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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .


Would it be possible for them to get this thing to work with both the DS AND the GameCube?

And how does IGN get the scoop a week before it releases? Can't be too mass market.

Justin Bailey

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Cruel Bastard Mario said:
Betcha it goes into the GBA cart slot of the NDS.
Good point, didn't think of that. Does anyone know if the DS is capable of accessing the gba port and the DS port at the same time?

GDJustin said:
Everything he told me indicated that they were releasing an actual product of their own. I know that contradicts the bit about their logo on game boxes but... that's what he said. Basically, nintendo isn't giving them money, at least not right no. When I asked him flat-out if that was was the case he told me he couldn't tell me anything more.
Yeah it sorta contradicts that and what he said about not getting any money from the end consumer, as a stand-alone product makes it seem that they are going to try and sell it themselves. It just came to my attention that he said that comment some time ago, so maybe the plans changed?


GDJustin said:

So apparently... warp pipe is planning an actual physical product of their own. Best guess:
a peer to peer online connection kit, retroactive with all multiplayer games, so smash brothers, mario kart, etc are all online. It is possible with non-LAN supported games. Think about Xband.

Wouldn't they need to request a patent or a trademark by now if that was the case?


Assuming 1.) this is real, and 2.) it involves the DS...

Why would there be any need for extra hardware for some type of multiplayer? Isn't that what the built-in wireless connection is for?

Would Warp Pipe have a significant amount of debug time before games are released to make sure the games can run over the slower broadband connections (256 Kbps+)?

Will this be a Nintendo-sanctioned thing or just a more professional hack job?

aoi tsuki

Man: Congratulations, Mr. Simpson. This invention of yours has made
us all rich, especially you. It's simply yet ingenious, and it
fits right in the palm of your hand. Every person in America now
owns one of these, and in many cases, three or four.
Homer: [reaching for the man's palm] Uh, could I just get a look at
Man: Ha ha! Why would you need to see it? You're the genius that
invented the product in question.
Homer: But, uh, could I just --
Man: Now don't worry, you'll get to see it just as soon as we unveil
our new ad campaign.
[a screen projects a hand closed around something]
[everyone stands up and blocks Homer's view]
Homer: Lemme see, lemme see! Out of the way!

On a serious note, did the Afterburner guys ever release those wireless adapters for GBA?


GDJustin said:
I know that contradicts the bit about their logo on game boxes but... that's what he said.

On game boxes:

[Warp Pipe logo]

"Compatible with Warp Pipe net link for online multiplayer (sold separately)"

That'd explain how it'd be a standalone product, but you'd be seeing the logo on game boxes. Sort of like the GameSpy logo appearing on games that their service supports.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Justin Bailey said:
Good point, didn't think of that. Does anyone know if the DS is capable of accessing the gba port and the DS port at the same time?

To my knowledge, yes. I for the life of me cannot remember where or when, but I'm pretty sure that it was admitted in an interview that there is nothing stopping developers from utilizing both media slots on the DS simultaneously.

I could be wrong.
Dean on N-sider:

I love you Trenog. Not only have you been rational bringing the info together, you havent been crazy wild in your theories -- you've got some stuff on the right track, I'll give you that, but I wont tell you what.

And the latest image is a big key as well, I think you should work that into your synopsis, might make things clearer.....

And by the way, "group" isnt the correct answer. I mean, it plays into it, but it's not what "purog" is.


Mr_Furious said:



Can someone please point out the "green" in these logos? I must be color blind.

Justin Bailey

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OG_Original Gamer said:
Is this online gaming or Lan, and if its online would it be a free service? That the question that comes to mind for me.
It appears to be about online gaming, although we don't have anything concrete.

Mejilan said:
To my knowledge, yes. I for the life of me cannot remember where or when, but I'm pretty sure that it was admitted in an interview that there is nothing stopping developers from utilizing both media slots on the DS simultaneously.

I could be wrong.
Cool, thanks for the info. If true, then I wouldn't mind paying for some kind of tunneling GBA cartridge built for the DS. It'd be nicer to have built in functionality in the DS games, though ;)
Tunneling is the past. The future belongs to revolution. Why pay for interaction? Communication isn't commodity. Don't rent your personality out, own it!

Justin Bailey

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Chad Paulson said:
Tunneling is the past. The future belongs to revolution. Why pay for interaction? Communication isn't commodity. Don't rent your personality out, own it!
Haha, you've gotta be loving this :D

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Chad Paulson said:
Tunneling is the past. The future belongs to revolution. Why pay for interaction? Communication isn't commodity. Don't rent your personality out, own it!
Lookee what the cat dragged in :D


o_O @_@ O_o
Some people are really loving this viral marketing.

Much like the I Love Bees bit (which is fantastic by the way), I'm gonna sit in the rafters and just watch. It seems to be more fun this way for me. :D


(more a nerd than a geek)
There are still a few mysteries as to the DS hardware... cryptic comments yet to be explained.


Still Tagged Accordingly
If I can connect to the Internet through a wireless router and play games on the DS against people on the other side of the world, I'll be a very happy man.


Has problems recognising girls
Chad Paulson said:
Tunneling is the past. The future belongs to revolution. Why pay for interaction? Communication isn't commodity. Don't rent your personality out, own it!
Heh funny that Nintendo are also one of the main advocates of the whole "play online without any subscription based fee's."

And "revolution" is also Nintendo related? :|
Takosuke said:

HE Strikes Back !

Something about him turns me on... I hope I'm not going to become a druggie.

But seriously, that is such an obvious, "I've been working on this project day and night in my basement for 4 straight months with nothing but chewing gum and tobacco to live off of" look.


But how could they make it online, they need a cartrdige where you can include a receiver or sth. like that?

Edit: (When you are in the forest or somewhere else, where is no hotspot, I thought the program is for this situation)

aoi tsuki

The DS sends and receives data to the wireless router on your PC. While runnning Warp Pipe or something similar, the data is sent from the DS directly to the IP of your opponent. Or something like that.

Keep in mind that the DS's WiFi is essentially an ethernet card and cable, except there's no need for cables, just another WiFi device like a wireless router that can communicate with it. It's possible that a cartridge to fit in the GBA slot would take the place of Warp Pipe, so you wouldn't need to run Warp Pipe on a PC. This would be great because you could go to any hotspot (Starbucks is a popular one) and play online. Hell, if you had a wireless router, you could play in your yard, although the distance from the router would affect your speed.

Edit: (When you are in the forest or somewhere else, where is no hotspot, I thought the program is for this situation)
You'd need access to a larger network, like GSM, which is used in newer 3G cell phones. If this new device will let you do that, in addition to having all the relevant features of Warp Pipe, consider me sold. You'd be able to play online, anywhere, at any time.


What I'm wondering now is this: It will be possible to use PictoChat online right? It would be pointless if it was just for short distances imo. So I'm assuming Nintendo will include 'direct online play' in other DS software as well. Having only one online 'game' wouldn't make sense.

So where does Warppipe fit in exactly? Will they only bring the games online that are not meant to be played online, but do have LAN play?

aoi tsuki

Lionheart said:
What I'm wondering now is this: It will be possible to use PictoChat online right? It would be pointless if it was just for short distances imo. So I'm assuming Nintendo will include 'direct online play' in other DS software as well. Having only one online 'game' wouldn't make sense.

So where does Warppipe fit in exactly? Will they only bring the games online that are not meant to be played online, but do have LAN play?
Frankly, i'm not expecting the DS to have any online elements out of the box. The hardware's there, it just requires a PC with a wireless router and the software to actually make the connections between units. Nintendo hasn't explicitly said what online would be used for, and i'm really tired of reading between the lines to try and decipher what they might be saying. So i'm not assuming online gameplay at this point from the DS.

PictoChat is definitely usable within "short" distances of about 100 feet IIRC. If you in range (again, i think the range is 100 feet) of anther DS, it'll alert you and you can challenge each other via PictoChat. Again, there could be an online element to it, and tha would great increase it's value, but i'm not expecting it to be available at launch.

At its core, Warp Pipe is to the DS and Gamecube what Live! is to Xbox. A service to match players over the internet and allow them to play one another. Without the service, there's no way for a two or more people to play over the internet, even if they all have wireless routers and PCs connect to the internet. It would be like connecting your Gamecube or Xbox to your modem, expecting it to somehow magically let you play people across the globe. Ain't gonna happen, at least not with current games. So to answer your question, yes, Warp Pipe would theoretically allow LAN-enabled games to be played online, with mixed results.


Still Tagged Accordingly

I really wish they'd change their logo. Instead of the pipe being square I think it'd look better round. Yeah... so anyway, continue with your discussion.


Still Tagged Accordingly
well damn... my parents will be shattered. anyway, I'm going to bed now. *salute*

and it should be round


Scrow said:
well damn... my parents will be shattered. anyway, I'm going to bed now. *salute*

and it should be round

Sometimes the time differences are really funny. In Germany it's 18.50 XD
Today's clue #1 from Chad at Warp Pipe Tech:

Why Love Bees? Why hide yourself in a dark room and pretend to inflict violence on someone else? Virtual is real?. Real is virtual?

Touch, feel, interact. Unmask yourself! It's not online, it's noline!


rollin' in the gutter
aoi tsuki said:
Frankly, i'm not expecting the DS to have any online elements out of the box. The hardware's there, it just requires a PC with a wireless router and the software to actually make the connections between units. Nintendo hasn't explicitly said what online would be used for, and i'm really tired of reading between the lines to try and decipher what they might be saying. So i'm not assuming online gameplay at this point from the DS.

PictoChat is definitely usable within "short" distances of about 100 feet IIRC. If you in range (again, i think the range is 100 feet) of anther DS, it'll alert you and you can challenge each other via PictoChat. Again, there could be an online element to it, and tha would great increase it's value, but i'm not expecting it to be available at launch.

At its core, Warp Pipe is to the DS and Gamecube what Live! is to Xbox. A service to match players over the internet and allow them to play one another. Without the service, there's no way for a two or more people to play over the internet, even if they all have wireless routers and PCs connect to the internet. It would be like connecting your Gamecube or Xbox to your modem, expecting it to somehow magically let you play people across the globe. Ain't gonna happen, at least not with current games. So to answer your question, yes, Warp Pipe would theoretically allow LAN-enabled games to be played online, with mixed results.

They've given clues that suggest the DS won't need a PC to connect to other DS's over long distances. Check out these two threads.



Chad just linked to a thread he made Aug 13 when he started to drop hints.


He posted this picture


I suppose the magellan analogy would be that you could go around the world virtually with the DS.
Two more Chad quotes from that thread that I haven't seen posted -

"I bet you do and I can't imagine that your theory comes close to the reality. I'd like to hear it though. You will all have double vision together, he's coming closer."


"John Lennon will be very happy about this as well."


Tag of Excellence
I hate these types of hype trains. They are all the same too; vague comments, strange pictures, people with silly looks on their faces smiling at the camera. Screwing with Nintendo faithful's heads must be a worldwide sport. I really do hope they get the proper respect and admiration from companies. Hopefully they get hired for a worthwhile project with decent pay.

While playing games on the GC online would be neat (as the picture suggests), having it for the DS would be about a trillion times better.
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