HEre is the offical lanuch lineup with the most recent scores from the IGN site:
Ridge Racer 6 - 7.0
Amped 3 - 6.9
Condemned: Criminal Origins - 8.7
NBA Live 06 - 5.9
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 8.0
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup - 6.9
Call of Duty 2 - 9.0
NHL 2K6 - 7.5
Gun - 7.9
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - 8.3
Project Gotham Racing 3 - 8.8
NBA 2K6 - 7.8
Madden NFL 06 - 8.0
Kameo: Elements of Power - 8.4
Not reviewed:
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Dead or Alive 4
Perfect Dark Zero
Am I the only one that looked at the launch lineup and thought that almost every game is just average or worse? I want the system, but I don't want any of the launch games. I have never had that happen to me @ the launch of a new system. Anyone else going through what I am going through?