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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .

Justin Bailey

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I decided that this could use it's own thread.

The warp pipe team just got an office in Chicago. Where are they getting the money for this? This is what the project leader had to say:

Chad wrote:
We will be paid, but not by the end consumer. I appreciate your willingness to do so directly. If you wish to contribute, simply purchase games with your favorite green logo on the box

Green logo on the box? The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo hired them (maybe just for DS games, maybe more. . .). Hopefully we'll see the tunneling software incorporated into the games themselves.

Edit: Ok, I'm going to explain my reasoning a little better for those just tuning in. The logo he's talking about could be the warp pipe logo:

or the gamespy logo (I'm leaning towards the WP one). Also, Chad (the project leader) is hiding something and has been posting strange images and posts relating to the DS (like this one: http://forums.n-sider.com/showpost.php?p=37138&postcount=143). So there's a chance that Nintendo hired them directly OR indirectly through gamespy (if gamespy were the ones who hired them).


Justin Bailey said:
I decided that this could use it's own thread.

The warp pipe team just got an office in Chicago. Where are they getting the money for this? This is what the project leader had to say:


Green logo on the box? The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo hired them (maybe just for DS games, maybe more. . .). Hopefully we'll see the tunneling software incorporated into the games themselves.

I am glad for team warp pipe. They deserve it.

Justin Bailey

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Goreomedy said:
Or they're now working with Gamespy?
Yeah I didn't think about that, gamespy has a green logo as well. But I think him saying "your favorite green logo" is in reference to the warp pipe logo.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If they're working on NDS games, they sure better have a new logo cause there's no ethernet port on the NDS (unless they haven't revealed it) :p


Why would Nintendo hire them?

Wasn't XLink supposed to be faster / better than Warppipe with GC Lan games already (has been a while since I read this though)? And why couldn't Nintendo make a match-making service themselves? Or use GameSpy Arcade?

Warppipe working together or for GameSpy would make more sense yes.


All I know is that nintendo acknowledged the existence of warp-pipe and they saw nothing wrong with it.

When e3 came, Warp-Pipe became a business, and chad is hiding something.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Lionheart said:
Wasn't XLink supposed to be faster / better than Warppipe with GC Lan games already (has been a while since I read this though)?

Xlink has -never- been better than Warppipe, in all the trials I've done. I've seen that claim bandied about again and again, but Xlink just plain stinks when compared to Warppipe's GameCube support -- assuming you're using the 0.4.5(?) beta linked to from w ithin the forums.
Wasn't the whole reason Nintendo's LAN games still sucked without a mega connection (even though the Warp Pipe guys did some great work) because of the nature of the packets? The Gamecube's always expected constant data, they waited for the data they needed (hence frame loss), and the software (meaning MKDD) wasn't written to intelligently guess the next packet (which is something Warp Pipe couldn't fix)...

basically what I'm saying is -- these guys would have it a whole lot easier on DS. The protocol is much more suited to tunneling. Tailoring to the DS market in expanding the range of WiFi games might be a piece of (lucrative) cake for them...

XLink Kai was no better/worse for me btw. In fact, hooking up for games, was much harder than in WP 0.4.2
MightyHedgehog said:
Wow, just wow. It's only so late for this...

Yes it is. Sadly, I'm forced to play PC games for online action because between the big 3, they all still have their head up their asses. Either lousy games/lousy servers/or some other combination.


Yeah, it's obviously some kind of wacky online multiplayer/matchmaking solution. It's what these guys do. They've obviously gotten some investment capital from somewhere, and they have Nintendo's blessing. Since all multiplayer games on the NDS use the WLAN for the actual multiplayer transmissions, there is a chance that all games with a multiplayer (two or more players I mean ;)) aspect would automaticly be compatible with the service. Here's to hoping.


Cruel Bastard Mario said:
Yeah, it's obviously some kind of wacky online multiplayer/matchmaking solution. It's what these guys do. They've obviously gotten some investment capital from somewhere, and they have Nintendo's blessing. Since all multiplayer games on the NDS use the WLAN for the actual multiplayer transmissions, there is a chance that all games with a multiplayer (two or more players I mean ;)) aspect is automaticly compatible with the service. Here's to hoping.

I'd be really disappointed if a program like Warppipe (LAN play > Online play) is at all necessary to play DS games online. If Nintendo won't include online play 'out of the box' with proper netcode made specifically for playing online (not LAN) in their biggest multiplayer games I don't think I'll bother.

Of course it could also be that the Warppipe project becomes the official online software for DS and games could be made with that in mind. Then I wouldn't mind.

Justin Bailey

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Warp pipe logo for those that don't know:


Oh and haha not a chance at the xbox thing (if you guys are serious), unless this Chad guy's a cruel bastard :D


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Teddman said:

That would make sense... BESIDES THE GLARINGLY OBVIOUS DS images they've been making/posting.

Wait a second...

OMG! Warp Pipe is integrating XBL friends lists with DS titles! Pictochat to set up Halo 2 matches!!! *dies*


Gold Member
If we wouldn't know better from 2002 experience, this thread could become a GAF classic with 100.000+ views and as a result get reported as news accross the boards.


rollin' in the gutter

Anyway check this post out by Trenog on the N-forums

Trenog said:
You know, that device on the side could actually be a cell phone.

I remember that Nintendo once tried to do online through the GBC by connecting a cellphone to the GBC's link port. I think the game that utilized that first was the Pokemon Crystal game.

Could this mean that Nintendo is offering us long distance gameplay through the use of a combination of Wi-Fi and a Wi-Fi enabled "Nintendo-Brand" cellphone (or cellphone like device)?

What could this mean though? Has Nintendo made a partnership with a cellphone company or multiple cellphone companies to allow for a combined Cellphone/Online Gaming plan? Could Nintendo be trying a revolution in combining mobile communitions technology with console/portable gaming?

I know that cellphones are a growing industry in other places of the world, and that in Japan and areas similar to it that cellphones have become the affordable means of communication. Could they be catering to a new market?

It's certainly something to think about.

We know that companies are creating VoIP services for the DS, and in the image made by Dean there is an unknown object under the DS. Here's the pic from IRbaboon.



interesting stuff...
^I knew that^

I don't recall seeing the Warp Pipe logo on any game box but then again I never thought to look. What's the connection between Warp Pipe and Nintendo again? <(this may help some of us out here)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The warp pipe logo ISN'T on boxes right now. That's the point. That's why this thread is news. It's implied that it WILL be on boxes.


Warp Pipe made a tunneling service that enabled certain Gamecube games to be played online.

That's when they were just a startup with no cash. Now they've gotten investment capital from somewhere and have set up offices in Chicago I believe. They're working on something for the NDS. Something cool, apparently.


Gold Member
Alright, let's collect the substance here to assess the situation:

(1) Somebody has made crap Photoshops featuring hints (Megaton 2002, check)
(2) An "inside source" gives meaningless and vague hints (Megaton 2002, check)
(3) Overheated speculation by Nintendo fanboys (Megaton 2002, check)

So, this is Megaton 2004. Yay!

However, this would be better left in the n-sider forum. Otherwise the next thing we know, Reirom is here reporting ten threads of "news" each hour.



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I just got done speaking with the product manager, to see if I could get a scoop from him. Time to put a bunch of this speculation to rest. What he had to say:

1) They haven't gotten capital from any outside source. They're self funded and will be seeking venture capital in early 05.

2) "I can tell you that we are working on a product for world-wide release.
Starting Q4 2004 through Q1 - 2 2005
It will serve as a catalyst, changing the landscape of online multiplayer gaming.
This will certainly take Warp Pipe Technologies into a new direction, something we have been working on well before and going into E3 2004."

3) They gave IGN/N-Sider the exclusive scoop so he refused to tell me more than that. He said they would run the story the weekend before launch, and launch is set for Q4 04.

So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.


rollin' in the gutter
GDJustin said:
I just got done speaking with the product lead, to see if I could get a scoop from him. Time to put a bunch of this speculation to rest. What he had to say:

1) They haven't gotten capital from any outside source. They're self funded and will be seeking venture capital in early 05.

2) "I can tell you that we are working on a product for world-wide release.
Starting Q4 2004 through Q1 - 2 2005
It will serve as a catalyst, changing the landscape of online multiplayer gaming.
This will certainly take Warp Pipe Technologies into a new direction, something we have been working on well before and going into E3 2004."

3) They gave IGN/N-Sider the exclusive scoop so he refused to tell me more than that. He said they would run the story the weekend before launch, and launch is set for Q4 04.

So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.

Wow. Awesome.
GDJustin said:
So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.
Interesting and would be very cool, if true.

Justin Bailey

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GDJustin said:
I just got done speaking with the product manager, to see if I could get a scoop from him. Time to put a bunch of this speculation to rest. What he had to say:

1) They haven't gotten capital from any outside source. They're self funded and will be seeking venture capital in early 05.

2) "I can tell you that we are working on a product for world-wide release.
Starting Q4 2004 through Q1 - 2 2005
It will serve as a catalyst, changing the landscape of online multiplayer gaming.
This will certainly take Warp Pipe Technologies into a new direction, something we have been working on well before and going into E3 2004."

3) They gave IGN/N-Sider the exclusive scoop so he refused to tell me more than that. He said they would run the story the weekend before launch, and launch is set for Q4 04.

So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.

Ok, so since n-sider has the scoop at least we know it involves Nintendo. The "new direction" could be something with the DS. The "self-funded" part is interesting, since he seemed to hint that they would have the WP logo on game boxes (which Nintendo wouldn't allow a third party to use). Oh well, hopefully we'll get some leaked info soon ;)


GDJustin said:
So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.

Are you talking about GameCube online connection kit? If so, what does the DS have to do with all of that, seeing as pretty much all the pictures have something to do with DS or have pictures of the DS in them?


Earlier he said he'd announce what it was in the middle of October. Hopefully that will hold true.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Justin Bailey said:
Ok, so since n-sider has the scoop at least we know it involves Nintendo. The "new direction" could be something with the DS. The "self-funded" part is interesting, since he seemed to hint that they would have the WP logo on game boxes (which Nintendo wouldn't allow a third party to use). Oh well, hopefully we'll get some leaked info soon ;)

Everything he told me indicated that they were releasing an actual product of their own. I know that contradicts the bit about their logo on game boxes but... that's what he said. Basically, nintendo isn't giving them money, at least not right no. When I asked him flat-out if that was was the case he told me he couldn't tell me anything more.
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