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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

Always gonna be enough impatient suckers on eBay trying to please their bratty children. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, is it not?

Ya, its funny. I started both my listings at $100. I wonder what the bidding is going to look like tomorrow when the hype hits its climax. I'm cool with what I am making though, these suckers just paid for me to get my own 360.


HEre is the offical lanuch lineup with the most recent scores from the IGN site:


Ridge Racer 6 - 7.0
Amped 3 - 6.9
Condemned: Criminal Origins - 8.7
NBA Live 06 - 5.9
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 8.0
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup - 6.9
Call of Duty 2 - 9.0
NHL 2K6 - 7.5
Gun - 7.9
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - 8.3
Project Gotham Racing 3 - 8.8
NBA 2K6 - 7.8
Madden NFL 06 - 8.0
Kameo: Elements of Power - 8.4

Not reviewed:

Peter Jackson's King Kong
Dead or Alive 4
Perfect Dark Zero

Am I the only one that looked at the launch lineup and thought that almost every game is just average or worse? I want the system, but I don't want any of the launch games. I have never had that happen to me @ the launch of a new system. Anyone else going through what I am going through?


WordofGod said:
HEre is the offical lanuch lineup with the most recent scores from the IGN site:


Ridge Racer 6 - 7.0
Amped 3 - 6.9
Condemned: Criminal Origins - 8.7
NBA Live 06 - 5.9
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 8.0
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup - 6.9
Call of Duty 2 - 9.0
NHL 2K6 - 7.5
Gun - 7.9
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - 8.3
Project Gotham Racing 3 - 8.8
NBA 2K6 - 7.8
Madden NFL 06 - 8.0
Kameo: Elements of Power - 8.4

Not reviewed:

Peter Jackson's King Kong
Dead or Alive 4
Perfect Dark Zero

Am I the only one that looked at the launch lineup and thought that almost every game is just average or worse? I want the system, but I don't want any of the launch games. I have never had that happen to me @ the launch of a new system. Anyone else going through what I am going through?

You are missing Tiger Woods 360 for the lineup. It hasn't been reviewed by IGN or any other magazine yet.


i think you're letting fanboys sway your decision making process. when i see the launch, i see almost every genre covered, and covered well. there is no AAA games although some would argue pgr3 is and call of duty2 comes close. fuck reviews and fuck internet nit-picking bitches. learn and live by those 2 gaming rules and you'll be much better off.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
WordofGod said:
HEre is the offical lanuch lineup with the most recent scores from the IGN site:


Ridge Racer 6 - 7.0
Amped 3 - 6.9
Condemned: Criminal Origins - 8.7
NBA Live 06 - 5.9
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 8.0
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup - 6.9
Call of Duty 2 - 9.0
NHL 2K6 - 7.5
Gun - 7.9
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - 8.3
Project Gotham Racing 3 - 8.8
NBA 2K6 - 7.8
Madden NFL 06 - 8.0
Kameo: Elements of Power - 8.4

Not reviewed:

Peter Jackson's King Kong
Dead or Alive 4
Perfect Dark Zero

Am I the only one that looked at the launch lineup and thought that almost every game is just average or worse? I want the system, but I don't want any of the launch games. I have never had that happen to me @ the launch of a new system. Anyone else going through what I am going through?

why are you posting review scores and then disregarding them by calling them average or worse?


SWEET! a FREE audioslave liver performance video (in HD) is up for download on xbl. its 302mb. (it was an audioslave banner ad on the xbox live blade). i thought it was just an ad to tell me they had a cd coming out or something. btw, its show me how to live from their cuba show (720p).


I got PGR3 and want another. I can not decide on what to get though.

I had considered Perfect Dark but as I have read about it it has become in my mind a joke- it wil be average at best.


shantyman said:
I got PGR3 and want another. I can not decide on what to get though.

I had considered Perfect Dark but as I have read about it it has become in my mind a joke- it wil be average at best.
id consider it slightly above average. in my mind something like area51 is average. the single player is a lot better than area51 and the multiplayer crushes area51. if you liked PD on n64, get it because its a good PD game, all the PD style is there. just dont go in expecting halo.


Joe said:
id consider it slightly above average. in my mind something like area51 is average. the single player is a lot better than area51 and the multiplayer crushes area51. if you liked PD on n64, get it because its a good PD game, all the PD style is there. just dont go in expecting halo.

Well, part of the problem is I never played the original (or even Goldeneye) so it has no emotional attachment to me. COD looks more interesting to me.


GashPrex said:
why are you posting review scores and then disregarding them by calling them average or worse?

Svenuce says what i feel very accurately:


svenuce said:
For whatever reason, almost ALL launch games are judged on a very lenient scale on new hardware and graphics upgrades lift the score above what it would normally receive.

For example, gamerankings.com has a 72% for Fantavision... In reality that "game" would normally get about a 5 at best. Azurik managed a 55%, and I'd bet today if it were released, it'd get about a 3 at best on average.

I'm sure in hindsight, some of these 7's and 8's will really be more like 4's and 5's if we were to look at them a year from now.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
i see, so once again why are you posting review scores that don't reflect your opinion nor do you believe reflect the quality of the game simply because it's a launch? Plus you are basing this on some other launches that really have nothing to do with the 360 launch.

Basically its just some "feeling" you have not based on anything beyond that.


Tag of Excellence
I just got back from Best Buy (Dadeland Station, Miami, FL) to check up on the procedure to pick up my system at Midnight. It's great, no wait in line, and the second I show up is when I'm brought into the store to the back to pick up my stuff and whatever else I need.

Now here's the crazy part: As of 1pm today there were a little more than 70 people in line already. The kid in front has been there since 7am. Wow.


ign said theyre going to have a review of a 360 game that blew them away tonight at midnight? any chance thats linked to the several gigabytes unaccounted for on the premium HD's???
any chance thats linked to the several gigabytes unaccounted for on the premium HD's???

That's probably all cache. 2GB to cache Xbox 1 games, let's say 4GB to cache 360 games. Throw in emulation profiles, media demos, Hexic, and it's no wonder there's only 13 or so GB available.
So I just got a confirmation call from the Blockbuster/Game Rush that I ordered at (Kenwood Blockbuster by the Town Center for the Cincy folks) and apparently they got 5 Premium packs and 3 tard packs in. They're scrambling to either a) see if the first five in line are willing to take the tard pack and/or b) delay their purchase to second shipment.

I'm number 2, and yeah I told them I was picking up my premium pack tomorrow afternoon along with my pre-order of PDZ and Madden. Picked up an extra controller today... I'm all set for Thanksgiving. :)


beermonkey@tehbias said:
That's probably all cache. 2GB to cache Xbox 1 games, let's say 4GB to cache 360 games. Throw in emulation profiles, media demos, Hexic, and it's no wonder there's only 13 or so GB available.

If that's the case, how does the core system work?


beermonkey@tehbias said:
That's probably all cache. 2GB to cache Xbox 1 games, let's say 4GB to cache 360 games. Throw in emulation profiles, media demos, Hexic, and it's no wonder there's only 13 or so GB available.

Media, demos, and games are all accounted for, they're not "hidden" like the cache is. My problem isn't that there's 13GB available, but that it basically acts like it's a 13GB HD, which is only going to confuse people that thought they had a 20GB drive. It should say "20GB capacity, XGB reserved for system use, 13GB free".
I just went through a Burger King drive-thru about 30 minutes ago and there were 2 employees talking about the 360... What are the odds of that. Someone had told one of them that a second shipment of 360's are going to be available on 12-1-05. I wonder if we're scrambling for no reason (week or so delay isn't too bad).


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
I just went through a Burger King drive-thru about 30 minutes ago and there were 2 employees talking about the 360... What are the odds of that. Someone had told one of them that a second shipment of 360's are going to be available on 12-1-05. I wonder if we're scrambling for no reason (week or so delay isn't too bad).

problem is would you get there in time to buy them? Remember, it's christmas rush. It's not mid-summer.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
I just went through a Burger King drive-thru about 30 minutes ago and there were 2 employees talking about the 360... What are the odds of that.

The odds would be fairly bad if only die-hard Xbots, not mainstream consumers, were interested in this launch.


IAmtheFMan said:
So I just got a confirmation call from the Blockbuster/Game Rush that I ordered at (Kenwood Blockbuster by the Town Center for the Cincy folks) and apparently they got 5 Premium packs and 3 tard packs in. They're scrambling to either a) see if the first five in line are willing to take the tard pack and/or b) delay their purchase to second shipment.

I'm number 2, and yeah I told them I was picking up my premium pack tomorrow afternoon along with my pre-order of PDZ and Madden. Picked up an extra controller today... I'm all set for Thanksgiving. :)

I reserved mine at the one at route 42 and 275. I'm number 2 (Thank God) and he told me they only got 6 in. He did not specify Premium vs. core.


i just beat pd0 on the easy setting. overall i really like the campaign mode and had fun with it. the final mission was very gratifying, and it was a really good boss fight. the ending was short and pretty crappy but thats probably because i beat it on easy. i'll play it thru on the normal difficulty on co-op when a friend picks it up.


Does Walmart have a bundle pack or something you need to get?

I'm two seconds from cancelling my eb pre-order..........


Man, launch period hype is always so hard to resist. This is the first major launch ever I'm not getting at day one. It's seriously so tempting to just go and dip into my savings fund and wait on line.

Must hold off, food = important
Yusaku said:
Media, demos, and games are all accounted for, they're not "hidden" like the cache is. My problem isn't that there's 13GB available, but that it basically acts like it's a 13GB HD, which is only going to confuse people that thought they had a 20GB drive. It should say "20GB capacity, XGB reserved for system use, 13GB free".

I smell Class Action Lawsuit! :D

Musashi Wins!

Amir0x said:
Man, launch period hype is always so hard to resist. This is the first major launch ever I'm not getting at day one. It's seriously so tempting to just go and dip into my savings fund and wait on line.

Must hold off, food = important

So, so true. I can't tell you the willpower I'm having to maintain to do what's reasonable for me right now (ie. wait). I've become so accustomed to just grabbing every video game related item I want.


Musashi Wins! said:
So, so true. I can't tell you the willpower I'm having to maintain to do what's reasonable for me right now (ie. wait). I've become so accustomed to just grabbing every video game related item I want.

Oh man, I didn't know you were in the same boat. What happened?

Yeah, especially after I put some time in the 360 kiosk and really loved what I saw in terms of potential. What a great set-up the system has, sorta lame demos aside.

My current plan is to get it Christmas 2006, and for PS3 Christmas 2007 (only Rev might be at launch if it's <199), because I'm just so hard up for cash. Partially it's 'cause I'm saving up for an "unexpected" trip in May, but it's also 'cause work has been really shitty this year.

But man, being at GAF makes this so difficult haha
IAmtheFMan said:
So I just got a confirmation call from the Blockbuster/Game Rush that I ordered at (Kenwood Blockbuster by the Town Center for the Cincy folks) and apparently they got 5 Premium packs and 3 tard packs in. They're scrambling to either a) see if the first five in line are willing to take the tard pack and/or b) delay their purchase to second shipment.

I'm #1 on the list at Anderson/Beechmont. I just got the confirmation call. They got shorted but I didn't ask how many (probably about the same everywhere in Cincy).

EDIT: I called back and he said four premium packs but maybe he wasn't counting mine.


Musashi Wins! said:
So, so true. I can't tell you the willpower I'm having to maintain to do what's reasonable for me right now (ie. wait). I've become so accustomed to just grabbing every video game related item I want.

Yes it's tough. That's why I've surrounded my self with current gen / portable games. :p


shantyman said:
I took the opposite tact: I got rid of all my current gen and portable games to get it.

Wow. Yeah, there are way too many great current gen games left for me to do that. I would have sold Xbox toward a 360, but the BC list is weak.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'm #1 on the list at Anderson/Beechmont. I just got the confirmation call. They got shorted but I didn't ask how many (probably about the same everywhere in Cincy).

EDIT: I called back and he said four premium packs but maybe he wasn't counting mine.

Are there any reports of lines in Cincy? I'd expect maybe the Tri-County Best Buy to have something.


Amir0x said:
Wow. Yeah, there are way too many great current gen games left for me to do that. I would have sold Xbox toward a 360, but the BC list is weak.

I'm a forward progress kind of guy, always getting the new. My PSP was collecting dust and BC has me covered for the X-Box (I never put in old games though so it really does not affect me though). My PS2 was sold long ago, after playing enough of GT4 and MGS3.


Is there a difference between buying marketplace points in a store or just on Xbox live? Do I save any money either way?

I've been playing the Geometry Wars demo and it's a must buy launch title in my opinion.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
LOL. My local news just did interviews with people camping out at a Best Buy. We are in the middle of a day-long torrential rainstorm and they are waiting it out. Nice.

However, at the end of the story they listed stores that will have systems availbale at midnight and said people can get them at Electronics Boutiques and Gamestop. Oh shit.


Tag of Excellence
DenogginizerOS said:
However, at the end of the story they listed stores that will have systems availbale at midnight and said people can get them at Electronics Boutiques and Gamestop. Oh shit.
That is awesome, those clerks don't get any rest. They've been going through customer service hell for the past month, they get robbed at gunpoint, and now they'll get a flock of angry customers demanding their system just because the news said so.

I'll pray for you retail warriors tonight.


Has anyone bought, or at least seen the packaging for the Play & Charge Kit yet?

I am wondering if it comes with the rechargeable battery pack or not. I noticed they are selling a battery pack separately for $11.99 on EBGames.com, but is it included with the P&C kit also?


Sean said:
Has anyone bought, or at least seen the packaging for the Play & Charge Kit yet?

I am wondering if it comes with the rechargeable battery pack or not. I noticed they are selling a battery pack separately for $11.99 on EBGames.com, but is it included with the P&C kit also?

It comes with one of its own.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
MTV gave away a bunch of 360s to people who were calling/e-mailing in to TRL. They also gave a 360 to every person in the audience. So, to you NYC people, get over to Times Square! I bet you can convince one of these dumbasses on their way out that $100 for it is a huge profit.
I don't get one tonight. We have 10 preorders(Game Rush), thought we were only getting 9 units, in reality, only got 5. And customers get them first because i work at gamerush.


SonnyBoy said:
It comes with one of its own.

Thanks, I'm glad its included.

alejob said:

Why are people so stupid? That guy is selling the email address xbox360_autionist@yahoo.com and its up to $180

I can't believe stuff like this actually happens. I can understand maybe if it was in small text near the bottom, but it is right in the title of the auction. Someone just bid $305 and there's still 3 hours left in it. :lol


whats the deal with the vga adapter? my friend said he has to get a gender changer kit because theres no female adapter on his monitor. the wire is intergrated on his monitor and just has a male end.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Joe said:
whats the deal with the vga adapter? my friend said he has to get a gender changer kit because theres no female adapter on his monitor. the wire is intergrated on his monitor and just has a male end.
The VGA cable actually comes with a gender changer as well as an RCA to stereo-mini adapter.
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