I'm in lovely, rural, Berkshire County, Massachusetts for thanksgiving, so, even though I was down on the launch lineup, and not planning to get a 360 at launch, when the console fever hit me last night, I figured I may have a shot. So I got up at 5am and went to Wal-Mart in the freezing rain, where the dudes waiting told me the 14 systems they got had already been allocated. I was like "ah, ok have fun" and got back in the car, then drove to the local Best Buy -- which is probably the only Best Buy in the county (which is like 10% the size of MA or something), and there were only like 35 people in line. So I got in line, and rumor was 36 good systems, 10 retard system. This rumor turned out to be true, amazingly enough.
After 90 minutes in the rain... wearing shorts and just a hoody, like some dork who was from california (which I was), I got frozen feet, and the LAST good system ticket... Until some dude ran back and was like "I got the wrong ticket! I wanted the good system and you gave me a ticket for the shitty one!" It was legit, the guy was like third in line, and the Best Buy dude just looked at me, so I was like, "ok, ok, here ya go, I'll take the retard system," and gave him my ticket. Then, outta nowhere, this, uh, cost-conscious consumer runs up to the Best Buy dude and is like "Dude, you gave me a ticket for the expensibe one, but I need the retarded one!" And so I got my good ticket back...
And then I RUINED IT ALL by buying Tony Hawk, which appears to be the lamest PS2 port ever. Man, I was hoping that the power of next-generation systems would somehow deliver us from guys running in place as though they are sprinting, while they slide along at .5MPH, but I guess not. I'm just playing in composite on my mother-in-law's 10 year old 4:3 TV, so I can't judge the graphics yet, but it looks like it doesn't even have realtime lights on the skateboard wtf. Lots of game modes though, and it plays pretty good. But, shit, I don't want to have to be focusing on "the gameplay not the graphics" when I just spent $400...