said:Ha, me too, which is why it's all the more weird that I set in the stone the fact that I was going to buy one of these things like two weeks after E3.
When Dreamcast came out, I decided only three days prior to launch that I needed one, and sold my PS1 and N64 towards it (dumb move) at FuncoLand. I don't know, I guess it's something about the promise of "next-gen" that does it.Mejilan said:I decided about 2 days ago, that I'd get an X360. And I wasn't even on the fence about it before. I had completely dropped it from consideration before it was even announced. Not sure why I changed my mind, but yesterday I went out and bought Kameo, PDZ LE, and all of the accessories I felt I'd need that won't be coming with the Premium bundle. Hell, even a 12 month XBL Gold card.
Am I nuts? Maybe.
Midnight PST, obviously. My guess is King Kong, though it could also be Tiger Woods or Quake 4 (very unlikely).If you're up and awake early this Monday morning, we'll have a surprise review for you. I'll be honest, it's not PDZ, I own't tease you like that. But it's a review of a game that's definitely blown us away. Check the IGN 360 front page sometime after midnight.
Nikashi said:Should we post pics of the consoles once we get them, or do that in another thread?
WordofGod said:Why did IGN give Ridge Racer 6 a 7.0?
WordofGod said:Why did IGN give Ridge Racer 6 a 7.0?
Joe said:anyone elses 360 a loud bastard? i paused pd0 for a few minutes and i was standing about 4 feet from the system and that fucker is way louder than xbox...unless its mine. mine has already locked up once...i gotta get that extended warranty.
Ramirez said:Man,the fuckin wait of a life time starts tomorrow when I go to WM to try and get one...prolly gonna have to wait 7-8 hours *sigh* Wish me luck fuckers![]()
krypt0nian said:They added an exclusive achievement for Zero Hour (major nelson/hiroprotagonist) have it...
REDMOND, Wash. Nov. 21, 2005 In less than 24 hours, gamers and adrenaline junkies alike will converge on thousands of retail outlets to be among the first to purchase the Xbox 360TM next-generation video game and entertainment system from Microsoft Corp. Droves of dedicated fans are expected to line the streets as more than 4,500 retailers open their doors at 12:01 a.m. to answer the demand for the Xbox 360 console and 18 launch games, including "Perfect Dark ZeroTM," "Project Gotham Racing® 3" and "KameoTM: Elements of PowerTM," from Microsoft Game Studios.
"The debut of Xbox 360 marks one of the biggest consumer launches in Microsoft's history," said Robbie Bach, president of the Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft and chief Xbox officer. "With its sheer power, portfolio of graphically stunning games, rich online capabilities, and features for enjoying music, movies and photos, Xbox 360 delivers integrated digital gaming and entertainment experiences that simply can't be matched."
More than 4,500 retailers will be holding midnight madness events. Best Buy, Microsoft's retail partner for Xbox 360 launch events, also will open all its U.S. stores at 9 a.m. on Nov. 22. "Xbox 360 takes our customers' gaming experience to new levels," said Jill Hamburger, vice president of games at Best Buy. "Walk into any of our stores and you'll feel the excitement it's a complete entertainment solution."
The excitement is already being felt around the globe. More than 3,500 gamers from around the world descended on an Xbox 360 oasis in California's Mojave Desert last night to celebrate the arrival of Xbox 360 at an exclusive launch party called Xbox 360: Zero Hour. Attendees are now engaged in more than 24 hours of Xbox 360 gameplay and tonight will have a chance to buy the console, launch games and gaming peripherals on site from Best Buy.
Xbox 360 festivities will continue as the system launches Dec. 2 in Europe and Dec. 10 in Japan.
krypt0nian said:They added an exclusive achievement for Zero Hour (major nelson/hiroprotagonist) have it...
arne said:I'm still trying to figure out how to get that one. Nobody is willing to spill, even to me, not that I'm really special or anything. I still got 19 hours to figure it out.
GeoNeo said:Maybe you should check
If you are lucky enough to attend Zero Hour here in the California Desert .make sure you swing by the area next to the Windows Media Center demo. You can insert your memory unit and get hooked up with an exclusive Zero Hour Achievement that is ONLY available here.
GeoNeo said:I wonder if someone will Ebay a memcard with the Achievement. :lol I would not be shocked if it sold for a pretty penny as well.
Ramirez said:Man,the fuckin wait of a life time starts tomorrow when I go to WM to try and get one...prolly gonna have to wait 7-8 hours *sigh* Wish me luck fuckers![]()
SuperPac said:Oh my... I just drove by the Best Buy in Houston, TX (midnight launch). There was already a line of 30 or so people sitting outside the store at 8:30 a.m. this morning. Have people gone crazy?
Outlaw Pro Mod said:There are currently 4 people in a line at the Wal-Mart I plan on waiting at. I'm starting to feel a sickness come know...I may need to leave work early..![]()
Mrbob said:We'll see. I still don't think this system will be a sellout at all except for the big cities.
im going at 6 and my walmart is getting 32 premiums.
shantyman said:You still think this?
I was at a Meijer store (similar to a Super Walmart, only in the Midwest) this morning and as I passed electronics I heard someone say "We're getting tons of calls on this 360."
Shawnwhann said:Two of my Ebay auctions just sold for 735.00 and 715.00
$650 gross profit for the win baby. :lol