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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


Yusaku said:
It wouldn't be so bad if you could download in the background.

I hope this is one of the first things that gets fixed. There should be a MUCH smarter download manager that has features such as background downloading, queued downloading etc. You should be able to queue up a bunch of downloads and then use the console normally. For more intensive operations like playing a game, the manager can pause the download, and then automatically restart the download when the system is doing less intense activities.
Rhage said:
Geez, Icebeezy's photo sure doesn't last long. Missed it again. Can someone remirror it?

Close your eyes and imagine an Xbox 360 Pro system, with extra controllers, nearly every game, and various accessories, including a face plate, all layed out neatly on the table.

There. You just re-mirrored it on your personal server.


I'm on hold with 1-800 4MY XBOX now :p

I hope they'll let me exchange the HDD and not have to mail the whole machine in. Does anyone know if there is a difference between the retail HDD and the one that ships with the premium pack?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Close your eyes and imagine an Xbox 360 Pro system, with extra controllers, nearly every game, and various accessories, including a face plate, all layed out neatly on the table.

There. You just re-mirrored it on your personal server.

I'm hosting it now. Instead of it being on imageshack. It'll stay for a while



Well, I got the system last night and tried the following games: PD0, Kameo, PGR3 and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved.

Some quick initial impressions:

Xbox 360: Love the console. It looks really sleek and sturdy. Turning a console on with the controller rocks! I found myself many times, sort of moving my hand under the controller to 'get the cable' out of the way merely out of custom becuase the wireless controller was just as responsive as a wired one and I was just starting to get used to the notion of no wires with a controller.

The dashboard of the console is just amazing. Feature packed, really easy to navigate, and very nice looking. It took me all of 1 minute to go to my PC, set up Windows Media Connect, and set my music folder to be shared with the Xbox 360. Then on my Xbox 360, I connected to my PC and was streaming music out of it right away. I was impressed with how fast, easy and smooth that process was.

PD0: I got a really bad first impression with PD0. I thought the graphics, while sharp, left much to be desired. It really doesn't help that you start with a damn escorting mission. DEAR DEVELOPERS: ESCORTING MISSIONS SUCK! Anyway, I was also disappointed with the first level lacking any real control tutorials, other than a few things. Basically, I had to go back to the game manual to find out how to do some things. I initially stopped playing it in the middle of the escorting mission, because I HATE THEM, but later returned back to finish it. Turns out the next mission is much better looking.

Basically the controls are the typical for console FPS, but lack any sort of auto-aiming, like for instance the one we've grown used to in Halo.

Kameo: I found Kameo to be really great looking. Beautiful effects and particles everywhere and a very lush world. Gameplay seemed quite fun, as I was starting to get the hang of making combos and switching characters to increase the combo multipliers. Not much else to add here.

PGR3: This was the game I put in my Xbox 360 after PD0 (first game I tried,) visually disappointed me. I needed reassurance of some sort and PGR3 definitely delivered. It's buttery smooth and gorgeous. Unlike the previous versions, where you could tell the reflections weren't too smooth nor realistic, they look incredible in PGR3. Gameplay is as one would come to expect from the previous versions, and the cockpit view is insane. The glass reflections and lighting makes the game looks insanely real.

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolves is a CRAZY game. I love it. Those damn pink blocks that split into crazy tiny ones when shot are EVIL AND HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN! Mini-Game of the Year without a doubt.

Anyway, needless to say, I was very pleased with my purchase.


Agent Icebreezy, That's awesome...

how're Amped 3 and RR6? I guess you have your own order that you're going to go by, but I know Amped isn't very popular on GAF so it would be cool to see some impressions for it.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I got Amped 3 for my kids. It controls very well. Looks very nice as well. They start you off in some story mode. I haven't seen much of it yet though. However, I think it's going to be a good game. They got some sort of lame generation Y shit in here and I'm trying to figure out out to do co-op since it's on the box but nothing resembaling a clue in the manual. If you like this type a game, it looks to be a great pickup.


rastex said:
Agent Icebreezy, That's awesome...

how're Amped 3 and RR6? I guess you have your own order that you're going to go by, but I know Amped isn't very popular on GAF so it would be cool to see some impressions for it.

I posted impressions in the Zero Hour thread.

It's a good game if you are a fan of the genre - controls are closer to Cool Boarders or Tony Hawk than SSX.
Well, got a call from the parents.... they said they were going to Costco... I said....


Told them....

Get xbox 360... white box... Premium... not green box... core


So... I may be getting one today after all. :D


The technology on this system is freaking incredible. I can't believe how polished the interface is, the controller, media center...

First game that got the played is NHL2k6.... I have an LCD 60 inch HD tv.... Granted the game does have similarities to the current gen version (standard tv), but every thing is so much clearer it is insane. Gameplay is phenominal.

The presentation is pretty good, despite all the bashing the game got before on current gen. Crease Control rocks...

For a hockey fan with an HD TV, those 7.5 scores that were going around should be bumped to high 8's. It is going to be incredible to see what 2k sports can do with the version next year, but this version will more then keep me occupied until then.

I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time with this one.

Also, I have a week off of work, and have 8 launch titles, so expect to hear more impressions from me.

I have

Perfect Dark 0
Madden 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Project Gotham Racing 3
Call of Duty 2


So, I can get the same experience with slightly less polished visuals if I buy a current-gen system's version? Gotcha.



First time I've had a wireless controller and like some others I'm having phantom cord syndrome. I keep wanting to move the non-existant cord out of the way.

The progressive scan dvd playback is sharp.

When I played PGR3 on a store kiosk, I noticed jaggies on the external view of the car. Not seeing it on my 1080i crt set.


If anyone cares...

No gapless playback when streaming mp3s to the X360. :( (probably the same for mp3s on local storage, like USB memory keys or iPods or what have you)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
This system impresses the hell out of me. The controllers, I'm walking around the house talking to people. Freedom!!! The dashboard is crazy as well. I knew I was going to be happy, but I didn't know it'll be this good. Everything is well designed.
bjork said:
So, I can get the same experience with slightly less polished visuals if I buy a current-gen system's version? Gotcha.

If you have an HD TV, it is not even close. If you have a crappy TV...well, I'm not sure yet because I don't have a crappy TV.


snatches said:
Bitter you can't afford a 360?


Why does not buying a system equate into poverty? I don't want anything on the system, and buying one so I can make threads like "hey, this plays just like the old versions but it's SO REAL" is kind of pointless.

Did it with pretty much every system before this, and grew out of that pissing contest mindset.

Thanks for playing!
Agent Icebeezy said:
This system impresses the hell out of me. The controllers, I'm walking around the house talking to people. Freedom!!! The dashboard is crazy as well. I knew I was going to be happy, but I didn't know it'll be this good. Everything is well designed.

Indeed. Hey Icey, saw you online last night for a while but we were always busy in different games. =)


Hell yeah Crosby is in the game, and Ovechkin...

I might have been a little less enthused about the game, but I convinced my wife to let me hook up the 360 on our 60 LCD. Otherwise I would have been on a standard def 32 incher upstairs. Then the visuals might not have looked as good. But they look good enough for me, and are a huge upgrade over the last ones I saw in NHL 06 on PS2.

I just got done playing Need for Speed... another badass game in my eyes... From these 2 games, I'm left wondering, where are the jaggies.... ???

Damn, I'm never going to leave my couch now...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
krypt0nian said:
Indeed. Hey Icey, saw you online last night for a while but we were always busy in different games. =)

Likewise, send an invite anytime you or anyone else is down for some co-op or whatever. I'm always game

Meantime said:
How many pints of blood did you lose opening all those bubble packs?

So far, very little. Those damn plastic shells will amputate your damn hand if you aren't careful


Banstick Emeritus
Hey snatches, stfu.

Kingpen, when you have an opportunity to play NBA 2K6 on the hi-def, post some additional impressions please. How does it look in comparison to the NBA Live demo?


Well, my EB got 18, 2 of those core. I waited like 30 minutes to get mine and came back to my place with a couple of friends from work to drink and play on 85" of high definition sex. The plan was to play CoD2 until we were buzzed, then put in Condemned. Well, 5.1 surround is amazing when you have friends over, but the moment they left I played for about 5 more minutes before I shut that bitch down. Drugged up hobos calling you an "asshole" in 5.1 sound without being able to see them is MUCH scarier than I anticipated.


Another question.

I was set on PD0 as my FPS game because I really like the look of it and am a huge fan of online play. However, recently looking at all the reviews and high praise of COD2 has making me start to question my decision. Plus I played the COD2 demo on my computer and absolutely LOVED it. So now I'm really not sure what to get and it's quite annoying. If anybody can help out that would be great.

Online play is the number one factor for me. Halo2 is the best console FPS game I've played because of the online component, I love the whole matchmaking system, the lobby system, etc. I enjoy standard deathmatch but I also like having other options to keep things fresh, especially when it comes to choosing weapons and such. I guess I should just ask, which one is closer to Halo 2 in their online implementation, and what features do they miss or incorporate from Halo 2 and how to they expand on them?


Is anyone else having trouble connecting to Xbox Live? I set up a new account, which seems to have gone through because I've been billed already and I see it on the MS Passport site, yet I can't connect to XBL with this new account via the 360. I wanna play some XBL Arcade, mang! 1-800 customer service is swamped, they're not even taking calls at the moment.

New gamer tag:


guys, I need help, I was playing my friends PD0 on my X360, I finished the first mission, and turned it off, I came back and turned on the console and there's 3 lights flashing red, wtf do I do? I don't have my manual with me!


EGM92 said:
guys, I need help, I was playing my friends PD0 on my X360, I finished the first mission, and turned it off, I came back and turned on the console and there's 3 lights flashing red, wtf do I do? I don't have my manual with me!


The first thing to do when things like this happen, is to make sure all components are firmly connected. A loose cable somewhere will cause this type of reaction.


EGM92 said:
everything is properly connected, I'm so pissed off if my X360 goes MS can go Fuck themselves.

Even the power cables? I read someone having a similar problem and it was related to the power cable being loose.


IJoel said:
Even the power cables? I read someone having a similar problem and it was related to the power cable being loose.

Like I said EVERYTHING is connected properly and firmly into place.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
That sucks EGM92 :/

I've seen a video posted somewhere here on GAF showing your very same problem (3 flashing red lights)


Fuck, got a email from Game (UK) saying I'm not guaranteed one for launch date anymore.

Unfortunately your hardware preorder is one that we are not able to guarantee for delivery to you on December 2nd.

You have our assurance that we are doing our very best to secure more stock soon, and that we will contact you as soon as stock is available from Microsoft.

When Xbox 360 does come into stock, we will send you a link to a secret page that will allow you to grab an Xbox 360 bundle. As a preorder customer you will receive this information before it becomes public to give you a better chance to get in first.

WTF? So now not only am I not getting one at launch, they are effectively cancelling my preorder and getting their customers to do a mad online dash to see who can type in their details the fastest instead of just sending out new stock first come first served? Fucking not on. And if by "bundle" they really mean bundle and hence ill have to buy 2 shitty games I don't want they can get stuffed.


Can someone please give me the Customer service phone number in Canada? I'm sooo fucking pissed off right now, yea sure I got the console for free... but last night I had 3 games stolen and today I purchased 5 more games which was about 300$ worth!.
Has anyone had a problem connecting to Xbox Live? It says I need an update and then when downloading it won't finish, and it says download failed or something. I wonder if the servers are just overloaded or I've got a settings problem (the connection is registering though so)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
EGM92 said:
Can someone please give me the Customer service phone number in Canada? I'm sooo fucking pissed off right now, yea sure I got the console for free... but last night I had 3 games stolen and today I purchased 5 more games which was about 300$ worth!.


Assistance by phone seven days a week.

International (direct dial to U.S.):

Hearing Impaired (TDD device):
1-866-740-9269 or 425-635-7102

Hours of operation (every day):
9:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Eastern Time
12:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Also try 1-800-RED-LIGHTS-SYNDROME (j/k - cheer up dude)


oh boy "Due to a very high volume of calls you may have to wait up to 40 minutes for a technical represenative" I guess there are many others with Xbox 360 problems.


Crosby has his picture..., player model looks just like him too. Mario's player model needs a little work.

Well, I don't have access to Xbox Live Bish.... so I don't think I'll be able to compare... I'll be able to compare to NBA2k6 and Madden though if you wish...

I hooked up to High-Def, and am not going back, unless my wife threatens me with a divorce... :lol

The controller for the system is the best controller ever designed, even besting the Dual Shock 2...

Now specifically for NHL 2k6, the IGN article mentioned that if you were a hockey nut, had a high def setup, and hadn't played the versions of NHL2k6 previously, then the game was for you. I fall into all of those categories. Please keep that in mind when hearing my impressions on it.

I'll have more later on, but maybe not right away as I have 7 other games calling my name to make my jaw drop...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
EGM92 said:
oh boy "Due to a very high volume of calls you may have to wait up to 40 minutes for a technical represenative" I guess there are many others with Xbox 360 problems.

LOL. I wonder if Paris is in line too.
Deathcraze, quick question for you. Was this from a shop or Game online. I've pre-ordered from as hop and still they no nothing. Also, when did you pre-order. I really feel for you on this, and the idea of not being next in line is just insane. I must admit I'm getting pretty worried, I've never pre-ordered before. I thought the whole aim of this was to guarantee one at launch...seems that isn't the case :( (and in your case it looks like it's back to square one, without even being in line for the next shipment which is just plain WRONG!)


Tenacious-V Redux
thanks for the review. after reading some "reviews" i was thinking of waiting for next year but i have a HDTV and am a hockey fan so it's glad to see a report from a similar persepctive. i can't take these "reviews" from jaded gaming websites.

is this game like the old EA hockey games where you can score on every breakaway by skating at a certain angle and shooting across teh crease?


Let me first start off my saying... I WILL NEVER ATTEND A MIDNIGHT LAUNCH EVER AGAIN!

... my "fuck you's" come later on in this story

Yesterday was the day I was waiting for since august... I was planning to be one of the first to get the system and I preordered ahead of time to make sure of it. Until like everybody esle in this thread... I got a call saying im on the second shipment.

So... LIKE EVERYBODY ESLE... i have to settle for the midnight launches that these big retail chains are doing.

I get off from school at 3 and get home at 4... I call ahead to the best buy in hawthorne (Hawthorne, CA) and see how things are going.

For 10 minutes no one picks up the phone... so now im just like fuck it... i will just drive down there to see if the line has started and then come back later to actually jump in it.

I get down there at 5 o clock and the line is REDICULOUSLY LONG... from the front door all the way around the gigantic parking lot. I quickly parked across the street in the circuit city lot just to run across to best buy. As im running i see the CC manager handing out coupons for the 360... they decided to sell early and so far... all their premium editions are gone... they only have core packs left... my arrogance kicked in and I walked away thinking... there's no way im walking out the door with a core pack.

So now im standing in line as number 181 in the best buy lot... pissed off that i didnt come sooner or that my cousin who actually works in there didnt tell me in advance. But there was some funny moments

for example, everytime a car passed you can read the lips of people in the car... and once they get a glimpse of the line... all you see is...

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

and news crews were all over the place... one would leave... another would enter... and each time... they people in the front line yelled and screamed... like a bunch of fans




and for every yell... you can hear the moaning of all the people in the back of the line.

anyway... the people at best buy started taking names for systems and they finally get to me after like 4 hours... the lady taking names say they only have core packagaes left... and if i wanted one... sign the paper...

im still pretty arrogant here... so i just tell her im not going to sign it and i'd rather wait for the premium. She walks off and a co-worker that i recognize walks up... he tells me the list is for PREMIUM & CORE SYSTEMS. So I tell him to bring the list back so I can sign it... he says is filled up now... but he'll save my name just in case if any one of them dont get it. So not only am I behind the people getting premiums... im behind the people behind me in line.

So... i wasted 4 hours there and i go to plan B... which was compusa.

I went there on sunday and they said they are getting about 24... the compusa is secluded and hidden so not many people know of it... which was perfect.

On my way driving there i notice that there is a new target store... a huge target store and I decided to walk in and check their numbers.... this... HUGE target store... which was like a mini mall... is only getting... 19 systems... and 13 are premium. There's 12 people outside and I decide to wait there instead... it started to get chilly so I went inside and bought a folding chair and a big jacket (80 dollars total) to keep myself warm. I go back outside to find myself no. 15... and everyone is getting a premium there. So I pack up... and drive up to compusa... where there were about 8 people there.

I thought my luck paid off... but then I relized it's close to 10PM... and this store doesnt open until 10AM... i will have to endure 12 hours of sitting in the same spot... in this cold weather. I really dont want to do this but at this point I have no choice. I pull my seat up and wait for a bit... two guys pull up... real cool people... they have been all around the south bay area looking for 360's as well and places were filled to the brim. We keep chatting it up... and one of them gets an idea to go to a target down in torrance and see how things are going.. then he'll call and give us the news.

So he goes down there... and tells us some gives us the news... they are getting 60 consoles... 30 premium / 30 core... everybody in the line is getting premium so far... and he's Number 29... he suggested that i give his friend a ride to get here and we can both be assured to get a console at 8 in the morning.

Not so bad... im cool with it... so we pack up our stuff and head to my car... now as I walking... it just donned on me... he's 29... his buddy and me are aiming to be 30.

"should i toss him out of the car and just peel down to target?"

nah... no system is worth doing anything like that... so I take him down there and he struggles to get out of my car so he can power walk his way to the list (im laughing to myself cause at this point i dont care... i just want a system). He signs at number 34 and im 35.

so now were at target... chopping it up the others waiting in line... kickin it, drinkin, and having a good time while the hours pass. Some people at target come out and say to us that they are only getting 40 and they are not sure if they are getting there entire shipment of 60... so people and their snake like ways already start breaking the number list and try to cut ahead... erasing numbers off their hands and putting closer ones like 34, 15, 6, etc. and fights are about to break out... the target manager sez that if we get rowdy she will call the whole thing off and no one can wait outside... everyone complies and forms a single file line of chairs, poker tables, etc. Now time is going by and that cold night air comes through... it literally feels like im in the anartic out here... even with a gagantic puffy jacket im freezing my ass off and im feeling a head cold coming. Luckily ralphs was still open and people would go in an out on occasion to warm up, get something hot to eat, and buy whatever. I bought pizza for everyone in my circle and coffee for myself.

I come back to see that people have randomly left and most people are dead asleep... so I go in my car and get some rest while listening to the radio and watching my spot. it hits 5 o clock and i jump out of my car to wake people around me up because in one hour they are going to pass out tickets... everyone wakes up, tired, breath smelling like shit fresh out the anus, and reeking of B.O.

i make some calls to a few friends... one person that selling 360's on ebay (to see if he can one hold one for me), others to tell my tale... while they laugh at the lengths im going through to get a system, and call my mom to tell her im ok.

6 o clock hits and the doors arent open... it seems they delayed it to 7 o clock... so... these cranky irritable people are already pulling out the tricks to make sure they are in the top 30.

time passes and 7 hits... the manager and the assistant manager starts passing out tickets... and i look back and notice that the line has gotten ALOT longer... before in the middle of the night there were still about 40 people... but once it hit 6 it jumped to 70... definitely.

well... the guy starts walking towards us and we see him with premium tickets... as soon as he gets to me. he runs out... and im stuck with a retard park... it was like a running gag of the night... get there in time to get a premium... end up getting a core.

Im accepting the fact that a premium is not gonna be in my hands tonight and i decide just to buy the core... and maybe sell it on ebay to double my dollars.

I get to the front doors and the minute they open them up... people bum rush the doors... all the people in the back are suddenly in the front and im now in the back. I had a ticket so im assured a console. plus my plan was to see who can actually buy a system and if about 2 people drop out... im entitled to a system. That wasnt the case because they werent going by ticket number... they were going by who had a ticket or not.

Now... there's some problems from this... people who didnt have tickets and were cutting in line... somehow jumped to the front of the line and snatched some premiums... enough to have about 5 people who waiting in the blistering cold w/ out there consoles.

They had plenty cores so i just decide to pick one up since there was no way im getting a premium... target seemd very organized until people got in the door... then it was a mess... they were giving out target credit cards in line so people who were approved and didnt have cash... used the card and paid off the system... WITH A DISCOUNT!

target fucked up my plan and everyone esles... because as I was leaving the manager was negotiating with people about the system and saying how they can only get a free wireless controller, component cables, and headset... with a core system... but no hdd or dvd remote.

sucks for them and me because... people dropped out and people who cut took my space.

anyway... i start driving back... feeling disgusted that I actually paid for a core pack... the green box sickens me... but now desperation kicks in... i head back to compusa... and pick up a hdd, vga cables, dvd remote, and headset... all for 205 dollars... on top of the 324 dollars i paid for the retard pack. This old lady was looking for the hdd... which i took... and normally i would hand it to her... im a nice guy, and she waited for her kid... but i was too angry at what happened with target to give a fuck about her at the moment... so i ignore her plea to buy the hdd from me and i walk on out.

now... what set me off is the guy i tried to talk to in the parking lot.

I see this guy walking out with a 360 premium and i ask... how much did you pay altogether... and he says... 400 dollars...

no shit, sherlock.

so i ask again... how much did you pay w/ tax?... can I see the receipt because i just bought a core pack and i want to see how much money I wasted?

now... just coming from purchasing a system he could have just spit the numbers out of his head and be on his way... but this guy said "no dude... i got to go... i got shit to do" and hurries to his car.

im thinking... man WTF? it's just a number... wait.. did he think i was going to rob him... just cause im black and kind of big dont mean im going to pull a gun out and rob anyone.

That pissed me off more thn the wasted 4 hour wait at bestbuy...

so now im home... looking at this ugly system... saving the receipts because once my gamestop preorder comes in... im switching consoles.

and angry as fuck because I should be happy that i have something and instead im taking my frustration out on this keyboard.

the end.


I don't really know if it is arcadey like NHL06, but it has some pre-set play situation such as aggressive, arcade, sim, normal and custom. There is tons of things to do with the controls compared to NHL06... maybe you might want to read up on reviews of the current gen stuff as far as what to expect.

I do know that guys at operation sports said that the developers were ironing out a lot of the bugs and glitches of the current gen version for the 360 one, and also were adding better A.I. for the breakaway/odd man rushes, as well as the logic on cpu slapshots vs. wrist shots.
These were the major complaints of the current gen, and they look to be gone in this one. More time with the game will verify that though....

All I can say is that if you like hockey, like the 2K series, there should be nothing stopping you from getting this, or upgrading your current version. The reviews were pretty harsh, but it is a very competent game and is better then anything you can currently get on the market.


The Translator
I just had to cancel my preorder with play.com (due my poor financials).

I'm gutted, I was looking forward to launch for a year and sold all my consoles for it. Ah well, reading how other GAFFERS are enjoying theirs will make it better (not).
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