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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

SonnyBoy said:
Before I go to pickup my system I have a question.

If I use component cables does that mean I need an optical cord for my sound or am I confusing component with composite?

No. You can use either RCA or optical. Of course, if you have a 5.1 HT system, you'll want the optical...
I gotta keep telling myself: "don't even think of this thing until after your exam... don't even think of this thing until after your exam..."


not sure if its been mentioned before but its 32 players online for pd0 with bots only. 16 players + 16 bots. im dissapointed to say the least because i hate playing with bots. but 16 is still good.


Joe said:
not sure if its been mentioned before but its 32 players online for pd0 with bots only. 16 players + 16 bots. im dissapointed to say the least because i hate playing with bots. but 16 is still good.

So you can't play with 32 people, only 16 + bots? A little disappointing, but the Bots do add a lot.


border said:
What's the deal with FYE? Did they do pre-orders? Could I get a system just by slipping into the mall when it opens?
FYE did preorders. My roomie works for one and all 10 systems they're getting are spoken for.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Joe said:
not sure if its been mentioned before but its 32 players online for pd0 with bots only. 16 players + 16 bots. im dissapointed to say the least because i hate playing with bots. but 16 is still good.
Are you kidding me? Wow. Absolutely everything that's been written about the game leads one to believe that 32 players means 32 ACTUAL PEOPLE. Pretty ridiculous.


yeah unless im missing something, that looks like its the case. in the options menu it says "max players" and the max setting is 16, the same for "number of bots".


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Joe said:
yeah unless im missing something, that looks like its the case. in the options menu it says "max players" and the max setting is 16, the same for "number of bots".

Could it be scaling based on your connection speed? I mean that's a flat out lie by Microsoft/Rare if that's the truth. I haven't seen that in any reviews. That would be terrible. I don't know 32 people, but terrible.


yeah that might be the case, my upload is 750kbs. although, i did ask the people in one of the online matches i played and a couple said yeah its only 16 players, 16 bots. but maybe its because of my upload speed, or maybe its dedicated server only? though i didnt see an option for dedicated server.


I just came back from the Best Buy in Ann Arbor, Michigan. About 70 people there waiting for 52-55 systems. My friend is one of them. I also lost the raffle at Meijers. This is a crazy launch.


XBL is up. It was pretty sluggish during the pre-launch, but it's now blazing fast. There's a bunch of HD movie trailers added to the marketplace section, which are kind of fun to download and play on the dash.


i really hope theres a steady stream of HD videos/trailers to download but i also they add the ability to download and view the rest of the dashboard. its kind of a pain to be locked into downloading and nothing else.


Tag of Excellence


I took the pic and Demi lightened it up for me, man I'm so freaking tired.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I never really cared about Xbxo360 until I read the gamespot PD0 review. i am now very temped to go and buy an Xbox360. Im not going to go and read through this whole thread, so can anyone who has played PD0 tell me how it compares to other FPS games?


Tag of Excellence
I forgot to mention how awesome Demi is, let me reiterate: DEMI IS AWESOME.

He's providing the hosting and also lightening up the images for me since I'm so tired from the whole ordeal and I have class at 8am. I took 20 pictures from the midnight launch here highlighting all the craziness that went on. I should add in small comments on each pic, it was INSANE.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
TekunoRobby said:

Wait why did you get another set of component cables, did you buy the retard pack?

Notice the chrome dvd drive? I got premium. I got extra cords for when the 9.2 inch comes out. I'm not going to keep moving my entertainment center just to get some cords

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Rhindle said:
Were they sold out of NBA Live and the NHL game?

Don't like Live, I haven't liked a hockey game since Stanley Cup on the SNES. They didn't have my Logitech remore either. I'll get that either Wednesday of Friday. It ships tomorrow


New Philadelphia Wal-Mart
24 Premium
24 Core

I got there at 8:10 with the really shitty old digicam and saw this:


Three seats left. Only three seats in line left. Also, oh god she's eating in a Wal-Mart INFECTION INCOMING.

Only one thing came up between this and the next bit--a lady came up and said that if you were in your seat, you had a "chance" to get an Xbox 360. Kept going non-committal for no reason at all, was pissing off EVERYONE. So I said "Okey. If our ass is in this seat, we're cool, right? And if we ain't, then Christmas is ruined, right?"

She walked away. Laughter ensued.

Skip to 10, we get the tickets:


Silver = premium
Green = core

Borrowed a premium ticket to photograph. I was tempted to swap under his nose, but he was watching me.


Oh god it is 11:45 and they're restless. Of note, two guys came down at 10 fucking AM from Cleveland. That's about an hour and a half away, jesus.

Note the lawn chairs. Stolen from the wilderness department right next to this. Along with some basketballs. I wish I would have thought of it.


Our first customers!


Oh god he doesn't look happy. His son notes his depression and his face is melting at the sheer hatred.

Eggs Box :lol


Some 15 year old with way too much money. I took a picture, just because.


I was 12th in line on the Retard Pack side, and this is all the accessories left at that point. Haha, fuck you Wal-Mart. Fuck you.


Retard pack ready to go! Once my Paypal acct gets through, I'm sellin' it on eBay :X

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
psycho_snake said:
How much fucking money and time do you have!?

Time = little. Married life, college, work. However, I always find a way to make it work.

Money = enough to play games. It's my only hobby. I don't drink, I don't smoke. I game, no more, no less. I


Agent Icebeezy said:
Don't like Live, I haven't liked a hockey game since Stanley Cup on the SNES. They didn't have my Logitech remore either. I'll get that either Wednesday of Friday. It ships tomorrow
Just pulling your leg. Congrats on your purchase.

By the way, with respect to the Logitech remote: If you have a Media Center PC, try using the remote on the 360. Mine (from a Sony Vaio PC!) works perfectly to control all 360 functions, including all the media extender stuff. I'll skip the Logitech for now.


I ALMOST did what Matlock was gonna do if BB was doing a midnight run instead of a morning one. I gotta admit, the hype was getting to me.


Fowler said:
Does the 360 charge your iPod while it's plugged in?

if your ipod charges through USB (anything with a click wheel), then yes, you should see it charging. there is a certain class of ipod (3G - the ones with the buttons across the top) that can only charge through Firewire.

Disclaimer: posts are my own opinions, not those of Microsoft, my employer. this post is provided as-is with no warranties, and confers no rights.



Picked this up about an hour ago. Pretty amazing piece of machinery. The batteries are NiMH rechargeable. I had a shitload of them from my old digital camera, so I have no need for the play kit. My only quirks about the system so far is the cord on the power brick is way too short. And the 360 sounds like a small jetliner trying to take off. Other than that.. Go, Microsoft, go!
I got mine - waited in line for over 8 hours. Played about 30 minutes and now must go to bed. Too tired to post impressions and thoughts on everything...


golem said:
ooh 720p narnia trailer.. why is downloading so slow!

I downloaded the NBA Live demo and it was just under 500megs. It seemed like it was going slower than when I DL stuff on the computer. Who know, the servers could be saturated? Also, if would be helpful if MS added a counter that will tell you how much time is remaining on the download.
Trip report incoming!

Got to Wal-mart at about 2:30pm EST. There were already 14 people in line for the 30 premiums they had. By about 5pm all 30 slots were taking. Things were quite orderly. The news crew from Fox showed up at about 9pm and did a story. I was on TV a couple of times, so says my wife. Cops showed up at 11:45pm to insure there wouldn't be mass chaos. Picked up my system at 12:05 and brought it home to play.

Impressions: PDZ is beautiful. I was literaly blown away. Played about 2 missions into the single player campaign, then jumped online for some fun. It's nice to play whenever everyone else is new to the game too. It really has that N64 feel too it, like a modern update to Goldeneye.

Ridge Racer 6 looks and plays fantastic. I jumped online but it was CRAZY laggy. Like unplayable. Hope it just either kinks with my connection or Live. Time attack (ghost ranking) worked fine though.

I'm having a weird problem with my HDTV. It cuts off the very edge of the screen in 360 games. I guess I'm going to dive into the service menu and see if I can fix it.


Argh, the rollercoaster continues...

I got back from Zero Hour with my new Xbox 360.

I got a bad one :( "System error E67 - contact customer support" - which seems to mean "dead HDD" since it boots without the hard drive.

Fortunately they did give me memory cards at Zero Hour, so I'm not totally hosed, but I am pretty pissed right now.


dabbled in the jelly
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Holy shit, this launch is crazy.

40 people at my Best Buy at 9pm (12 hours to go!), many of them IN TENTS, waiting for 44 premium systems. The guy working the door admitted to me that 15 systems were being held for employees and 'VIP' Reward Zone members. I went outside and shared the news with the queued-up gamers and they went batshit insane (one guy was SCREAMING about how he had earned $400 in Reward Zone certificates this year and that IT HAD TO BE ILLEGAL that he didn't get an advance reservation). I jumped in the car and sped away as the riot was breaking out. Not kidding.

For comparison, for the PS2 lauch there were about five people waiting outside at midnight, and all you had to do to secure a system was be there by 6am when they gave out tickets (and several gamers without tickets still scored systems at 10am).

What the hell were you doing pretending to be a scab?
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