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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


TTP said:
LOL, indeed. For a second I was like "WTF, Gates is buying one of it own Xbox 360?". Then I noticed the guy on the right.


I wonder if he got one of those three-blinking-red-lights systems

They look extremely alike. Is that Gates' younger brother (or son)? J/K :lol


A friend of mine got his today, brought it over to my house, and man o man it's pretty insane. I dont know why some people are(were) calling it xbox 1.5 - if you have the right tv it looks absolutely amazing. Played ridge racer 6 and perfect dark zero for about 6 hours non-stop.

Ridge racer is so freakin fast and butter smooth it's just a total blast - not to mention the track detail is just crazy - my initial impression was "oh it looks like the psp version in high def" but after hooking it up to a better TV (from a 27" samsung tube to a 42" lcd) I was quickly dismissed as a retard and began to bask in next generation glory. The controls are perfect, tho the soundtrack is my least favorite of the series, as soon as I get my system I will be uploading the entire RR series soundtrack and playing that instead. I initially debated on cancelling my RR6 preorder in exchange for PGR3, but after playing it for awhile it's definetly the pinnacle of the series - I cant think of anything wrong with this game if you're a ridge racer fan.

Perfect Dark Zero proved the same results, though I'm not 100% used to the twitchy controls. The controls made it real hard to aim, like I couldnt keep up with the bots. I'm hoping I get used to it because everything else about the game is just awesome.

Hell even NBA Live impressed me, I spent about 20 minutes in the "warm up" title screen shooting around and shit - a great idea imo for those that know what I'm talking about.

I haven't been this blown away/psyched for a new system since the dreamcast. Good times indeed.
robot said:
Ridge racer is so freakin fast and butter smooth it's just a total blast - not to mention the track detail is just crazy - my initial impression was "oh it looks like the psp version in high def" but after hooking it up to a better TV (from a 27" samsung tube to a 42" lcd) I was quickly dismissed as a retard and began to bask in next generation glory. The controls are perfect, tho the soundtrack is my least favorite of the series, as soon as I get my system I will be uploading the entire RR series soundtrack and playing that instead. I initially debated on cancelling my preorder for PGR3, but after playing it for awhile it's definetly the pinnacle of the series - I cant think of anything wrong with this game if you're a ridge racer fan.

Yeah, Ridge Racer is pretty hot in HD. Looks great, I guess if I had any complaints it would be that the environments are a little lifeless. Not many people doing time attack yet, for one of the tracks I did there were only three time attack scores period. I haven't been blown away by the soundtrack yet either, but I haven't played a ton yet so we'll say. Controls are great, they are bascially like the PSP version. Unless you hate the PSP controls, you'll love this as an RR fan.


Console is awesome IMO. Slick menus and the games look great as well.
I'm again, very impressed by the Windows Media Connect functionality.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
So there seems to be approx. 15600 separate X360 auctions going on over at Ebay, and climbing. Isn't that like more than a third of Best Buy's total national allotment from the first shipment? :lol


keep your strippers out of my American football
Nintendo X said:
You know, something has been boggling my mind:

Why is Bill Gates over THERE, and NOT the Zero Hour event?

That....confuses me, a tad bit.

I said that last night. Seems like they are trying to make this as 'Gates-Free" as possible.


You now belong to FMT.
******* WORST STORY ALERT*******
(do not read below unless you you dont mind feeling sorry for me)

to make long story short.....

I get out to a costco at 1 something in the morning and end up waiting in line with some friends from my childhood unplanned, and some real whacked out guys that take the xbox cox for a living.... Its 30 degrees and raining hard as hell... after stories of the 360 being able to produce the best graphics ever, having the best controller ever and als that it can cure cancer and prolong aids victim's lives, I waited it out and the end was in sight...

the line that was just a tight group of 6 grew to a group of 35 to 45 or so.. All i knew was that I was number 4 and all these fruitcakes that were strolling in with 20 mins to spare would not get one.....

Low and behold the manager starts handing out tixx to people in line and my boys that were first hand the card over and get their ticket.. I go next and say whats up to the general manager and hand him the card, but my fathers pic is on the back... "sorry man , i cant accept this only actual members with their cards...." so in half shock and half disgust I stare at the man like he just anus plunged me and any other male in my family tree... even with 3 cops in the area i seriously contemplated earth sliding this male across the parking lot. I conjured up some sort of divine serenity and went in with my boys just to see everything.... it sucked, it hurt, i dont wish this on my worst enemy... Any negative reviews and hatred of the x360 or coscto is greatly appreciated.....

***** WORST STORY ALERT*************

all jokes aside, I am not upset, but the principle of the whole thing really gets to me.. congrats to all that have received them...
Good to hear many are enjoying their new system. I've been mum during this whole launch simply because I canned my personal pre-order early on given that a relative had already gotten in on one for me for Christmas. An informant tells me that they did indeed get one and some games, though it wasn't easy dealing with all the madness.

I had no idea that real-world anticipation for Xbox 360 had become so strong.

As is, I won't be getting to PGR3 or RR6 or anything else for another month. So, back to sitting this out for now.


I'm sure it's been said a hundred times in this thread, but goddamn I've never seen such a retarded AC plug.. and its cord is too short.

Edit: eheh, wrote AV instead of AC


Oneself said:
I'm sure it's been said a hundred times in this thread, but goddamn I've never seen such a retarded AV plug.. and its cord is too short.

Huh? The cord has gotta be at least 6 feet long. Seems thick/shielded well, the optical out is in a great spot... I don't get it.

edit: Is there a different cord in the tard pack, maybe?


It's 6 feet long when you count the huge box and everything.

Edit: no my bad, from the huge thing to the wall it's 6 feet. The problem is the part between the gigantic gizmo and the XB360.
i went to Best Buy this afternoon just to check stuff out and my god! WTF is with the prices for all the accesories? $50 for the wireless controller? And you have to buy the charger and battery pack separately? And $59 for every game? Is this shit just launch gouging and expected to drop over time, or is this pretty much what we should expect next(this)gen? Damn im glad i passed on the Xbox360 launch, i'd be fucking broke.


Ninja Scooter said:
And you have to buy the charger and battery pack separately? And $59 for every game?

I was under the impression that the play and charge kit came with a charger and a battery pack in one. And first-party games are $49.99 MSRP. As for the rest of what you said, I agree with your sentiments, but as long as Microsoft can prove this successful, it could very well set the tone for the PS3 accessories, too. Consoles have always been a financial burden on their manufacturers, and accessories and games together have always been what got them into the black.
Question for those of you with PDZero and a 360... does it support Live guest play like Halo 2 does? Or at the very least support playing split screen with multiple gamertags?


Malleymal said:
******* WORST STORY ALERT*******
(do not read below unless you you dont mind feeling sorry for me)

to make long story short.....

I get out to a costco at 1 something in the morning and end up waiting in line with some friends from my childhood unplanned, and some real whacked out guys that take the xbox cox for a living.... Its 30 degrees and raining hard as hell... after stories of the 360 being able to produce the best graphics ever, having the best controller ever and als that it can cure cancer and prolong aids victim's lives, I waited it out and the end was in sight...

the line that was just a tight group of 6 grew to a group of 35 to 45 or so.. All i knew was that I was number 4 and all these fruitcakes that were strolling in with 20 mins to spare would not get one.....

Low and behold the manager starts handing out tixx to people in line and my boys that were first hand the card over and get their ticket.. I go next and say whats up to the general manager and hand him the card, but my fathers pic is on the back... "sorry man , i cant accept this only actual members with their cards...." so in half shock and half disgust I stare at the man like he just anus plunged me and any other male in my family tree... even with 3 cops in the area i seriously contemplated earth sliding this male across the parking lot. I conjured up some sort of divine serenity and went in with my boys just to see everything.... it sucked, it hurt, i dont wish this on my worst enemy... Any negative reviews and hatred of the x360 or coscto is greatly appreciated.....

***** WORST STORY ALERT*************

all jokes aside, I am not upset, but the principle of the whole thing really gets to me.. congrats to all that have received them...

Would you like to feel better?

A buddy of mine called me up yesterday morning and we devised a plan for him to get a 360. After calling all the Wal-mart's in the area we decided on one and at about 11am my friend got in line for the 12pm midnight sale. We live in San Diego which is currently enjoying a Santa Ana ( aka it gets hot as fuck and dry). Well around 9pm I show up with some drinks and food for my buddy and his brother, we shoot the shit for a while and I leave around 11:30pm heading for Gamestop and what was to be a mess of my own ( but that's another story)

I get home around 2pm and I call up my friend he says " we didn't get it" I'm like yeah sure what are you playing ( they we're first in line) he says " no seriously Chris didn't activate his credit card or something and it declined it" ...........

So basically my friend sat out there in scorching heat ( got sun burned pretty bad) wasted 13 hours and walked away empty handed.


Picked up my 360 today, and have been playing for a while. I gotta say I'm very pleased with it. Everything from Live, to the Dashboard, to the games. It's very well done. Two thumbs up. My only complaint, is that PDZ was sold out everywhere I went. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer to pick it up.

J2 Cool

:lol :lol :lol What a HORRIBLE decision by Microsoft to split with a premium and retard pack. Sounds like absolute chaos. Not only do you have to get the system, but you have to hope you're not getting the retard one. Can you imagine the pissed off people around the US right now? Ridiculous. Not only that, but from what I hear the HDD accessories are in short supply. A buddy of mine who buys and sells shit all the time.. HDTV's, ornaments, anything that will make him a profit ..But anyway, he bought 17 Hard drives at $100. Sold them each on Ebay for $200. Crazy profit.

Anyway, Microsoft definitely has their hardcore fans. The Halo launch and this prove it. I'm wondering how Sony's launch will compare. I'm sure it will overtake 360, but I'm not so sure it will start off with this big of a bang. Depends on the launch games possibly. I should grab 360 eventually. Maybe in January when I got some money, or when I feel the rush from one of their killer apps. Gears of War could do it maybe, or Ghost Recon 3. Or maybe just the 2nd generation wave. Xbox was bought off GAF's crazy praise for Halo. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped from people's response, but the system did me a lot of good. So I guess when I get consistent income I'll bite.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, 2 calls about defective systems so far.. of course we have none to exchange it with. Customers get placed at the top of the list for whenever we get more in. One complained about constant freezing, the other had no sound.

Should be interesting to see how widespread this is.
Aparently the one guy with the sound problems call Microsoft, they would fix it if he paid for shipping both ways. I doubt it but who knows.

In other news:

Perfect Dark Zero sold out?!
Shocked I was, considering we had 24 copies, and 14 systems to sell


Running off of Custom Firmware
Are any stores taking online preorders for JUST the systems? I'd love to get a stand-alone premium pack, and do not want to do the lineup again once shipment 2 hits.
Bebpo said:
RR6 graphics kick the living shit out of PGR3. Despite all the BS "motion-blur will make up for the framerate comments" PGR3 still feels kinda slow in a 30fps way (still a fun game though).
Yeah, I really agree. RR6 is beautiful. It's also tons of fun. I'm hoping this is a sham shortage and ends soon, cuz I already miss playing it. I never got to really race on Live, though - I only found one game during the 3 days I had it, and it was so laggy I had to drop. Has anyone tried it online yet?
How the hell do you have a dashboard chat with multiple people at the same time? If they dropped that functionality, they fucked up bigtime. How can you plan your festivities if you can't talk to each other all at once regardless of what games you own?


Hey all, does anyone know how to check and see the controller's rumble settings? I was playing Madden and for some odd reason the rumble stopped working on both controllers and I can't find any rumble setting in the dashboard.


Does anyone actually use Live to organize matches?

Uh, yeah, every day, and so do all of my 'regular' online friends. We all jump into Live each night, see who is online, start a big giant chat room, and decide what to play.


So yeah, after spending most of the post-sleep hours playing with the system, as a CRT HDTV owner I absolutely adore the X360. Having played it on the LCD setups at EB or Best Buy or E3, it was like a completely different experience viewing it on a CRT. My god, it looks incredible.

I love the interface, the loading isn't too bad, and being able to turn off the system and open/close by remote is AWESOME.

Games are a mixed bag. I haven't really been impressed by any of the 30fps or less games (Madden, PDZ, PGR3....though Condemned looks pretty nice), but OMFG the 60fps games are pure beauty unleashed. RR6, CoD2, and NBA2k6 are all incredible (well 2k6 could use some work on the models, but it's soooo smooth and the animation is top-notch). I really hope the majority of developers end up doing 60fps as they get used to the hardware because 60fps 720p on an HDTV is just the most gorgeous thing you will ever see :D

Online is also really fun and well implemented in the games I've tried so far. I was able to jump into an RR6 match and rush myself to 1st place in a 7 person match with no lag or slowdown and it was just sooo much fun and looks amazing.

God I can't wait for DoA4 :)


Bebpo said:
So yeah, after spending most of the post-sleep hours playing with the system, as a CRT HDTV owner I absolutely adore the X360. Having played it on the LCD setups at EB or Best Buy or E3, it was like a completely different experience viewing it on a CRT. My god, it looks incredible.

I love the interface, the loading isn't too bad, and being able to turn off the system and open/close by remote is AWESOME.

Games are a mixed bag. I haven't really been impressed by any of the 30fps or less games (Madden, PDZ, PGR3....though Condemned looks pretty nice), but OMFG the 60fps games are pure beauty unleashed. RR6, CoD2, and NBA2k6 are all incredible (well 2k6 could use some work on the models, but it's soooo smooth and the animation is top-notch). I really hope the majority of developers end up doing 60fps as they get used to the hardware because 60fps 720p on an HDTV is just the most gorgeous thing you will ever see :D

Online is also really fun and well implemented in the games I've tried so far. I was able to jump into an RR6 match and rush myself to 1st place in a 7 person match with no lag or slowdown and it was just sooo much fun and looks amazing.

God I can't wait for DoA4 :)



Not bitter, just unsweetened
newsguy said:
Hey all, does anyone know how to check and see the controller's rumble settings? I was playing Madden and for some odd reason the rumble stopped working on both controllers and I can't find any rumble setting in the dashboard.



Guide button

personal settings



Madden and PDZ have constant screen tearing ;_; PGR3/Condemned/NBA2k6/RR6/CoD2 didn't were fine as far as I could tell.

Screen tearing sucks >_<


I'm in lovely, rural, Berkshire County, Massachusetts for thanksgiving, so, even though I was down on the launch lineup, and not planning to get a 360 at launch, when the console fever hit me last night, I figured I may have a shot. So I got up at 5am and went to Wal-Mart in the freezing rain, where the dudes waiting told me the 14 systems they got had already been allocated. I was like "ah, ok have fun" and got back in the car, then drove to the local Best Buy -- which is probably the only Best Buy in the county (which is like 10% the size of MA or something), and there were only like 35 people in line. So I got in line, and rumor was 36 good systems, 10 retard system. This rumor turned out to be true, amazingly enough.

After 90 minutes in the rain... wearing shorts and just a hoody, like some dork who was from california (which I was), I got frozen feet, and the LAST good system ticket... Until some dude ran back and was like "I got the wrong ticket! I wanted the good system and you gave me a ticket for the shitty one!" It was legit, the guy was like third in line, and the Best Buy dude just looked at me, so I was like, "ok, ok, here ya go, I'll take the retard system," and gave him my ticket. Then, outta nowhere, this, uh, cost-conscious consumer runs up to the Best Buy dude and is like "Dude, you gave me a ticket for the expensibe one, but I need the retarded one!" And so I got my good ticket back...

And then I RUINED IT ALL by buying Tony Hawk, which appears to be the lamest PS2 port ever. Man, I was hoping that the power of next-generation systems would somehow deliver us from guys running in place as though they are sprinting, while they slide along at .5MPH, but I guess not. I'm just playing in composite on my mother-in-law's 10 year old 4:3 TV, so I can't judge the graphics yet, but it looks like it doesn't even have realtime lights on the skateboard wtf. Lots of game modes though, and it plays pretty good. But, shit, I don't want to have to be focusing on "the gameplay not the graphics" when I just spent $400...


There's not a Call of Duty thread yet....so I'm just posting this here. The game is flat out incredible. It's intense as anything I've played and it's just so immersive. The graphics and sound are top notch of course...I've played C0D, Madden, PGR 3 and Kameo so far and the clear winner is Call of Duty 2.


Anyone else having problems with the charge kit? I think mine is defective or something. It never lights up when I hook it up to charge.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fifty said:
There's not a Call of Duty thread yet....so I'm just posting this here. The game is flat out incredible. It's intense as anything I've played and it's just so immersive. The graphics and sound are top notch of course...I've played C0D, Madden, PGR 3 and Kameo so far and the clear winner is Call of Duty 2.

definately the best of the 3 i got.


Crap, system just froze on me.

I downloaded the live demo and when it got to 100% it said hit A to play and I did and it froze the system.




The Faceless Master said:
oh, cuz it's more fun.

Story mode or Multiplayer?

I tried the story mode and thought the first training level was pretty horrid. Didn't even finish it before turning it off and trying something else. :\


Hmm, NBA Live has good models and incredible looking coaches, but....the animation... :lol It's like playing a launch PS1 game animation-wise, so horrible and video game looking. Gameplay is trash as well. Yuck. But the presentation is excellent...the 2k team should steal it :p


Bebpo said:
Story mode or Multiplayer?

I tried the story mode and thought the first training level was pretty horrid. Didn't even finish it before turning it off and trying something else. :\

Well at least you gave it a good shot. :\


GhaleonEB said:
Well at least you gave it a good shot. :\

I do plan on playing the singleplayer all the way through later on in co-op and trying out multiplayer later. I'm just asking which one people are enjoying more single or multi? Because if it's multi then I'd better give that a try soon.


Btw, don't turn off your system when things are saving.

I hit the power off button on the remote right after I finished an online RR6 race and it had just begun saving (hadn't started saving when I reached for the button). Turns out the next time I loaded RR6 it said my save was corrupt and I had to delete it and lose my progress :(


GhaleonEB said:
Well at least you gave it a good shot. :\

I can't blame him for his reaction. I had the EXACT reaction to the first PD0 mission. Simply awful.

I will, of course, play it thoroughly as I bought it for a reason. However, it doesn't excuse a crappy introductory level.
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