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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


wll it's officail MS CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES, 4 Friends bought core packages from Best buy they all skipped classes today and guess what? same error, 3 flashing LED's and nothing on screen. I called in and they told me that the console needs to be sent in for repair. it may take up to 2 fucking weeks for repair. So that's about 8 people that I know of that have fucked up consoles including my friends and people from forums. I'm so pissed off, 340# including taxes spent on games today + 140$ during the week. I'm selling the Xbox 360 and MS can suck on some serious horse falis

They're going to overnight ship a replacement box, that I have to put my old console in and once they get that they will send me a new one... but it may take up to 2 FUCKING WEEKS!


Slartibartfast said:
Deathcraze, quick question for you. Was this from a shop or Game online. I've pre-ordered from as hop and still they no nothing. Also, when did you pre-order. I really feel for you on this, and the idea of not being next in line is just insane. I must admit I'm getting pretty worried, I've never pre-ordered before. I thought the whole aim of this was to guarantee one at launch...seems that isn't the case :( (and in your case it looks like it's back to square one, without even being in line for the next shipment which is just plain WRONG!)

I preordered from Game online, and I wouldnt be so pissed if when new stock came in they dealt them out to whoever preordered earliest, that atleast is fair.

As far as I know, you will probably have to ask the in store staff regulary to see if your preorder is ok for launch or not. rllmuk forum has some info and such in this on the state of preorders if you are interested.

I'll probably look around the local shops on launch day to see if there are any Premiums left, I got a Gamecube on launch day from a WH Smiths but I daresay the 360 will be harder to get hold of :( Im just hoping I'll get one before Christmas as this was meant to be a birthday present for me (21st Dec). Also cancelled all my other orders with Game and will buy the items elsewhere, fuck em :lol
So now that the dust is settling from the launch, has anyone seen any systems in any stores that are not often considered for gaming? I was thinking of hitting up a Sears Grand on my way home to see if they had any in stock, but not sure if it's worth my time. I'm sure there are a few consoles lingering around out there, but where, is hard to say. I also don't want a core system, and I'm prepared to wait for a new shipment.
So I waited outside in front of K-Mart with about 20 people, I was fifth, and the lady came out around midnight saying that they had them. Well, along about 6am, probably around two minutes before I acquired pneumonia, she came out and said that it was a bunch of accessories and no systems.


Ah fuck. I could have had a Retard Pack at the GS I reserved at. Why the hell didn't they call and ask? Well, apparently I'm guaranteed a premium next week as I'm now sixth on the list and they should be getting in "at least 10". Grumble.

If anyone knows where to get one in Atlanta, let me know and I'll just use my credit for games and shit.


The Target holiday circular (the one with the $99 DS) gives Microsoft a special launch present:

A bored kid.

What marketing genius decided to use that photo?


I camped out from 2:30pm yesterday for the 9am launch at my local best buy. I was #3 and there were 50 people by 6pm yesterday. Been playing all the launch games for a few hours and I just gotta say:

RR6 graphics kick the living shit out of PGR3. Despite all the BS "motion-blur will make up for the framerate comments" PGR3 still feels kinda slow in a 30fps way (still a fun game though). But OMFG RR6 at 60fps with like really amazing AA level, tons of cars on screen, AWESOME tracks is just mindblowingly amazing. It's like if they were still making arcade racers that blew away everything at home. Game is soooo fast and intense...fun! Though the handling is a bit sensitive and WTF is there only 2 camera views :( I want a pulled back 3rd person :(

Umm, other 360 related things....Testing between 720p and 1080i on a 1080i CRT that upscans 720p...didn't really notice any difference between the two really. EXCEPT that when you let the X360 upscale certain games (CoD2 for instance) the 1080i framerate is alot more jerky than the 720p framerate. So I'm just leaving it on 720p for now and letting the TV upscale the image.


DaCocoBrova said:

That's over by the Toys R' Us. My Grandmother lives around the corner.
Yeah. The TRU had 30+ peeps for 4 tickets and they all had to go right past the Sears :lol

The Walmart across the street is where shit went down. Crazy.


EGM92 said:
They're going to overnight ship a replacement box, that I have to put my old console in and once they get that they will send me a new one... but it may take up to 2 FUCKING WEEKS!

I can tell you that when I had issues with my Xbox, MS's turnaround time was more like 3 days.
WHOOO so aaawesome. So i get home from work, plug it all in and BAM! After many attempts, my HDD is not being recognized by my Xbox 360. FAANTASTIC MICROSOFT MADE THAT 11 HOUR CAMP TOOTALLY WORTH IT ... now i can't find any stores that have any HDD's left ... grrrrr


Got my 360 at 7:50 AM, just like I was promised. No problems at all except I can't connect to my PC, but I'm setting up a wireless network later, so that's kinda moot.

The main thing I noticed about Halo 2 BC is the text is MUCH more crisp and clear, even on my SDTV.
Got my Live account up and running, everything seems to be working good now. Games look amazing in HD on a 50-inch set. Tried RR6, Madden, Kameo, and PGR3. Also tested an IPod which worked well. And for all you Vexx fans out there (first thing I saw in my pile that was BC), rest assured that the game seems to work well (in 4:3 mode). It may be my imagination but it does seem a lot smoother and clearer with AA and 720p (not that it helps much or matters as I probably won't boot it up again) My HD says only 12GB free. Going to download some stuff off Arcade now...


brandonh83 said:
So I waited outside in front of K-Mart with about 20 people, I was fifth, and the lady came out around midnight saying that they had them. Well, along about 6am, probably around two minutes before I acquired pneumonia, she came out and said that it was a bunch of accessories and no systems.

aghhh what a stupid cunt, that's what i would've thought :lol








BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Nikashi said:
Got my 360 at 7:50 AM, just like I was promised. No problems at all except I can't connect to my PC, but I'm setting up a wireless network later, so that's kinda moot.

The main thing I noticed about Halo 2 BC is the text is MUCH more crisp and clear, even on my SDTV.

Halo and Halo 2 look MUCH better on my SDTV (especially now that they are in 16:9. Plus, once you get Media Connect 2.0 runnin (it is a snap) the streaming is amazing to your 360. I have been making playlists in Windows Media Player and naming them based on game type. I already have Ride of the Valkyries for the troll stompin' horse ride in Kameo.


thorns said:
A small question, would it be possible to use the US Xbox360, using the power supply of the PAL version?
I don't think so..
US Xbox360 uses 110 VAC and the PAL uses 220 VDC.

Congratz to all new owners of xbox360.

My fingers itch, but have to wait 10 days more :(
Man, I'm just so depressed right now. It'll be another week before I even get a crack at one of these things and I tried so fucking hard today!

evil ways

Just came back from the mall and talked to a friend who works the EB there. He said some shit went down at the store this morning where folks that were called and specifically told not to come pick up their pre-orders because they would not be available until the 2nd shipment showed up anyway and refused to get out of the line. This one guy wouldn't leave the front of the line and he wouldn't accept his money back, he wanted his 360 and he wouldn't talk to the manager either so they called security and escorted him out of the store cause other people were getting pretty agitated towards him.

According to my friend there were only 22 consoles available and about 50+ people showed up, most didn't have pre-orders or were the late pre-orders.

Microsoft really fucked up big time, but so did EB for continuing to take pre-orders beyond a certain date.
Thanks for the heads up Deathcraze. That forum is certainly 'interesting'. I guess I'll just keep bugging GAME. One story that did make me shake my head though is that of a GAME that is offering their pre-orders on a 'first come first served' basis. What is the f-ing point...these people just seem to want to go out of their way to piss people off.
I'm sorry to see people not get this awesome as system. This thing was worth waiting 3 hours for. I ended up getting my system from going to a Sams Club. The previous night I got a Business Membership from them from using a fake business card I made on my computer. That gave me access to my local Sams Club three hours before the poor kids who waited overnight since 11PM. I easily got my bundle and 3 year warranty for the total of about 505.00.

So far so good in terms of not having things break yeat. This thing looks lovely on my HDTV, and I am glad I finally made the leap. I watch a couple matches of the new Bret Hart DVD, and played the hell out of Madden and 2K6. Best fucking launch ever for me. Good luck on getting one soon guys. I may sell one to a GAFer from my Walmart order that just started to go thru. I wont gouge any of you. This day rocks. :D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
kingj2002 - no offense man, but black or not, with all the hype of x360 if i had a system and accessories and had a guy coming up to me asking to see the receipt and whatnot, I would have brushed you off too... I can see where you are coming from, especially meaning no harm and all, but really man.... you COULD have been ready to jump his ass and take his shit.


swordsman said:
I don't think so..
US Xbox360 uses 110 VAC and the PAL uses 220 VDC.

Congratz to all new owners of xbox360.

My fingers itch, but have to wait 10 days more :(

but doesn't the power supply convert it into DC anyway? or the xbox 360 unit itself takes 110/220V directly? that was my question..


Stupid Q' about the wireless controller that comes with the Premium package, is it ready to go or do you have to charge it first or... something like that?
Raiden said:
Stupid Q' about the wireless controller that comes with the Premium package, is it ready to go or do you have to charge it first or... something like that?

It's ready to go as soon as you get the 360 synched up with it.

Question: Will the 360 recognize any mp3 player? Because it sure as hell ain't recognizing my Creative Nomad...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
KingJ2002 said:







Have a fun! Enjoy!
VisionaryQuest0 said:
Question: Will the 360 recognize any mp3 player? Because it sure as hell ain't recognizing my Creative Nomad...

It doesnt work with all the MP3 players. Dont ask me why cos I dont have a clue.


anyway... i start driving back... feeling disgusted that I actually paid for a core pack... the green box sickens me... but now desperation kicks in... i head back to compusa... and pick up a hdd, vga cables, dvd remote, and headset... all for 205 dollars... on top of the 324 dollars i paid for the retard pack. This old lady was looking for the hdd... which i took... and normally i would hand it to her... im a nice guy, and she waited for her kid... but i was too angry at what happened with target to give a fuck about her at the moment... so i ignore her plea to buy the hdd from me and i walk on out.

You have no idea how sad it is to read that, honestly. This is the shit that annoys me about retail events.


TTP said:
It doesnt work with all the MP3 players. Dont ask me why cos I dont have a clue.
I can confirm this. It doesnt work with my Dell DJ 30.

But the Media Connect stuff is awesome. Playing music and pictures off of my PC flawlessly.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I do kinda like hearing all these END OF THE FUCWORLD stories from last night. I've got a 2nd shipment order is reserve, just gotta wait to get it. Waiting sucks, but at least I got 7 hours of sleep last night.

AZ Greg

I failed at getting one but I have patientce. The thing that really made me mad is when I went to Gamestop and they had 1 left but the guy in front of me bought it. And the thing that makes me mad is that he isn't even from my town, he was just passing through and wanted to buy it for his son's Christmas present. :(


AZYUMA86 said:
I failed at getting one but I have patientce. The thing that really made me mad is when I went to Gamestop and they had 1 left but the guy in front of me bought it. And the thing that makes me mad is that he isn't even from my town, he was just passing through and wanted to buy it for his son's Christmas present. :(

I wonder....how do you know? You tried to buy off his 360' or something? And he told you he was passing just through and bought this 360' for his sons christmas?

AZ Greg

Raiden said:
I wonder....how do you know? You tried to buy off his 360' or something? And he told you he was passing just through and bought this 360' for his sons christmas?

No. We both just tried Bestbuy and failed. So when he saw me at Gamestop he started up a conversation. That and he had a few questions for me since he didn't know much about the 360. Thats another thing that sucked. I had to help the guy who was taking the last 360 in town. :lol


Wario64 said:
anyone know if hollywood video or blockbuster are renting x360 games right now?
Yeah, they should be. If everything went according to plan, the stores should have already gotten the games or they will be receiving them today and immediately putting them ot for rent.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I went to the biggest Wal Mart in the area and they got the biggest shipment too. I called at 1 and they said they have 20 people waiting, so I left work and drove 70MPH to the store. When I got there I went 3 different places looking for the line and WHAM, everyone was in Subway. Just my luck when I got there, I was #32 of 32 premium systems they had. We had tv crews interviewing us. Some guy bought a portable tv in Wal Mart to watch MNF then he returned it after he got his 360. It was well organized by the manager. There were 3 employees doing roll call every hour and if you weren't in the area, you'd lose your spot. It was even a cop guarding the 360's as we were checking out. WalMart even brought out a shopping cart full of games to sell to us. :\

I'd do it again but not for a while.

When my name got called to get my 360, it was like being stuck on a island and the rescue helicopter just came to get us all.


Running off of Custom Firmware
So, I was going to line up at the Manhattan Best Buy, the only one in the city doing a midnight launch last night. I got there right after work, about 5:15, to find out that they closed the line at 3pm. Plan A = Bust.

So I take the opportunity to go to bed really early and get up equally early in order to hit up a Target and a Circuit City for their morning launches. They are both part of the Atlantic Center Mall in Brooklyn.

I get to Target at 6:30am and greet a line of roughly 150 people awaiting outside (in the rain) the opening at 8am. Around 7:15 the Target employees (quite courteous), inform us that they've only received 40 units, an even 20/20 split. They start handing out numbered tickets to the lucky first 40 in line, whereas the rest of us head over to the Circuit City line across the street. Plan B = Bust.

I get to the Circuit City line (of roughly 50 people) at 7:20 or so, awaiting their ridiculous 10am opening. The drizzle turns to a windy, freezing downpour. We wait calmly the remaining hours, waiting for the CC employees to come and give us direction and information. They don't. At 9:45am, they open that part of the center's doors, and all reason and order dissolves as a human mob of roughly 200 people storm the escalators in order to bum rush the CC for product. Fail. The CC employees (all dry and warm, btw), panic when they see us, slam their doors shut, and lower the metallic reinforcement usually reserved for the store's nightly closing. This is roughly 9:54, 6 minutes before they are technically supposed to open. They attempt to send someone out in order to inform us that they are sold out. (They presumably received anywhere from 50-80 units, was the word).


They haven't even OPENED for business yet. And we can plainly see a shit-ton Xboxes behind the counters. Obviously, this was a dimwitted attempt to get us to disperse. :lol

They amble about for about 10 minutes, as my fellow mobbers, now rightfully enraged, pound on the doors and windows, whilst the employees proceed to call the cops on us. Oh, and check out a couple of Xboxes to THEMSELVES, presumably to keep one and eBay the rest. The cops and THREE fire trucks arrive within minutes, and I promptly exit at that point. Plan C = Bust.

I head on over to the PC Richard's across the street and a nearby Gamestop. Plan D = Bust. Sorry, no story here.

At PC Richard's I meet up with two other fellow geeks, dejected one and all, and we agree to hit up a couple of additional locations together before giving up.

We walk down to the Fulton Mall in downtown Brooklyn in order to tap the Toys R Us there. They received a grand total of 11 units, a 6/5 split favoring the Premium Pack. Plan E = Bust.

We take the subway to the Sunset Heights CostCo and decide that if they actually have any in stock, then we'll pay the $45 on the spot in order to become members. Sadly, they also sold out, after opening at 8am. (They normally open at 11, and we got there at 11:05). One of us spoke to a customer service rep there and they assured us that they'd open today at 11, not early. Lies. Plan F(inal/ubar) = Bust.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
My Creative Nomad Zen doesn't work via USB

Has anyone been able to get a 3rd party Wireless USB adapter to work?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
jgkspsx said:
A clone, it appears. Creepy.

LOL, indeed. For a second I was like "WTF, Gates is buying one of it own Xbox 360?". Then I noticed the guy on the right.


I wonder if he got one of those three-blinking-red-lights systems


KingJ2002 said:
SNIP, best Xbox 360 launch story ever.
What a tale... Your first mistake was making the Hawthorne Best Buy your #1 stop for the night. That was the site of the huge Power 106 radio promotion Xbox 360 launch and was sure to be mobbed, even though they got a bigger allocation of Xboxes for it.


jobber said:
My Creative Nomad Zen doesn't work via USB.

This is interesting, since Microsoft was pushing that whole Windows Media 'ecosystem' as recently as this year, and I'm pretty sure the manufacturer of your DAP was involved in that. Does this make for a chink in that armor or did the effort die off without me even noticing?
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