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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .


rollin' in the gutter
TekunoRobby said:
I hate these types of hype trains. They are all the same too; vague comments, strange pictures, people with silly looks on their faces smiling at the camera. Screwing with Nintendo faithful's heads must be a worldwide sport. I really do hope they get the proper respect and admiration from companies. Hopefully they get hired for a worthwhile project with decent pay.

While playing games on the GC online would be neat (as the picture suggests), having it for the DS would be about a trillion times better.

There has been no suggestion that this technology is for GC, only for DS. And one of the Warp Pipe creaters is the one generating all of the hype. Why would he put all of the backlash on himself if he couldn't deliver? I just want to hear the official announcement cause it all pretty much makes sense to me now.


John Lennon said:

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religon too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
In a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
I suppose this is the only one that has any relevency.

Beh, I'm really not to fond on hype of this magnitude, it teds to do a lot more damage than good. Only time I remember not being disappointed after all the hype was the unveiling of the new Zelda at this years E3.


rollin' in the gutter
from curan on the warp pipe boards.

John Lennon said:
You say you want a revolution.
Well, you know
we all want to change the world...
You tell me that it's evolution.
Well, you know
we all want to change the world...

naz said:
Why wait til Mid-October?!!! :mad

Nintendo sucks for waiting until the last minute to hype the Features.

From what we know right now this has nothing to do with Nintendo. They might be supporting Warp Pipe some, but right now this is all them.


Tag of Excellence
deadlifter said:
There has been no suggestion that this technology is for GC, only for DS. And one of the Warp Pipe creaters is the one generating all of the hype. Why would he put all of the backlash on himself if he couldn't deliver? I just want to hear the official announcement cause it all pretty much makes sense to me now.
I was thinking the exact same thing too until I saw the picture of the GC menu with controller in hand. Was that just a joke picture?


TekunoRobby said:
I was thinking the exact same thing too until I saw the picture of the GC menu with controller in hand. Was that just a joke picture?

That's a really old picture. Months and months ago.


rollin' in the gutter
TekunoRobby said:
I was thinking the exact same thing too until I saw the picture of the GC menu with controller in hand. Was that just a joke picture?

That picture was from a very long time ago (1 year?) and has nothing to do with this. It's a fake.
So Chad just reminded us of this:


Which for thpse not in the know is Magellan, the greatest of world explorers IMHO.

And a quick google turns up THIS!

Praise me, suckers!!!



I'm scared.

EDIT: now he's downplaying it by saying that Magellan was a person before the GPS...durr.


Tag of Excellence
Thanks guys for clearing that up for me.

I'm gettin genuinly excited about this now, I hope the best for the Warp Pipe team no matter what they do.
Last quote from Chad in responce to my Magellan guess:


Hey guys, Magellan was a human being prior to the aptly named corporate entity.

Backpeddle or denying it?

Your guess is as good as mine...


rollin' in the gutter
This is basically what i am getting from all of this. Warp Pipe is going to release some kind of connectivity kit (which was already mentioned in this thread) that will allow DS's to connect to each other. Each DS will act as it's own server (don't know how this would work just guessing) and have it's own identification. It would then link up with other DS's and go online through WiFi. Enabling you to go online anywhere (as suggested by the pictures).

Not only this but i think there will be a microphone or headset that allows you to talk to other people through VoIP, as we already know that 3rd parties were working on VoIP for the DS. Multiplay revolution? Maybe.


deadlifter said:
This is basically what i am getting from all of this. Warp Pipe is going to release some kind of connectivity kit (which was already mentioned in this thread) that will allow DS's to connect to each other. Each DS will act as it's own server (don't know how this would work just guessing) and have it's own identification. It would then link up with other DS's and go online through WiFi. Enabling you to go online anywhere (as suggested by the pictures).

Not only this but i think there will be a microphone or headset that allows you to talk to other people through VoIP, as we already know that 3rd parties were working on VoIP for the DS. Multiplay revolution? Maybe.

Microphone is included in the hardware, headset is planned (according to Blackbird)


You know, Lennon also wrote "Gimme Some Truth," but maybe that's just my overpowering cynicism.

Chad's pulling from the IGN playbook, stop encouraging him.

maharg said:
Paul was the walrus.


xsarien said:
You know, Lennon also wrote "Gimme Some Truth," but maybe that's just my overpowering cynicism.

Chad's pulling from the IGN playbook, stop encouraging him.

Paul was the walrus.

And what does this mean?


Shiggy said:
Microphone is included in the hardware, headset is planned (according to Blackbird)

it's Blackbird[CE] here, but still thanks for the mention Shiggy...

Magellan was the first guy who sailed around the entire globe, wasn't he?
He navigated himself across the globe...

Now back to the Marionette image. Dean from N-Sider said that the original text was 'set me free'. How do you set a Marionette free? By removing its strings: make it wireless

now combine those two facts and we've got a wireless global network for the Nintendo DS. Whether they'd use the doc from the woods-picture as a walking hotspot: I dunno :p


Lets put the clues together:

Who was Magellan? He was a navigator who was eaten by cannibals.
How do you set a marionette puppet free? By cutting the wires.

Put the two together and you have "eaten wires," which leads me to believe this has something to do with cats.
AniHawk said:
Lets put the clues together:

Who was Magellan? He was a navigator who was eaten by cannibals.
How do you set a marionette puppet free? By cutting the wires.

Put the two together and you have "eaten wires," which leads me to believe this has something to do with cats.

or maybe its one of those jumbled word puzzles: so "eaten wires"


Waiter seen.

Edit: So it obviously means we're looking for a tip. (thats what waiters are seen doing)

Now William Jacques from Nintendojo is saying that they know all about it and are under NDA's until mid-October.

You guys sure are persistent. In any case, I'll have you all know that I work for Nintendojo (www.nintendojo.com), and there is something big on the horizon. You see, Nintendojo happens to be one of those select media sites "in the know" in regards to this little conspiracy.

The official announcement won't come until around November, though we at Nintendojo will have more, previously unknown *official* information tomorrow; prior to the first teaser, which won't come till mid-October.

I can't say any more, due to existing NDA's, but be sure to check out our special feature tomorrow for a good bit more than what you know now.


Okay...none of this will convince me to hold off on getting a DS until next Spring.

But damn...to summarize what that article is saying, essentially if you're within a certain range of a DS, it will just start creating this huge ass link? And if you're in a wireless hotspot, you just kind of get a further big ass link?

However...the other thing hyped up at the same time is PSYCHONAUTS on PS2, so it does not bode well for this. But still...sounds really quite promising.


rollin' in the gutter
Memles said:
Okay...none of this will convince me to hold off on getting a DS until next Spring.

But damn...to summarize what that article is saying, essentially if you're within a certain range of a DS, it will just start creating this huge ass link? And if you're in a wireless hotspot, you just kind of get a further big ass link?

However...the other thing hyped up at the same time is PSYCHONAUTS on PS2, so it does not bode well for this. But still...sounds really quite promising.

Except that the two instances are not related in any way.


deadlifter said:
Except that the two instances are not related in any way.

Well Duh...I was speaking more in an interstellar karma sense.

In other news...if this is indeed true...Animal Crossing would turn into a near MMORPG pretty damn fast, no?


rollin' in the gutter
f_elz said:
Eh, I bet nintendo is just hyping.

Goddamn read the thread!

Here are all the pictures from the n-sider forums.




Once again this has to do with Warp Pipe, Nintendo has no say in this as of yet. All of the pictures hint at a worldwide wireless multiplayer service for the DS.



It's odd, after thoroughly reading the patent, it seems as if this was for the Gameboy Color but then it says it was filed March 24th 2004 and renewed(?) on september the 9th of 2004.
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