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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Where I live the XB360 Premium Pack will cost around 484 USD -- no bundle. The games will go for almost 80 USD a piece. It ain't cheap, I'll tell you. Damn taxes.

I'm still gonna get one though.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
SnowWolf said:
Icebeezy, rehost that photo! :)



Got back from a wild night out (scored at Sears!!!).

The Walmart aacross the street went into full riot mode when it was found out by the 60+ people in line that they only had 13 to sell at 7am. They tried to hand out tickets and got bum rushed through the door. People went in and started looting. A cash register was attempted stolen, and the police were called in (six squad cars flew up). Rumor has it that the store got in 45 but the employees stashed some in the back and/or in their cars.

They put the sales of the consoles on hold since the order of the line was broken and they had no idea who was there first. As of 8:30pm they still had not sold any and at leat 5 people were arrested.

Couple questions

1- When you are doing a large download like a video or a demo, do you have to sit through it like with the original Xbox, or will it let you play a game (disc or XBLA) while waiting?

2- Does anybody know if the HDD is region locked?


PhatSaqs said:
Rumor has it that the store got in 45 but the employees stashed some in the back and/or in their cars.

If it's true, I hope they get fired. How widespread was this sort of behavior, though?
PhatSaqs said:
Got back from a wild night out (scored at Sears!!!).

The Walmart aacross the street went into full riot mode when it was found out by the 60+ people in line that they only had 13 to sell at 7am. They tried to hand out tickets and got bum rushed through the door. People went in and started looting. A cash register was attempted stolen, and the police were called in (six squad cars flew up). Rumor has it that the store got in 45 but the employees stashed some in the back and/or in their cars.

They put the sales of the consoles on hold since the order of the line was broken and they had no idea who was there first. As of 8:30pm they still had not sold any and at leat 5 people were arrested.


What sears and how many did they have?
Just got home empty-handed from Toys R Us. Lined up at 3 AM as the 13th person in line, was told yesterday that they would have 20 systems (12 premium + 8 core). 8 AM - vouchers handed out to 9 people (2 premium + 7 core). Angry mob scene to follow, resulting in me without a 360.

My situation tends to make me believe that there is employee stashing going on as 10 premium and 1 core seemed to have vanished.

I am buying Dragon Quest to play over thanksgiving break as a consolation prize.


Just for home from a Toronto Walmart.....Dopeyfish and I were camping buddies.....They had 16 premium units, we were #9 and #13 and for most of the evening there were just 16 of us. Fun night, including a game of touch football in the parking lot :) I'm DEAD TIRED though.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fifty said:
Just for home from a Toronto Walmart.....Dopeyfish and I were camping buddies.....They had 16 premium units, we were #9 and #13 and for most of the evening there were just 16 of us. Fun night, including a game of touch football in the parking lot :) I'm DEAD TIRED though.

lies! hook up xbox live!



Hey it's my main man dopey....we're both giant losers who go on GA right after a night of waiting for the 360. Anyway, as he saw by my erratic driving on the way home (I almost hit two girls crossing the street due to lack of sleep, it's bed time) I hope most of you got what you wanted last night.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fifty said:
Hey it's my main man dopey....we're both giant losers who go on GA right after a night of waiting for the 360. Anyway, as he saw by my erratic driving on the way home (I almost hit two girls crossing the street due to lack of sleep, it's bed time) I hope most of you got what you wanted last night.

haha so much for not talking about it ;)
I tried to grab a 360 last night. Swung by a Wal-Mart not far from my place, and rather rural, so I thought there might be a chance. Got there, and was told that the line had started forming at 7 AM, but the real kicker is that I was told that they only got 2 systems in total. Two! Didn't bother to ask if they were Pro or Core packs, as I wasn't getting one at that point. How does a larger, 24 hour Wal-mart store only get two total systesm? Perhaps more employee stashing going on here too.

May try to hit up some stores tonight to see if I can still scrounge one up. Sears on the way home, since most people don't think to go there.


I've got a small question:

Do the points you earn for completing acheivements in games work in the marketplace or is that completely separate?

Thanks in advance. :)


I just wanted to thank the forum. Last night, I was going to head over to my local Best Buy at midnight(they were getting 60 Premium packs in). Then I saw the thread where people were saying that they had seen lines forming at 8 a.m. opening stores. On a lark, I headed over at 7:40 last night and sure enough there were already 10 people in line. By midnight over 60 people were in line. It was pretty fun night. Lots of talking about games, someone actually ordered a pizza and had it delivered to them in line. A little later, the pizza driver came back(smelled an opportunity) and started taking orders. An hour later he was back with 7 pizzas at 2 in the morning.

A little after 8 this morning I scored my Premium 360.


I went all around town last night, people were camping everywhere.. I almost gave up when my brother suggested Sam's Club. I call at 11:45 and some security gaurd answers. I ask him if he knew anything about the 360, he said they would have 20 the next morning.

I plan on waking up at 5, my step dad wakes me up 3 times before I get up at 6. I run to sam's club only to see a huge line of people. I count, there are 16, I was 17... I was going to get the 360!

Anyway, so after waiting in the store for an hour (they let us in early cuz it was cold here in MI) I got my 360 bundle: extra wireless controller and the play and charge kit for 450... so I save 20 bux maybe.

I was very excited to see that even though I dont have HD, Kameo looked 95% as good as it did in the store, and my 5.1 surround sound canceled that percent out anyway :)

Madden BLEW ME AWAY.... I was in shock, I couldnt believe it, really.

NextGen is here folks!


Party Pooper
it seems most people getting home from not finding a 360 are on ebay, as premium packs are ending around 900+



I thought I had one but it didn't come through. I frikkin give up :(

I did buy 4 games tho. PD0 (Coll.), PGR, 2K6 and Madden....


Got mine form CompUSA at Dadeland here in Miami, they only have around 16 premium and 2 cores. They gave vouchers for all 18 people waiting overnight, I got there at 8:30AM and I was able to get one without a voucher, but I had to buy the one year warranty (i was planning to buy it anyways), 2 games and a kind of a reward zone card. All I have to do now is return the games and I'm set. Sucks that I'm stuck at work until 6pm today :-(
They are saving some machines for the coming black friday.


KarishBHR said:
Anyway, so after waiting in the store for an hour (they let us in early cuz it was cold here in MI) I got my 360 bundle: extra wireless controller and the play and charge kit for 450... so I save 20 bux maybe.

Is the play and charge kit not bundled with the premium kit's wireless controller?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

That's over by the Toys R' Us. My Grandmother lives around the corner.


Sweet mother of God. Waited in line at a Target for 9 hours of below freezing temps... To be told at 700am that the store had 60 Xboxes. I'm 23rd in line, so I'm good. Here's the catch- 16 Premium and 44 Cores. So while we were all freezing our asses off for a Core system, we could've been the first in line at a few stores in the area.

16 Premium

44 Core

Since a lot of stores got shipments last week, wouldn't the "second shipment' technically be delivered today/tomorrow...in time for Black Friday?

...eh, probably not.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TigerKnee said:
Is the play and charge kit not bundled with the premium kit's wireless controller?

Nope it is not. The Play and Charge kit has to be bought separately. You just get 4 Energizer not-rechargable batteries with the premium pack to use with your wireless controller.


TTP said:
Nope it is not. The Play and Charge kit has to be bought separately. You just get 4 Energizer not-rechargable batteries with the premium pack to use with your wireless controller.

Well that stinks


Just passed by my local EB before heading to work this is what I heard

Manager:"PEOPLE ARE OPEN UP AT 9! 9!!! We're setting up the Xbox 360 section."
"Also we only have 8 consoles in, 6 cores and 2 premium, the police officer will take your name on a peice of paper, please put your name and which console package you would like we are going to raffle you're names"
Manager: Hey Vic come around to the rear entrence!
Crowd of ~20 *starts freaking out*

What a horrible console launch for MS, if they're doing this on purpose they're really fucking themselves over. Well PG3 is pretty cool, but no where as good as it looked in the screenshots that were shown IMO, guess I'll have to try it on Live this weekend.


Launch Impressions:

This was my very 1st launch and it was pretty boring. I got to my local Gamestop at 11:30pm and there were 2 other cars there. Eventually about 4 other cars arrive by 11:45 and people start to get out. My store only got 8 units so I knew I wouldn't have to wait long. One guy and has group of friends offer me and everyone else $500 for their 360. My cuzins are anticipating playing on thanksgiving so I told him no. He tried to bribe the employees who brushed him off. They loitered around for quite some time while some super geek flipped the heck out because he wasn't getting his 360. It was pretty lame because they told us last week if we were on the 1st shipment so I came up there just to whine and to be heard. The employees called the police because they were worried about the group of guys but they peeled out before the cop got there. 4 of us were outside waiting for a 360 and they let 3 in and a time. I thought that was kind of dumb, it was only one more guy. Anyway. Somehow or another the guy infront of me who is a regular was getting screwed. Gamestop denied his credit for turning in equipment at the last minute even though previous credit checks were approved. The guy Rob who is pretty cool was calling district people and wut not who didn't know wut to do. He did the right thing and gave the cat his 360 even though I think he was told not to. Customer is always right and doesn't deserved to be screwed by an employee or system error.

So here I am sitting at my desk with 3 hours of sleep.


Teflon said:
I downloaded the NBA Live demo and it was just under 500megs. It seemed like it was going slower than when I DL stuff on the computer. Who know, the servers could be saturated? Also, if would be helpful if MS added a counter that will tell you how much time is remaining on the download.

It's been slow all week. It's possible they capped downloads in preparation of getting hammered. It wouldn't be so bad if you could download in the background.
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