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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Rebel Leader

Person a uses Perennial Youth Operation on person b

Person B eats fruit and uses Perennial Youth Operation on person C.
Does person B still live?


East Blue about 3 years
Alabasta about 2 years
Skypiea about 2 years
Enies Lobby/Water 7 about 3 years
Summit War about 2 years

Thats 12-13 years for the first half to finish and some of those arcs even had small casts.

Fishman Island lasted about 2 years (this is still amazing for considering how little content was in fishman island.
Dressrosa lasted about 2 years and introduced even more plot lines that will need to be filled out more.
Now we enter Zou and learn more about Kaidou and others while also being introduced to another island.

Overall just to get some decent fights and stories fleshed out will take the usual time maybe even longer with a cast like this

and this is just the new world mostly without even including characters that might come up from different alliances the fleet will make with other pirates on behalf of Luffy basically. The cast will be stupidly huge in only a few more years and alot of those will have back stories.

I just don't see how this series is going to end in the short time of under 10 years.

fake edit: Doffy didn't really underestimate the Straw Hats, I think he underestimated their luck and such though. Like he had a plan for basically everything, but there was like something lucky happening for the straw hats at every turn that wasn't even part of their power. Like the Franky meeting up with the Tonattas and helping the revolution and having a way to enter and work their way to defeat sugar and such, stuff like that. Hell them even knowing what Sugar does before Doffy could use her powers against them and basically erase them from existence. That and Sabo/Fuji helping out the Straw Hats also.

Today is Gol D. Roger's birthday. Tomorrow is Ace's birthday and Oda's birthday.

Hmmm odas bday is the beginning of 2016..
2016 is the year of sanji amd origin of his birth will be learned!
Oda chain smokes..
Sanji chain smokes..
Odas wife is nami
Oda!!! You mastermind!! All according to kekaiku


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Official release on the 18th means it will be leaked on the 14th or 15th.
Still a long wait, I know.


Slight update with some new Zou info. Something to talk about while we wait I guess.

DAY -2 (Ch 807)
Jack arrives on Zou and begins his 5 day battle.
(ch 807 last page : Jack arrives on Zou)

DAY -1
PART 5: Sabaody Reunion to Zou

DAY 1 (Ch 598 - 652)
The crew reunites. Sail to Fishman Island. Civil war erupts. New Fishman Pirates are defeated.
Poseidon discovered. Big Mom’s crew comes to collect candy. Smoker captures the freed slaves.

(ch 598 last page : Luffy has arrived on Sabaody)
(ch 599 p.09 : Robin explains that Luffy will be the last one to arrive)
(ch 603 p.16-17 : The crew sets sail for Fishman Island)
*No mention of the passage of time but Nami and Robin still have the same clothes from their reintroductions*
(ch 610 p.06 : Madam Sharley lets Camie have the day off of work)
(ch 649 p.03 : Neptune announces that Hodi’s soldiers will now work in Neptune’s military)
(ch 651 p.06 : Tamago says the Tea Party is in 4 days)
(ch 652 p.03 : Neptune explains on this very day they gained more soldiers from the Fishman District)
(ch 653 p.03-04 : Nami and Robin still have the same clothes they wore when they first appeared at Sabaody)
(ch 652 p.13 : [MEANWHILE in the new world] Smoker captures the freed pirate slaves from Fishman Island)

DAY 2 (Ch 653 - 699) (Ch 810)
Depart Fishman Island. Meet Laboon’s family. Arrive in the New World. Land on Punk Hazard. Straw Heart alliance formed. Doflamingo family members defeated. Depart Punk Hazard.
Jack unleashes the poison gas on Zou.
*We do not know how much time passes between Smoker capturing the slave pirates and the Straw Hat’s leaving Fishman Island. With Tomago’s explicit 4 day count down it’s safe to assume this is only 1 day later*

(ch 653 p.01 : Camie is working again at the Mermaid Cafe. Madam Sharley lets her leave to see the Straw Hats off)
(ch 653 p.04 : Sanji and Zoro fight. Sanji warns Zoro the next time they sit down to eat he will tamper with his food. Zoro responds that he WANTS to see if he can digest razor blades and poison)
(ch 653 p.08 : Nami and Robin have changed clothes)
(ch 654 p.11 : They meet Laboon’s family)
(ch 654 p.17-18 : The crew reaches the surface of the new world. Nami has changed her Criminal Bra out after her bath, Robin is in the same clothes)
(ch 655 p.11 : As promised Sanji puts razor blades in Zoro’s next meal, Robin laughs)
(ch 655 p.12-13 : Half the crew lands on Punk Hazard)
(ch 695 p.09 : Robin still in the same clothes she departed with from Fishman Island)
*Robin has the same clothing from the depart of Fishman Island to the end of Punk Hazard. She steals a coat from Brown Beards crew mate, she removes that once inside Caesar’s lab, then during the party she gets a brand new teddy bear coat off panel. Most likely from Kinemon*
(ch 697 p.08 : Law tells Doflamingo to quit the War Lords and wants the news paper to reflect that by the next morning)
(ch 699 p.10 : [THAT NIGHT on the open sea] (The crew discusses what’s to come and half of them go to bed)
(ch 810 p.6 : Wanda explains that Jack used the poison gas weapon on the 5th day)

DAY 3 (Ch 699 - 795)(810)
Doflamingo “quits” the War Lords. Arrive on Dressrosa. Jinbe continues his journey. Swirly Hat’s confront Big Mom’s crew. The entire Doflamingo family is defeated. Fujitora allows the Marines and Government to take the blame for Doflamingo’s actions. Jack leaves Zou to rescue Doflamingo.

(ch 699 p.13-14 : Brook yells it’s morning, the morning addition of the news paper shows Doflamingo has left the War Lords)
(ch 700 p.19 : The crew arrives at Dressrosa)
(ch 751 Cover : Jinbe continues his journey to his friends)
(ch 760 Cover : Jinbe receives the morning paper seeing the Staw Heart alliance)
(ch 782 Cover : Jinbe parties into he night)
(ch 794 : After Dressrosa is saved the warriors rest for the night)
(ch 810 p.10 : Dogstorm explains Jack left Zou on the 6th day of the attack, the same day Doflamingo was defeated)

DAY 4 (Ch 795)
Wadatsumi joins Jinbe’s party. The Swirly Hat’s arrive on Zou and rescue the Mink population. Kaido attempts suicide from the sky and lands on Kidd’s island.

(ch 785 Cover : The next day jinbe allows Wadatsumi to join him and packs up the Poneglyph to go)
(ch 795 p.04 : [The following day NEW WORLD] (The Swirly Hats have arrived on an island)

*Unless otherwise noted) Big Mom’s Tea Party takes place and will most likely be shown in a flash back*

DAY 7 (Ch 796 - 802)
Tsuru and Sengoku arrive at Dressrosa. Fujitora attempts to capture the Straw Hat’s and Law. The Straw Hats gain a fleet of 7 divisions. Jack fails at rescuing Doflamingo. New bounties are issued.

(ch 796 p.01 : [3 days pass since the battle] Tsuru and Sengoku arrive on Dressrosa wondering why the Straw Hats are not captured yet)

DAY 10
DAY 11

DAY 12 (Ch 811 - ???)
Pekoms arrives at Zou. Sanji presumedly goes off on his own.

(ch 811 p.16 : Brook explains a terrible event happened only 2 days ago)
(ch 811 p.17 : Pekoms arrives at Zou riding Big Mom's ship)

Day 13

Day 14 (Ch 802 - ???)
Luffy’s group arrives on Zou.

(ch 802 p.10 [One week later on Mister Luffy Go])
(ch 803 p.04 Luffy’s group begins to climb Zou)


Only about 2 weeks since the reunion?? I don't know why I'm surprised. Dressrosa took 2 years to explain what happens in one single day, haha.

Rebel Leader

Rewatching one piece thriller bark,
I hope to see a flashback of Maria's fight with kaido and why Kumar is known as a tyrant

I wish no arc is as long as dressrosa.. if felt too long there
Rewatching one piece thriller bark,
I hope to see a flashback of Maria's fight with kaido and why Kumar is known as a tyrant

I wish no arc is as long as dressrosa.. if felt too long there
It did, but I'm sure we'll be getting Moriah and Kuma flashbacks in future to make the arcs even longer!

Not complaining, I want to see everything.

Jeeze just can't keep out of trouble.


Rereading and Rewatching One Piece for the like 10th+ time (Do both so I can see how many differences I can notice). Just finished Alabasta again and this is all I feel.

I mean the anime even gave Vivi a intermission Wanted Poster, not saying I don't like Robin but I kinda wish Vivi joined also.
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